Unlimited Oxygen Intake Is Crucial But Taken For Granted Until Your Lungs No Longer Provide It



Mar 29, 2016
I mention the HgB more because of your sleep issues. If mine drops below 140 I'll get full insomnia.

Sorry to hear about the lead toxicitiy. How did that happen?
Lead was used in old homes to solder joints of copper pipes uses for water delivery for drinking. I used to live in such homes when in the US.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Thanks LA. Thanks to you and Blossom:s prayers, I seem to be making clear progress as already a turnaround is happening.
So happy to hear it! Thanks for the update.


Mar 29, 2016
Here is an update on my lung issue of bronchitis:

Since the last update, I have received the PEP Therapy mucus clearing device and have also received a homeopathic remedy from Boiron called Antimonium Tartaricum in the form of sugar pills.

I've been using the homeopathic remedy for five days, and it is effective. @Nfinkelstein this remedy matched pefectly to my symptoms. I am now on the last sugar pills, on my fifth day using it. What it has done is that it acts as a mucolytic and an expectorant, and shortly after taking a dose of 5 pills, the same white foamy mucus would come out. It's perhaps more than a coincidence that the volume of phlegm has lessened since taking the homeopathic remedy. This is a good add to my toolchest. I

When this remedy is used up, I have a shipment of an herbal remedy, called Mullein Leaf Tincture, from Wise Mountain. I hope it can complement and enhance the progress done by the homeopathic remedy. @Lejeboca thanks for recommending it.

I've learned to use NAC nebulization better since the last time I complained about it causing my lips to peel as the fluid drips down from my nose to the lips. I now have a towel on hand to periodically wipe off the fluid off my face. I also found that it is very useful to breathe in and then hold for 5 seconds the NAC solution. If there were stubborn mucus along the path of my inhaled breathing, it would irritate the tissue where the stubborn phlegm is, and that irritation is my cue to keep breathing and holding my breath so as to irritate the thick stubborn mucus. I would be coughing each of the 5 breaths I take, and I would then stop the nebulizer, and then continue to cough out the stubborn phlegm. When it is coughed up, I would resume the nebulization and this time, with the stubborn phlegm out of the way, it would be easier to breath and hold until such a point another stubborn phlegm is encountered. Then I repeat what I did before. I would use the nebulizer this way until the nebulizer runs out of the NAC solution.

I would then follow this up with PEP Therapy using the mucus clearing device. in the beginning, with me using the nebulizer in a less active way, by merely breathing regularly in and out thru the nose, the mucus clearing device would be able to snag more mucus. But when I found a better way to use the nebulizer, there would be little or no mucus for the mucus clearing device to clear. So, it may be that I would stop using the mucus clearing device.

But I still find it necessary to use postural drainage, as I would still be able to catch some phlegm draining off. Some are sticky, so I have to cough them out.

I've attempted to do 3x nebulizing + mucus clearing + postural drainage each day, but could only manage to do it 2x - only because I also spend a lot of time on other routines such as 3x 1 hr carbogen breathing and 2x red light therapy and 2x EMF therapy. It's practically t he whole day spent on such routines.

There is progress alright, but I have to be patient also. I still find my oxygen intake very much deficient. I could not make my body generate enough warmth when I go to the bottom of my koi pond to clear debri blocking the flow in the underground drain. I don my "wetsuit" and I couldn't stay long enough underneath. I also tire easily doing minor work.

I am hoping that each and every routine I put in would count for something in the whole scheme of things towards my recovery. I am not putting much into my neuromuscular problems (symptoms of ALS, Parkinson's; The Meniere symptoms seem to have eased) other than taking B vitamin supplements and coconut milk (in food) and the Arkkemansisa probiotic. I still think that my neuromuscular issues are secondary to my problem breathing effectively.

As for my longstanding issue of high bp due to lead toxicity, my daily intake of Emeramide continues to run its course as I see the effects manifest in broken stools and gradually lowering bp.

Currently, my time x spO2 charts look to be that of a very unhealthy person, with sharp drops of spO2 being very frequent. Part of it is due to low oxygen supply from a recovering set of lungs, but a larger part of the drops is due to the high demand for oxygen by the phagoxytes of the immune system, which are doing all they can to remove the lead toxins that are made much easier to phagocytize (eat up) by neutrophils and macrophages (of my innate immune system). Since there is a lot of toxins and a lot of diapedesis (making the blood vessels porous or leak plasma into the tissues, I have to expect some bit of edema or swelling to occur as the process of clearing toxins is in progress.

This is all for the good. In the meantime, I keep myself occupied healing and hoping to sleep more, which I have still been struggling to do. But I'm hopeful the sleep part will become easier, as issues are resolved, as sleep hasn't been a problem in the past. I'm glad my mind and heart is strong enough, as Peat says they are.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Thanks for keeping us updated @yerrag. It warms my heart to hear you are making steady progress.


Nov 13, 2020
Here is an update on my lung issue of bronchitis:

Since the last update, I have received the PEP Therapy mucus clearing device and have also received a homeopathic remedy from Boiron called Antimonium Tartaricum in the form of sugar pills.

I've been using the homeopathic remedy for five days, and it is effective. @Nfinkelstein this remedy matched pefectly to my symptoms. I am now on the last sugar pills, on my fifth day using it. What it has done is that it acts as a mucolytic and an expectorant, and shortly after taking a dose of 5 pills, the same white foamy mucus would come out. It's perhaps more than a coincidence that the volume of phlegm has lessened since taking the homeopathic remedy. This is a good add to my toolchest.
I'm glad things are getting better. Ant Tart --- I didn't realize it up until now, I am looking in Robyn Murphy's Materia Medica and he states (aside from its major effect on mucus and lungs) "chronic trembling of head and hands, as in Parkinsons" and "Dropsy of the legs" --- hopefully it helps you on those fronts too.

Your tenacity and spirit are encouraging and helpful, not only to me, but also I dare say the whole community here.


Apr 19, 2020
Lead was used in old homes to solder joints of copper pipes uses for water delivery for drinking. I used to live in such homes when in the US.
I finally got onto the H2 pills just a few days ago. (Dr. Mercola H2 from iherb). Just started but I think there is something to it. My better half notices breathing is easier. Anyhow, just a suggestion as I know you were interested in Brown's Gas in other threads, as it is basically H2 + O2 (2/3 + 1/3).

But Yerrag I am writing to say ,mainly, that when I lived in Juneau, Alaska, the city council stopped the fluoride additive to the water supply. They ceased this for about 8-10 months before the word got out, and the town went wacky! Peeps bought out fluoride tablets from the three stores or so that stocked them. Even my cousin, a PhD Ichthyologist who was on well water out of town, got the tablets! Anyhow, the reason the council stopped the fluoridation is because of the Copper Toxicity it promoted, so it was stated in the Juneau Empire - local newsrag, and then went into the ocean and might cause an issue with the salmon, crabs, etc.. . I suspect that the lead poisoning you mention might include other ingredients, but regardless it may stem from the non-safely compliance (checking for lead or copper or? ) of municipal water systems. Some of the Juneau water pipes were apparently very old and made out of iron, so they probably are quite corroded as well.

This is just something I found quickly.

Perseverance Furthers. Carry on Y, we are rooting for ya


Mar 29, 2016
Thanks for keeping us updated @yerrag. It warms my heart to hear you are making steady progress.
The pleasure is all mine, Blossom.

Been quiet but busy doing what I listed in the last post, and evaluating what works and what doesn't, and looking for adjustments in the way I do things, as well as revisiting some decisions I made.

The one major change I have made is regarding the edematous ankles. Given that they are more in line with a hypothyroid state more than anything else, a stance I should recognize more fully, I now consider it an indication that I am in more or less a hypothyroid state, and that I should not take for granted its expression as edema in the ankles.

For my healing requires an energetic state be present for everything to fall into place, and for the healing to take place in the form of restoration of vital bodily process- the full restoration of breathing, neuromuscular functions, as well as optimizing the ability of my immune system to remove heavy metals sequestered by Emeramid.

I will use the EMF zapper Biotrohn, which has a program for hypothyroidism, and visually observe for the disappearance of the edema. With the use of hormones thyroid, pregnenolone, progesterone, as a second option or addition to this treatment.

Since this therapy takes 1‐½ hour, I will have to cut back my 2 hourly carbogen sessions daily to just one.

I plan on continuing the red light therapy, though I am thinking of enhancing that to a photodynamic therapy by adding methylene blue and iodine. For this, being that I lack a specific protocol on going about it, may I ask @Jam, our forum resource, for some insights? Would very much appreciate more help from him.My suasion is to to use mb and iodine and to use nebulization in order to direct the focus on my lungs, for it to develop back the ciliary cells that were lost when they were irritated by chemical toxicity in the form of cinnamon bark oil. I have sski as well as Lugol's iodine, although I have observed that sski is immiscible with mb.

Speaking of my lungs, the use of homeopathy [antimonium tartaricum) together with nebulization with NAC, followed by postural draining, has steadily reduced the amount of phlegm collected each day.

I would take the homeopathic remedy (or its sunstitute once it runs out - spike lavender essential oil with steam inhaler, or 3 drops of mullein leaf tincture) and this would spur the lungs to release mucus, and 3 hours or so later, I would use NAC nebulization to expectorate the mucus. Followed by postural draining to release the remaining phlegm in the inner recesses of the lungs.

Thus far, the oxygen saturation has improved from 95 to 97%.even as this observed metric improvement does not explain why I still get exhausted so quickly with little effort exerted.

MY neuromuscular state has shown changes, albeit small positive ones, but I still walk funny and get exhausted quickly. Am waiting for my breathing to improve for this area to take major jumps.

Lastly, my BP has come down to 170/111 from my newly established norm of 180/120. Seems like there is an invisible barrier I need to overcome. May be in the form of better sleep, better acid base balance, improved thyroid or mitochondrial metabolism. It may be in the form of the proxy of edema in my ankles disappearing. Oh, I should state that I continue to take Emeramide to chelate and sequester lead from my tissues, though 2 days ago I increased the dosage from 200mg to 400mg once daily dosing. At this dosage level, I have to be aware that there is a small chance I would have another shortness of breath attack, and need to take precaution. At the same time, I feel more confident that my lungs are in a better position of health.
Last edited:


Mar 29, 2016
Thanks for keeping us updated @yerrag. It warms my heart to hear you are making steady progress.
The pleasure is all mine, Blossom.

Been quiet but busy doing what I listed in the last post, and evaluating what works and what doesn't, and looking for adjustments in the way I do things, as well as revisiting some decisions I made.

The one major change I have made is regarding the edematous ankles. Given that they are more in line with a hypothyroid state more than anything else, a stance I should recognize more fully, I now consider it an indication that I am in more or less a hypothyroid state, and that I should not take for granted its expression as edema in the ankles.

For my healing requires an energetic state be present for everything to fall into place, and for the healing to take place in the form of restoration of vital bodily process- the full restoration of breathing, neuromuscular functions, as well as optimizing the ability of my immune system to remove heavy metals sequestered by Emeramid.

I will use the EMF zapper Biotrohn, which has a program for hypothyroidism, and visually observe for the disappearance of the edema. With the use of hormones thyroid, pregnenolone, progesterone, as a second option or addition to this treatment.

Since this therapy takes 1‐½ hour, I will have to cut back my 2 hourly carbogen sessions daily to just one.

I plan on continuing the red light therapy, though I am thinking of enhancing that to a photodynamic therapy by adding methylene blue and iodine. For this, being that I lack a specific protocol on going about it, may I ask @Jam, our forum resource, for some insights? Would very much appreciate more help from him.My suasion is to to use mb and iodine and to use nebulization in order to direct the focus on my lungs, for it to develop back the ciliary cells that were lost when they were irritated by chemical toxicity in the form of cinnamon bark oil. I have sski as well as Lugol's iodine, although I have observed that sski is immiscible with mb.

Speaking of my lungs, the use of homeopathy [antimonium tartaricum) together with nebulization with NAC, followed by postural draining, has steadily reduced the amount of phlegm collected each day.

I would take the homeopathic remedy (or its sunstitute once it runs out - spike lavender essential oil with steam inhaler, or 3 drops of mullein leaf tincture) and this would spur the lungs to release mucus, and 3 hours or so later, I would use NAC nebulization to expectorate the mucus. Followed by postural draining to release the remaining phlegm in the inner recesses of the lungs.

Thus far, the oxygen saturation has improved from 95 to 97%.even as this observed metric improvement does not explain why I still get exhausted so quickly with little effort exerted.

MY neuromuscular state has shown changes, albeit small positive ones, but I still walk funny and get exhausted quickly. Am waiting for my breathing to improve for this area to take major jumps.

Lastly, my BP has come down to 170/111 from my newly established norm of 180/120. Seems like there is an invisible barrier I need to overcome. May be in the form of better sleep, better acid base balance, improved thyroid or mitochondrial metabolism. It may be in the form of the proxy of edema in my ankles disapp
I'm glad things are getting better. Ant Tart --- I didn't realize it up until now, I am looking in Robyn Murphy's Materia Medica and he states (aside from its major effect on mucus and lungs) "chronic trembling of head and hands, as in Parkinsons" and "Dropsy of the legs" --- hopefully it helps you on those fronts too.

Your tenacity and spirit are encouraging and helpful, not only to me, but also I dare say the whole community here.
Thanks for the support and kind words. Glad to hear thst Ant Tart cab help with Parkinson's. The Emeramide I am taking- I saw in YouTube that it also helps with Parkinson's.

I am still having edema at my ankle area. The Ant Tart may need to be taken for longer periods to see the effect. As it is, my one bottle supply is exhausted.


Mar 29, 2016
I finally got onto the H2 pills just a few days ago. (Dr. Mercola H2 from iherb). Just started but I think there is something to it. My better half notices breathing is easier. Anyhow, just a suggestion as I know you were interested in Brown's Gas in other threads, as it is basically H2 + O2 (2/3 + 1/3).

But Yerrag I am writing to say ,mainly, that when I lived in Juneau, Alaska, the city council stopped the fluoride additive to the water supply. They ceased this for about 8-10 months before the word got out, and the town went wacky! Peeps bought out fluoride tablets from the three stores or so that stocked them. Even my cousin, a PhD Ichthyologist who was on well water out of town, got the tablets! Anyhow, the reason the council stopped the fluoridation is because of the Copper Toxicity it promoted, so it was stated in the Juneau Empire - local newsrag, and then went into the ocean and might cause an issue with the salmon, crabs, etc.. . I suspect that the lead poisoning you mention might include other ingredients, but regardless it may stem from the non-safely compliance (checking for lead or copper or? ) of municipal water systems. Some of the Juneau water pipes were apparently very old and made out of iron, so they probably are quite corroded as well.

This is just something I found quickly.

Perseverance Furthers. Carry on Y, we are rooting for ya
Thanks. l may try the H2, though it is something I don't have on hand and need to buy and ship from overseas. It would be something to consider definitely, but I'm not in a rush to try.

I'm quite certain lead is the cause, as I've done much testing before. Lead had to be identifies by provoked challenge testing t3 years ago. It's only lately that a good chelation agent has the status of recognition in the internet subculture that I could become aware of it.


Aug 10, 2018
The pleasure is all mine, Blossom.

Been quiet but busy doing what I listed in the last post, and evaluating what works and what doesn't, and looking for adjustments in the way I do things, as well as revisiting some decisions I made.

The one major change I have made is regarding the edematous ankles. Given that they are more in line with a hypothyroid state more than anything else, a stance I should recognize more fully, I now consider it an indication that I am in more or less a hypothyroid state, and that I should not take for granted its expression as edema in the ankles.

For my healing requires an energetic state be present for everything to fall into place, and for the healing to take place in the form of restoration of vital bodily process- the full restoration of breathing, neuromuscular functions, as well as optimizing the ability of my immune system to remove heavy metals sequestered by Emeramid.

I will use the EMF zapper Biotrohn, which has a program for hypothyroidism, and visually observe for the disappearance of the edema. With the use of hormones thyroid, pregnenolone, progesterone, as a second option or addition to this treatment.

Since this therapy takes 1‐½ hour, I will have to cut back my 2 hourly carbogen sessions daily to just one.

I plan on continuing the red light therapy, though I am thinking of enhancing that to a photodynamic therapy by adding methylene blue and iodine. For this, being that I lack a specific protocol on going about it, may I ask @Jam, our forum resource, for some insights? Would very much appreciate more help from him.My suasion is to to use mb and iodine and to use nebulization in order to direct the focus on my lungs, for it to develop back the ciliary cells that were lost when they were irritated by chemical toxicity in the form of cinnamon bark oil. I have sski as well as Lugol's iodine, although I have observed that sski is immiscible with mb.

Speaking of my lungs, the use of homeopathy [antimonium tartaricum) together with nebulization with NAC, followed by postural draining, has steadily reduced the amount of phlegm collected each day.

I would take the homeopathic remedy (or its sunstitute once it runs out - spike lavender essential oil with steam inhaler, or 3 drops of mullein leaf tincture) and this would spur the lungs to release mucus, and 3 hours or so later, I would use NAC nebulization to expectorate the mucus. Followed by postural draining to release the remaining phlegm in the inner recesses of the lungs.

Thus far, the oxygen saturation has improved from 95 to 97%.even as this observed metric improvement does not explain why I still get exhausted so quickly with little effort exerted.

MY neuromuscular state has shown changes, albeit small positive ones, but I still walk funny and get exhausted quickly. Am waiting for my breathing to improve for this area to take major jumps.

Lastly, my BP has come down to 170/111 from my newly established norm of 180/120. Seems like there is an invisible barrier I need to overcome. May be in the form of better sleep, better acid base balance, improved thyroid or mitochondrial metabolism. It may be in the form of the proxy of edema in my ankles disapp

Thanks for the support and kind words. Glad to hear thst Ant Tart cab help with Parkinson's. The Emeramide I am taking- I saw in YouTube that it also helps with Parkinson's.

I am still having edema at my ankle area. The Ant Tart may need to be taken for longer periods to see the effect. As it is, my one bottle supply is exhausted.
Hi @yerrag, I would be more than happy to help if I can. Regarding SSKI, there is no need to nebulize it as it concentrates in mucus excretions even when taken orally. I would take 6 drops of SSKI 3 times per day for the mucus. It is the best expectorant I know of. The methylene blue I would also take orally, in addition to nebulizing it, 5-10mg daily, and red light on the back of the neck/upper spine 10-15 minutes daily.


Mar 29, 2016
Hi @yerrag, I would be more than happy to help if I can. Regarding SSKI, there is no need to nebulize it as it concentrates in mucus excretions even when taken orally. I would take 6 drops of SSKI 3 times per day for the mucus. It is the best expectorant I know of. The methylene blue I would also take orally, in addition to nebulizing it, 5-10mg daily, and red light on the back of the neck/upper spine 10-15 minutes daily.
Thank you Jam. This is a good plan. I will queue this protocol to begin once my current intake of Emeramide ends, just to minimize variables of interaction.


Mar 29, 2016
A thought came to me today: Over the past few months since February, my lungs and my heart have gone through considerable stress, and the byproducts of that stress can't help but result in some accumulated debris in my lymphs and in my blood vessels.

This may have made my blood flow and lymph flow sluggish because there is a lot of sludge. My neck is bent forward because of this. My ankles are edematous. And my movement slow. Even though my lungs are close to being back in shape, with the phlegm much reduced, it may be that I need to increase the zeta-value of my blood.

I would need to mix baking soda with lemon juice to make sodium citrate/potassium citrate and take aspirin as well. I think this is a better approach than to use ateroid hormones or the EMF zapper as each of them don't address the true cause, which is low flow of blood/lymph from having accumulated sludge that is associated with a low zeta-value.

Thank you @StephanF for constantly reminding us of the zeta-value!
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May 19, 2016
Echoing others' comments, thank you for the detailed updates about the highly demanding set of routines/interventions you are undertaking, your data/observations, and also your analysis. Your formation of new hypotheses (e.g., lymph sludge and raising zeta) and deductions about what's working and what's not are of keen interest to me and, no doubt, helpful to the RPF community.

As Blossom mentioned, it's inspiring for us RPF misfits to have a window into your virtuosic practice of being captain of one's ship when facing complex health problems and responding with such rigorous/demanding/exhausting self-care.

Like others, I wish we could be more substantively supportive, showing up in each other's lives with more tangible support. In lieu of that, the exchanges above reveal something special about how meaningful the virtual connection can be (information sharing, considerate expressions of empathy, reflections on mistakes, our differences in opinion, strategies for avoiding going to hospital, etc.). Grateful to all those providing substantive ideas (which, unfortunately, I haven't) for yerrag to consider. Closely following everyone's contributions on this thread.


Mar 29, 2016
@T-3 Thanks for taking an interest here, and for your encouragement.

I think you will agree that in matters of our personal health, the journey is never a straight line. If it were, we wouldn't be here. I could spelll out my plan yesterday, and today I will be back scratching out the plan because there would be something crawling out of the woodworks that changes a well laid plan with a snap of a finger. Having gone thru the life that always throws me a curve ball, somehow I am used to it.

So here it is. I am referring now to my use of Emeramide as a lead chelator/sequestring agent to lower my blood pressure. After seeing my blood pressure go down continually for 3 or 4 days, I wasn't expecting my blood pressure to not continue it downward journey yesterday and today. In fact, it went up with no mercy. From recent lows f 157/111. which is a lot lower than the baseline of 180/120 I established, I now find myself with a blood pressure 204/138.

Along with that, I didn't see my stools exhibit properties that speak to me as confirming that lead was being excreted out. The way that I like to see it is frequent trips to the loo during the day, with smaller bits of stool instead of a large single long piece, with a design that reminds of a chocolate chip cookie. The chocolate chip would contain the lead toxin, as it comes out of the gallbladder as bile, to mix together with a larger brown mass (being the remnants of a digestive process) to form a small piece of stool that is brown and black.

The high bp and the presence of a large single piece of stool tell me that the Emeramide I took the other day had stopped working together with my immune system in eating up the lead toxin and was no longer getting to the liver to be processed into bile for eventual excretion as stool. So what changed?

There are clues around, and so I came to the conclusion that my circulatory system, was bogged down, and because of it, it was blocking the delivery of white blood cells to the site where lead is sequestered, as well as blocking the transport of sequestered lead in the debris of phagocytosis, which is supposed to go into the liver to be processed for eventual excretion.

My two edematous ankles say it all. I also feel very light-headed. Together, they share in common being farthest from the heat. One being at the bottom, the other at the top. When circulation is poor, it is these farthest points where expression of a problem usually starts to manifest.

And looking at my recent blood tests of inflammation/tissue destruction markers such as ESR, LDH, and hsCRP, they tell of a body subject to the stresses of a lung problem that only recently is healing and recovering, which has affected my heart and liver, in the process creating sludge. The sludge makes the blood thick, and this affects the flow. I have not been aware enough to take some corrective action yet, but enough for me to understand the implications of blood with poor flow characteristics.

The poor flow of blood has come to be expressed in the lightheadedness of my brain, with all the tight capillaries the blood has to course through, and in the edematous ankles, which only tell me that the pores through which white blood cells pass from the blood vessels into the tissues can get blocked off from reaching problem areas, and that the flow of lymph, which carries the debris of phagocytosis that includes phagocytized lead toxins, can be frozen into a crawl, preventing it from being delivered to the liver in a timely manner for excretion.

As much as I hate to interrupt my planned daily use of Emeramide to rid the lead toxins from my tissues, which would lead to my 20+ year goal of reaching normal blood pressure levels, I would have to change my plan and do a detour. This detour would have me fix the cause of the edema and the poor and low flow rate of blood.

So, during the break, I will be drinking my natural version of Zeta-Aid, in order to improve the zeta-potential of blood, so that it will flow much better, and be in a better position to transport white blood cells, nutrients, as well as the products of phagocytosis, which includes lead toxins, to the liver, to be properly excreted.

I would be mixing 1 gram of baking soda to 16 grams of lemon juice to make a mixture of sodium citrate and potassium citrate, to be diluted to a liter with water, and this will be consumed throughout the day. If it goes well, I may even drink 2 liters of it a day. I don't know if I will overdose on it, but perhaps @StephanF can bless this with his guidance?

I 'm not sure if this is sufficient, but if not, I would consider adding aspirin to this. What else in the bag of tricks do you guys have that I missed out on?
Nov 21, 2015
Reduced breathing saved my life. Literally. I live that lifestyle without thinking about it. Air hunger, nose breathing, breathing very little, stopping after I've exhaled. When I walk I build up air hunger. Often I stop breathing. Or very small sniffs of air. This is what leads to vastly improved health for me.


Nov 13, 2020
What else in the bag of tricks do you guys have that I missed out on?
Lachesis in a 30c potency several times throughout day --- any snake remedy would fit what you are describing, Bothrops if Lachesis doesn't help. Regarding the blood pressure Crataegus in a 30c potency taken daily at least once would be standard. I think these will help.


Mar 29, 2016
Lachesis in a 30c potency several times throughout day --- any snake remedy would fit what you are describing, Bothrops if Lachesis doesn't help. Regarding the blood pressure Crataegus in a 30c potency taken daily at least once would be standard. I think these will help.
Thanks for suggesting along the lines of homeopathy, although last night, another sleepless one, I had an epiphany again, but of the duhh variety.

It was hiding under plain sight for me - each night for the past 3 months I would have sharp and frequent drops of spO² from 1 - 5 am. It was only last night that I realized what a big fool I was not going with @Blossom's suggestion to use an oxygen concentrator while I sleep.

So today I'm placing an order for one. I have this mistaken concept that if I can do without it, I don't need to spend for it. But clearly that was wrong, as having an oxygen deficit is not making me heal any better, and I'm now getting the accumulated effects of a foolish decision.

It was making it harder for me to sleep for sure, at the very least!


Mar 29, 2016
Reduced breathing saved my life. Literally. I live that lifestyle without thinking about it. Air hunger, nose breathing, breathing very little, stopping after I've exhaled. When I walk I build up air hunger. Often I stop breathing. Or very small sniffs of air. This is what leads to vastly improved health for me.
I think we're on the same page hamster, as we understand and have taken training in Buteyko breathing. I haven't practiced it in a while, though you seem to live it. The closest thing to it lately is my twice daily hourly sessions breathing carbogen.

I think it helps a lot having more CO2 as I can see it driving better tissuen oygenation, and it is especially useful when more oxygen is needed by the body to create ROS to fight off microbes as well as swallow toxins. The follow-through to knock a ball out of a ballpark, or to knock out as opponent, requires that extra energy that having that extra CO2 enables thru better, deeper tissue oxygenation.


Mar 29, 2016
@yerrag, I’m still praying for you friend.
Thank you Blossom! I told my sister how much I'm being helped by a skilled respiratory therapist, and I'm in good hands. Your prayers are very much appreciated.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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