TSH goes from hyper to normal


Aug 18, 2013
As I kept going back to see doctors for various nervous conditions that could not be ( and are still not) explained, something really weird happened.

Between then -- around November 2014, when my first very scary symptoms began including tremors and vision issues and herniated discs and shaking and *really* fast potassium loss...

My TSH went from .0018 to .34.

I did not have graves disease or TPO antibodies. But somehow TSH output doubled for some reason that was not part of an "autoimmune" process.

I am wondering if I had a virus that caused this.
I am wondering if I was somehow poisoned with something like heavy metals or pesticides.
I had a botox injection in September, did it somehow get into my thyroid gland? This makes no sense actually, it would more likely *lower* TSH than raise it>
I am wondering if my "hot" thyroid nodule got irritated and blew a bunch of colloid.
I am wondering if when I got whiplash and herniated my c5/c6 that this irritated my thyroid, OR if I had some kind of brain event that joggled the HPA axis.

In regular Doctorland, this should be good news but I am extremely suspicious of this new development. I felt like a couple of things that were keeping me a bit safer healthwise were my rockin TSH and low iron levels. Now at .34 I'm wondering....how did it happen? What happened?

Any ideas, studies, experiences...anything? TSH doesn't just double output for no reason.


Nov 9, 2012
For what it's worth, a few years ago I saw my TSH go from 5 to 0.0001 without any difference in symptoms. From that I concluded that TSH is not worth that much attention (although I would still be concerned if it were high).


Aug 18, 2013
I wasn't taking thyroid at all -- my TSH was .00002 or something six months ago.

I've been struggling with a really bad sequence of health problems starting just around then. I'm left now with some neurological stuff which is weird and terrifying; tremors and balance issues and a left hand that does not work like it used to. I just don't know what to make of any of this anymore.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
messtafarian said:
As I kept going back to see doctors for various nervous conditions that could not be ( and are still not) explained, something really weird happened.

Between then -- around November 2014, when my first very scary symptoms began including tremors and vision issues and herniated discs and shaking and *really* fast potassium loss...

My TSH went from .0018 to .34.

I did not have graves disease or TPO antibodies. But somehow TSH output doubled for some reason that was not part of an "autoimmune" process.

I am wondering if I had a virus that caused this.
I am wondering if I was somehow poisoned with something like heavy metals or pesticides.
I had a botox injection in September, did it somehow get into my thyroid gland? This makes no sense actually, it would more likely *lower* TSH than raise it>
I am wondering if my "hot" thyroid nodule got irritated and blew a bunch of colloid.
I am wondering if when I got whiplash and herniated my c5/c6 that this irritated my thyroid, OR if I had some kind of brain event that joggled the HPA axis.

In regular Doctorland, this should be good news but I am extremely suspicious of this new development. I felt like a couple of things that were keeping me a bit safer healthwise were my rockin TSH and low iron levels. Now at .34 I'm wondering....how did it happen? What happened?

Any ideas, studies, experiences...anything? TSH doesn't just double output for no reason.

I just saw a commercial for Botox to relieve migraine and the common side effects, which the ad said to report to your doctor, were weakness, tremors, fatigue, balance, etc. You can Google "Botox migraine neurological side effects".
In addition, balance issues, if not caused by an ear problem, can be symptoms of cortisol dysfunction. Especially, combined with vision issues and muscle issues. In fact, all 3 issues are classic symptoms of low cortisol or reversed diurnal cortisol patterns (i.e. you get high cortisol in the afternoon instead of morning). I don't know if that's what you have, but can easily be tested for.


Aug 18, 2013
yes Haidut, you're so smart, really :)

I've been studying the botox issue for months now.

Most people believe it is a miracle drug and that it is as "safe as aspirin." Amounts injected are truly miniscule and even people who contract "mild" botulism that does not involve quadriplegia or mechanical ventilation *appear* to fully recover according to the literature. Even Fully Monty Botulism *eventually* resolved to satisfaction for most people.


Botox is not, in fact, botulism. It is a pharmaceutical neurotoxin. People who claim to have had adverse reactions are in *serious* distress and have very alarming symptoms such as orthostatic hypotension and seizures, cramping, breathing problems etc that do not necessarily abate after the botox "wears off. "

It's a strange dichotomy. Medical doctors ( and cosmetic surgeons, etc) are completely and utterly convinced that absolutely no lasting harm can come of injecting this drug. People who have clearly been made ill by botox ( in literature and proven in court ) believe the doctors are "brainwashed by Allergan"but then again...these doctors are operating according to their experience which encompasses a much larger cohort than one person on their own who is claiming to have been injured.

Sometimes I think that is exactly what happened to me. Adverse reaction. But since I was having some odd symptoms even before October...I just don't know.

Thyroid output changed within a three month timeframe (Nov-Jan) which would have been two months post-injection, and it would have had to have either modulated the gland or the hypothalamus. Possible but it does not entirely explain all of it.
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