Low Toxin Videos Thor Torrens Interviews @WillofEuropa "How to lose 100 pounds on a low vitamin A diet!"


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012

Sebastian B

Mar 12, 2024
A significant factor that led me to transition to the Low Toxin (LT) diet was the uncontrollable weight gain I experienced while following the Ray Peat (RP) diet. Despite consuming copious amounts of caffeine, thyroid supplements, progesterone, methylene blue, DHT, pregnenolone, Vitamin K2, and more, my weight continued to increase. Nights were particularly challenging, with my body temperature plummeting below 97 degrees, unaffected by the thyroid supplements I was taking.

Recognizing something was amiss with my body, I made the switch to the LT diet around 5-6 weeks ago. Already, I've shed 20 lbs, dropping from 225 lbs to 205 lbs. Since the transition, I no longer fret over my body temperature; I consistently feel well, save for a few instances when I experienced temporary coldness after inadvertently overdosing on flush Niacin. Furthermore, many of the major issues I encountered toward the end of my time on the RP diet have vanished.

However, despite my progress, the lingering struggle with constipation persists, a relentless reminder of the toll the keto diet and the Ray Peat diet took on my body. At its worst, the constipation becomes so severe that it disrupts my sleep, perpetuating a vicious cycle of discomfort and exhaustion. Yet, amidst this ongoing battle, there are glimmers of hope. Today, I achieved something previously unthinkable on the Ray Peat regimen: a nap without the aid of medication. It's a small victory, but it signifies a gradual reclaiming of control over my body's rhythms, a feat unimaginable during my tenure on the RP diet. And as I continue this journey towards optimal health, I am fueled by the desire to shed another 40 pounds, driven not only by a desire for physical transformation but also by a deeper longing for vitality and well-being.


Jun 6, 2016
However, despite my progress, the lingering struggle with constipation persists, a relentless reminder of the toll the keto diet and the Ray Peat diet took on my body. At its worst, the constipation becomes so severe that it disrupts my sleep, perpetuating a vicious cycle of discomfort and exhaustion. Yet, amidst this ongoing battle, there are glimmers of hope. Today, I achieved something previously unthinkable on the Ray Peat regimen: a nap without the aid of medication. It's a small victory, but it signifies a gradual reclaiming of control over my body's rhythms, a feat unimaginable during my tenure on the RP diet. And as I continue this journey towards optimal health, I am fueled by the desire to shed another 40 pounds, driven not only by a desire for physical transformation but also by a deeper longing for vitality and well-being.

I'm getting some Chat GPT vibes from your post.

Sebastian B

Mar 12, 2024

Nicely done. You're quite perceptive. Yes, I'll run my paragraphs through ChatGPT for grammatical revisions, but sometimes it embellishes them, making them sound a bit corny. Oh well.

Sebastian B

Mar 12, 2024

I am eating about 1.5 lbs of ground beef, about a cup of black beans, one or two apples, a few dried prunes, sometimes a banana, and water. I salt to taste, supplement with potassium gluconate, magnesium hydroxide, flush niacin, Dr. Garret Smith's Keystone Minerals, and topical magnesium.


Jun 6, 2016

Nicely done. You're quite perceptive. Yes, I'll run my paragraphs through ChatGPT for grammatical revisions, but sometimes it embellishes them, making them sound a bit corny. Oh well.

I noticed when you tell Chat GPT to rewrite things in simpler and less affected terms, then the wording is more natural. I think generally people prefer the natural wording of a person because then their character and personality comes through, and it feels real to interact with someone.

I personally reject AI though, because I think it's a tool used by evil, part of the transhumanist project to destroy what makes us human.

Sebastian B

Mar 12, 2024

I think AI is great. It's a lot of fun to use. I even used it to help teach myself to code in C++. I'll also often use it in my religious discussions to help locate Bible verses. I've gotten the best results by telling it, "make the following grammatically correct," and then inserting what I want it to revise. However, lately, I've been experimenting with telling it to "optimize the following," which is what I did for the last paragraph of my original response. As you can see, the results of the latter aren't so great.

Regarding your comment about it being a tool used for evil, well, that happens to be the case for all tools. Anything can be used to commit evil. But it's not inherently wrong in itself.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
However, despite my progress, the lingering struggle with constipation persists, a relentless reminder of the toll the keto diet and the Ray Peat diet took on my body.
Potassium citrate (non gmo) and magnesium malate for the win.


Nov 21, 2012

I appreciate the suggestion. I'll order it now and update the forum with any results.
Be mindful with the potassium. It lowered my copper absorption too much, leading to severe constipation.

I'm really amazed how people here don't get constipated or run into other problems, regardless of fiber intake, with all the copper antagonist foods&supplements (potassium, zinc, molybdenum).


Mar 26, 2014
Be mindful with the potassium. It lowered my copper absorption too much, leading to severe constipation.

I'm really amazed how people here don't get constipated or run into other problems, regardless of fiber intake, with all the copper antagonist foods&supplements (potassium, zinc, molybdenum).
Very interesting, thanks for sharing those interactions you noticed.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Be mindful with the potassium. It lowered my copper absorption too much, leading to severe constipation.
Its actually the other way around. Potassium will push on copper very hard thereby mobilizing it and will make one constipated. Time and time again I have moved myself into the constipation zone with copper pushers like zinc, molybdenum and potassium. When the right balance is found potassium is an incredible tool to get things moving into the toilet.


Jun 6, 2016
I think AI is great. It's a lot of fun to use. I even used it to help teach myself to code in C++. I'll also often use it in my religious discussions to help locate Bible verses. I've gotten the best results by telling it, "make the following grammatically correct," and then inserting what I want it to revise. However, lately, I've been experimenting with telling it to "optimize the following," which is what I did for the last paragraph of my original response. As you can see, the results of the latter aren't so great.

Regarding your comment about it being a tool used for evil, well, that happens to be the case for all tools. Anything can be used to commit evil. But it's not inherently wrong in itself.

Don't want to hijack the thread too much, but want to write a short comment about it:

Basically, AI does not exist. Only something that is alive has intelligence. It's just a fancy word for algorithms. Algorithms on top of algorithms make up "machine learning", which also does not exist, because machines can't learn. It's just humans manipulating algorithms to get a desired result.

Using such algorithms can be helpful in certain situations. Because they can look through large amounts of data and quickly find something. People like this stuff because it saves time. But by using it for all kinds of stuff in their daily lifes, they start to lose themselves in it. They get programmed by the "AI" to be part of a hive mind. This process has been going on ever since mass media started, the internet and smartphones made it way worse, and now AI is the coronation.

An algorithm that is able to neutrally summarize and find information out of all available information available (books, videos, articles, etc.), would certainly be very helpful and not very destructive, but providing some of this ability to the masses is just the hook. The future is the "AI mother" as the queen of the hive using your smartphone implanted in your body directing you what to do.

What is evil is that this "AI" is being pushed on all sides on mankind, by people like Sam Altman, (he also does Worldcoin), and there is absolutely an agenda behind this to push people away from life and God. The same is true about the technology we are using here right now, but the AI thing is one step further. It means merging technology tightly with humans to enslave the human spirit.

It's not a tool that is accidentally also being used by evil, it's a tool that was specifically and consciously invented by evil.
Last edited:


Nov 21, 2012
Its actually the other way around. Potassium will push on copper very hard thereby mobilizing it and will make one constipated. Time and time again I have moved myself into the constipation zone with copper pushers like zinc, molybdenum and potassium. When the right balance is found potassium is an incredible tool to get things moving into the toilet.
That's the hardest thing with everything....finding the right balance.
For years I've unknowingly been eating a very low copper/high zinc diet,taking a bit of molybdenum and quite some potassium (I didn't experience constipation back then), so I don't feel I'm one of the 'copper toxic' people.


May 3, 2015

I am eating about 1.5 lbs of ground beef, about a cup of black beans, one or two apples, a few dried prunes, sometimes a banana, and water. I salt to taste, supplement with potassium gluconate, magnesium hydroxide, flush niacin, Dr. Garret Smith's Keystone Minerals, and topical magnesium.

I struggle with legumes. Lentils give me stomach cramps. So I wonder if the black beans are causing your constipation issues…?/!

This article explains how soaking in bicarbonate of soda can help:


Sebastian B

Mar 12, 2024

I understand. For added context, I spent two years learning C++, so I am familiar with how AI/machine learning works. Perhaps you are even right that it was invented for the sole purpose of disseminating disinformation and attacking the human soul; however, I have been using it for about a year to do good, such as helping fix grammar issues, locating Bible verses, and even generating code in C++. Therefore, I think my point still stands: AI is still just a tool that could be used for good.

Sebastian B

Mar 12, 2024

That is interesting. I do not get gassy from beans alone. It is only when I mix them with rice that I get gas. However, they still do nothing to help with my constipation, and they will give me that cramp feeling that you might get from eating fiber. What's interesting is that eating beans most certainly is stimulating a lot of gut activity, but I only feel it in my stomach. I think the bile is immediately being pushed back into my stomach.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I lost 77 pounds. It took 7 years but I’m okay with that because I did it in a healthy and sustainable way.


Sep 27, 2015
I lost 40 pounds in the first 7 months of low A/low toxin without really trying to, and I am eating slightly more calories than before. Strength is still about the same so I don't think I lost much muscle.

Using AI makes humans less able to do whatever they are outsourcing to AI and thus more dependent on AI. The end result of outsourcing any work to AI is that it will make you stupider, lazier and less creative. This is certainly part of the design behind the push for AI by the technocratic elites.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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