Water, filters, distilled, remineralisation


Jul 2, 2022
Do you know of any specific structure devices? I’ve seen vortex ones that spin the water and different lights and sunlight are supposedly good also.
Analemma Wand seems to be working well but take it as a grain of salt as it is from my purely subjective experience. I tried to find several labs that can measure the electrical potential of water in miliwatts but so far no success. Tried to contact the hydration foundation as per advice by Gerald Pollack as he said they have the labs but I never received a response.

Currently creating a product/artifically mineralized spring water, somewhat Peaty with no flouride in it/ and will persist with my efforts to find scientific evidence regarding the best device as I don't want to sell some BS and will share here in this thread once I find it as long as I remember.


Jun 17, 2021
I would love an undercounter RO system,which doesn't require power, but since I live in a rental apartment I'm not allowed to make the piping modifications needed for it.
I've heard the bacteria argument, but in all honesty that would be the same for gravity filters as well.
Maybe you can store the clean water from the tank into a glass jug or something for storage? I've heard colloidal silver kills bacteria, maybe you can put some in the tank?
I actually don’t think it’s the same for gravity because the tanks in the RO are where the water is stored after filtration and something about it being a pressurised holding tank and let’s parts of water out everytime you need some but never fully emptying means it builds up bacteria, something like a UV light could solve it but are either uncommon for just don’t exist within the tank. The silver wouldn’t help because it’s where the water is held after the filters so the silver wouldn’t reach the tank.
I heard this all on podcasts with the creator of RO systems and then later researched it more. Unfortunately I can’t remember his name but if you could search the inventor of the system you’d find the podcasts he’s on and information he says about that being the flaw. He mentions too that people with childrens with autism and other brain disorders that can be hugely linked to bacteria/gut issues he advises against RO even more because of the issue with the holding tank and bacteria he’s heard of many parents seeing worsening of their childrens symptoms when they use RO water with the tanks to store water.


Jun 17, 2021
I would love an undercounter RO system,which doesn't require power, but since I live in a rental apartment I'm not allowed to make the piping modifications needed for it.
I've heard the bacteria argument, but in all honesty that would be the same for gravity filters as well.
Maybe you can store the clean water from the tank into a glass jug or something for storage? I've heard colloidal silver kills bacteria, maybe you can put some in the tank?
It’s Robert Slovak who I was thinking of. Have a look at some interviews and podcasts where he speaks on why the storage tanks is an issue.

I just found this and he actually mentioned why aquatru is good because it doesn’t use the sealed storage tank that creates the issue. Unsure if he has any affiliation with aquatru or if he genuinely just likes them.


Jun 17, 2021
Logically you do have to clean the filter occasionally and eventually change it in a gravity system. putting in the blue food dye is how you know it is time to change the filter for sure, if it comes out blue at all. I notice a strong smell of chlorine in the filter part of the tank and absolutely no smell at all in the filtered tank, but we do our regular maintenance.
Oh for sure, I didn’t mean anyone should be expected to never clean their water systems I thought I’d just read about people having issues even after a day of cleaning it. But thanks for the feedback.


Jun 17, 2021
Analemma Wand seems to be working well but take it as a grain of salt as it is from my purely subjective experience. I tried to find several labs that can measure the electrical potential of water in miliwatts but so far no success. Tried to contact the hydration foundation as per advice by Gerald Pollack as he said they have the labs but I never received a response.

Currently creating a product/artifically mineralized spring water, somewhat Peaty with no flouride in it/ and will persist with my efforts to find scientific evidence regarding the best device as I don't want to sell some BS and will share here in this thread once I find it as long as I remember.
That’s sounds really cool I’d love to check it out when you’ve got that sorted!


Nov 21, 2012
It’s Robert Slovak who I was thinking of. Have a look at some interviews and podcasts where he speaks on why the storage tanks is an issue.

I just found this and he actually mentioned why aquatru is good because it doesn’t use the sealed storage tank that creates the issue. Unsure if he has any affiliation with aquatru or if he genuinely just likes them.
Thanks, I'll take a look though I wont be able to get an undercounter system anyway.
I don't have experience with that system nor know anyone who has such a system, but couldn't one just empty out the tank each time,store the clean water and let the tank fill up again🤔
The gravity filter doesn't fully empty out the (filtered) water tank either (unless you manually throw out the water). Once the water gets below the water tap level, it doesn't empty out water anymore until the tank would get filled up again. (just like with RO).


Nov 21, 2012
Today I saw something called Lucy (carafe waterfilter). Apparently it's from a company called Waterdrop.
Not sure if it's any good,but the pro is that it requires no power.


Nov 21, 2012
I've seen this pitcher from Waterdrop called Lucy (carafe).
It would save me a lot of money (compared to Aquatru )and doesn't need power, however I wonder if it's a good filter to filter out harmful substances such as pfas,bacteria etc.

Does anyone perhaps have this waterfilter?


Nov 21, 2012
I've seen this pitcher from Waterdrop called Lucy (carafe).
It would save me a lot of money (compared to Aquatru )and doesn't need power, however I wonder if it's a good filter to filter out harmful substances such as pfas,bacteria etc.

Does anyone perhaps have this waterfilter?
Nevermind, I saw the test result was worse than the Zerowater pitcher. However Zerowater doesn't filter out bacteria and viruses.

@leeteeh have you seen this countertop RO system? It's cheaper than Aquatru,but I can't find anywhere how many times a year one would need to change the filters and how long filtration takes (and it's power usage).



Jun 17, 2021
Nevermind, I saw the test result was worse than the Zerowater pitcher. However Zerowater doesn't filter out bacteria and viruses.

@leeteeh have you seen this countertop RO system? It's cheaper than Aquatru,but I can't find anywhere how many times a year one would need to change the filters and how long filtration takes (and it's power usage).

I looked at the Lucy but couldn’t find much info on it honestly.
No I’ve never seen that system before I will have a look and check for after filter water results and see how they compare with aquatru. Thanks a lot


Jan 25, 2018
I am unable to drink water at all, because of fluoride, so that a my first concern. Being covered in an emergency is my second bonus. I have rid myself of toxic clothing, toxic air, cosmetics and personal care toxins, changed my dishes and cookwear, don’t eat canned foods or foods in plastic, I don’t take supplements, I have filters on my shower heads, and I am growing my own organic fruit, so what little is in the very little filtered fluoride free water I drink isn’t a concern for me.
Which shower filter do you use?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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