Vaccines Do Cause Autism

Nov 21, 2015
Kennedy speaks out against reckless vaccination policy. He is not providing options because that’s not part of the story. The story is purely one of reckless vaccinations. End of story. You have to focus on one thing in the public eye if you want to get anywhere. That doesn’t mean that he’s a charlatan or a fake or a false person. It means he’s smart.
Aug 14, 2015
Kennedy speaks out against reckless vaccination policy. He is not providing options because that’s not part of the story. The story is purely one of reckless vaccinations. End of story. You have to focus on one thing in the public eye if you want to get anywhere. That doesn’t mean that he’s a charlatan or a fake or a false person. It means he’s smart.

Exactly :clapping:


Oct 1, 2019
His ties to Hollywood and the Clintons are sketchy.

“I want to say it emphatically. I am pro vaccine. I have always been fiercely pro vaccine. I had all 6 of my children vaccinated. And I believe that we ought to have policies that encourage full vaccination for all Americans.”
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Nov 21, 2015
I always say that I am pro vaccine as long as the vaccine is safe. I’m against unsafe vaccines. Then I ask, “are you for unsafe vaccines?“

you simply can’t be credible with people in the main stream if you are against all vaccines.


Oct 1, 2019
What about the "we ought to have policies that encourage full vaccination for all americans"? That's what raised the alarm bells for me. No one would benefit from that except the vaccine companies and the people who make it possible for them. The fact that he's in Epstein's little black blook, and endorsing Hillary, and closely tied to Hollywood, was the nail in the coffin for me. I frequent his site for some information, but I wouldn't trust or support him.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Something that’s very concerning to me and a big piece of the forced vaccination puzzle is how many states were changing laws for exclusions for mandatory vaccinations as recently as February 2020. These include Oregon, Connecticut, Chicago, New York and several others. The timing has been impeccable for vaccine companies as the legislature was already passed before March 2020 and reverting back from forced vaccination laws to religious and philosophical objection would be much more difficult now.


Apr 3, 2013
I posted about the dangers of vaccines on Reddit. It was a short paragraph that was really kindly worded and I even said I'm not against pro vaxxers etc. I told a story about a child, who after vaccinated, became unable to make eye contact, became non verbal, and went into his own little world where he couldn't even recognize a puppy or another little friend in the room with him. I said how it was sad and how vaccines need to be made to where they are safe and effective without questionable ingredients.

Well guess what happened then... I got ripped apart by several comments and then permanently banned from that sub. One person even said they'd rather have an autistic child than a dead child(as if the measles are deadly). Another person said they had an autistic child and he was an amazing person(so we should accept vaccines damaging children for life because it's "beautiful") It terrifies me how you can't reach people with factual information. Like something that goes against their deep seeded views pisses them off and they immediately attack and destroy you. They don't want to learn. We are already in the zombie apocalypse, as many many people are so far gone/unreachable and they go along with the elite anti human agenda without hesitation.


May 30, 2020
Interesting.. I have no idea about vaccines and autism. I do know 2 kids personally that never have been vaccinated that have autism though.


Interesting.. I have no idea about vaccines and autism. I do know 2 kids personally that never have been vaccinated that have autism though.

Is it possible the mother got shots during pregnancy?


Apr 3, 2013
Interesting.. I have no idea about vaccines and autism. I do know 2 kids personally that never have been vaccinated that have autism though.
I'm sure autism can be caused by other things than vaccines, but that doesn't mean that vaccines cannot cause autism. It's just like how cancer can be caused by a multitude of things and pufa is one of the major causes. So we could eliminate pufa to reduce the incidence of cancer. Let's remove unsafe vaccines and see what happens to the autism rates. Will it disappear completely? Probably not. Will the numbers sharply decline? I'm willing to bet they would for sure.


Jan 1, 2013
It terrifies me how you can't reach people with factual information. Like something that goes against their deep seeded views pisses them off and they immediately attack and destroy you. They don't want to learn. We are already in the zombie apocalypse, as many many people are so far gone/unreachable and they go along with the elite anti human agenda without hesitation.

That's what they want you to believe: that you are the only one thinking like that.

These people are trolls and 99% of internet's messages boards are choke full of them.

It's also because people like them that any Wikipedia page treating about health cannot be edited anymore: if the edit goes against pharma interests, it will get deleted in a matter of 30 seconds.


Jan 1, 2013


Jun 11, 2018
What prevents him from speaking up about the China Vit C advice for Covid ?

All he needs is to point to easily verifiable facts without even advocating himself Vit C: he can just be a messenger.

He won't do it because he's not in the business of offering real solutions, but rather maintaining the status quo while pretending to be the opposition.

Same thing Ron Paul has been doing for decades.


I've recently learned about Bigtree and had a good impression: a no-nonsense guy. What does Shiva hold against him ?

He could do that. He could also use other treatments that work against the coronavirus and expose it. It would become another vector for attack for one thing. Pluss it is much harder being for something than against. Kennedy has been an environmental lawyer for a while and fought against Monsanto. He was involved with the victory of the glyphosate lawsuit, has helped many vaccine injured with lawsuits and now has sued the FCC because of 5G (CHD Holds Press Conference on Evidentiary Brief Filing in CHD V. FCC Lawsuit • Children's Health Defense). His website has killer material, that otherwise wouldn´t exist and that can be used to expose the criminals involved with harming people. His material is fully referenced and I don´t see why one has to tremendously trust him. It is possible to put the story together on your own. He isn´t asking for a vote or anything like that. I don´t see a major amount of trust is required here.

I think his solution is to turn the USA back to what it was during his childhood or youth and to make the regulatory agencies and drugs work. At the same time it is getting ridiculous. It is like a whack-a-mole. You kill one bad product, another comes up. These companies just don´t seem to learn. If I was him I would get really frustrated. I personally think the system has to be torn down and built from the ground back up. In order to do that, people have to see why it is wrong because vaccines are a major part of the current and of the future world. If people would see just that, they would start asking questions about other things. Thus I see Kennedy´s role in it. That would be the major solution Kennedy is involved in.

This Reddit article is interesting. It is a long one. I haven´t read it. Kennedy is friends with Dershowitz and I wonder about his connections with Epstein.

I don´t know if Shiva has anything particular against Bigtree. He seems to go after antivaxxers in general. That is one of the reasons why I think he is a true controlled oposition or very selfish, trying to draw comments and then use lawsuits to get money. He went after Kennedy diligently. Kennedy wrote this interesting article: Critical Questions for Dr. Shiva About His Attempts to Splinter the Health Freedom Movement • Children's Health Defense, calling Shiva a „vaccine maker“ and then Shiva sued him. It also says Shiva has ties with Clintons and Gates and doesn´t think 5G is dangerous.


Jan 3, 2014
I always say that I am pro vaccine as long as the vaccine is safe. I’m against unsafe vaccines. Then I ask, “are you for unsafe vaccines?“

you simply can’t be credible with people in the main stream if you are against all vaccines.
I think your posts make sense. It's just rational. If vaccines were truly safe, why would we have a problem with them? Even if they did no good, they'd also do no harm, which is the main thing.

Perhaps even more importantly, this approach helps work against the fragmentation and in-fighting that is part of the war against ordinary people. By focusing us on clear simple arguments that are not about whether a particular person is a good individual or not. I am not sure it's possible to get anywhere if you don't take steps to avoid those deliberately divisive tactics.

Your insights are scientific.
They make me sob. So tragic.

Me too @Regina. I think it's important to retain our humanity and humane responses in the face of such darkness. For some anchoring, and to lessen the disorientation that is part of this dystopia. Staying human is fighting back, in a way.
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Jan 1, 2013
I think his solution is to turn the USA back to what it was during his childhood or youth and to make the regulatory agencies and drugs work.


You mean the sixties ?

By that time, all the regulatory agencies were long bought and paid for already.

Guy is a troublemaker, just like Shiva, both pretending to be the opposition, asking people to support them then leading them to nowhere.

As i wrote, that's textbook standard political operation.


Jun 11, 2018
Is it possible the mother got shots during pregnancy?

Del Bigtree had this guy Toby Rogers on and he listed like five things associated with autism. Two of them were the use of Tylenol and SSRIs during pregnancy, which he said should be banned being used during pregnancy.


Jan 1, 2013
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