Urea - both cream and oral supplements


Jul 1, 2013
United States
Hi there! I've been catching up on RP's interviews after having been away for awhile and I'm really interested in this topic of Urea for many reasons. Number one, I have had eczema since I was a child and have managed it on my face with natural petroleum jelly, but there are areas on my arms that still are prone to light breakouts. Due to digestive issues, I've pretty much eliminated starch from my diet, with the exception of an occasional piece of sourdough bread. And I try to get adequate protein as much as possible, but I prefer cheese, meat and fish to milk, as milk seems to worsen fluid retention for me.

Anyhow, to make a long story short, I take thyroid (Cynoplus & Cytomel), but those are no longer available and I'm trying to find alternative ways to deal with my thyroid and hormonal imbalances. The biggest complaints I have when I lower or stop thyroid dosage is fluid retention and digestive function. The only thing that seems to help both is thyroid and now I'm a bit cut off - especially from t3 purchasing.

So I'm interesting in trying Urea - both in cream form and in food grade form, but I wonder if anyone has any experience with either and if so, can you recommend some brands? Obviously getting purified food grade is an important factor and I'm wondering if anyone knows of any good brands...... It's seemingly cheap, so that's another bonus for me, as I spend a ton of money every month on Progesterone and Vitamin K2, A, etc.

Thanks again for any input!! I appreciate it!!


Sep 7, 2015
Hi Lindsay

I use an Urea Lotion called Topix Urix with 40% urea. Great for eczema, dry cracked feet, and anywhere I have dry patches. The lotion goes on smooth and leaves no greasy residue. On feet I use it on its own but on eczema I mix with a little coconut oil since the urea on its own tend to sting a little. Of everything that I have tried and used this is the only product that has helped tremendously. I bought it on Amazon.
Nov 21, 2015
I've tried urea lotions for cracked feet and they didn't really help. Don't know if that is helpful and doesn't really answer your question.

BTW, I've got Blueskypeptide T3 and T4 and it seems decent and is easily purchased at least within the US.


Nov 20, 2014
I've tried urea lotions for cracked feet and they didn't really help. Don't know if that is helpful and doesn't really answer your question.

BTW, I've got Blueskypeptide T3 and T4 and it seems decent and is easily purchased at least within the US.

How do you dose the Blueskypeptide t3?

I read on another thread that RP recommends only taking 1 drop (1mcg) every hour or two. But what do you do if you need 50mcg/day or more
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