Unexpected benefits of Ivermectin....


Feb 23, 2021
Has anyone actually experienced any benefits of ivermectin like unexpectedly killing off some parasites or worms you had, while the intended purpose was to protect against early onset of corona.



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Jun 26, 2016
I took ivermectin for 9 days in December, for the Vid. I’m pretty sure my reflux improved from ivermectin. It has recently ramped up again. I’m considering taking another round of ivermectin. Looking forward to hearing what others have to say.


May 31, 2018
I took ivermectin for 9 days in December, for the Vid. I’m pretty sure my reflux improved from ivermectin. It has recently ramped up again. I’m considering taking another round of ivermectin. Looking forward to hearing what others have to say.

What dose did you take as a "round"?

I have heard stories from friends that sound amazing. One older man who has cancer took a round for the Vid and when he got his routine check up, his cancer was completely in remission.

I read a review on a website that sells Iver that another man took I think ONE pill and said he hasn't breathed that clearly in his whole life.

I don't know if the devil in my body my whole adult life is candida or parasites, fungus, or what, but dealing with it for 30 years I am done. I'm scared to try Iver, yes it's touted as totally safe, but then you read some side effects and it scares the crap out of me. I am SUPER sensitive to everything... yet, THAT alone could be a symptom of parasites. It's all such a catch 22. I'm very close to trying Iver because I'm at the point where I have nothing to lose anymore. I actually have a phone appt set up with my doc next month about this... but she's a hardcore Lib (Nordic woman) and she works at Kaiser. I already told her I know where to get it elsewhere, but i would like to have my insurance pay for it, AND I would like to get it from Kaiser to be 100% sure it's safe and real Iver.

I am very interested in this thread and any more replies.


Forum Supporter
Jun 26, 2016
Interesting! I weight 115lbs. I took .6X body weight in Kg= 30mg daily for 9 days with zinc and food. I have had many friends take a full course of ivermectin with little to no side effects. I consider myself sensitive also and I had zero side effects. Best of luck. Please report back if you use it.


May 31, 2018
Interesting! I weight 115lbs. I took .6X body weight in Kg= 30mg daily for 9 days with zinc and food. I have had many friends take a full course of ivermectin with little to no side effects. I consider myself sensitive also and I had zero side effects. Best of luck. Please report back if you use it.

I absolutely will. I am new to this forum, although I have come across it for many years due to random searches for different topics. I don't know the "mentality" of posters in this forum, but I learned that I'm a "troll" for saying my very recent omega-3 experiment has given me good results *shrug*. I need to research more why pufas are a huge taboo around here. I am giving them a 1 month try before I go the Iver route since omega-3 also kills bacteria, fungus and parasites. I'm guessing Iver does it far quicker though. I also bought liquid cod liver oil. I am salicylate sensitive which is why I never eat things with oils, and I'm gobsmacked confused how in the world i can tolerate the omega-3 oils (they are supposed to cure salicylate sensitivity, ironically enough). But I am, and so on we go...

Will report if I get the Iver one way or another and take it!


May 10, 2018
I absolutely will. I am new to this forum, although I have come across it for many years due to random searches for different topics. I don't know the "mentality" of posters in this forum, but I learned that I'm a "troll" for saying my very recent omega-3 experiment has given me good results *shrug*. I need to research more why pufas are a huge taboo around here. I am giving them a 1 month try before I go the Iver route since omega-3 also kills bacteria, fungus and parasites. I'm guessing Iver does it far quicker though. I also bought liquid cod liver oil. I am salicylate sensitive which is why I never eat things with oils, and I'm gobsmacked confused how in the world i can tolerate the omega-3 oils (they are supposed to cure salicylate sensitivity, ironically enough). But I am, and so on we go...

Will report if I get the Iver one way or another and take it!
You’re not a troll. You’re completely welcome here.
Above everything, Ray is the biggest proponent of self experimentation. If you derive benefit from something, he wouldn’t tell you otherwise.
It’s worth doing more reading on his principles before engaging too much on the forum, however. Unsaturated fats work against thyroid function. Thyroid governs our energy production. The North Star of this forum is energy.


May 31, 2018
You’re not a troll. You’re completely welcome here.
Above everything, Ray is the biggest proponent of self experimentation. If you derive benefit from something, he wouldn’t tell you otherwise.
It’s worth doing more reading on his principles before engaging too much on the forum, however. Unsaturated fats work against thyroid function. Thyroid governs our energy production. The North Star of this forum is energy.

Like i said, my diet is VERY limited due to salicylate intolerance, so i get zero fish oil, zero oils of any kind (I'll vomit it up), but somehow my body is allowing the mega-3. I cannot explain it. Ok, I don;t want to veer from the topic at hand.. but thank you for the kind words :)


Apr 26, 2018
What dose did you take as a "round"?

I have heard stories from friends that sound amazing. One older man who has cancer took a round for the Vid and when he got his routine check up, his cancer was completely in remission.

I read a review on a website that sells Iver that another man took I think ONE pill and said he hasn't breathed that clearly in his whole life.

I don't know if the devil in my body my whole adult life is candida or parasites, fungus, or what, but dealing with it for 30 years I am done. I'm scared to try Iver, yes it's touted as totally safe, but then you read some side effects and it scares the crap out of me. I am SUPER sensitive to everything... yet, THAT alone could be a symptom of parasites. It's all such a catch 22. I'm very close to trying Iver because I'm at the point where I have nothing to lose anymore. I actually have a phone appt set up with my doc next month about this... but she's a hardcore Lib (Nordic woman) and she works at Kaiser. I already told her I know where to get it elsewhere, but i would like to have my insurance pay for it, AND I would like to get it from Kaiser to be 100% sure it's safe and real Iver.

I am very interested in this thread and any more replies.

I, too, am interested in this post. I have Iver in my cabinet and have thought of trying it prophelatically for Covid and also to rid myself of any parasites. I got mine from IndiaMart since Kaiser refuses to give it to you...it was very cheap but shipping is expensive. Let us know what you decide to do and the results, thanks! Actually I just checked and I got mine from medicinevilla, also in India.


Forum Supporter
Jun 26, 2016
For anyone interested, iver can be purchased easily over the counter in any pharmacy in Mexico, for $5-$12 per box of 4 tabs. Each tab= 6mg


Jan 15, 2021
Yeah I’ve used it on and off for periods of a week. If you do your research, you really shouldn’t be afraid of it. The tv got inside your head again.
I use the paste form and aren’t too concerned with dosage, just squirt what would be a large pill size and suck it down.
When I get flu symptoms I use for about a week.


May 31, 2018
The tv got inside your head again.

I hope this comment isn't aimed at me because you couldn't be more wrong. I did my own research half way through the pandemic and read medical documents where i learned the truth.. that Iver's mechanics with the virus is that it prevents the virus from getting into the cells. Meanwhile, hysterics who believe lying talking heads for big pharma call it horse de-wormer. What do I care, more Iver for us. But that does not mean there are never any side effects or warnings.


Sep 12, 2020
I took ivermectin for 9 days in December, for the Vid. I’m pretty sure my reflux improved from ivermectin. It has recently ramped up again. I’m considering taking another round of ivermectin. Looking forward to hearing what others have to say.
i have experienced the same with silent reflux improving with eating antibiotic substances from digestive acid to oil of oregano to raw carrots cocnut oil whatever i can find or research that might control the bacteria and cut out the gas they produce that screws with our valves.


Ivermectin is genuinely considered safe, but on the safe side I would not take it if you use DMSO at all. Or, stop taking DMSO if you use it.
Take this with a grain of salt, as billions worldwide use IVM safely, this could just be being overcautious, but its not something I ever see discussed.

Some of the earlier studies for IVM suggested a very low chance of severe neurological damage causing severe fits/seizures and brain damage. Now I will also point out when this was mentioned, I believe they stated they weren't sure if it was the IVM or a parasite. or a combination of IVM with a certain parasite. But some sub 1 percentile of people had severe damage to nervous systems and some quickly died.

I have read that the theory is IVM is non toxic because it does not pass the blood brain barrier. I have read that it is actually extremely neurotoxic, but because it does not pass the blood brain barrier, it is safe. I could be wrong about this, so you should research for yourself.

The whole reason I discovered this is because I took IVM for 3 days leading up to my first jab, thinking I would be much better protected. That night after the jab I woke up in a drenched bed full of sweat, I had severe seizures to the point I was punching and kicking my wife in bed. When I got up to go to the loo, I felt like I had severe Parkinson's over my entire body because I was shaking and wobbling so much. This lasted roughly 90 minutes until I fell back asleep. I then had 3 days of severe vertigo.

My wife had the same symptoms I did, her seizures were smaller and happened right before mine. She had the vax the same day and also had IVM for 3 days leading up to the vax.

We felt like a tornado hit our central nervous system, and in hindsight realize we should have gone to the hospital. It sounds a bit dramatic but I honestly think I nearly died. I tried to research all I could about everything I took including the IVM.

It's quite probable that everything that happened to me was caused solely by the vax only, as clotting or micro-clotting in the brain could also cause those symptoms. But I don't rule out the possibility, there was something in the adjuvant of the vax that weakens the blood brain barrier, and that allowed the IVM through to cause neurological damage. It is very strange my wife and I had identical reactions, albeit at different intervals.


Jan 15, 2021
I hope this comment isn't aimed at me because you couldn't be more wrong. I did my own research half way through the pandemic and read medical documents where i learned the truth.. that Iver's mechanics with the virus is that it prevents the virus from getting into the cells. Meanwhile, hysterics who believe lying talking heads for big pharma call it horse de-wormer. What do I care, more Iver for us. But that does not mean there are never any side effects or warnings.
There’s no aim just a projection :)


May 31, 2018
Ivermectin is genuinely considered safe, but on the safe side I would not take it if you use DMSO at all. Or, stop taking DMSO if you use it.
Take this with a grain of salt, as billions worldwide use IVM safely, this could just be being overcautious, but its not something I ever see discussed.

Some of the earlier studies for IVM suggested a very low chance of severe neurological damage causing severe fits/seizures and brain damage. Now I will also point out when this was mentioned, I believe they stated they weren't sure if it was the IVM or a parasite. or a combination of IVM with a certain parasite. But some sub 1 percentile of people had severe damage to nervous systems and some quickly died.

I have read that the theory is IVM is non toxic because it does not pass the blood brain barrier. I have read that it is actually extremely neurotoxic, but because it does not pass the blood brain barrier, it is safe. I could be wrong about this, so you should research for yourself.

The whole reason I discovered this is because I took IVM for 3 days leading up to my first jab, thinking I would be much better protected. That night after the jab I woke up in a drenched bed full of sweat, I had severe seizures to the point I was punching and kicking my wife in bed. When I got up to go to the loo, I felt like I had severe Parkinson's over my entire body because I was shaking and wobbling so much. This lasted roughly 90 minutes until I fell back asleep. I then had 3 days of severe vertigo.

My wife had the same symptoms I did, her seizures were smaller and happened right before mine. She had the vax the same day and also had IVM for 3 days leading up to the vax.

We felt like a tornado hit our central nervous system, and in hindsight realize we should have gone to the hospital. It sounds a bit dramatic but I honestly think I nearly died. I tried to research all I could about everything I took including the IVM.

It's quite probable that everything that happened to me was caused solely by the vax only, as clotting or micro-clotting in the brain could also cause those symptoms. But I don't rule out the possibility, there was something in the adjuvant of the vax that weakens the blood brain barrier, and that allowed the IVM through to cause neurological damage. It is very strange my wife and I had identical reactions, albeit at different intervals.

This, funny enough, was one of my biggest concerns. I've suspected I have poor brain blood barrier, and have heard IVM is safe because it doesn't pass, etc. So I guess I'm back to being scared to try it.


Mar 20, 2021
I took a full syringe of ivermectin paste over a period of 8 days last December, and am currently in the middle of the same thing. The syringe is for a 1250lb horse, so I split it up (I'm 125 lbs). In December, I noticed clearer brain function, flatter stomach, better sleep(no wake-ups) and more bowel movements (but not diarrhea).

For the first few days I noticed increased tiredness...but that's it...

I have also used Niclosimide with similar results...


May 31, 2018
I took a full syringe of ivermectin paste over a period of 8 days last December, and am currently in the middle of the same thing. The syringe is for a 1250lb horse, so I split it up (I'm 125 lbs). In December, I noticed clearer brain function, flatter stomach, better sleep(no wake-ups) and more bowel movements (but not diarrhea).

For the first few days I noticed increased tiredness...but that's it...

I have also used Niclosimide with similar results...

THIS is why I am wanting to take Iver.. some sort of all-around bettering of my system. I keep hearing stories of this sort of thing happening to people. Do i have parasites? No idea. Modern medicine and doctors won't acknowledge it.

My only fear is due to my system having apparent issues with GABA and Glutamate, THIS is what Iver works with, and my lifelong panic and stress issues probably compromised my blood brain barrier. Again, no idea, but do I take the chance? Not sure.

Why I think I have issues with GABA and Glutamate is when I take 1/4 of a pill of NAC, it turns to Glutamate and i turn into an aggressive, brain-spinning, explosive maniac until it wears off in about 1-2 hours. If i take a TEENY bit like a fingertip or 2 of NAC, within minutes I become an amazingly relaxed person as the panic electric zaps that go up my back every 15 seconds disappear and my nervous system "lets go" which is never unless I am on NAC. Same thing happened with a tiny amount of melatonin vs 1/2 mg BTW!

I have what seems to be Salicylate Intolerance, but i do have symptoms of parasites as well. I'll never know until I dive in.. but the bad effects could be horrendous from research I've read, if indeed I am one of those people with a leaky BBB and GABA/Glutamate issues. Then I read most people have a leaky BBB from every day stress.. I just dont know.. there is so much propaganda on Iver now, billions of people given it since the 80s. Sigh. I have Iver in my posession...
Last edited:


Mar 20, 2021
THIS is why I am wanting to take Iver.. some sort of all-around bettering of my system. I keep hearing stories of this sort of thing happening to people. Do i have parasites? No idea. Modern medicine and doctors won't acknowledge it.

My only fear is due to my system having apparent issues with GABA and Glutamate, THIS is what Iver works with, and my lifelong panic and stress issues probably compromised my blood brain barrier. Again, no idea, but do I take the chance? Not sure.

Why I think I have issues with GABA and Glutamate is when I take 1/4 of a pill of NAC, it turns to Glutamate and i turn into an aggressive, brain-spinning, explosive maniac until it wears off in about 1-2 hours. If i take a TEENY bit like a fingertip or 2 of NAC, within minutes I become an amazingly relaxed person as the panic electric zaps that go up my back every 15 seconds disappear and my nervous system "lets go" which is never unless I am on NAC. Same thing happened with a tiny amount of melatonin vs 1/2 mg BTW!

I have what seems to be Salicylate Intolerance, but i do have symptoms of parasites as well. I'll never know until I dive in.. but the bad effects could be horrendous from research I've read, if indeed I am one of those people with a leaky BBB and GABA/Glutamate issues. Then I read most people have a leaky BBB from every day stress.. I just dont know.. there is so much propaganda on Iver now, billions of people given it since the 80s. Sigh. I have Iver in my posession...
I am not sure why my experience prompts you to hold off on taking ivermectin... I definitely do not think that it battered my system. Instead, I feel that it quieted down my digestive tract. I am sensitive to gluten and grains, I quit drinking alcohol years ago, and I can't tolerate dairy either as it gives me a lot of inflammatory reactions and mucus.

I am the type of person that if I eat too many vegetables, especially raw, I will get bloated. Also any fermented foods cause bloating right away, as do psyllium husk fibers and flax and chia. I think there are some bacteria and who knows what else in my digestive tract that can get out of control really easily....so Iver tempers this...


May 31, 2018
I am not sure why my experience prompts you to hold off on taking ivermectin... I definitely do not think that it battered my system. Instead, I feel that it quieted down my digestive tract. I am sensitive to gluten and grains, I quit drinking alcohol years ago, and I can't tolerate dairy either as it gives me a lot of inflammatory reactions and mucus.

I am the type of person that if I eat too many vegetables, especially raw, I will get bloated. Also any fermented foods cause bloating right away, as do psyllium husk fibers and flax and chia. I think there are some bacteria and who knows what else in my digestive tract that can get out of control really easily....so Iver tempers this...

Your experience? I only posted aboout my own experiences. Your experience is what makes me WANT to take my Ivermec.
I think you misread what I wrote: "THIS is why I am wanting to take Iver.. some sort of all-around bettering of my system. I keep hearing stories of this sort of thing happening to people."

That said, I can relate to what you just posted about digestion and certain foods all too well.
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