The Taliban diet


Nov 6, 2015
Matt Stone is obsessed with the idea of small dogs having higher metabolism than big dogs therefore small dogs live longer but while true for dogs you can't adopt this logic on humans directly. I can't comment on the study yet but if you look at populations the Scandos & Canadians rank among the Top 15 in longevity. Also people from the South of the Mediterranean to the Equator are the smallest and have the shortest life expectancy, exceptions are Suisse, Spain and Italy, maybe higher elevations areas play a role in longevity.

Also, I lived in Scandinavia for a while and can assure you that Scandinavians are no beacons of health; they are pretty unhealthy in general.

Scandinavians suffer from long, dark winters and alcoholism but still they rank in the top of height and longevity.
The question is how do you measure 'health'. In absence of patient data, for example in history & archaeology you look at height & tooth health as proxies for health and good nutrition. The result is taller populations are better nourished, they have better health and are longer living. I think the length of your developmental phase (growth phase) to you height is an important ratio. If you reach your final height at 16 instead of 25 this might compromise your health even if your 6 foot tall.
It's like this in all species, not only dogs, I think even Peat talked about it in some interviews. I think longevity statistics by country are not relevant as they can be skewed very easily by different criteria for counting infant mortality. You can get an idea of it by browsing the articles I shared below.

But whatever the problems with longevity statistics, your argument does not hold when you look at East Asians and how small and generally healthier than Westerners they are. It would simply be impossible for them to be like that if height was the main result of good health. Asians are even by far the longest living if we only look within the United States (like this we exclude the problem with infant mortality counting criteria), as Matt Stone writes in the Blue Zones article I shared in my post above. But I disagree with Matt about interpretation of these statistics (i.e. that they are innately genetically predisposed to be smaller and therefore healthier); I think Asians have less of an epigenetic burden than Westerners due to previous healthier habits, plus their diet and lifestyle retain certain healthy aspects even when they move to the US. I think if they adopted the Western diet and lifestyle completely, their height would slowly (over many generations) increase while their health would deteriorate to match that of Westerners.
Apr 25, 2018
One second, let me pull up this randomised, placebo controlled clinical study about testosterone levels in Afghan men. These fricking Taliban beards, large forehead, big chins they must be a sign of high estrogen and not dht, you're right! ;)

So you say that serotonin causes rage against authoritarianism
but Peat says it causes learned helplessness in oppressed individuals
and serotonin cause authoritarianism in higher ranking/oppressive individuals.
Serotonin does it all apparently. I guess you have to think this over.
nice try at a straw-man, dummy troll :thumbright

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
health is probably associated with organ and glandular size more so than height, and having a thymus gland. in the last 100 years in particular, if you look through the list of tallest people, nearly all of them died in their 20s and 30s and had excess HGH production.
the reason we see height associated with health in those old skeletons from the past is because those people also had large brains, organs and glands, and there was no vegetable oil, vaccines, xrays, environmental estrogens, fluoride, etc in those days, so the large majority of taller populations were healthier. However if you look at the taller people within the last 200 years many of them are actually more unhealthy than average and shorter people.

scandanivians likely have a healthy diet, it is required actually, the height doesnt provide or indicate health, but the height can be gained as a result of good health, I heard they drink reindeer milk there because its too cold for cows and other typical farm animals
I talk about average height in populations and not outliers like tall people/giants who suffer from some kind of demage to the pituitary gland and excret abnormal levels of hgh. The problem with gland size is it's difficult to measure, exception is the brain size which could be approximated by head circumference but it's not very linear, lots of small/normal sized head people have high IQs but in general bigger heads means higher IQ. Did I mention that Scandos have one of the highest average IQ?

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I talk about average height in populations and not outliers like tall people/giants who suffer from some kind of demage to the pituitary gland and excret abnormal levels of hgh. The problem with gland size is it's difficult to measure, exception is the brain size which could be approximated by head circumference but it's not very linear, lots of small/normal sized head people have high IQs but in general bigger heads means higher IQ. Did I mention that Scandos have one of the highest average IQ?
the thymus gland is another one, lots of organs/glands quickly shrink from estrogen and cortisol (thymus shrinks even from androgens apparently), I think for males having a developed jaw and chin could also be a sign of health (assuming its obtained naturally, if obtained via hormone usage they may have good facial development but be bald for instance)
but that is the thing mate those super tall people in the last 100 years, too many have had hgh problems, much more than in the past probably, and you will likely see more and more tall people as time goes on who gained it in an unhealthy way whereas in the past 1000 years ago probably all the taller people were healthiest as well.
i havent personally studied Scandos but the brain to body ratio is important according to Peat. thats likely more relevant than IQ which is too subjective
Apr 25, 2018
I talk about average height in populations and not outliers like tall people/giants who suffer from some kind of demage to the pituitary gland and excret abnormal levels of hgh. The problem with gland size is it's difficult to measure, exception is the brain size which could be approximated by head circumference but it's not very linear, lots of small/normal sized head people have high IQs but in general bigger heads means higher IQ. Did I mention that Scandos have one of the highest average IQ?
what's Joe Rogan's IQ then? his head is the size of a bowling ball

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
I think longevity statistics by country are not relevant
Because they counter your argument that smaller people as a population live longer.
as they can be skewed very easily by different criteria for counting infant mortality.
You can manipulate every statistic. By now statistician are able to take infant mortality into account. Still I'm not seeing lots of 80 year old Congolese citizens.
You can get an idea of it by browsing the articles I shared below.

No, thanks. Correlation between infant mortality and quality of health care is not the subject here.
But whatever the problems with longevity statistics, your argument does not hold when you look at East Asians and how small and generally healthier than Westerners they are.
Wrong. Only Japan and South Korea surpass Westerners in longevity. Both are total outliers amongst South/Fare East Asians. Both populations gained over 10 centimetres in average height since being occupied by Westerners and they have the highest per capita consumption of dairy in Asia plus super advanced industrial societies, plus super tight social cohesion/veneration of the elderly, plus mild climate. The rest of Asia is a dumpster fire health wise.



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Jun 22, 2021
many of the more recent very tall people died earlier deaths, they all apparently actually gained the height from HGH excess. hgh excess will give you height growth, but who knows if it actually makes your bones thicker or just longer, and it's not a healthy way to gain height, and doesn't increase the organ and gland size. some of the taller people look very sickly thin and have a small frame, they basically got longer bones but they don't seem to be wider or thicker. the hgh disorders will probably become increasingly common as society gets worse, I think there was a recent article about the tallest man in the US dying, in his 20s. there were one or two very tall guys in the US in the last 100-200 years who also died very early, and gained their height as a result of excess hgh. if the height was gained from optimal co2, thyroid, androgens or whatever, you'd probably have the healthier form of tallness.
and yeah in some cases the tall person may have been healthy but became unhealthy later on. that likely applies to some of the NBA players, or bodybuilders or football players but not so much to people like that guy who recently died and was confirmed to have gained the height off hgh. I think there was one famous soccer player who also was shorter in height and was temporarily given hgh by his doctor as a kid.

here's some links

if you look at that tallest people list, a bunch of them died in their 20's and 30's.

Vovkovinskiy's height was attributed to a tumor pressing on his pituitary gland, causing it to release an excessive amount of growth hormone.[5] In 2019, he said on his YouTube channel that he was undergoing treatment for a heart condition.[6]

Vovkovinskiy was hospitalized for heart disease and died on August 20, 2021, at the age of 38"

I dont think these people were ever healthy, or they were only healthy before the pituitary issues started. you can tell from his appearance he may not be in a good metabolic state (unless he was just eating a huge amount of fats/calories relative to his metabolism)

I wonder if there is something sinister as to why we only hear about super tall people if they have the hgh disorders. do tall people without hgh disorders no longer exist, or is there something else going on

I knew a pair of mexican biological twin brothers back in college - one of them was 6"5 and the other was 5"7 - they looked very different from each other - people would have a hard time believing they were even related let alone twins. Neither of their parents or other siblings were taller than 5"8.

The tall one looked a lot like Robert Wadlow (pic related) - tallest man ever - he had a very skinny skull, oval shaped face like Wadlow and poor bone definition - he also seemed to have a mental deficiency - maybe autism or something related but he was functional

The shorter brother seemed to look like their parents - wider face and jaw - seemed a lot more "normal" when compared to his brother

I think that maybe there are different types of tall people if that makes sense - the ones who grow from hgh excess maybe from pressure in the pituitary gland that seem to have the "Robert Wadlow" face - skinny face/skull with poor bone definition - maybe their heart or certain organs don't seem to grow along with the height causing problems and the ones who grow tall from a healthier metabolic perspective that I don't know about just guessing


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Ron J

Oct 5, 2016
many of the more recent very tall people died earlier deaths, they all apparently actually gained the height from HGH excess. hgh excess will give you height growth, but who knows if it actually makes your bones thicker or just longer, and it's not a healthy way to gain height, and doesn't increase the organ and gland size. some of the taller people look very sickly thin and have a small frame, they basically got longer bones but they don't seem to be wider or thicker. the hgh disorders will probably become increasingly common as society gets worse, I think there was a recent article about the tallest man in the US dying, in his 20s. there were one or two very tall guys in the US in the last 100-200 years who also died very early, and gained their height as a result of excess hgh. if the height was gained from optimal co2, thyroid, androgens or whatever, you'd probably have the healthier form of tallness.
and yeah in some cases the tall person may have been healthy but became unhealthy later on. that likely applies to some of the NBA players, or bodybuilders or football players but not so much to people like that guy who recently died and was confirmed to have gained the height off hgh. I think there was one famous soccer player who also was shorter in height and was temporarily given hgh by his doctor as a kid.

here's some links

if you look at that tallest people list, a bunch of them died in their 20's and 30's.

Vovkovinskiy's height was attributed to a tumor pressing on his pituitary gland, causing it to release an excessive amount of growth hormone.[5] In 2019, he said on his YouTube channel that he was undergoing treatment for a heart condition.[6]

Vovkovinskiy was hospitalized for heart disease and died on August 20, 2021, at the age of 38"

I dont think these people were ever healthy, or they were only healthy before the pituitary issues started. you can tell from his appearance he may not be in a good metabolic state (unless he was just eating a huge amount of fats/calories relative to his metabolism)

I wonder if there is something sinister as to why we only hear about super tall people if they have the hgh disorders. do tall people without hgh disorders no longer exist, or is there something else going on
You likely see them all the time, and you also see HGH disorders(stress hormones) among shorter individuals, but it is more noticeable among taller individuals. When you see a short man, odds are that he may have a proportionate frame, but among taller individuals, it would require much more bone mass. Do you expect men with average or below average height to be walking around with 10 inch wrists and 2,000+ng/dl test levels? That's highly unlikely, and the same I'd expect among taller individuals. It requires too many resources and androgens to build and maintain all that bone mass.
To me individuals with a healthy hormonal panel will usually be physically fit with a well developed facial structure. Unless acromegaly/gigantism is caught and treated early, sufferers usually develop an odd facial structure; the same occurs when stress hormones run rampant among shorter individuals.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
You likely see them all the time, and you also see HGH disorders(stress hormones) among shorter individuals, but it is more noticeable among taller individuals. When you see a short man, odds are that he may have a proportionate frame, but among taller individuals, it would require much more bone mass. Do you expect men with average or below average height to be walking around with 10 inch wrists and 2,000+ng/dl test levels? That's highly unlikely, and the same I'd expect among taller individuals. It requires too many resources and androgens to build and maintain all that bone mass.
To me individuals with a healthy hormonal panel will usually be physically fit with a well developed facial structure. Unless acromegaly/gigantism is caught and treated early, sufferers usually develop an odd facial structure; the same occurs when stress hormones run rampant among shorter individuals.
i think hgh helps everyone grow taller mate, but cortisol seems more degenerative, hgh is an actual anabolic hormone that bodybuilders abuse, cortisol breaks down tissues, skin, hair, muscle, makes you fat etc. Im not sure if bone thickness has any correlation to bone length or height, that would be true in healthy people probably,
i dont know exactly what would be involved in getting taller and larger in a healthy manner, but it should be all the concepts of a high metabolism? some say before the great flood we had much less radiation reaching us from space which allowed humans to grow much taller (in a healthy way) and live much longer... then after the great flood lifespan and height etc drastically decreased


Jan 9, 2021
i think hgh helps everyone grow taller mate, but cortisol seems more degenerative, hgh is an actual anabolic hormone that bodybuilders abuse, cortisol breaks down tissues, skin, hair, muscle, makes you fat etc. Im not sure if bone thickness has any correlation to bone length or height, that would be true in healthy people probably,
i dont know exactly what would be involved in getting taller and larger in a healthy manner, but it should be all the concepts of a high metabolism? some say before the great flood we had much less radiation reaching us from space which allowed humans to grow much taller (in a healthy way) and live much longer... then after the great flood lifespan and height etc drastically decreased
I don't think hgh is anabolic to muscle.
Apr 25, 2018
Omg noooo you have to hate the taliban because I said soooo noooo it goes against the western narrative to see them in anything but a negative light nooo
it was a J-O-K-E

you know how twitter allows Taliban but bans Trump?
Apr 25, 2018
nice try at a straw-man, dummy tro

One second, let me pull up this randomised, placebo controlled clinical study about testosterone levels in Afghan men. These fricking Taliban beards, large forehead, big chins they must be a sign of high estrogen and not dht, you're right! ;)

So you say that serotonin causes rage against authoritarianism
but Peat says it causes learned helplessness in oppressed individuals
and serotonin cause authoritarianism in higher ranking/oppressive individuals.
Serotonin does it all apparently. I guess you have to think this over.
also wouldn't the aggression imply high serotonin levels (killing comedians , raping women etc.) and not a lot of dopamine, hence LOW testosterone???

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
It's like this in all species, not only dogs, I think even Peat talked about it in some interviews. I think longevity statistics by country are not relevant as they can be skewed very easily by different criteria for counting infant mortality.

But whatever the problems with longevity statistics, your argument does not hold when you look at East Asians and how small and generally healthier than Westerners they are. It would simply be impossible for them to be like that if height was the main result of good health. Asians are even by far the longest living if we only look within the United States (like this we exclude the problem with infant mortality counting criteria), as Matt Stone writes in the Blue Zones article I shared in my post above. But I disagree with Matt about interpretation of these statistics (i.e. that they are innately genetically predisposed to be smaller and therefore healthier); I think Asians have less of an epigenetic burden than Westerners due to previous healthier habits, plus their diet and lifestyle retain certain healthy aspects even when they move to the US. I think if they adopted the Western diet and lifestyle completely, their height would slowly (over many generations) increase while their health would deteriorate to match that of Westerners.

I will concede that taller isn't always better, probably.

Females rating of attractiveness by height tops at 183cm to 188cm (6-6.2ft.) for men. Beyond that attractiveness declines or stays flat. The ideal height for men is probably around that height. In a world that promotes cardio vascular diseases very tall men might be at a disadvantage health wise and this might reflect in longevity and female mating choices. My point is that height is a proxy for good nutrition and good nutrition is a condition for health. Good hygiene, absence of pollutants, basic medical support, good social cohesion and other factors like climate, altitude, technological comfort all matter too.
Apr 25, 2018
The taliban never did society wide psychological experiments on me. The taliban never called me a potential terrorist for questioning lockdowns. The taliban never harvested all my online activity.

Maybe they would if they could but I’m just being pragmatic here. It’s endearing to see them take back their country. I can feel whichever way I want about it and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.
Muhammed Ali: No Vietcong Ever Called Me N**ger.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I don't think hgh is anabolic to muscle.
its catabolic to muscle?
dont bodybuilders build muscle off of hgh?
I thought hgh was the main hormone responsible for why people like dorian yates/ronnie coleman, were much bigger than bodybuilders in arnolds era? it certainly wasnt genetics, I think hgh and insulin are the two big reasons why bodybuilders are so much bigger nowadays?


Oct 19, 2019
This is a really insightful podcast episode on the Taliban if anyone is interested. In fact, the whole series is excellent.



Jan 9, 2021
its catabolic to muscle?
dont bodybuilders build muscle off of hgh?
I thought hgh was the main hormone responsible for why people like dorian yates/ronnie coleman, were much bigger than bodybuilders in arnolds era? it certainly wasnt genetics, I think hgh and insulin are the two big reasons why bodybuilders are so much bigger nowadays?
not catabolic, but I don't think it grows much muscle. more a fat burner.


May 10, 2016
its catabolic to muscle?
dont bodybuilders build muscle off of hgh?
I thought hgh was the main hormone responsible for why people like dorian yates/ronnie coleman, were much bigger than bodybuilders in arnolds era? it certainly wasnt genetics, I think hgh and insulin are the two big reasons why bodybuilders are so much bigger nowadays?


May 10, 2016
it would need to be hgh or insulin, or igf1 or a combination of all those that's responsible for the bubble guts and the much larger size of modern bodybuilders compared to arnolds era.
These guys taking more gear than the golden era. GH grows organs giving the bubble gut look
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