Throat Phlegm/mucus


member 2106

For quite a while now I've had a very stubborn build-up of phlegm at the back of my throat. It's getting so irritating now that I need to figure out what's causing it. Thinking it might have something to do with my milk intake, because that has increased in tandem with the phlegm... So that will be the first thing to eliminate. I see a few people have switched from cow to goat milk - that could be worth a shot.

Has anyone else had something similar? Did you figure out what the culprit was?


Nov 9, 2012
I've had throat mucus buildup that was caused by a low grade infection, following a mild cold. Sort of stuff that makes you occasionally cough due to mucus tickling the throat, but not painful at all and didn't think I was sick otherwise. In that case, I think it was just a weak immune system not able to finish the job completely. It eventually disappeared on its own or due to improved health.


Mar 29, 2014
A couple of thoughts - there could be other reasons too.
Overbreathing can cause increased mucus production, and sometimes swelling of airways, and reduce the ormal action of the cilia to keep airways clear. Do you have low amplitude, relaxed, nasal, diaphragmatic breathing at rest? A few short breath holds can sometimes loosen and move congestion.
Or it could be a mild allergic reaction, or a mild infection. But even then, breathing habits can affect your response.


May 23, 2013
Oh God, don't get me started! I had severe mucus/phlegm build up years ago, before peating. It lead to surgery to "widen" the throat and passages allowing for "easier evacuation". It didn't stop it but I wasn't hocking it up as much. I never realize the connection until I read Dr. Peat, but every time I ate a plate full of fruit, my nose would clear right up, almost miraculously. I believe Dr. Peat said it could be the B5, Panthoenic Acid that has an antihistamine effect. I could also be the fructose helping as well.
Speaking of fructose, I occasionally get phlegm when drinking my fresh OJ. Not sure what's causing that - starch maybe? I know the Chinese believe the cool factor of OJ could create mucus.


Mar 29, 2014
Philomath said:
Oh God, don't get me started! I had severe mucus/phlegm build up years ago, before peating. It lead to surgery to "widen" the throat and passages allowing for "easier evacuation". It didn't stop it but I wasn't hocking it up as much. I never realize the connection until I read Dr. Peat, but every time I ate a plate full of fruit, my nose would clear right up, almost miraculously. I believe Dr. Peat said it could be the B5, Panthoenic Acid that has an antihistamine effect. I could also be the fructose helping as well.
Speaking of fructose, I occasionally get phlegm when drinking my fresh OJ. Not sure what's causing that - starch maybe? I know the Chinese believe the cool factor of OJ could create mucus.
As you say, sugar itself is somewhat antihistamine for many people. When I get morningitis/hayfever/itchy eyes and runny nose, breakfast and getting moving usually sorts it. I've been waiting for hayfever season all spring and summer, and it's now autumn - I must have missed it. :) I've been eating lots of fruit and juice, and supplementing B-vits too.

member 2106

A couple of thoughts - there could be other reasons too.
Overbreathing can cause increased mucus production, and sometimes swelling of airways, and reduce the ormal action of the cilia to keep airways clear. Do you have low amplitude, relaxed, nasal, diaphragmatic breathing at rest? A few short breath holds can sometimes loosen and move congestion.
Or it could be a mild allergic reaction, or a mild infection. But even then, breathing habits can affect your response.

I think you might be on to something there. I have had terrible intermittent anxiety over the last 2.5 years, which of course has resulted in a lot of overbreathing/hyperventilation. I hadn't realised how common the connection was between anxiety and mucus production, but it's starting to seem likely there's a connection at least in my case, as opposed to some kind of allergy (or possibly a bit of both).

I'm going to try bag-breathing a few times a day, and try to become more conscious of my breathing.


Apr 16, 2017
Oh God, don't get me started! I had severe mucus/phlegm build up years ago, before peating. It lead to surgery to "widen" the throat and passages allowing for "easier evacuation". It didn't stop it but I wasn't hocking it up as much. I never realize the connection until I read Dr. Peat, but every time I ate a plate full of fruit, my nose would clear right up, almost miraculously. I believe Dr. Peat said it could be the B5, Panthoenic Acid that has an antihistamine effect. I could also be the fructose helping as well.
Speaking of fructose, I occasionally get phlegm when drinking my fresh OJ. Not sure what's causing that - starch maybe? I know the Chinese believe the cool factor of OJ could create mucus.
Philomath did you ever pinpoint mucus/phlegm build up ? I can have clear nasal passages but lots of throat mucus....always clear though @haidut any ideas ?
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