The Taliban diet


Aug 9, 2019
I don't think hgh is anabolic to muscle.
In the physiological range, it's not anabolic

As discussed previously, excess GH can cause supraphysiological changes in growth and muscle and a deficiency in GH will cause a reduction in growth. Many people have taken this information and concluded that the anabolic response to GH is linear and thus increasing GH in the physiological range will have profound anabolic effects. When you actually view the scientific data however, it paints a very different picture. While it is true that supplementing GH deficient individuals with exogenous GH will normalize lean body mass to bodyfat ratios by increasing lean body mass and decreasing bodyfat, the gains in lean body mass are NOT from increases in actual muscle tissue.

GH even when administered in large doses does not appear to increase muscle hypertrophy, only connective tissue mass and total body water.


Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
In the physiological range, it's not anabolic


is Layne Peaty? didnt he start the first BCAA product? regarding BCAA its interesting people in the bodybuilding community, dont delve deep into amino acid reactions so many of them just say you dont need BCAA if you have a high protein diet but if you look on Peats stuff you find they can actually counter some of the more toxic amino acids.
wasnt there all kinds of drama and scandal a few years back where marc lobliner and layne norton were called out for promoting bcaa, accused of being greedy salesmen, and some people even say EAA essential amino acids are important not bcaa..


Aug 9, 2019
is Layne Peaty? didnt he start the first BCAA product? regarding BCAA its interesting people in the bodybuilding community, dont delve deep into amino acid reactions so many of them just say you dont need BCAA if you have a high protein diet but if you look on Peats stuff you find they can actually counter some of the more toxic amino acids.
wasnt there all kinds of drama and scandal a few years back where marc lobliner and layne norton were called out for promoting bcaa, accused of being greedy salesmen, and some people even say EAA essential amino acids are important not bcaa..
He is not “Peaty”.
He supports flexible dieting , high carb diets, is pro fructose, and anti saturated fats


Nov 7, 2018
K2 is mostly in liver and meat. Vitamin k in green leafy veggies and fruit can be converted into K2.
THe K2 in meat and livers are MK4, whereas the one naturally found in natto is MK7. MK4 has a VERY short half life, so we assume its LESS bioavailable than MK7. Some idiots will megaodose MK4 to achieve the ostensible health benefits, but MK7 seems like a much better option.

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
THe K2 in meat and livers are MK4, whereas the one naturally found in natto is MK7. MK4 has a VERY short half life, so we assume its LESS bioavailable than MK7. Some idiots will megaodose MK4 to achieve the ostensible health benefits, but MK7 seems like a much better option.
MK7 is synthesised by bacteria and the biological benefit is not clearly established as far as I know. Vitamin k1 or phylloquinone in green leafy veggies can be converted in k2/mk4 and k1 has benefits on its own. I find k1 opposes aspirin much better than k2. Mk7 is promoted by the supplement industry. If you eat some ripe cheese you get probably enough mk7.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
MK7 is synthesised by bacteria and the biological benefit is not clearly established as far as I know. Vitamin k1 or phylloquinone in green leafy veggies can be converted in k2/mk4 and k1 has benefits on its own. I find k1 opposes aspirin much better than k2. Mk7 is promoted by the supplement industry. If you eat some ripe cheese you get probably enough mk7.
MK7 apparently raises MK4 levels more than MK4 itself, you probably want to combine both ideally, MK7 does last longer in the blood stream.
K1 is better for blood clotting and meant for that, K2 i dont think is blood clotting it would need to convert to K1 which it probably does poorly. MK7 has bone building benefits similar to MK4 mate.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
THe K2 in meat and livers are MK4, whereas the one naturally found in natto is MK7. MK4 has a VERY short half life, so we assume its LESS bioavailable than MK7. Some idiots will megaodose MK4 to achieve the ostensible health benefits, but MK7 seems like a much better option.
MK7 is synthesised by bacteria and the biological benefit is not clearly established as far as I know. Vitamin k1 or phylloquinone in green leafy veggies can be converted in k2/mk4 and k1 has benefits on its own. I find k1 opposes aspirin much better than k2. Mk7 is promoted by the supplement industry. If you eat some ripe cheese you get probably enough mk7.

which K2 is in milk, just MK4 or also MK7?
i havent used more than 300mcg MK7 at once, but I have tried megadosing MK4, like 5mg to 15mg at once, and it seems to dry out the eyes, and it also seems to cause hair shedding. i dont know if the big doses drop calcium too much so PTH/prolactin rises, or if its because most Mk4 supplements if not all are sourced from geranium or something which maybe is a bag source.
Mk7, and Mk4 are both promoted by the supplement industry, MK4 is actually pushed as a megadose option. thorne and all the companies offer the huge doses of it and mention the japanese study where 45mg a day was used for anti cancer effects. I heard that K2 stresses the glutathione system, so those megadoses may very well be anti cancer, but it seems to be because those doses are probably toxic to all cells, similar to how pau d arco was anti cancer but needed toxic doses to be so. K1 is the one that is actually seen as dangerous by the supplement industry, and they have established rdas and upper limits, and recommend limiting it in supplement form.


Mar 18, 2021
which K2 is in milk, just MK4 or also MK7?
i havent used more than 300mcg MK7 at once, but I have tried megadosing MK4, like 5mg to 15mg at once, and it seems to dry out the eyes, and it also seems to cause hair shedding. i dont know if the big doses drop calcium too much so PTH/prolactin rises, or if its because most Mk4 supplements if not all are sourced from geranium or something which maybe is a bag source.
Mk7, and Mk4 are both promoted by the supplement industry, MK4 is actually pushed as a megadose option. thorne and all the companies offer the huge doses of it and mention the japanese study where 45mg a day was used for anti cancer effects. I heard that K2 stresses the glutathione system, so those megadoses may very well be anti cancer, but it seems to be because those doses are probably toxic to all cells, similar to how pau d arco was anti cancer but needed toxic doses to be so. K1 is the one that is actually seen as dangerous by the supplement industry, and they have established rdas and upper limits, and recommend limiting it in supplement form.

300mcg MK7 is the maximum I have used myself too, and I believe it's the maximum dose used in studies (considered high dose).
I don't think there is any supplement on the market with more than 100 mcg per dose/per day recommended. I believe most of the people who reported getting palpitations from K2 were using MK-7, although I've seen a few reports from MK-4 too.
For bleeding issues I had good results only when taking K1.
K1 is likely safer and it is abundant in leafy greens. A cup of cooked kale contains >1 milligram of K1.
The LD-50 of oral route K1 in rats was established at >20 grams/kg.
LD-50 of oral route MK-7 is greater than 2 grams/kg (although higher amount probably hasn't been tested).

From WebMD:

When taken by mouth: The two forms of vitamin K (vitamin K1 and vitamin K2) are LIKELY SAFE for most people when taken appropriately. Vitamin K1 10 mg daily and vitamin K2 45 mg daily have been safely used for up to 2 years. Most people do not experience any side effects when taking vitamin K in the recommended amount each day. But some people may have an upset stomach or diarrhea.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
300mcg MK7 is the maximum I have used myself too, and I believe it's the maximum dose used in studies (considered high dose).
I don't think there is any supplement on the market with more than 100 mcg per dose/per day recommended. I believe most of the people who reported getting palpitations from K2 were using MK-7, although I've seen a few reports from MK-4 too.
For bleeding issues I had good results only when taking K1.
K1 is likely safer and it is abundant in leafy greens. A cup of cooked kale contains >1 milligram of K1.
The LD-50 of oral route K1 in rats was established at >20 grams/kg.
LD-50 of oral route MK-7 is greater than 2 grams/kg (although higher amount probably hasn't been tested).

From WebMD:
those doses are small in terms of milligrams but theyre actually hundreds of times higher than the rda and amounts in food, safe is relative, you might safely use 45mg K2 daily for 2 years, but you might also have high prolactin levels and lose a lot of hair, i think this is all based around cancer patient studies and they may not even have hair to begin with...


Jun 10, 2021
Peat cited research how test rats thrived on cooked vegetables and died on the raw vegetables. Cooked food is not inferior (but old food is).
Because in cooked vegetables anti nutrients get cooked out, while raw animal foods are superior......


Jan 9, 2021
THe K2 in meat and livers are MK4, whereas the one naturally found in natto is MK7. MK4 has a VERY short half life, so we assume its LESS bioavailable than MK7. Some idiots will megaodose MK4 to achieve the ostensible health benefits, but MK7 seems like a much better option.
Short half life doesn’t mean bioavailability is low. There are plenty of scientifically (lol I almost hate saying this now) backed papers showing benefit of high dose mk4 for some conditions.


Jan 9, 2021
300mcg MK7 is the maximum I have used myself too, and I believe it's the maximum dose used in studies (considered high dose).
I don't think there is any supplement on the market with more than 100 mcg per dose/per day recommended. I believe most of the people who reported getting palpitations from K2 were using MK-7, although I've seen a few reports from MK-4 too.
For bleeding issues I had good results only when taking K1.
K1 is likely safer and it is abundant in leafy greens. A cup of cooked kale contains >1 milligram of K1.
The LD-50 of oral route K1 in rats was established at >20 grams/kg.
LD-50 of oral route MK-7 is greater than 2 grams/kg (although higher amount probably hasn't been tested).

From WebMD:
One 45g serving of natto can have 500-700mcg of mk7.


Jan 9, 2021
those doses are small in terms of milligrams but theyre actually hundreds of times higher than the rda and amounts in food, safe is relative, you might safely use 45mg K2 daily for 2 years, but you might also have high prolactin levels and lose a lot of hair, i think this is all based around cancer patient studies and they may not even have hair to begin with...
Mk4 raises prolactin?

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Mk4 raises prolactin?
if it lowers calcium too much its possible, and theres too many reports of hair shedding specifically from k2, i dont think the high doses are safe, the 45mg studies were on Japanese cancer patients I think, a lot of things that are anti cancer can also be toxic to other cells if the amounts are high eough

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
Because in cooked vegetables anti nutrients get cooked out, while raw animal foods are superior......
I like a lot of animal foods raw but some like chicken I prefer cooked and if availability of high quality raw animal foods is inconsistent it's better to eat freshly cooked animal foods than not enough it. Overall the nutrient loss of cooking and pasteurization is not enough to explain the health decline that Weston Price observed at his time at the turn of the century.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I like a lot of animal foods raw but some like chicken I prefer cooked and if availability of high quality raw animal foods is inconsistent it's better to eat freshly cooked animal foods than not enough it. Overall the nutrient loss of cooking and pasteurization is not enough to explain the health decline that Weston Price observed at his time at the turn of the century.
I also wonder for ideal safety shouldnt animal meats need to be cooked on a grill? cooking on a grill, theres juices an things that drop out of the meat. whereas if you bake the meat, or boil it, or cook it in an oven, or fry it, those toxic things will remain mixed in the meat?

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
I also wonder for ideal safety shouldnt animal meats need to be cooked on a grill? cooking on a grill, theres juices an things that drop out of the meat. whereas if you bake the meat, or boil it, or cook it in an oven, or fry it, those toxic things will remain mixed in the meat?
What toxic things are there in meat? There are lots of minerals in the meat juice.
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