Scientists Are Getting Closer To The "obvious" Truth On Naked Mole Rats


Jun 6, 2016
Researchers Find Yet Another Reason Why Naked Mole-Rats Are Just Weird

Still ignoring carbon dioxide though.

Interesting quotes:

"For example, instead of generating their own heat, they regulate body temperature by moving to warmer or cooler tunnels, which lowers the amount of energy they need to survive. They're also known to have what Park calls "sticky hemoglobin," which allows them to draw oxygen out of very thin air. And because they live underground in large social groups, they're used to breathing air that's low in oxygen and high in carbon dioxide."

"Most mammals, including humans, run on glucose, which is a sugar that the digestive system gets from our food and turns into energy to keep our bodies warm and our brains running. But the process of taking that sugar and turning it into energy requires oxygen. Without oxygen, the body can't create energy, and without energy, cells die."

"When the researchers looked at tissue samples taken from the mole-rats at various times during the oxygen deprivation, they noticed a spike in levels of another sugar, fructose, about 10 minutes in."

"The naked mole-rats appear to have the option of switching fuels from glucose, which requires oxygen to create energy, to fructose, which doesn't."

"The cells in the brain, heart, liver and lungs of naked mole-rats are all outfitted with proteins that moves fructose into the cells, and with the right enzyme to create energy from it."

"One question for future research, he says, is how the animals manage to get rid of lactate, a molecule that builds up during anaerobic metabolism and can alter blood chemistry.

Park and Storz hope that the finding about naked mole-rats could someday help develop a way to aid patients suffering from oxygen deprivation from something like a heart attack or stroke."


Sep 16, 2014
Is there a more detailed study behind this news article? Interesting stuff!


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Researchers Find Yet Another Reason Why Naked Mole-Rats Are Just Weird

Still ignoring carbon dioxide though.

Interesting quotes:

"For example, instead of generating their own heat, they regulate body temperature by moving to warmer or cooler tunnels, which lowers the amount of energy they need to survive. They're also known to have what Park calls "sticky hemoglobin," which allows them to draw oxygen out of very thin air. And because they live underground in large social groups, they're used to breathing air that's low in oxygen and high in carbon dioxide."

"Most mammals, including humans, run on glucose, which is a sugar that the digestive system gets from our food and turns into energy to keep our bodies warm and our brains running. But the process of taking that sugar and turning it into energy requires oxygen. Without oxygen, the body can't create energy, and without energy, cells die."

"When the researchers looked at tissue samples taken from the mole-rats at various times during the oxygen deprivation, they noticed a spike in levels of another sugar, fructose, about 10 minutes in."

"The naked mole-rats appear to have the option of switching fuels from glucose, which requires oxygen to create energy, to fructose, which doesn't."

"The cells in the brain, heart, liver and lungs of naked mole-rats are all outfitted with proteins that moves fructose into the cells, and with the right enzyme to create energy from it."

"One question for future research, he says, is how the animals manage to get rid of lactate, a molecule that builds up during anaerobic metabolism and can alter blood chemistry.

Park and Storz hope that the finding about naked mole-rats could someday help develop a way to aid patients suffering from oxygen deprivation from something like a heart attack or stroke."

I think aside from the elevated levels of CO2, the big takeaway from this study is the protective effect simple sugars like fructose have in organisms under stress. Btw, apparently, the naked mole rat increases synthesis and blood levels of both fructose and sucrose. Both sugars are used under anoxic/hypoxic conditions, and the increase in sucrose was much larger than fructose. So, we can guess that sucrose was the main protective sugar in the naked mole rat under stress. While the study states that the ability to use fructose under hypoxic conditions requires special adaptation in that species, the same does not seem to be true about sucrose. So, we humans, likely respond in a similar manner and use sucrose under stressful conditions or at the very least can benefit from elevated sucrose levels when under stress or hypoxia/anoxia. It looks like the fructose (just as Ray said) is there so help metabolize the glucose when oxygen is not available. Thus, using sucrose in conditions of stress or disease is probably going go have therapeutic or at least protective effects, again as Ray has written many times. Here are some relevant quotes.

"...GC-MS metabolomics can resolve hexoses, which allowed us to observe a specific and marked increase in frucose and sucrose concentration in the liver, kidney, and blood of naked mole-rats 10min into anoxia...The unexpected appearance of high concentrations of fructose (up to 240uM in blood) and sucrose, a fructose-glucose disaccharide (up to 1.47mM in blood at 30min) (fig. S7), in anoxic tissues suggested that these sugars might fuel metabolism under hypoxic conditions...Fructose and sucrose (the latter is degraded to hexose monomers) are both increased to statistically significant levels in the naked mole-rat during anoxia. The source of these sugars is unknown."
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