Help With Delayed Ejaculation?


Oct 28, 2019

I am a 28 y/o ‘healthy’, fit, normal weight, male who struggles with delayed ejaculation, and I have been struggling with this for as long as I can remember. I’ve come to a point now where I just can’t take it anymore. It’s constantly on my mind and it’s crushing my quality of life.

I’m currently in the end of finishing my PhD, so I’m living a little stressful life right now, but I’ve had these problems long before this as well.

I’ve read numerous places that delayed ejaculation often is a mental problem, but I’m struggling with this issue when I am ‘by myself’ too, which makes me suspect that there are some physical abnormalities going on in my body. The main problem is that I don’t feel very sensitive ‘down there’, and that my erection strength is not 100%, especially in the glans. I also have some slight fat accumulation around in my chest area (gyno?) and midsection, and I suspect that there is something wrong with my estrogen/prolactin levels?

I have not discussed this problem with my doctor yet, but I have an appointment next week where I will bring it up.

So, during the last year I have taken some blood tests, mainly because of stress, poor sleep and low energy. I was also diagnosed with ‘inexplicable’ hypertension (90ish/140ish) and was put on beta blockers (propranolol). So, I obviously have some adrenal issues as well.

Here are some data of interest.

01/11/19 General blood test linked to poor sleep and low energy.

TSH 3.5 [ 0.2 – 4.0]. I think this is a little high for a ‘healthy’ male. My doctor think it’s ok.

F-T4 19.9 [11.0 – 23.0]. Did not test F-T3.

MCV 101 [82 – 98]. Too high?

Vitamin D 80 [50 – 150]. Too low?

01/28/19 Hormone test. Did not test for estrogen. (Morning)

Testosterone 20 [8 – 35]

SHBG 29 [8 – 60]

Free testosterone index 6.8 [2.3 – 9.9]

05/15/19 – wanted to retest my TSH and check for AI

TSH 3.1 [0.2 – 4.0]

F-T4 18.3 [11.0 – 23.0]. Again, no F-T3 was done.

Anti-TPO <34 [<100]

10/06/19 Only cortisol test

Morning cortisol (serum) 862 [200 – 650]. Slightly elevated

I got a recall for a new appointment due to my high cortisol and will be meeting my doctor next week where we will hopefully take some new tests.

So I was just wondering, based on my blood results, is there something obvious that can be linked to my condition, delayed ejaculation? Also, which tests should I ask to be done to further investigate this issue? I’m thinking an estrogen and prolactin test would be relevant, at least?

Also, if you have suffered from this issue and managed to fix it, what was the cause of it and how did you fix it?

P.S. I have some other blood test results as well but I didn’t want to include all of them. I can provide more test results on demand if wanted.


Best regards



Aug 15, 2015
TSH is actually high. Peat thinks this is a sign you have low thyroid function. I would guess the stress ( e.g., Phd thesis) is behind most of your issues. Do you feel cold hands and feet?
Nov 21, 2015
raising thyroid does help this issue

also not masturbating, not "death grip" masturbating, really helps...


Sep 6, 2018
Morning cortisol (serum) 862 [200 – 650]. Slightly elevated

That is elevated for real, not slightly elevated at 862 value, it is really high Cortisol.
TSH is rather high at 3.5

Now that is not the cause of DE, you will see enough PE with those levels anyway.

Testosterone levels seem ok, could be a bit higher, definitely not something bad there.

Some have said high Serotonin is responsible for DE. But I would guess there is a bit more than that to it.
On certain forums is common practice to attempt to raise Serotonin to stop PE for example.
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Oct 28, 2019
Thank you all for your input, it is much appreciated.

milk_lover: Yes, I suspect that my thyroid is not functioning properly, too. And yes, I do have cold hands and feet (and other extremites such as ears, nose, penis..), and feeling cold in general. The fact that I live close to the north pole does not help. I will agree with you that stress is probably not helping on the situation, but I have suffered from this condition in calmer periods of my life as well, so I don't know.

ecstatichamster: It could of course be a cause of over-masturbation, and I have considered that my self. I have tried several times to quit this "bad habit" (and porn) and gone for longer periods without touching my willy. My longest streak was about 50 days, then I hooked up with a beautiful girl. Couldn't finish, felt bad. She probably didn't feel so good either. Maybe I didn't abstain for long enough?

Kunstruct: Oh, I see. My doctor told me that it was a little high and that I could come in for a second test in a month or so if I wanted to. Maybe he didn't want me to stress even more about it by telling the truth.. Anyway, I've been trying to lower my cortisol by taking large doses of vitamin c the last couple of days (5g-ish) and I actually do feel somewhat better. The delayed ejaculation is still there, and I still feel exhausted, but my hypertension and heart palpitations are gone and I no longer feel the need to take my beta blockers. Also, although my knowledge about hormones are limited, I understand that cortisol and testosterone are inversely correlated? So if I manage to decrease my cortisol I will see an increase in testosterone?

And that's an interesting link between serotonin and ejaculation, I haven't seen that before. I will check it out further. Unfortunately, there is not much information about delayed ejaculation on the internet. It's mostly about PE.

By the way, does anybody know if there is a connection between TSH-prolactin, TSH-cortisol or prolactin-cortisol? And if so how they are related?

Nov 21, 2015
Thank you all for your input, it is much appreciated.

milk_lover: Yes, I suspect that my thyroid is not functioning properly, too. And yes, I do have cold hands and feet (and other extremites such as ears, nose, penis..), and feeling cold in general. The fact that I live close to the north pole does not help. I will agree with you that stress is probably not helping on the situation, but I have suffered from this condition in calmer periods of my life as well, so I don't know.

ecstatichamster: It could of course be a cause of over-masturbation, and I have considered that my self. I have tried several times to quit this "bad habit" (and porn) and gone for longer periods without touching my willy. My longest streak was about 50 days, then I hooked up with a beautiful girl. Couldn't finish, felt bad. She probably didn't feel so good either. Maybe I didn't abstain for long enough?

Kunstruct: Oh, I see. My doctor told me that it was a little high and that I could come in for a second test in a month or so if I wanted to. Maybe he didn't want me to stress even more about it by telling the truth.. Anyway, I've been trying to lower my cortisol by taking large doses of vitamin c the last couple of days (5g-ish) and I actually do feel somewhat better. The delayed ejaculation is still there, and I still feel exhausted, but my hypertension and heart palpitations are gone and I no longer feel the need to take my beta blockers. Also, although my knowledge about hormones are limited, I understand that cortisol and testosterone are inversely correlated? So if I manage to decrease my cortisol I will see an increase in testosterone?

And that's an interesting link between serotonin and ejaculation, I haven't seen that before. I will check it out further. Unfortunately, there is not much information about delayed ejaculation on the internet. It's mostly about PE.

By the way, does anybody know if there is a connection between TSH-prolactin, TSH-cortisol or prolactin-cortisol? And if so how they are related?


I find abstaining from masturbation is very helpful. But you can’t put pressure on yourself. It doesn’t matter really. In fact, if you don’t finish, so what. I try never to finish. What if you were happy about that? That’s my approach. I find that this all does get better without masturbation and it takes rewiring the brain, and just more sexual intercourse.
Dec 18, 2018
Thank you all for your input, it is much appreciated.

milk_lover: Yes, I suspect that my thyroid is not functioning properly, too. And yes, I do have cold hands and feet (and other extremites such as ears, nose, penis..), and feeling cold in general. The fact that I live close to the north pole does not help. I will agree with you that stress is probably not helping on the situation, but I have suffered from this condition in calmer periods of my life as well, so I don't know.

ecstatichamster: It could of course be a cause of over-masturbation, and I have considered that my self. I have tried several times to quit this "bad habit" (and porn) and gone for longer periods without touching my willy. My longest streak was about 50 days, then I hooked up with a beautiful girl. Couldn't finish, felt bad. She probably didn't feel so good either. Maybe I didn't abstain for long enough?

Kunstruct: Oh, I see. My doctor told me that it was a little high and that I could come in for a second test in a month or so if I wanted to. Maybe he didn't want me to stress even more about it by telling the truth.. Anyway, I've been trying to lower my cortisol by taking large doses of vitamin c the last couple of days (5g-ish) and I actually do feel somewhat better. The delayed ejaculation is still there, and I still feel exhausted, but my hypertension and heart palpitations are gone and I no longer feel the need to take my beta blockers. Also, although my knowledge about hormones are limited, I understand that cortisol and testosterone are inversely correlated? So if I manage to decrease my cortisol I will see an increase in testosterone?

And that's an interesting link between serotonin and ejaculation, I haven't seen that before. I will check it out further. Unfortunately, there is not much information about delayed ejaculation on the internet. It's mostly about PE.

By the way, does anybody know if there is a connection between TSH-prolactin, TSH-cortisol or prolactin-cortisol? And if so how they are related?


How high,approximately is your iodine and selenium intake?
Yes,your TSH is high and should be under 1.0.


Sep 6, 2018
Yeah, it's the PE guys that try Serotonin path to delay ejaculation forums in general.
Even SSRI can delay it and used by many just for this purpose alone, some get on it to "bang chicks for a long time". Of course this has some side-effects like possibly getting totally uninterested in sex or complete anhedonia, yet this is not the issue with all people.
Also Anti-Histamines has shown many women and females to have issues reaching orgasms.
Yeah, 862 is without question high Cortisol.

Some claim that if Adrenaline cannot express, ejaculation is heavily delayed, now that you talked about beta-blockers, thought I should mention that.

I know it is common practice among some to even masturbate 1 time at least or preferably 2 times before intercourse to not PE with the partner.
For some that is ok, for others ejaculating 2 times before sex with a partner might completely cut erections, depends on the cases, too much anecdote here actually and without actual knowing tons of factors.
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Oct 28, 2019
ecstatichamster: Well, it does help to some degree, but I still feel like I (or my partner) have to put in alot of effort just to make me ejaculate. Not everybody likes it rough. And no, I don't really mind if I orgasm or not, but some girls take it personal which I find unfortunate. I think you are right that I put too much pressure on myself which makes it difficult to relax and just enjoy the moment. But the weird thing is that it happens when I'm "by myself" as well. Maybe I'm just overthinking, I don't know. It would be easier if it was a physical abnormality that caused this. Anyway, I appreciate your thoughts, though, and maybe I will try again to abstain, or at least cut down, on my "personal time" and see if it gets better eventually.

Tristan: I don't keep track of those minerals, unfortunately, so I have no clue. I tried to supplement with both iodine and selinium for a couple of months some time ago, but it didn't do much. I have no idea how they affected my TSH, however. Are there any other foods/supplements I can take or avoid to help my thyroid? I've seen some videos on YouTube about hypothyroidism and Vitamin A deficiency, and I have started to include liver in my diet now.

Kunstruct: Yes, I understand that this is a complex issue with possibly lots of co-factors involed. About anti-histamines, is it having to much or too little of it that causes this? I have no knowledge about this subject (or even what it is)

I'm currently just praying to god that the doctor finds something messed up with my prolactin/estrogen levels that are easy that are easy to fix so I can end this misery.


Sep 6, 2018
Kunstruct: Yes, I understand that this is a complex issue with possibly lots of co-factors involed. About anti-histamines, is it having to much or too little of it that causes this? I have no knowledge about this subject (or even what it is)

The use of anti-histamine drugs is giving to some people, men and women delayed orgasm and even lack of orgasms. Dosage, frequency and specific drug seems to matter how much it affects various persons.
Dec 18, 2018
ecstatichamster: Well, it does help to some degree, but I still feel like I (or my partner) have to put in alot of effort just to make me ejaculate. Not everybody likes it rough. And no, I don't really mind if I orgasm or not, but some girls take it personal which I find unfortunate. I think you are right that I put too much pressure on myself which makes it difficult to relax and just enjoy the moment. But the weird thing is that it happens when I'm "by myself" as well. Maybe I'm just overthinking, I don't know. It would be easier if it was a physical abnormality that caused this. Anyway, I appreciate your thoughts, though, and maybe I will try again to abstain, or at least cut down, on my "personal time" and see if it gets better eventually.

Tristan: I don't keep track of those minerals, unfortunately, so I have no clue. I tried to supplement with both iodine and selinium for a couple of months some time ago, but it didn't do much. I have no idea how they affected my TSH, however. Are there any other foods/supplements I can take or avoid to help my thyroid? I've seen some videos on YouTube about hypothyroidism and Vitamin A deficiency, and I have started to include liver in my diet now.

Kunstruct: Yes, I understand that this is a complex issue with possibly lots of co-factors involed. About anti-histamines, is it having to much or too little of it that causes this? I have no knowledge about this subject (or even what it is)

I'm currently just praying to god that the doctor finds something messed up with my prolactin/estrogen levels that are easy that are easy to fix so I can end this misery.

Can you give us a description of what you had for a day in meals.How much meat a day is typical,amount of fat,how much butter do you eat,and so on.A typical day of your eating habits would be nice.


Sep 6, 2018
Also, although my knowledge about hormones are limited, I understand that cortisol and testosterone are inversely correlated? So if I manage to decrease my cortisol I will see an increase in testosterone?

Yeap. Lower Cortisol higher Testosterone in theory. Yet you still need some cortisol, just that not such massive number like 850+
Now on raypeat forum, the attention is heavily put on TSH to the point that many other factors are completely ignored, I often see people here with good TSH levels but totally bad results on Testosterone.


Oct 28, 2019
Sure, I've been going through a lot of different "diets" the last year, everything from high carb to low carb. Right now I would say that a typical day is like

Usually just a "smoothie"
400 g cottage cheese
1-2 tbsp olive oil
1/3 L orange juice

1 Avocado
75 g Liver paté (30% liver)
60 g Brie cheese
1/3 L orange juice

200 g meat (beef, chicken, pork or salmon)
Couple of potatoes/sweet potatoes/rice (never pasta) Probably around 200 g cooked
A few tbsp sauce (bernaise, hollandaise, pepper)
Some Broccoli or cauliflower (which I now have learned is bad for thyroid?)
1/3 L orange juice

2-3 eggs
A few slices of bacon (75g ish)
Some tomatoes, spinach, arugula
Hot chocolate (2-3 tbsp 100% cocoa powder, maybe some cream)
10 g gelatin (for glycine)

I also use a small amount of mineral salt that contains iodine and potassium
Nov 21, 2015
ecstatichamster: Well, it does help to some degree, but I still feel like I (or my partner) have to put in alot of effort just to make me ejaculate. Not everybody likes it rough. And no, I don't really mind if I orgasm or not, but some girls take it personal which I find unfortunate. I think you are right that I put too much pressure on myself which makes it difficult to relax and just enjoy the moment. But the weird thing is that it happens when I'm "by myself" as well. Maybe I'm just overthinking, I don't know. It would be easier if it was a physical abnormality that caused this. Anyway, I appreciate your thoughts, though, and maybe I will try again to abstain, or at least cut down, on my "personal time" and see if it gets better eventually.

yes I understand. You have to be willing to change your sexual behavior. It's your business not hers. That's how I always feel about this type of thing. It's from a loss of sensitivity. Low thyroid is one source of it. For men in a study, hyperthyroid tended to make them premature, and hypo made them have DE.

But honestly, if you are slow, and careful, and don't care about coming, it all will just go away. Having more intercourse will restore sensitivity if you spend a lot of time without trying to get anywhere.
Dec 18, 2018
Sure, I've been going through a lot of different "diets" the last year, everything from high carb to low carb. Right now I would say that a typical day is like

Usually just a "smoothie"
400 g cottage cheese
1-2 tbsp olive oil
1/3 L orange juice

1 Avocado
75 g Liver paté (30% liver)
60 g Brie cheese
1/3 L orange juice

200 g meat (beef, chicken, pork or salmon)
Couple of potatoes/sweet potatoes/rice (never pasta) Probably around 200 g cooked
A few tbsp sauce (bernaise, hollandaise, pepper)
Some Broccoli or cauliflower (which I now have learned is bad for thyroid?)
1/3 L orange juice

2-3 eggs
A few slices of bacon (75g ish)
Some tomatoes, spinach, arugula
Hot chocolate (2-3 tbsp 100% cocoa powder, maybe some cream)
10 g gelatin (for glycine)

I also use a small amount of mineral salt that contains iodine and potassium

Seems actually good to me.Any ailments,like allergies,exercise intolerance,read already about the bloodpressure thing,
how do you feel with the adrenoblocker?


Oct 28, 2019
Thanks all. So is there anything I can do to lower my TSH naturally? I doubt that my doctor is willing to give me meds for it.

Tristan: I don't have any allergies or intolerances that I'm aware of but sometimes I can get extremely tired and nauseous after a meal. And this seems completely arbitrary, e.g. some mornings I'm ok after my "morning smoothie", while other days it will absolutely destroy me to the point where I have to get back to bed and sleep it away. This can happen with every meal, maybe it's a blood sugar thing?

I also usually have constantly stuffed nose/clogged sinuse, low key head aches, low energy and a general feeling of malaise throughout the day. It's not so bad that I can't go on with my day but I can feel that something is out of order within my body.

Lone: My sleep at this point I would say is average. I can usually clock in 6-7 hours before I wake up by myself. My sleep quality, however, is not great. I'm normally more tired when I wake up than when I'm going to sleep.


Jul 29, 2014
The use of anti-histamine drugs is giving to some people, men and women delayed orgasm and even lack of orgasms. Dosage, frequency and specific drug seems to matter how much it affects various persons.

Possibly something to do with dopamine? Hard to say as anti-histamines can affect many things.

Sure, I've been going through a lot of different "diets" the last year, everything from high carb to low carb. Right now I would say that a typical day is like

Usually just a "smoothie"
400 g cottage cheese
1-2 tbsp olive oil
1/3 L orange juice

1 Avocado
75 g Liver paté (30% liver)
60 g Brie cheese
1/3 L orange juice

200 g meat (beef, chicken, pork or salmon)
Couple of potatoes/sweet potatoes/rice (never pasta) Probably around 200 g cooked
A few tbsp sauce (bernaise, hollandaise, pepper)
Some Broccoli or cauliflower (which I now have learned is bad for thyroid?)
1/3 L orange juice

2-3 eggs
A few slices of bacon (75g ish)
Some tomatoes, spinach, arugula
Hot chocolate (2-3 tbsp 100% cocoa powder, maybe some cream)
10 g gelatin (for glycine)

I also use a small amount of mineral salt that contains iodine and potassium

Seems like a lot of fat to me (merely my opinion), and is likely also high in PUFA. It's probably over 10g of PUFA. What's the point of the olive oil in the morning? Also, can you not tolerate milk (sorry if you mentioned this already)?

2 TBSP of olive oil has almost 3g of PUFA on its own. An avocado has almost 4g. If you are actually eating 75g of bacon, that is quite a bit of PUFA, though it depends on how much fat is lost from cooking it. Cronometer lists the amount of PUFA in 75g of bacon at 4.6g, which is abut 18% of the fat in the bacon, but the percentage is probably more like 26-30% and so the PUFA is probably a bit higher @ around 6.5g. A lot of fat is lost when cooking bacon (depending on how you cook it) so then the number would be reduced from there... :eek:

I personally try to stay under 4g a day of PUFA, and usually I am under 2g. PUFA is connected to so many negative things in the body that it just makes sense to get in the habit of keeping it low. For one thing, it lowers thyroid in several ways. That alone is worth avoiding it.


Oct 28, 2019
Lone: Thank you for the link. It was an interesting read and I can recognise myself and my symptoms in a lot of arguments stated in the article.

schultz: Yes, it's kind of a high fat diet. I get some stomach trouble if I eat too much carbs. And no, I don't have milk intolerance but I get very bloated if I consume too much dairy.

As I've stated earlier I don't have much knowledge about diets and hormones and stuff. But the last couple of months I've tried to maximize my testosterone levels through my diet. Based on the little reserach I have done, lots of "healthy" fats and lean meats seems to be the key. I've never heard of PUFAs before, though. Maybe I could try to cut it out for some time to see how it affects me. Do you know how PUFAs affect testosterone levels?
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