The Somatid, Gaston Naessens, 714X Cancer Treatment


Jul 3, 2016
Biologist Gaston Naessens

President of CERBE inc.


I am the biologist researcher engineer who developed a unique optical instrument, the Somatoscope, capable of observing unstained living matter, allowing me to discover a new particle alive in fresh human blood, that I have called the somatid . Thanks to the discovery of the somatid, at the origin of degenerative diseases, and its importance in many biological functions such as cell division and the transmission of genetic characteristics, I was able to develop the somatidian theory and to bring new responses to diseases affecting the immune system. As the designer, manufacturer and President of CERBE Inc. and CERBE Distribution Inc., I embody the innovative and human vision of health that I propose in my harmonious biological approach which can be curative as well as preventive.
Fundamental research in optics and biology (virology and hematology) have fascinated me for over 60 years, and I actively continue my experiments and development of innovative and non-toxic health products aiming to rebalance the immune system, like 714X. This is my mission in life!

Read more at: Our team | Cerbe Distribution Inc

The Earthshaking Discoveries of Gaston Naessens:

  • A microscope that permits practitioners to view living matter at degrees of resolution far greater than state–of–the–art microscopes currently available.

  • The Somatid, an ultramicrosopic subcellular living and reproducing entity, which many scientists believe is the precursor of DNA and which may be the building block of all terrestrial life.

  • The somatid cycle — visible in the blood of every human — which, when properly interpreted, can prediagnose degenerative diseases by up to eighteen months.

  • 714X, a compound that has restored the perfect health of 750 out of 1,000 cancer victims and that has had equally dramatic effects with AIDS patients.

(This book and its Appendixes comprise important reading material that will help you understand "The Life Processes Here on Planet Earth". — Tommy)

Chapter 1

Discovery of the World's Smallest Living Organism

"When the great innovation appears, it will almost certainly be in a muddled, incomplete, and confusing form ... for any speculation, which does not at first glance look crazy, there is no hope."

Freeman Dyson, Disturbing the Universe

Early in the morning of 27 June 1989, a tall, bald French-born biologist of aristocratic mien walked into the Palais de Justice in Sherbrooke, Quèbec, to attend a hearing that was to set a date for his trial. On the front steps of the building were massed over one hundred demonstrators, who gave him an ovation as he passed by.

The demonstrators were carrying a small forest of laths onto which were glued, stapled, or thumbtacked placards and banners. The most eye-catchingly prominent among these signs read: "Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Medical Choice, Freedom in Canada!" "Long Live Real Medicine, Down With Medical Power!" "Cancer and AIDS Research in Shackles While a True Discoverer is Jailed!" "Thank you, Gaston, for having saved my life!" And, simplest of all: "Justice for Naessens!"

Late one afternoon, almost a month earlier, as he arrived home at his house and basement laboratory just outside the tiny hamlet of Rock Forest, Quèbec, Gaston Naessens had been disturbed to see a swarm of newsmen in his front yard. They had been alerted beforehand – possibly illegally – by officers of the Suretè, Quèbec's provincial police force, who promptly arrived to fulfill their mission.

As television cameras whirred and cameras flashed, Naessens was hustled into a police car and driven to a Sherbrooke jail, where, pending a preliminary court hearing, he was held for twenty-four hours in a tiny cell under conditions he would later describe as the "filthiest imaginable." Provided only with a cot begrimed with human excrement, the always elegantly dressed scientist told how his clothes were so foul smelling after his release on ten thousand dollars' bail that, when he returned home, his wife, Françoise, burned them to ashes.

It was to that same house that I had first come in 1978, on the recommendation of Eva Reich, M.D., daughter of the controversial psychiatrist-turned-biophysicist Wilhelm Reich, M.D. A couple of years prior to my visit with Eva, I had researched the amazing case of Royal Raymond Rife, an autodidact and genius living in San Diego, California, who had developed a `Universal Microscope" in the 1920s with which he was able to see, at magnifications surpassing 30,000-fold, never-before-seen microorganisms in living blood and tissue.*

*"What Has Become of the Rife Microscope?," New Age Journal, (Boston, Massachusetts), 1976. This article has, ever since, been one of the Journal's most requested reprints. It is reproduced in this book as Appendix A. Developments in microscopic techniques have only recently begun to match those elaborated by Naessens more than forty years ago

Eva Reich, who had heard Naessens give a fascinating lecture in Toronto, told me I had another "Rife" to investigate. So I drove up through Vermont to a region just north of the Canadian-American border that is known, in French, as "L'Estrie," and, in English, as `The Eastern Townships." And, there, in the unlikeliest of outbacks, Gaston Naessens and his Quèbec-born wife, Françoise (a hospital laboratory technician and, for more than twenty-five years, her husband's only assistant), began opening my eyes to a world of research that bids fair to revolutionize the fields of microscopy, microbiology, immunology, clinical diagnosis, and medical treatment.

Let us have a brief look at Naessens's discoveries in these usually separated fields to see, step by step, the research trail over which, for the last forty years – half of them in France, the other half in Canada – he has traveled to interconnect them. In the 1950s, while still in the land of his birth, Naessens, who had never heard of Rife, invented a microscope, one of a kind, and the first one since the Californian's, capable of viewing living entities far smaller than can be seen in existing light microscopes.

In a letter of 6 September 1989, Rolf Wieland, senior microscopy expert for the world-known German optics firm Carl Zeiss, wrote from his company's Toronto office: "What I have seen is a remarkable advancement in light microscopy. ... It seems to be an avenue that should be pursued for the betterment of science." And in another letter, dated 12 October 1989, Dr. Thomas G. Tornabene, director of the School for Applied Biology at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), who made a special trip to Naessens's laboratory, where he inspected the microscope, wrote:

Naessens's ability to directly view fresh biological samples was indeed impressive ... Most exciting were the differences one could immediately observe between blood samples drawn from infected and non-infected patients, particularly AIDS patients. Naessens's microscope and expertise should be immensely valuable to many researchers.
It would seem that this feat alone should be worthy of an international prize in science to a man who can easily be called a twentieth-century "Galileo of the microscope."

With his exceptional instrument, Naessens next went on to discover in the blood of animals and humans – as well as in the saps of plants – a hitherto unknown, ultramicroscopic, subcellular, living and reproducing microscopic form, which he christened a somatid (tiny body). This new particle, he found, could be cultured, that is, grown, outside the bodies of its hosts (in vitro, "under glass," as the technical term has it). And, strangely enough, this particle was seen by Naessens to develop in a pleomorphic (form-changing) cycle, the first three stages of which – somatid, spore, and double spore – are perfectly normal in healthy organisms, in fact crucial to their existence. See figure:


The Somatid Cycle.

Even stranger, over the years the somatids were revealed to be virtually indestructible! They have resisted exposure to carbonization temperatures of 200º C and more. They have survived exposure to 50,000 rems of nuclear radiation, far more than enough to kill any living thing. They have been totally unaffected by any acid. Taken from centrifuge residues, they have been found impossible to cut with a diamond knife; so unbelievably impervious to any such attempts is their hardness.

The eerie implication is that the new minuscule life forms revealed by Naessens's microscope are imperishable. At the death of their hosts, such as ourselves, they return to the earth, where they live on for thousands or millions, perhaps billions, of years!

This conclusion – mind-boggling on the face of it – is not one that sprang full-blown from Naessens's mind alone. A few years ago, I came across a fascinating doctoral dissertation, published as a book, authored by a pharmacist living in France named Marie Nonclercq.

Several years in the writing, Nonclercq's thesis delved into a long-lost chapter in the history of science that has all but been forgotten for more than a century. This chapter concerned a violent controversy between, on the one side, the illustrious Louis Pasteur, whose name, inscribed on the lintels of research institutes all over the world, is known to all schoolchildren, if only because of the pasteurized milk they drink.

On the other side was Pasteur's nineteenth-century contemporary and adversary, Antoine Bèchamp, who first worked in Strasbourg as a professor of physics and toxicology at the Higher School of Pharmacy, later as professor of medical chemistry at the University of Montpellier, and, later still, as professor of biochemistry and dean of the faculty of medicine at the University of Lille, all in France.

While laboring on problems of fermentation, the break-down of complex molecules into organic compounds via a "ferment" – one need only think of the curdling of milk by bacteria – Bèchamp, at his microscope, far more primitive than Naessens's own instrument, seemed to be able to descry a host of tiny bodies in his fermenting solutions. Even before Bèchamp's time, other researchers had observed, but passed off as unexplainable, what they called "scintillating corpuscles" or "molecular granulations." Bèchamp, who was able to ascribe strong enzymatic (catalytic change-causing) reactions to them, was led to coin a new word to describe them: microzymas (tiny ferments).

Among these ferments' many peculiar characteristics was one showing that, whereas they did not exist in chemically pure calcium carbonate made in a laboratory under artificial conditions, they were abundantly present in natural calcium carbonate, commonly known as chalk. For this reason, the latter could, for instance, easily "invert" cane sugar solutions, while the former could not.

With the collaboration of his son, Joseph, and Alfred Estor, a Montpellier physician and surgeon, Bèchamp went on to study microzymas located in the bodies of animals and came to the startling conclusion that the tiny forms were far more basic to life than cells, long considered to be the basic building blocks of all living matter. Bèchamp thought them to be fundamental elements responsible for the activity of cells, tissues, organs, and indeed whole living organisms, from bacteria to whales, and larks to human beings. He even found them present in life-engendering eggs, where they were responsible for the eggs' further development while themselves undergoing significant changes.

So, nearly a century before Gaston Naessens christened his somatid, his countryman, Bèchamp, had come across organisms that, as Naessens immediately recognized, seem to be "cousins," however many times removed, of his own "tiny bodies."

Most incredible to Bèchamp was the fact that, when an event serious enough to affect the whole of an organism occurred, the microzymas within it began working to disintegrate it totally, while at the same time continuing to survive. As proof of such survival, Bèchamp found these microzymas in soil, swamps, chimney soot, street dust, even in air and water. These basic and apparently eternal elements of which we and all our animal relatives are composed survive the remnants of living cells in our bodies that disappear at our death. So seemingly indestructible were the microzymas that Bèchamp could even find them in limestone dating to the Tertiary, the first part of the Cenozoic Era, a period going back sixty million years, during which mammals began to make their appearance on earth.

And it could be that they are older still, far older. Professor Edouard Boureau, a French paleontologist, writes in his book Terre: Mère de la Vie (Earth: Mother of Life), concerning problems of evolution, that he had studied thin sections of rock, over three billion years old, taken from the heart of the Sahara Desert. These sections contained tiny round coccoid forms, which Boureau placed at the base of the whole of the evolutionary chain, a chain that he considers might possibly have developed in one of three alternative ways. What these tiny coccoid forms could possibly be, Boureau does not actually know, but, from long study, he is sure about the fact they were around that long ago.

When I brought the book to Naessens's attention, he told me, ingenuously and forthrightly: "I'd sure like to have a few samples of moon rocks to section and examine at my microscope. Who knows, we might find somatid forms in them, the same traces of primitive life that exist on earth!"

Over years of careful microscopic observation and laboratory experimentation, Naessens went on to discover that if and when the immune system of an animal or human being becomes weakened or destabilized, the normal three-stage cycle of the somatid goes through thirteen more successive growth stages to make up a total of sixteen separate forms, each evolving into the next. (See diagram of the somatid cycle).

All of these forms have been revealed clearly and in detail by motion pictures, and by stop-frame still photography, at Naessens's microscope. Naessens attributes this weakening, as did Bèchamp, to trauma, brought on by a host of reasons, ranging from exposure to various forms of radiation or chemical pollution to accidents, shocks, depressed psychological states, and many more.

By studying the somatid cycle as revealed in the blood of human beings suffering from various degenerative diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, cancer, and, most recently, AIDS, Naessens has been able to associate the development of the forms in the sixteen-stage pathological cycle with all of these diseases. A videocassette showing these new microbiological phenomena is available. Among other things, it shows that when blood is washed to remove all somatids external to the bloods red ceils, then heated, somatids latently present in a liquid state within the red blood cells themselves take concrete form and go on to develop into the sixteen-stage cycle. "This," says Naessens, "is what happens when there is immune system disequilibrium." It is not yet known exactly how or why or from what the somatids take shape. Of the some 140 proteins in red blood cells, many may play a role in the process. The appearance of somatids inside red blood cells is thus an enigma as puzzling as the origin of life itself. I once asked Naessens, "If there were no somatids, would there be no life!" "That's what I believe," he replied.

Even more importantly, Naessens has been able to predict the eventual onset of such diseases long before any clinical signs of them have put in an appearance. In other words, he can "prediagnose" them. And he has come to demonstrate that such afflictions have a common functional principle, or basis, and therefore must not be considered as separate, unrelated phenomena as they have for so long been considered in orthodox medical circles.

Having established the somatid cycle in all its fullness, Naessens was able, in a parallel series of brilliant research steps, to develop a treatment for strengthening the immune system. The product he developed is derived from camphor, a natural substance produced by an East Asian tree of the same name. Unlike many medicinals, it is injected into the body, not intramuscularly or intravenously, but intralymphatically – into the lymph system, via a lymph node, or ganglion, in the groin.

In fact, one of the main reasons the medical fraternity holds the whole of Naessens's approach to be bogus is its assertion that intralymphatic injection is impossible! Yet the fact remains that such injection is not only possible, but simple, for most people to accomplish, once they are properly instructed in how to find the node. While most doctors are never taught this technique in medical school, it is so easy that laypeople have been taught to inject, and even to self-inject, the camphor-derived product within a few hours.

The camphor-derived product is named "714-X" – the 7 and the 14 refer to the seventh letter "G" and the fourteenth letter "N" of the alphabet, the first letters of the inventor's first and last names, and the X refers to the twenty-fourth letter of the alphabet, which denotes the year of Naessens's birth, 1924. When skillfully injected, 714-X has, in over seventy-five percent of cases, restabilized, strengthened, or otherwise enhanced the powers of the immune system, which then goes about its normal business of ridding the body of disease.

Let us for a moment return to the work and revelations of Antoine Bèchamp. As already noted, with the fairly primitive microscopic technology available in Bèchamp's day, it was almost incredible that he was seemingly able to make microbiological discoveries closely paralleling, if not completely matching, those of Naessens nearly a hundred years later. We have already alluded to the fact that the microzymas in traumatized animals did not remain passive, as before, but, on the contrary, became highly active and began to destroy the bodies of their hosts, converting themselves to bacteria and other microbes in order to carry out that function.

While the terminology is not exactly one that Gaston Naessens would use today, the principles of trauma and of destruction of the body are shared in common by the two researchers. Had Bèchamp had access to Naessens's microscope, he, too, might have established the somatid cycle in all the detail worked out by Naessens.

So what happened to Bèchamp and his twentieth-century discoveries made in the middle of the nineteenth century? The sad fact is that, because he was modest and retiring – just like Gaston Naessens- his work was overshadowed by that of his rival. All of Pasteur's biographies make clear that he was, above all, a master of the art of self-promotion. But, odd as it seems, the same biographies do not reveal any hint of his battle with Bèchamp, many of whose findings Pasteur, in fact, plagiarized.

Even more significant is that while Bèchamp, as we have seen, championed the idea that the cause of disease lay within the body, Pasteur, by enouncing his famous "germ theory," held that the cause came from without. In those days, little was known about the functioning of the immune system, but what else can explain, for instance, why some people survived the Black Plague of the Middle Ages, while countless others died like flies? And one may add that Royal Raymond Rife's microscope, like that of Naessens, allowed him to state unequivocally that "germs arc not the cause but the result of disease!" Naessens independently adopted this view as a result of his biological detective work. The opposite view, which won the day in Pasteur's time, has dominated medical philosophy for over a century, and what amounted to the creation of a whole new worldview in the life sciences is still regarded as heretical!

Yet the plain fact is that, based on Naessens's medical philosophy as foreshadowed by Bèchamp and Rife, up to the present time, Naessens's treatment has arrested and reversed the progress of disease in over one thousand cases of cancer (many of them considered terminal), as well as in several dozen cases of AIDS, a disease for which the world medical community sadly states that it has as yet no solution what-so-ever. Suffering patients of each sex, and of ages ranging from the teens to beyond the seventies, have been returned to an optimal feeling of well-being and health.

A layperson having no idea of the scope of Naessens's discoveries, or their full meaning and basic implications, might best be introduced to them through Naessens's explanation to a visiting journalist. "You see," began Naessens, "I've been able to establish a life cycle of forms in the blood that add up to no less than a brand new understanding for the very basis of life. What we're talking about is an entirely new biology, one out of which has fortunately sprung practical applications of benefit to sick people, even before all of its many theoretical aspects have been sorted out." At this point, Naessens threw in a statement that would startle any biologist, particularly a geneticist: "The somatids, one can say, are precursors of DNA. Which means that they some-how supply a `missing link' to an understanding of that remarkable molecule that up to now has been considered as an all but irreducible building block in the life process."*

*Intriguing is a recent discovery by Norwegian microbiologists. On 10 August 1989, as Naessens was preparing for trial, the world's most prestigious scientific journal, Nature (United Kingdom), ran an article entitled "High Abundance of Viruses Found in Aquatic Environments." Authored by Ovind Bergh and colleagues at the University of Bergen, it revealed that, for the first time, in natural unpolluted waters, hitherto considered to have extremely low concentrations of viruses, there exist up to 2.5 trillion strange viral particles for each liter of liquid. Measuring less than 0.2 microns, their size equates to the largest of Naessens's somatids. Much too small for any larger marine organism to ingest, the tiny organisms are upsetting existing theories on how pelagic life systems operate.

In light of Gaston Naessens's theory that his somatids are DNA precursors, it is fascinating that the Norwegian researchers believe that the hordes upon hordes of viruses might account for DNA's being inexplicably dissolved in seawater. Another amazing implication of the high viral abundance is that routine viral infection of aquatic bacteria could be explained by a significant exchange of genetic material. As Evelyn B. Sherr, of the University of Georgia's Marine Institute on Sapelo Island, writes in a sidebar article in the same issue of Nature: "Natural genetic engineering experiments may have been occurring in bacterial populations, perhaps for eons." What connection the aqua-viruses may have with Naessens's somatids is a question that may become answerable when Naessens has the opportunity to observe them at his microscope and compare them with the ones he has already found in vegetal saps and mammalian blood.

If somatids were a "missing link" between the living and the nonliving, then what, I wondered aloud in one of my meetings with Françoise Naessens, would be the difference between them and viruses, a long debate about the animate or inanimate nature of which has been going on for years?

To read more, see: The SOMATID - a Pleomorphic, Ultra-microsopic Subcellular Living and Reproducing Entity

How It Works

The theory behind the work of Gaston Naessens is that cancer is caused by a friendly microorganism (present in all cells) that becomes unfriendly. 714X provides nitrogen to the cancer cells, thus causing this microorganism (somatids – “little bodies”) to cease excreting their toxic compounds and the immune system is mobilized. I presume that at that point the immune system kills the cancer cells. “Furthermore, the 714X therapy unclogs the lymph system, which is responsible for removing toxins from the body.”

Gaston Naessens 714X / 714-X
Before talking about 714X, here is an important quote from an article about 714-X or 714X:

People close to Gaston Naessens' work believe that 714-X is best used early. While they believe it may save one in twelve of the terminally ill patients who turn to it on their death beds, and maybe one in six of the advanced cancer patients who try it as a last hope, when it is given early in the disease process, they feel that it might help almost everyone. Further, anecdotally, even in advanced cancer, 714-X may greatly improve quality of life.

While people with advanced cancer, especially those who the orthodox community has given up on and sent home to die, might clamor for a treatment that has a “one in six” chance of survival, I might respond that there are many alternative treatments for cancer that have a much better survival rate for advanced cancer patients than “one in six.” 714X should probably only be used by people who are not yet “advanced.” (See Case Study #1 in my tutorial for more information on what treatments have excellent results for advanced patients.)

Regarding the theory behind this homeopathic medication, Naessens is one of several well-known alternative health researchers who believes a microorganism is involved with cancer. While some consider this microorganism to be a cause of cancer, others simply consider it to be a symptom of cancer. In any case, the attempt to deal with this microorganism leads to the death of the cancer cell.

714X has been heavily persecuted by the governments of both the U.S. and Canada. Gaston was arrested but eventually found innocent. The FDA has issued an “Import Alert” on this substance (as they have for many other top alternative treatment medicines), meaning Americans must go to Canada, and find a licensed doctor who administers 714X (two of my links below happen to be to clinics that I assume use 714X: Dr. Normal Allen, a chiropractor, and the Centre for Integrated Healing in B.C.).

Supercharging This Treatment
Since this treatment must be administered by a doctor in Canada or Mexico, I will leave it to them to supercharge this treatment.

Site – Comments

Source: Gaston Naessens' 714X / 714-X Cancer Treatment

What is 714X ?

Developed by the researcher and biologist Gaston Naessens in the 1970s, 714X is categorized as an immuno-modulator health product aiming to both support a weak immune system or to slow down an over-active one. It intends to restore the body's immune defenses without side effects.

714X is manufactured in Canada by the laboratory CERBE Inc. and has been exported to over 80 countries since 1990.

714X is a colorless liquid. Its therapeutic mode of action requires that it is introduced via injection into the lymphatic circulation (first treatment). In some cases, 714X can be introduced via the respiratory track using a nebulizer (secondary treatment).

The story behind the birth of 714X
Gaston Naessens, a biologist born in France but a Canadian citizen since 1975, is the founding father of 714X. He has been working in hematology since 1945 when he finished his studies specialized in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (PCB). For over 66 years, this researcher, who discovered the SOMATID and its cycle in the 1950s, continues to study the role played by this particle in the maintenance of our natural defenses including the immune functions. The somatid, which according to him, is the smallest unit of life, was discovered in fresh blood after numerous and repeated systematic tests where he could establish its evolutionary forms in a 16 phase pleomorphic cycle.

Here is a diagram of the Somatidian cycle as observed under a microscope by Gaston Naessens:

The discovery of the somatid and knowing the existence of its life cycle would have been sufficient to satisfy the intellectual curiosity of a researcher working in fundamental research. However, for Gaston Naessens, there was a step further to take. Knowing that a microscopic observation of blood could reveal the state of one’s immune defenses was not sufficient. Knowing that the disease was inevitable and nothing was done to prevent it did not correspond to his code of ethics. This extra step was thus the search for natural ways that could restore the functions of our defense system without causing any harm to all the blood’s elements. This work, which began in the 1950s, continues today and is embodied in the design of many health products intended to act on the Somatidian cycle . It was in the 1970s, following several experiences with other health products he had made available to the European public in the 1950s and 1960s, that he created a new product: 714 X . (non-toxicity confirmed in 1978).

714X is a non-toxic natural health product capable of restoring the biological terrain when the immune defense function is too weak or too active.

Despite the obstacles and resistance to his new ideas, Gaston Naessens continues to move forward, and his perseverance has earned him at least the satisfaction of collaborating, as an independent researcher, towards the emergence of a new paradigm in health and to offer humanity effective and non toxic health products.

How does this product work ?
714X works in two ways:

  1. In liquefying the lymph, 714X promotes cleansing for a better disposal of metabolic waste circulating in the blood (toxins).
  2. Once 714X has been absorbed through the lymph, it brings to the blood circulation particular elements (structured and organized molecules including nitrogen fixed to camphor) to directly address white blood cells (leucocytes) to resume their respective defense functions. They may then restore previously disrupted intercellular and intracellular communication.
This second function of 714X, by activating cytokine receptors specific to each group of white blood cells, assures a harmonious recovery of all immune defense levels.

Thus, the inflammatory process, common to many degenerative diseases, fades and comes back to its normal state. Cell, tissue and organ repairprogress at a rate specific to each individual.

How to administer 714X ?
Usage protocol

714X is a unique product due to its mode of intromission. In addition to this, 714X normalizes the biological terrain using the lymphatic circulation as a gateway into the body.

The particular choice for the mode of intromission of the product is based on the belief of its designer, who is convinced that the lymphatic system is the main highway system, one that facilitates the elimination of metabolic toxins circulating in the blood and that brings to the cells essential elements for their optimal functioning.

Choosing the lymphatic circulation as a mode of entry has practical unavoidable consequences as it becomes necessary to deal with anatomic realities. Nature has endowed the human body with a double lymphatic circulation. A large and a small circulation, each with their drainage area, that flow into the bloodstream.

Lymphatic circulations' drainage zones

To access the large lymphatic circulation which drains 75% of the body surface, the mode of intromission is the perinodularl injection (around the lymph nodes) in the right inguinal region (the groin).

Basic treatment with 714X requires a box containing two vials of 6.5 ml of product. This quantity allows 21 days of injections to constitute a cycle.

To access the small lymphatic circulation, the preferred method is the introduction of the product by inhalation with the use of an ultrasonic nebulizer that allows the absorption of the product via the small glands that line the respiratory tract (714X divided into particles smaller than 5 microns).

714X's secondary treatment (the nebuliser method) must be performed in addition to the perinodular injection. It requires 3 boxes of 7 ampoules of 2 ml for 21 days of treatment which constitute 1 cycle.

The perinodular injection

Self-injection, even when one has already decided to use 714X is an unfamiliar process. The word injection itself raises some apprehension.

At the beginning of the treatment, it is completely understandable to be hesitant and to worry about self-injecting in the right area.

The location of the injection site is the first and most critical step.

714X users’ feedback allow us to say that the injection technique, when properly mastered the first 5 days, can be considered an enjoyable daily activity which can be incorporated in your daily schedule as a relaxing time. This activity then becomes a simple daily gesture which can be paired with listening to pleasant music in a relaxing and comfortable setting.

Finding the injection site

  1. With the right hand (for right-handed people) more precisely with the middle and ring finger, feel around the fold of the right groin area until you find the spot where a cardiac pulse is felt. This is the femoral artery pulse. For some, this pulse is found deep, for others, it is more superficial. Some have a pulse above or below on the fold line of the groin. Depending on the anatomy of each person, finding the pulse could take longer for the first few times. It should be easier to locate the following times.
  2. Once the femoral artery pulse is found and to facilitate locating the precise injection site, trace an imaginary line between the femoral artery pulse and the navel..
For adults, the injection site is located on this imaginary line, 3 to 5 cms (1,5 to 2 inches) above the femoral artery pulse.

For children weighing less than 30 kg (66 pounds), the injection site is located on this imaginary line, 1 to 2.5 cms (0.5 to 1 inch) above the femoral artery pulse.

By putting pressure on the femoral artery where the pulse is felt, the three deep lymph nodes are brought up to the surface. The product injected into the periphery of these deep lymph nodes will be absorbed by one of these nodes, hence the term: perinodular injection. The optimal injection zone has a surface area comparable to a small disc measuring 2 cm. Day after day, the needle does not have to be inserted in exactly the same spot, but in the same area, leaving some room for maneuver.

Two important points to remember concerning finding the injection site:

  1. Introducing the product on the right side of the body is proposed because the lymphatic route flows from right to left. By introducing the product on the right we ensure the best possible drainage of the large lymphatic circulation.
  2. If during the first few attempts, you still have a doubt about the exact location of the injection site, there is nothing wrong with restarting the process (so long as you ensure that the injection zone is re-sterilised according to the protocol).
Diagram of the injection site

Please refer to the 5_steps_perinodular_injection.pdf for the five steps of the perinodular injection.

Compatibility of 714x with other treatments
714X is a health product which is introduced into the lymphatic circulation. This is one of the characteristics that makes 714X unique.
Consequently, this product never comes in contact with ingested food or any part of the digestive system. 714X has no direct interference with food, natural health products or prescribed medications.

714X is considered as a product of Universal Health totally compatible with pharmacological products as well as natural health products, because it is through the lymph that 714X flows into the bloodstream to act on white blood cells (leukocytes), and on the cellular environment. 714X acts on the biological terrain.

In part due to its specific action on white blood cells’ (leukocytes) cytokine receptors, 714X not only acts on immune defense but it also supports the expected positive effects of other healthcare products taken orally. 714X works with all other products introduced externally.

In the event that a patient must temporarily receive certain conventional treatments or a surgical intervention, 714X taken simultaneously can be beneficial as it acts as reinforcement to invalidate their unavoidable side effects by supporting the vital energy and the natural defenses.

714X is not only universally compatible with all products, but it offers as well the benefit of invalidating the adverse side effects of other products, while supporting the vital energy.

In oncology, and considering that cancer is a huge public health concern, 714X becomes a helpful support to go through the intense periods of targeted treatments (surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, etc..), as well as during recovery periods and therapeutic breaks.

Since it is non-toxic, 714X can be used preventively in healthy people. Immune resistance is further increased to accommodate the many challenges of personal and / or professional life.

With non conventional treatments

Because it supports the body's natural defenses, 714X can be taken simultaneously with most natural health products.
The only exception to this statement remains anti-angiogenic products of natural or synthetic source (eg, shark or bovine cartilage).

This is not to say that these products are not effective, but their mode of action is not complementary with 714X.

The reason for this incompatibility is as follows:
The effect of anti-angiogenic products of any kind (used for cancer treatment in the model which focuses on the elimination of the tumor) is to create oxygen deprivation by cutting the blood flow that feeds the tumor. The intended effect is to reduce the growth of the tumor by depriving it of nutrients.

714X needs to go through the blood circulation near the tumor so that the tumor necrosis factor secreted by the reactivated white blood cells can act on the tumor and reduce it.
The secretion of the tumor necrosis factor is the white blood cells defense mode of activity by which all of their secretions, released into the blood, react and shrink the tumor, regardless of its location in the body.

With certain conventional treatments

This section has dealt with how 714X is compatible with different health products that go through the digestive system.
In the case of therapeutic approaches in particular medical interventions (as for the case of cancer for example) 714X can be taken simultaneously with conventional care. As it acts on the natural defenses of immunity, 714X is complementary to conventional treatments and will not counteract them. On the contrary, 714X can reduce, and even eliminate much of the undesirable side effects usually associated with conventional treatments, thus permitting a better quality of life.
Moreover, as 714X acts on the lymphatic circulation, taking a cycle of 714X before surgery will minimize the risk of uncontrolled spread of anarchical cells elsewhere in the body as these can be drawn into the lymphatic system (not only in the case of cancer).

714X taken before surgery will provide better cell, tissue and organ repair after surgery (wound healing).

Statistics and data use
In everyday language, the notion of "statistics" in health often involves the estimated success rate of a specific product against a particular pathology.
For 714X, we are often asked the following question: "Do you have statistics on your cancer product? "This approach is very legitimate from the point of view of the consumers who are accustomed to medication that acts on the disease.

This expectation of the consumer, regarding the effectiveness of the product 714X against his own illness, is based on the conventional approach. This is the usual way of doing things in conventional medicine and it is always an external product that comes in to correct the symptoms of the disease.

In natural medicine, a product acts upon the biological terrain. This is a different view. In the biomedical model, the predictive ability of the effects of a chemical product is made possible because the product has been studied and measured in a laboratory (often on mice), based on the toxicity of the molecule. The final product is designed to achieve measurable benefits that will outweigh the inevitable incurred risks.

It is different for 714X as it is non-toxic. In the holistic model of health, also known as global health model, all the elements of the context of one’s life are very important. Since the natural products that are offered are non-toxic, they aim to improve natural health factors in order to support the biological terrain, rather than acting locally to neutralize symptoms of a local physiological disorder

This is why within this global health model to which 714X pertains to due to its non-toxic nature, it becomes impossible to make mathematical predictions on the absolute effectiveness of the product, because it is the uniqueness of each one of us that will determine the speed and extent of efficacy of the product in its context.

In short, for 714X, as for any natural health products (eg vitamin C) or special treatments (eg massage), the ultimate impact will always depend on the biological terrain unique to each individual and life context in which each person evolves.

The perception of the impact of 714X, as a health treatment, is usually shown through individual observations felt and manifests through quality of life criteria such as one’s vitality, sleep, appetite, etc.

Although it acts in all cases on the lymph and the white blood cells (leukocytes), it is not possible to attribute a predictive character to 714X because it integrates itself to the biological terrain of each individual, with their own uniqueness. The physiologic effects are measureable little by little as the cleansing and body repair progress, according to each individual biological terrain.

Clinical experience from the last thirty years (22 years of use under the authority of a governmental regulatory agency) means that 714X is a product that has surpassed the « test of time ». We can say with complete confidence that its utilization brings after the first 21 days of use a better quality of life. This is expressed in many ways according to each individual and depending on the evolution of the disease, the care that was given and each person's experiences.

In general, the effects of 714X under the parameters of conventional blood tests are usually measurable after a minimum of 3 cycles of use.

Scientific data on 714X
714X is the invented name of Triméthylaminohydroxybicycloheptane chloride.

Chemical formula

Chemical composition

714X is an isotonic solution at physiological pH (7) containing nitrogen as the main active ingredient, camphor as a vehicle, or a nitrogenated derivative of camphor, at a level of 0.09 mg/ml (complying with the pharmaceutical industry’s norms of injectable solutions), mineral salts, and 18 different trace elements (metallic elements), measured in parts per million, and magnesium at a level of 6.5 ppm. these trace elements, even in trace amounts, do have a biological significance.

The level of sodium chloride (NaCl) is estimated at 8.2g/litre.

A plasma emission spectrometry study identifies the 18 following elements measured by the following parts per million):

Aluminum < 0.5 ppm Calcium 0.5 ppm Mercury < 1.0 ppm
Antimoine < 1.0 ppm Chrome < 0.1 ppm Molybdenum < 1.0 ppm
Arsenic < 1.0 ppm Cobalt < 1.0 ppm Nickel < 0.1 ppm
Baryum 0.7 ppm Cuivre 0.01 ppm Phosphore < 5.0 ppm
Bore < 0.05 ppm Fer < 0.1 ppm Plomb < 1.0 ppm
Cadmium < 0.05 ppm Magnésium 6.5 ppm Zinc 2.0 ppm


The absence of proteins and immunoglobulins shows that this is not an immune serum prepared after injection to animals. 714X is not a vaccine. There is no risk of allergies or anaphylactic shock.

The presence of sodium chloride at a level of 8.2 g / liter shows that this is an isotonic solution with a pH of 7 (physiological solution). This solution complies with norms for injectable solutions of the pharmaceutical industry.
A mass spectrometry coupled with a chromatography reveals the presence of camphor or trimethyl-1.7.7 bicyclo (2.2.1.) heptanone-2 whose concentration we measured as 0.09 mg / ml (90 ppm). A nitrogenated compound and hydrochloric acid were also identified.
The comparative study using camphoroxime shows that this molecule does not exist as such in the analyzed sample of 714X. The precise nature of the nitrogenated compound contained in 714X could not be clearly identified.
Eighteen metals (metallic elements) were measured. They were all found at trace levels (parts per million) and considered to be of no biological significance, except for magnesium which at 6.5 ppm was too low to be given a therapeutic property. (This is the opinion of the private laboratory. However, the manufacturer claims that these trace elements, even in trace amounts, do have a biological significance)

Summary of the chemical analysis

Ultimately, 714X is an isotonic solution at physiological pH (7) containing camphor or a nitrogenated derivative of camphor, at a level of 0.09 mg/ml, complying with the pharmaceutical industry’s norms of injectable solutions.

Therapeutic class

714X belongs to a health products category that acts upon natural defenses including the immune function.
Depending on the circumstances, 714X acts on a severely weakened immune system (by strengthening it) or on an overactive immune system (by slowing it down). For this reason, 714X is recognized as an immuno modulator.
Moreover, to date, 3 patents confirm that 714X is an immunomodulator.
Canadian Patent: 2010.CA02297998
European Patent: 2005.EP1251841-B1
American Patent: 2003-6-596-295

Research Report – Immunologic test applied to 714X
(vitro Effects of 714X on mononuclear cells of peripheral blood)


Diane Van Alstyne, Ph.D.
Inventors Ink
#23-130 MacPherson Ave.
Toronto, Ontario, CANADA M5R 1W8

Period of Experimentation:
March 1999, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Results and conclusions

Peripheral blood mononuclear cells and monocytes exposed to 714X in vitro show the following effects:
  • Over 50% activation and / or cell differentiation, resulting in morphological changes and modification of cell adherance on microwell plates.
  • An atypical and immediate intracellular accumulation of Ca+2 ions in monocytes, and none in the control sample.
  • Induction of cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interleukin-1β, -6, 8, and an increase in the intracellular level of cytokine-specific mRNAs including 362 bp for TNF-α, 330 bp for IL-1β, 496 bp for IL-6, and 407 bp for IL-8. Structural analysis of molecular components contained in 714X (compared to the inactive control product) reveals the presence of two nitrogen-containing compounds derived from camphor, molecular weight of 169.5 and 151.25, unique to 714X

Based on the foregoing data, the sponsor suggests that 714X contains at least one component which acts as a substance that promotes the induction of cytokine in vitro and has the following characteristics:
  • Ability to bind to receptors to initiate activity;
  • Possession of a cell affinity, and
  • Possession of intrinsic activity.
The results clearly demonstrate that 714X is a strong activator of monocytes and / or macrophages and induces the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines including tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) and interleukins IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-8. Monocytes / macrophages play a key role in immune defense. Macrophages represent a major recognition system for foreign cells, including tumor cells, and an important source of cytokines with immuno-modulatory properties and antitumor activities (including proinflammatory cytokines

TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-8). These data provide scientific evidence to 714X’s immunomodulatory role.
It is believed that the 714X enhances the immune response and plays a role in the removal of the tumor cell. The results appear to support this theory by suggesting that induction of proinflammatory cytokines represent at least one mechanism responsible for anti-tumor activity in vivo of 714X.

Assurance of Quality Control:

Data reviewed and report provided by researcher Diane Van Alstyne, Ph.D.
Report published 25 August 2000

To read more, see: 714X | Cerbe Distribution Inc

Manufacturing (video showing the manufacturing process of the 714X product.)

The complete manufacturing process is comprised of four steps:

At each of these steps, the strictest aseptic norms and standards are adhered to, ensuring the product is safe and secure. CERBE, the manufacturer, guarantees the sterility of its products as all of its manufactured products are sterilized after bottling using traditional autoclave sterilization procedures.

CERBE voluntarily adheres to good manufacturing practice (GMP)

Once these four steps are complete, CERBE Inc. can assure its clients and consumers of the delivery of a natural health product that is sterile, safe and ready to use in Canada in collaboration with the Special Access Program of Health Canada or for exportation abroad.
The manufacturing process
The bottling process
The sterilization process
The manufacturing process
The mix of unique base products The products of CERBE Inc. are innovative products, unique and specifically developed to act on the immune system without negative side effects. The first step is therefore the mix of its base products following a new and unique process of arranging molecules. The innovative nature of Gaston Naessens’ manufacturing process is confirmed by the attainment of the following patents:
U.S. Patent 2003
European Patent 2005
Canadian patent 2010
The bottling process
This step is performed in a sterile lab, in an enclosed space especially built and designed for this stage of the manufacturing process, with ultra-specialized and modern equipment specifically designed for the manufacturing needs of CERBE Inc. The best practices of the laboratory are applied in order to maintain the highest quality standards in manufacturing in the natural health products industry.
The sterilization process
This step is crucial to ensure the safety of products, injectable or otherwise. All of the products manufactured by CERBE Inc. are mandatorily sterilized using traditional autoclave sterilization procedures. This means that all products are sterilized at 212 degrees centigrade under 18 lbs of pressure for a minimum period of 20 minutes. This self-imposed requirement of CERBE Inc. necessitates the use of specialized bottles able to support extreme high temperatures. None of CERBE Inc.’s products are bottled in plastic containers.
Once the bottling and sterilization processes are completed, the labeling is done in a completely different laboratory specially designed for this step. Once again, a final quality assurance check is done, one bottle at a time, under ultra-violet lighting, before finally placing specific regulatory standard labels for each of the products. For each product, the identification number, expiration date, and the specification of bottles for exportation are clearly marked on each commercial label.

Source with video embedded: Manufacturing | Cerbe Distribution Inc

Gaston Naessens & The Somatid

September 9, 2016

Gaston Naessens was treated badly by the world for creating his ingenious invention he called a Somatoscope. Today, these devices are called phase contrasting microscopes that do live cell blood exams. The medical mafia has been doing its best to keep practitioners, who use these incredible devices, out of the free market; because of what they reveal that can get a patient well. However, as the battle rages on in the free market place, more and more the western medical system is failing to keep these devices from emerging. In truth, every western doctor on the planet should be using these incredible microscopes to help get their patients well. Look below and learn more!

Still alive at age 92, Gaston Naessens was born March 16, 1924, in Roubaix, in northern France, near the provincial capital of Lille, the youngest child of a banker who died when his son was only eleven years old. In very early childhood, Gaston was already showing precocity as an inventor. At the age of five, he built a little moving automobile-type vehicle out of a “Mechano” set and powered it with a spring from an old alarm clock.

Continuing to exhibit unusual manual dexterity, a few years later Gaston constructed his own home-built motorcycle, then went on to fashion a mini-airplane; large enough to carry him aloft. It never flew, for his mother worried he would come to grief, and secretly burned it on the eve of its destined takeoff.

After graduation from the College Universitaire de Marcen Baroeul, a leading prep school, Gaston began an intensive course in physics, chemistry and biology at University of Lille. When France was attacked and occupied by Nazi forces during Word War II, young Gaston, together with other fellow students was evacuated to southern France. In exile near Nice, he had the highly unusual opportunity to receive the equivalent of a full university education at the hands of professors also displaced from Lille.

By the war’s end, Naessens had been awarded a rare diploma from the Union Nationale Scientifique Francaise, the quasi-offical institution under whose roof the displaced students pursued their intensive curriculum. Unfortunately, in an oversight that has cost him dearly over the years, Naessens did not bother to seek an “equivalence” from the new republican government set up by General Charles de Gaulle. He thus, ever since, has been accused of never having received an academic diploma of any kind.

Inspired by his teachers, and of singular innovative bent, Gaston, eschewing further formal education– “bagage universitaire” (academic baggage) as he calls it — set forth on his own to develop his microscope and begig his research into the nature of disease. In this determination, he was blessed by having what in French is called jeunesse dorfee, or gilded childhood — “born with a silver spoon in his mouth,” as the English equivalent has it. His mother afforded him all that was needed to equip his own postwar laboratory at the parental home.

— Taken from the book titled “Suppressed Inventions” written by Johnathan Eisen (Page 157 of 560)

What now follows are two videos that reveal Gaston Naessens Somatoscope, how it works and how it was instrumental in revealing the 16 stage cycle of the somatid ability to pleomorphosize.

Source: Gaston Naessens & The Somatid - KFFMenterprises


Gaston Naessens and 714X

By Dr. Gaston Naessens and Jacinte Levesque Naessens


Image courtesy of Cerbe Distribution, Inc.
A diagram of the Somatidian cycle as observed under a microscope by Gaston Naessens.

Gaston Naessens, a French-born researcher based in Sherbrooke, Québec, who has been at work since the early 50s, is a true pioneer in the field of live blood observations.

Through the optical performance of his unique light microscope (the somatoscope), Gaston Naessens discovered the smallest unit of life: the somatid.

He was able to understand the life cycle of the somatids through their different evolutive forms. This led him to a further observation of an “inner biological protection gate” that reveals the state of the immune system.

This inner protective gate, also a witness of the natural defenses, can be altered by a combination of external and/or internal factor. If the “inner gate” is being over-challenged, it breaks down the homoeostasis of blood that can thereafter lead to various types of degenerative disorders (including cancer), initiating with inflammation, the common precursor of all degenerative diseases.

Naessens was able to monitor the state of the immune system from an innovative perspective: the visual observation of live blood through his specific assessment of the somatidian cycle.

Immunotherapy, the fourth arm of cancerology (after surgery, chemotherapy and radiology), was declared a major scientific breakthrough in 2014. Naessens’ vision of cancer linked to the immune system is thus proving to be a sound innovative way to address disease from an epigenetic perspective.

As early as 1961, Naessens proposed a therapeutic agent / therapy capable of addressing the immune system as it was in its evolution with cancer. This was then considered heretic. Today, it fits perfectly with the scientific revolution that encompasses wider factors rather than the strict genetic components of degenerative diseases.

Naessens’ knowledge and understanding of the somatidian cycle as a witness of the evolution of the disease, allowed him to create a restorative product for the immune system. 714X is a nontoxic health product capable of restoring the normality of the somatidian cycle, consequently restoring the inner balance.

714X has been granted four patents testifying of its uniqueness, confirmed by various juridictions. (Patents obtained: 2003 USA, 2005 EC, 2010 Canada, 2014 Japan.)

It is important to recall that 714X, a proprietary blend, is a true immune modulator that can be either used for curative purposes, alone or in combination with conventional modalities, or simply used alone as a preventative agent.

Naessens’ vision of health is highly compatible with the holistic approach where many factors impact the biological system including the emotional, the intellectual and the spiritual factors. It is thus essential to address each person as the unique expression of a biological signature.

A trustful partnership between consumers and their health care providers (conventional and/or alternative) is the new trend that Naessens supports entirely, bringing integrative medicine to the forefront of a new era.

Gaston Naessens, at 92 years old, is still young at heart and continues to work at his own pace, in peace, always eager to find nontoxic solutions to maintain optimal health.

For more information on Naessens work or on the 714X product visit the Cerbe Distribution, Inc. web site.

See also Change of Strategy in Cancer Care Management: Cancer Immunotherapy a Major Breakthrough Leading to a Paradigm Shift by Dr. Gaston Naessens and Jacinte Levesque Naessens, originally published in Wise Journal, Fall 2015.

Source: Gaston Naessens and 714X | Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine

The Amazing Wonders of
Gaston Naessens

February - March 1994

The landscape of medical science is on the verge of being radically altered forever by the use of a powerful microscope (the Somatoscope) developed by Gaston Naessens of Quebec, Canada, This incredible device reaches magnification levels of 20,000 to 30,000 diameters—well above the 2,500 diameter limit of conventional microscopes. The sheer magnitude of the difference in performance gives the appearance of either a gross violation of the laws of physics, or fraud.

Its radical departure in performance from optical and scanning electron microscopes registers this as a truly great discovery. Unfortunately, in most fields of science, a great deal of effort is put forth into listing why something will not work instead of attempting to duplicate the results. This in turn creates a situation where what was science, turns into religion where the orthodox dogma is to be taken on faith, and that which defies dogma is to be persecuted as heresy.

Establishment of a dogma slows down the rate new discoveries can be made. In the medical fields, slow acceptance of new ideas can cause many needless deaths. This is the case with the supermicroscope and the discoveries of B&hamp, Rife and Naessens.

Read more at: The Amazing Wonders of Gaston Naessens by Steven R. Elswick

Dr. Gaston Naessens


Gaston Naessens, ND.

Gaston Naessens, ND is the president, founder, and CEO of Cerbe Distribution, Inc., a private laboratory in Québec, Canada specializing in fundamental research in biology, including hematology.

Cerbe is also the manufacturer of Triméthylaminohydroxybicycloheptane chloride (714X) for which four patents have been granted [2003 (USA), 2005 (Europe), 2010 (Canada) and 2014 (Japan)].

He is a biologist researcher engineer and developed a revolutionary microscope, called the somatoscope, capable of observing unstained living matter. The somatoscope enabled him to discover a new particle in human blood, he calls the somatid. From this, he developed the Somatidian theory and developed new responses to diseases affecting the immune system.

Source: Dr. Gaston Naessens | Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine

Source websites:

Cerbe Distribution Inc | A Trustworthy Partner for Better Health
Gaston Naessens & 714X
Dr. Gaston Naessens | Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine
Gaston Naessens and Somatid biology
Book on Gaston Naessens: The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens by Christopher Bird


Gaston Naessens and Somatid biology

The landscape of medical science is on the verge of being radically altered forever by the use of a powerful microscope (the Somatoscope) developed by Gaston Naessens of Quebec, Canada. This incredible device reaches magnification levels of 20,000 to 30,000 diameters — well above the 2,500 diameter limit of conventional microscopes. The sheer magnitude of the difference in performance gives the appearance of either a gross violation of the laws of physics, or fraud.

Its radical departure in performance from optical and scanning electron microscopes registers this as a truly great discovery. Unfortunately, in most fields of science, a great deal of effort is put forth into listing why something will not work instead of attempting to duplicate the results. This in turn creates a situation where what was science turns into religion where the orthodox dogma is to be taken on faith, and that which defies dogma is to be persecute as heresy.

Establishment of a dogma slows down the rate at which new discoveries can be made. In the medical fields, slow acceptance of new ideas can cause many needless deaths. This is the case with the super-microscope and the discoveries of Bechamp, Rife, and Naessens.


In the 1930s, an obscure and dedicated scientist, Royal Raymond Rife, had successfully developed the Universal Microscope which was able to provide amplification levels of 60,000 times without killing the specimens! Rife was able to observe live viruses and their reaction to certain stimuli. His observation that bacteria could change into viruses and viruses could change form violated the strongest medical dogma — the germ theory of disease.

By 1934, after learning how to seek out and destroy the insidious cancer virus, Rife opened a clinic in which he cured 16 out of 16 patients within 3 months! Working side by side with some of the most respected researchers in America, Rife treated patients electronically to kill the virus and then allowed the body's immune system to restore the body to full health. Many prestigious ( and competent ) organizations and institutions oversaw and verified much of Rife's work during the 1930s.

Independent physicians using Rife's therapy were treating and curing as many as 40 patients per day. Other degenerative conditions and illnesses such as cataracts, herpes and tuberculosis were found to be reversible and curable with Rife's equipment. This work was described in various medical journals of the time as well as the Smithsonian Institution's annual report and Science Magazine. Unfortunately, Rife's success attracted the attention and wrath of the American Medical Association (AMA) and the powerful pharmaceutical companies - the organised opposition of the medical fields.

Although Rife's work was in direct conflict with the orthodox views of his time, he was supported by many top-rated doctors. Many of these doctors continued using these devices in secret in defiance of the AMA and the US government. The carefully documented records kept by these brave doctors and testimonials by their patients vindicate Rife's theories. Many of these case histories and anecdotes about Rife's treatment can be found in the book "The Cancer Cure That Worked" by Barry Lynes.

The fascinating work of Rife was suppressed and he — like Nikola Tesla before him — joined the ranks of the forgotten inventors of the early part of this century. It has only been in the past few years that the general public has begun to develop an awareness that there is something wrong in the technical world.


What Rife accomplished optically in the 1930s with his Universal Microscope, Gaston Naessens accomplished with a combination of optics and electronics in the 1940s in his Somatoscope. Born on 16 March 1924 in Roubaix, France, Gaston displayed a predisposition to be an inventor when at the age of five he built a little moving auto-like toy from a Meccano set and powered it with an alarm clock spring. Later, he built a home-made motorcycle and a mini-airplane!

While attending the University of Lille, Gaston nearly had his education disrupted by the German invasion. Fortunately, Gaston and his fellow students escaped to Nice where they carried on their education in exile. He was awarded a diploma from the Union Nationale Scientifique Francaise — a quasi-official institution under whose auspices the education of the displaced students continued. He did not bother seeking an equivalency degree from the de Gaulle government when French rule was restored.

At the young age of twenty-one, frustrated by the limitations of conventional microscopes, Gaston set out to build a superior microscope. Technical assistance was provided by German craftsmen from Wetzlar, Germany, who checked out many of Gaston's ideas on optics. Privately, Gaston devised the electrical manipulation of the light source. Once the technical aspects were resolved, Gaston had the body of his microscope constructed by Barbier-Bernard et Turenne, technical specialists and defence contractors near Paris.


The Somatoscope mixes light from two orthogonal light sources — a mercury lamp and a halogen lamp. The light from both sources enters a glass tube at 90 degrees from each other. As the light waves beat against each other, a strong carrier wave of light emerges and travels down the light tube. ( It should be noted that two electromagnetic fields superimposed on each other at 90 degrees is a classic scalar formation! ) As the light travels down the tube, it passes through a monochromatic filter which forms it into a monochromatic ray. The ray is then passed through a large coil that surrounds the tube. The coil's magnetic field divides the ray into numerous parallel rays that are then passed through a Kerr cell which increases the frequency of the ray before being injected onto the specimen.

The light, which contains the carrier and a mixture of selected signals in the UV range, stimulates the biological material in the Somatoscope to the point that the specimens give off their own light. (Rife referred to this as luminescence.) This is the key to the ultra-high resolution that has been achieved by Gaston Naessens.

Conventional microscopes pass light through the specimen which theoretically limits the resolution of optical microscopes to the wavelength of light. The finest optical microscopes have achieved magnification levels of 2,500 diameters. At levels above this, the resolution is limited by the wavelength of light and further magnification merely creates a blur! Higher resolutions have been achieved by microscopes that do not use lenses, but instead use apertures which are smaller than the wavelength of light. One such microscope engineered at Cornell University has achieved a resolution of 400 angstroms — a far cry from the 150 angstroms achieved by Naessen's Somatoscope.

The Somatoscope does not attempt to illuminate the specimen by passing light through two small objects. Instead, the illumination source is actually stimulating the specimen to the point where it generates its own light. The light itself expands as it moves outward and because the specimen itself is generating the light, the physical restrictions encountered by regular optical microscopes no longer apply. By converting the specimen into a light source, Gaston Naessens has converted the magnification problem from one of resolution to that of light detection! At magnification levels above 5,000 diameters, light levels drop off to the point that film is necessary, but the resolution is there.

To further research along the lines he has pioneered, Gaston has developed junior models of his Somatoscope for field use. These field units allow researchers to obtain illumination and stimulation of the specimens of the larger unit. The field units are capable of magnifying 6,000 – 7,000 diameters, although routine work will usually be at 3,500 – 4,000 diameters. The lower light levels of the higher magnification requires that a lower level of magnification be accepted for field use in order to maintain portability in the smaller units. One such unit will be in use in Colorado Springs at Clifford and Associates.

The Somatoscope has enabled researchers to discover the importance of colour and its relationship to the material being observed. The wavelengths of light generated are related to the size of the object and the health of the cell. For instance, the red blood cells vary from yellow/green to orange (540 nm to 580 nm) and white blood cells are rich in blue/violet (490 nm to 510 nm). Exposure to toxic materials, even in minute amounts, causes significant shifts in colour. Even 'safe' amounts of toxic materials like mercury and the aluminium in toothpaste cause significant degradation to red blood cells as I was able to witness from specimens on a videotape produced from the Somatoscope.


In a long lost chapter in the history of science, a violent controversy took place in France between the illustrious Louis Pasteur and Antoine Bechamp, a noted professor of physics, toxicology, medical chemistry, and biochemistry. Bechamp's work led him to discover "microzymas" (tiny ferments), which were characterised by a host of small bodies in his fermenting solutions.

After years of study, Bechamp came to the conclusion that these microzymas were more basic to life than cells. Even with his crude equipment, he was able to observe that the microzymas underwent dramatic transformations during their life cycle. This caused Bechamp to champion the idea that the cause for disease lay within the body. Pasteur's germ theory held that the cause came from without. Pasteur's outspokenness helped the germ theory win out and it has dominated medical thinking for the past century.

Now, a hundred years later, Gaston Naessens has discovered an ultra-microscopic, subcellular, living and reproducing microscopic form which he christened a "somatid" (tiny body). This new particle could be cultured outside the bodies of the host. Naessens also observed that the particle had a pleomorphic (form-changing) life cycle, which has sixteen stages. Only the first three stages of the somatid's life cycle are normal.

Naessens discovered that when the immune system is weakened or disrupted, the somatids go through the other thirteen stages. The weakening of the immune system could be brought about by a number of causes, such as exposure to chemical pollution, ionising radiation, electric fields, poor nutrition, accidents, shock, depression, and many more.

Incredibly, Naessens' research has resulted in the association of degenerative diseases (rheumatoid arthritis. multiple sclerosis, lupus, cancer and Aids) with the development of various forms in the sixteen-stage pathological cycle. The ability to associate the disease with specific stages has enabled Naessens to 'prediagnose' conditions in advance of when they would clinically appear.

This discovery puts Gaston Naessens at odds with the orthodox medical philosophy of today which has embraced Pasteur's germ theory wholeheartedly. Naessen's work is repeatable. The ability to culture somatids is a bell-wether to the rewriting of micro-biology!

Naessens has stated:

"I've been able to establish a life cycle of forms in the blood that add up to no less than a brand new understanding of the basis of life. What we're talking about is an entirely new biology, one out of which has fortunately sprung practical applications of benefit to sick people, even before all of its many theoretical aspects have been sorted out."


The research of Gaston Naessens has culminated in the discovery of 714X — an enzyme which helps the immune system do its job. 714X is a derivative of camphor and is injected interlymphatically — a process that the medical fraternity holds to be impossible. Yet the fact remains that many people have learned how to administer the medication through the lymph nodes.

When properly administered, 714X stabilises and strengthens the immune system in most cases. This allows the immune system to go about its normal business in ridding the body of disease. In other words, cancer is treated like an infection, not a state of cells.

Like Bechamp and Rife before him, Gaston states unequivocally that "germs are not the cause, but the result, of disease."

714X will not help everyone — especially where there has already been extensive use of chemotherapy and radiation. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy wipe out the immune system and other bodily resources.


The cancer death toll between 1970 and 1986 ( in the U.S.? ) was approximately 6 million. Sadly, the conventional treatments of chemotherapy and radiation are nothing more than slow death sentences that enrich the cancer industry. Possible miracle cures are quickly quashed by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and the various medical societies around the world. It is a sad commentary that in a country that prides itself on freedom, terminally ill patients cannot make an informed decision to participate in experimental treatments that may save their lives.

714X is available in the United States. "Writers and Research" is one organisation working closely with the FDA and the IRN ( Institution Review Board ) to do work with 714X legally and ethically. 714X is an injected medication and must be prescribed by a doctor.

For a list of doctors prescribing 714X or an information packet, contact:

4810 St Paul Boulevard
Rochester, NY 14617 USA
Phone: 1–800–448–4332

Source: Gaston Naessens and Somatid biology

The Story of Gaston Naessens Featured in Canada’s Saturday Night Magazine

In it’s December issue, Canada’s popular magazine, Saturday Night, featured the trials and victories of eminent biologist Gaston Naessens. The well-written 12 page article chronicled the life of Naessens from the discovery of the somatid cycle (see Figure 1) to the development of the formula 714-X, to the trials and persecution he faced and continues to face. Below is a historical summation of the article:

Late 1940’s – From the work of individuals such as Béchamp and Emile Doyen, Naessens began work on what would become the somatoscope. What would later be termed dark-field microscopy (but not as sophisticated), Naessens’ instrument allowed him to examine live blood at extreme magnifications as well as with exceptionally high resolution. One improvement with this instrument is its ability to see particle via light refraction as opposed to traditional staining methods.

Mid 1950’s — Moved lab to Paris from Lyon, France. Opposition began to mount from the traditional medical authorities due to innovative theories and treatments, not to mention successes.

Early 1960’s — Naessens treated over 10,000 individuals afflicted with various illnesses, many life-threatening, with extraordinary results. On the other side, he was twice brought before the “bar” (medical authorities). He was fined heavily and forced to close his Paris lab. Much of his equipment was confiscated.

1962 — Naessens tried again to start his laboratory on the island of Corsica, but Corsica was still France. Patients continued to seek him out, as did the authorities.

1964 — Naessens pursued his work in Canada, leaving Corsica with only a few key components of his microscope.

Late 1960’s — He received a $25K grant from the National Research Council as a consultant on microscopy. However, this was quickly revoked due to his troubles with the French medical authorities of past years.

1971 — Gaston Naessens began again as a medical researcher. The head of the MacDonald Stewart Foundation (organization which funded orthodox cancer research for many years), David Stewart, agreed to finance Naessens’ research personally and establish a laboratory for him on the MacDonald Tobacco Company’s premises in Montreal. This infuriated the orthodox oncologist on the research wing, and Naessens was forced to move to a low-key spot in Rock Forest on the banks of the Magog River near Sherbrooke, Canada.

1972 — Initial meeting regarding additional funding for research relating to Naessen’s somatid theory and the formula 714-X went well. An assistant professor of pathology, Daniel Perey, volunteered to head the proposed investigation.

Perey visited Naessens laboratory and described it as nothing short of a revelation. However, his excitement was not shared by all. Co-investigators with Perey questioned the validity of the somatid cycle, as this contradicted the definition of disease taught in medical schools.

Late 1972 — Perey extolled Naessens’ contributions to the field stating, “The scope and insight which Mr. Naessens has brought to this area of research potentially stand to benefit mankind and may be a source of pride for Canada!”

1974 — The final report of the MacDonald Stewart Foundation rejected the somatid theory and Naessens’ notion of bolstering the immune system to fight cancer. It now became apparent that Perey, who was to be the chief investigator, had been assigned other duties that effectively used up the time to run the Naessens study. This duty was passed on to a husband-and-wife team of researchers who were not in the least interested in truly researching the brilliant theories of Naessens. Their focus was only on one large form of the somatid cycle that had been described as a bacterium by German researchers who had isolated it in the 1930’s. Overall, they dismissed the stages of the somatid cycle as “artifacts” produced by mistakes during the process required to observe them. Perey’s response in relation to the researchers was, “microbiological dogmas are so entrenched in this couple’s minds that they do not allow themselves the luxury of challenging them.”

Late 1974 — Dr. Raymond Keith Brown, a consultant for New York’s Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center visited Rock Forest. Brown’s memo to the center read,”What I have seen is a microscope that reveals with spectacular clarity the motion and multiplicity of pleomorphic organisms in the blood which are intimately associated with disease states. The implications…are staggering….It is imperative that what its inventor, a dedicated biological scientist, is doing, and can do, be totally reviewed. I am convinced that he is an authentic genius and that his achievements cut across and illumine some of the most pertinent areas of medical science. If the review of his work is confirmed, this man should be brought to New York and given unlimited support and facilities to continue his research.”

Dr. Brown, along with an oncologist and microscopist eventually drafted a second memorandum that reiterated the first. Unfortunately, Naessens’ name appeared on the American Cancer Society’s “blacklist” and the excitement subsided.

August, 1980 — Naessens supplied 714-X to Dr. Gaetan Jasmin, a professor of pathology and medicine at the University of Montreal who was willing to embark on the standard animal-control test; that is, injecting the 714-X into cancerous and noncancerous rats. Dr. Jasmin concluded the substance had no effect and the results were reported in the MacDonald Stewart foundation literature in 1982. But, Jasmin refused to follow Naessens specific protocol for the use of the substance. He had injected the medicinal into the tumors themselves rather than into the lymphatic system, a procedure he decided was impossible. Whereas standard cancer treatments follow that procedure, Naessens’ truly holistic approach was designed to treat the symptom via the cause — the diametrical opposite of orthodox oncological approaches.

Throughout the 1970’s & 1980’s, doctors and patients alike continued to flock to Rock Forest. The doctors learned about the new biology, while the suffering patients were taught to inject themselves with 714-X or referred to doctors who were willing to treat them. Tremendous results continued as well.

December, 1984 — The police and officers of the Quebec Medical Corporation raided Naessens’ house and laboratory, seizing vials of 714-X and some 150 medical files. Charges would be brought some 5 years later.

1989 — Naessens was brought to trial. Despite the odds, he was acquitted. Witness after witness took the stand to describe the horrors of their battles with cancer and the hopelessness with Western treatments, and the cures they’d finally achieved using Naessens’ treatment. Imposing figures such as the politician Gerald Godin and the French ambassador to the Seychelles spoke passionately on Naessens’ behalf. Even the Quebecois folk hero, Gilles Vigneault showed his support. To the press, Vigneault described what was happening to Naessens as a “witch hunt” and went on to sing the praises of alternative medicine. He concluded: “One must seek, on humanity’s behalf, medical progress unblocked by pharmaceutical lobbyism that, together with that on arms mongers, is one of the world’s most powerful.” The headlines of the Journal de Montreal read “Naessens Acquitted.” A sidebar noted “It’s 25 years now that this farce has continued!”

Late 1990 — After receiving the positive results of nontoxicity tests, Health and Welfare Canada agreed that 714-X could be supplied by Naessens to doctors whose patients were suffering from terminal cancer.

1992 — A growing interest in Naessens’ approach to cancer, AIDS and other such diseases continues to grow. As of October of this year, 210 MD’s across the country (Canada) were administering it to patients. Naessens was also invited to the controversial conference on alternative treatments for AIDS held in Amsterdam in May. This conference was attended by such notables as Luc Montagier, the French scientist who is credited with the discovery of the so called “AIDS virus.” In Europe, the Philippines, New Zealand, Australia and the U.S., physicians are using 714-X with the conclusion that barring total destruction of the immune system, this may be the most promising treatment for AIDS and cancer ever seen. In the U.S. an independent study on 714-X using human patients has been under way since last May.


It is very disheartening to see such abuses heaped upon such a brilliant, humane individual. One is reminded of the famous Hindu quote, “In shallow men, the fish of little thoughts cause much commotion. But in the oceanic minds, the whales of inspiration make hardly a ruffle.” However unfortunate, history is filled with such examples of “shallowness.” As Christopher Bird pointed out, the individuals who paved the way for Mr. Naessens — Antoine Béchamp, Geunther Enderlein, Royal Raymond Rife, Wilhelm Reich to name a few — met with similar abuses by the established medical authorities. Nonetheless, much interest continues to be generated by the man who someday will be recognized as another Albert Einstein.

Mr. Naessens’ work is at the forefront of a “new” push in health care; that is, prevention and bolstering the immune system via natural means. For example, AIDS, a disease characterized by subcellular organisms in pursuit of growth due to the presence of a deficient host {personal conclusion}, has been shown to be responsive in some instances to such immune enhancement approaches, particularly when compared to orthodox treatments.( 1) One hopes that future research and grants will begin to focus on this neglected aspect of health care. Also, one hopes that individuals such as Gaston Naessens will have the freedom and opportunity to continue their brilliant work in the field.

Note: Much of the material in this letter can be found in Christopher Bird’s book, The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens. It is an excellent account of the work done by Mr. Naessens. I would also like to thank Mr. Bird for his input into this present article.

(1.) Culbert, Michael. AIDS: Terror, Truth and Triumph. R.W. Bradford Foundation: Chula Vista, CA, 1989.

Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients.



If you looked into a regular microscope at a drop of blood, the way it is done in most laboratories, you would see a still-life picture of bright-red cells, reddish-pink and purple cells. The sample of blood has been treated with dye to illustrate the different cells and nothing moves in this picture.

However, if you looked into a high-powered new microscope called a Somatoscope, invented by an exceptional French-Canadian, Gaston Naessens, you would see a totally different picture. Things move on a black background, seeming to bounce and bump around, and you would wonder if you could see twinkling before your eyes. The `twinklings’ that you see are not your imagination; they are called `Somatids’, and they can illustrate your life force and your state of health. Many conventional medical authorities don’t know what to make of it; some deny it; some admire it; some look the other way.

An investigative reporter with a deep-voiced Georgian drawl, author Chris Bird, told the audience at Health Action ’91 of his investigations into the life and work of the French-Canadian inventor Gaston Naessens. With his natural investigative spirit, he discovered a fascinating story of the suppression of a genius, and the gift that this genius has offered to an unwilling medical community, a new cancer treatment called 714-X.

This new microscope is being used as part of a program for cancer patients available to Canadians. After deciding that 714-X is a treatment that the patient would like to pursue, then it is necessary to convince the medical doctor this is the treatment of choice. Having established that, then the physician is to notify the Emergency Drug Program in Ottawa at (613) 993-3105. A history of the patient is required, and the serum and instructions on administering it will be sent directly from the Naessens clinic to the doctor. Details on how to obtain the Somatoscope, or requests for information, can be addressed to: The Naessens Clinic C.O.S.E. 5270 Fontaine Rock Forest, Quebec J1N 3B6 or telephone (819) 564-7883 or FAX (819) 564-2195. Or, send $15 to HANS [to help cover costs] and we will send you an information package on this topic.

Health Action Network Society.

By Christopher Bird


A New Answer to Cancer: Microbiologist Gaston Naessens’ immune system therapy 714X has been achieving dramatic results — and irking the “cancer industry.”

Thirty-nine-year-old Jacques Viens had gone home to die. Seven-eighths of his stomach had been removed, and the cancer had already spread to the lymph. Since there seemed to be no hope of recovery, his doctor offered him a new, experimental treatment called 714X. He tried it. Four months later he was healthy enough to go hunting, and not long after that he resumed his job.

Fifty-one-year-old Marcel Caron suffered from intestinal cancer, but he refused to have his intestine removed. His wife’s breast cancer had been successfully treated with the same experimental medicine Viens had used; Caron wanted to try it too. Sixty-five days after he started treatment, no cancer was to be found in Caron’s body. Eight years later, he was still healthy.

These are just two among hundreds of case histories of patients who recovered using a little-known approach to cancer and other degenerative diseases that proponents claim could revolutionize medical practice. The first person to use it — more than 20 years ago — is still alive.

What would happen if an effective treatment for cancer were finally found — a nontoxic, natural, and inexpensive treatment that could be self-administered at home with a success rate of 75 percent? It sounds like a dream come true, a miracle. We would all breathe a little easier, that’s for certain; many lives would be saved.

And a multibillion-dollar enterprise — the pharmaceutical-medical-insurance complex, the most profitable industry in America today — would be forever transformed. Dozens of giant pharmaceutical and medical supply companies would be forced out of business. The “cancer industry” would be no more.

Little wonder, then, that we have heard so little about a 69-year-old French microbiologist who says he’s discovered such a treatment. His name is Gaston Naessens, and he calls his immune-system therapy 714X.

When Naessens’ unorthodox treatment methods began yielding dramatic successes in his native France, French medical authorities closed his lab, confiscated his equipment, and heavily fined him for practicing medicine without a license. Naessens went to Canada, where, with the help of the prestigious MacDonald Foundation (which for years has funded cancer research), he set up a small laboratory outside Montreal. There he and his wife, Francoise, continued their careful research until 1989, when Naessens was again brought to trial by the medical authorities, accused of contributing to the death of a woman who did not recover after using his treatment.

After a long trial, in which numerous testimonies were offered by patients and physicians using his approach, he was finally acquitted. (The full story of the trial is told in Christopher Bird’s book The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens.) Now, a handful of doctors are struggling to make Naessens’ controversial treatments readily available in the United States.

Born in northern France in 1924, the young Naessens was a precocious inventor who built a small, functioning automobile-type vehicle when he was only five, followed by a homemade motorcycle. By the age of 12 he had constructed a plane that could fly. (His mother burned it to prevent him from flying it, however.)

When his university studies of physics, chemistry, and biology were interrupted by World War II, Naessens earned an unofficial diploma from the Union Scientifique Francaise in Lilies, where most of his university professors had fled to escape the Nazi invasion. (He never bothered to pursue its formal equivalent after De Gaulle restructured France, a decision that would later lead to accusations that he lacked a college degree.)

With his mother’s support, Naessens continued his studies on his own. While pursuing the study of hematology, he observed “something moving in the blood,” but the particle was too small to be identified by the optical methods he had at his disposal. Fascinated, Naessens enlisted the help of optical specialists in Germany in developing a stronger microscope.

Called the somatoscope, the microscope itself was a significant scientific achievement. Using a unique combination of incandescent and ultraviolet rays, it allowed him to look at living blood (without first fixing and staining it, which is the usual method) at a magnification of 30,000 times with a resolution of 150 angstroms — a capacity that has not been exceeded to date.

Using this unique method of microscopy, Naessens was able to study what he had glimpsed previously but could not identify: motile microorganisms in the discovered that somatids are resistant to acids and bases as well as heat and that they cannot be cut with a diamond. For example, they withstood 2 megarads of radiation capable of killing any living thing, as well as carbonization temperatures of over -200 C. He concluded that they are indestructible.

Recently, Dr. James F. Ransdell, a pathologist on the faculty of the University of California at Davis, showed me the somatids in my own blood on a TV screen, using Naessen’s “condenser,” an attachment he developed that converts a regular microscope into one resembling his invention. Lots of bright little bodies were busily circulating around the red blood cells, platelets, and lymphocytes in my blood, their motion not unlike that of swarming bees.

Cell division cannot take place without these busy, glowing bodies, Naessens postulates, because in the course of its cycle the somatid releases the growth hormone trephone, which enables cells to divide and multiply. Naessens goes even further — he believes the electrically charged, luminous somatid is the original spark of life, the pinpoint where energy condenses into matter. According to Naessens, the somatid represents the manifestation of cosmic energy in a tiny, moving dot of physicality.

quently attributed to environmental toxicity, by rejuvenating the body’s defenses. Holistic treatments, like the traditional methods from which they evolved, consist of appropriate diet, exercise, and supportive plant medicines to replenish our depleted reserves and restore strength.

Naessens’ theories align with the tenets of holistic practice. But unlike most holistic healers, Naessens is able to provide scientific documentation and evidence of what traditional and naturopathic approaches have suggested all along — that disease represents imbalance in the ecology of the whole organism.

In healthy individuals, says Naessens, the somatid moves through a three-stage cycle that produces the right amount of the growth hormone trephone to keep cells reproducing at the appropriate rate. (This growth hormone was first identified by Nobel laureate Alexis Carrel, who did not, however, link it to a subcellular entity in the blood.)

When the body is stressed or weak, however, the somatid shifts into a longer macrocycle that features 13 additional stages, including forms that resemble bacteria, viruses, and yeast cells. Other scientists have seen some of these forms in the blood of cancer patients and have posited a bacterial and, later, a viral cause of cancer. However, according to these theories (which have not been confirmed by scientific evidence), the disease carrier has always been thought to enter the body from somewhere outside, as germs do. In Naessens’ view, these microbial forms are simply phases of the somatid in its extended cycle. In this amplified cycle, the somatid produces excessive quantities of growth hormone, creating the abnormally rapid cell growth we call cancer.

Naessens is not the first scientist to describe polymorphic entities in the blood. In the early 1800s, Antoine Bechamp, like Guenther Enderlein and many other pioneers, using far more primitive microscopes than Naessens’, perceived microzymas, or “little bodies,” which were thought to be fundamental elements of cells and whole living organisms. When the organism is disturbed by a serious event, Bechamp theorized, the symbiotic relationship between the microzymas and the body becomes imbalanced, leading to disease. In this view, illness originates within the body.

The scientific establishment rejected Bechamp’s work in favor of that of Pasteur, who was convinced that disease is caused by bacteria entering the body from without. Pasteur’s work, which had wide application to a host of infectious diseases, led to the important discovery of immunization. Bechamp’s theory was rejected, and germ theory became a sacred tenet in medicine, despite the fact that a number of diseases do not appear to conform to that pattern. On his deathbed, Pasteur was said to disavow his own theories and exclaim, “[He] is right. The microbe is nothing! The terrain is all.”

In Naessens’ theory, the microcycle of the somatid is held at three stages by blood inhibitors, which consist of certain digestive enzymes, hormones, and minerals. Poor diet and stress apparently reduce the number of blood inhibitors, allowing the somatid to commence its extended 13-phase macrocycle. The presence of these extra somatid forms signifies the beginning of degenerative disease before it has manifested itself in the body. Hence the somatid theory has a valuable diagnostic application, which, in combination with other factors, makes it possible to diagnose and even treat the disease before it takes hold.

The difference between healthy cells and cancer cells is their rate of growth. The somatid macrocycle generates a tremendous increase in the number of somatids, releasing more and more growth hormone into the body and stimulating the rapid multiplication of cells we call cancer. The increasing mass of disorganized cells secrete what Naessens has called the “co-cancerogenic factor,” a substance that allows the cancer to withdraw essential nitrogen derivatives from the patient’s cells and also begins to paralyze the immune system, radically undermining the patient’s ability to combat the disease.

The cancer does not take long to metastasize (spread to new locations) throughout the body. Since the usual orthodox methods of treating cancer involve cutting out, burning, or poisoning the cancerous tumors, cancer’s potential to metastasize has kept everyone stumped. A systemic treatment for the disease would enable the body to again perform its normal function of removing cancer cells, which in healthy bodies takes place almost daily.

According to proponents of the approach, Naessens’ 714X (the name is alpha numerological reference to the letters in his own name) is such a treatment. It is distributed rapidly throughout the body by the unique method of intra-lymphatic injection. Doctors have said such injection is physiologically impossible, due to the structure of the lymphatic system — yet thousands of people have now used the treatment with encouraging results.

714X is an aqueous solution (trimethyl bicyclo mino heptane-CL) consisting of camphor, mineral salts, and nitrogen salts, which is injected once a day for a 21-day cycle. The treatment is then repeated until the progress of the disease is reversed and finally stopped.

The salts help to cleanse and clear the lymph of toxins accumulated during the disease, thereby reviving the body’s defenses, which go back to work to fight the cancer. The nitrogen actually feeds the cancer cells so they do not drain the body’s nitrogen. The camphor carries the nitrogen to the cells and impedes the formation of the “co-cancerogenic factor,” again stimulating the body’s own ability to fight the disease.

(Camphor is widely used by village people throughout India to treat a wide variety of illnesses, from bronchitis to diarrhea. According to Jahnavi Morton, an ayurvedic practitioner who studied under Vasant Lad in New Mexico, camphor is used for “opening the flow of prana, bringing clarity to the mind.”)

A healthy diet that follows the familiar guidelines of holistic nutrition (no sugar, low fat, no dairy, no pork or beef, and so on) accompanies the treatment.

Unlike allopathic medicine’s “magic bullet” approach to illness, the treatment does not do anything directly to the malfunctioning somatid, nor does it attack the symptoms of the disease. All it does is stimulate the body’s ability to regain its balance and defeat the cancer on its own. A healthier organism produces more blood inhibitors, slowing down the somatid cycle. As a result, the amount of growth hormone (responsible for cell division) produced by the somatids begins to decline, so cancer cells do not multiply as quickly. Meanwhile, the body’s ability to destroy the existing cancer cells increases. The cancer does not spread. The tumor begins to regress. The body regains its natural balance. The progress of the disease is reversed until it disappears.

Among the growing number of physicians who are recognizing the efficacy of 714X is Dr. Dietmar Schildwaechter, a former faculty member of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine who now directs a cancer rehabilitation center in his native Germany. He came across Naessens’ treatment in 1990 through one of his own patients, who showed marked improvement when, unbeknownst to him, she began taking it. When he found out what she was taking, he began looking into the unconventional treatment himself. He “realized that Naessens had discovered and identified what others had only partially seen.”

“Gaston Naessens’ discoveries,” Schildwaechter writes, “represent a brand new dimension in medicine. His recognition of the somatids as the basic form of life and his furnishing a microscopic means to monitor their cycle are nothing short of revolutionary. His method, offering an instant and highly refined way of assessing every human being’s state of health and their responses to therapy, is second to none.” Schildwaechter is now the chief investigator of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) that is documenting the successes of 714X with the goal of obtaining FDA approval for its use in the United States as an experimental treatment.

Naessens’ treatment continues to be available by doctor’s prescription, so long as the patient is willing to sign an informed consent for the administration of an unapproved drug. In order to be thoroughly familiar with the treatment, all patients (and doctors) should be required to read Do No Harm, a protocol booklet published by Writers and Research, Inc.

Although Naessens boasts a 75 percent rate of success for his unique treatment, how are we to know that this is not just another crackpot cure? Most alternative treatments lack the validation on which Americans have come to rely, the stamp of approval by the American Medical Association, the National Cancer Institute, and the FDA. The august bodies of medical research have demonstrated a reluctance to investigate therapies that have not emerged from their own labs.

Of the 63 treatments on the “list of unproved methods” published by the American Cancer Society, over 40 percent have never even been investigated by the medical establishment, writes Ralph Moss, author of The Cancer Industry. “Merely including a scientist’s name on the list of unproven methods has the effect of damning that researcher’s work and putting a tag of quackery on his efforts.” Gaston Naessens is number 63 on that list. American medical authorities, it seems, have joined the French and Canadian in blacklisting his research.

People like Bird and Schildwaecheter argue that there is sufficient evidence that this treatment should be thoroughly evaluated, not dismissed out of hand — specially considering the tremendous toll taken on the body by conventional approaches like chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation. Great scientific advances have often come from off the beaten track, they argue, the work of brave innovators who have neither the time nor the patience to keep their credentials up to date with established boards. The somatid theory may be one of them.

But the most powerful argument for making Naessen’s treatment available is the example of people like Anne Vignal, wife of the former French Counsel General in Quebec, who went to medical doctors to find out why she had not conceived. They told her her infertility was due to a lethal form of leukemia and that she had only three to five years to live.

Vignal had the good fortune to learn of Gaston Naessens and his ground-breaking work. Five years after being treated with 714X, she is very much alive and cancer-free — and the mother of a healthy son.

Yoga Journal L.L.C.

By Stephanie Hiller

Source: Dr Gaston Naessens - Cancer Cures Plus

Book with a chapter dedicated to Gaston Naessens on page 115:

Education of Cancer Healing Vol. VII - Heretics

Gaston Naessens and 714-X

I have grave doubts about Naessens work.
A crusty old man, undoubtedly a genius, but the somatid hypothesis is rather wild.
It was very hard trying to work with Naessens - in fact impossible.
I sold my microscope in 1999 and have not done any work in this field since then.
Back then we tried to set up a research project - some of the top medical and scientific minds were involved, but Naessens effectively scuttled the project.

So, take a look at my bottom line
Towards a bottom line

and meanwhile...
The following is what I thought in my first enthusiasm...

Gaston Naessens is responsible for several remarkable developments which may revolutionise our understanding of life and bring a major advance in cancer therapy. His work started with the invention of an amazing microscope, the "somatoscope". This led him to the discovery of the Somatid Cycle, and in turn to the development of his serum, 714-X.

The Somatoscope

Naessens' revolutionary microscope, the somatoscope, weaves two light sources (one visible, one ultraviolet) together to produce a third, functionally higher, frequency with which it is possible to obtain a resolution and magnification thirty times greater then with conventional light microscopy . (In conventional light microscopy resolution, and therefore magnification, is limited by the wavelength of visible light - approximately 4000 Angstroms.) Although with the electron microscope there is almost no limit to the magnification, the electrons must be beamed through a vacuum, so it can not be used to look at living material. Naessens' remarkable somatoscope, however, can view live material with a resolution of 150 Angstroms, a magnification of 30,000 diameters. That magnification reveals a whole new world in a tiny drop of blood. The world that Gaston Naessens sees in that drop with his somatoscope is quite different from what we were taught at school! He sees that our blood is alive with a teaming micro-ecology. This is how Gaston Naessens discovered the somatid.


In all living plants and animals Naessens observed tiny creatures. He called them somatids - "little bodies". He says that in the healthy organism the somatids have a simple three stage life cycle (a simple viroid form, spores, and double spores). This he named the microcycle. The somatids are symbiotic - they've always been with us, and we need them. However, when the body is under stress the somatids elaborate into a more complicated macrocycle, a sixteen stage cycle. The macrocycle is parasitic and is associated with the development of immune compromised diseases - such as cancer. Naessens' theory is that there are inhibitors in the blood that keep the somatids in the healthy symbiotic microcycle. Under stress these inhibitors may be lost and our friends, the somatids, turn into opportunistic parasites. So, in the 16 stage macrocycle bacteria-like and fungus-like forms grow from the somatids. This elaboration of forms is termed pleomorphism. The somatid pattern can function as an indicator of serious disease. The somatid pattern associated with cancer, for instance, is usually observed in the blood up to two years before the manifestation of the disease. This allows us to get a really early warning when we are headed for trouble or it can be helpful in keeping track of the progress of a preexisting disease. By monitoring the somatid phenomenon we can observe a patient's response to both orthodox and alternative treatments, and to life style changes.

Pleomorphism and Darkfield Microscopy

Although developed in isolation, Gaston Naessens' theories are part of a larger body of work that we may call "the darkfield work". His somatoscope is a very special variation of the darkfield microscope. All those who have worked extensively with darkfield microscopy, with live blood, have come up with similar stories of pleomorphism. In conventional "brightfield" microscopy we send light directly through the specimen, and so we can't see the specimen (thin slices of tissue, including blood, are transparent) unless we stain it canadian propecia. And to stain it we have to kill it. So again, as with the electron microscope, orthodox science, with all its sophistication, looks at dead material. With darkfield microscopy light is shone onto the specimen from the side. We look at reflected light against a dark background. This gives us a highly contrasted image. We don't need to stain the specimen, and therefore we can examine at living material. The darkfield microscope allows us to observe the somatid's pleomorphic cycles.

One of the first scientists who talked about pleomorphism in human blood was Béchamel, a contemporary and rival of Pasteur. He called the little bodies he observed "microzymes". Enderlein in the first half of this century called them "protits". In the 1930s Rife built a darkfield microscope comparable to Gaston Naessens'. He too saw pleomorphism.

Pleomorphism is a natural adaptive response of microorganisms. When the environment allows they are virus-like, bacteria-like, or fungus-like: they metamorphose to suit their conditions. When we are healthy they help us. According to Naessens they produce a growth hormone that is essential for cell division in all plants and animals. Biologist call this sort of mutually depended relationship "symbiosis". However, when we are unhealthy our friends, the somatids, turn on us and become parasitic. But this parasitism is a process that can be recognised by darkfield microscopy and it can often be reversed. Most important, we must find out what stressors caused the problem, and correct the situation.


Gaston Naessens' next invention was the development of a treatment that he calls 714-X. 714-X is a nitrogenized camphor derivative (trimethylbicyclo-nitraminoheptane). As I understand it the rationale behind this treatment is as follows: Gaston Naessens learned that tumours are nitrogen traps. They steal nitrogen from the body and this inhibits the immune system. By supplying nitrogen to the tumour and the body, the immune system is disinhibited, and the body begins to heal itself. (Camphor has a natural affinity for tumours and, as it is not toxic at pharmacological doses, it proved to be the perfect vehicle to carry the nitrogen to the tumour and the body.) The serum is injected "paranodularly" - that means next to the lymph nodes - so it is absorbed into the lymphatic system where it can act most directly. People close to Gaston Naessens' work believe that 714-X is best used early. While they believe it may save one in twelve of the terminally ill patients who turn to it on their death beds, and maybe one in six of the advanced cancer patients who try it as a last hope, when it is given early in the disease process, they feel that it might help almost everyone. Further, anecdotally, even in advanced cancer, 714-X may greatly improve quality of life.

The normalization of immune function is not only of benefit with cancer; 714-X is also thought to help to stabilize, though not to cure, AIDS, and to be of benefit with other disorders in which the immune system is compromised. To date no adverse reactions or side effects have been observed beyond some irritation at the site of injection.

In 1990 714-X was made available through Health and Welfare Canada's Emergency Drug Release Program and it can now be ordered by any MD. More than 800 patients have received 714-X, and it has recently been transferred from experimental to investigational status.

Gaston Naessens' remarkable work promises a whole new understanding of biology. It leads to a new perspective and, hopefully, a great advance in cancer treatment.

To make his work more widely accessible Gaston Naessens has designed a modified version of the darkfield condenser that allows the observation of the somatid cycle that he discover with his somatoscope. Under the banner of "The Canadian Institute of Alternative Medicine" I purchased Naessens darkfield system and offer the "somatid observation" in Toronto. Phone 416 928 9272 or email normanallan

Darkfield microscopy brings us a window into the body and a road to a new understanding.

Norman Allan, Ph.D., is a research scientist and practitioner of alternative therapies based in Toronto. For more information phone 416 928 9272.

Towards a bottom line

2007: when I was first using the microscope in 1994, I would often damage the sample to one extent or another. Then all sorts of monsters might appear in the sample. Were those Naessans' medusaheads?

Something 's going on. I must write of my encounters with pleomorphism.

While I was learning to use the darkfield techneque I helped initiate and was involved in a wonderful collberative effert with some of the brightest lights in the oncology and academic community and Naessens stepsons (who were wonderfully open, bright, and competant) to study 714X, say in lung cancer, but Naessans said "Non".

Meanwhile my friend Ralph had an enthusiastic encounter with 714 and Gaston that faded when data wasn't open. There are no clinical trials, there is no good data, and that seems to be because of Gaston...

so to me 714-X walked off into the distance,

but pleomorphism?

Bottom line?

714-X is not toxic. For many patients with enthusiasm for the product it has been a blessing, but there is no knowing how many. Naessens was not open and there is no good data on the effectiveness of 714-X.

Quite a number of people call me about 714-X, but there is nothing more than the above (except for some gossip) that I could tell them...

Appended information:-

The Somatoscope: "Two light sources, one incandescent with a wavelength of 3,300 angstroms, the other ultraviolet of 1,850 angstroms, start pulsating, producing a third wavelength. This wave goes through a monochromator which produces a ray. This ray is exposed to a magnetic field (the Zeemann effect) which splits it into parallel rays. One of these rays is treated by a Kerr cell which increases its frequency. This cell is then stimulated by a step generator-oscillator at frequencies which vary from 250 to 1,200 megahertz. The modulation of a visible light frequency ranging from 250 to 1,200 megahertz produces a basic frequency ranging from 250 to 1,200 megahertz, but also harmonics at a higher frequency (if we use light in the order of 2,000 �). ... the resolution of this instrument is in the order of 150 � and the power of its magnification varies from 2,000 to 30,000." (Gaston Naessens)

Pleomorphism: In a scientific article published in 1992 it was shown that yeast, starved of nitrogen, undergoes pleomorphic transformations. This work both parallels darkfield's pleomorphism and vindicates Naessens' rationale for 714-X. (Gimeno et al. Unipolar Cell Division in the Yeast S. cerevisiae Lead to Filamentous Growth: Regulation by Starvation and RAS. Cell 68:1077-1090. March 20,1992)

Cancer and Pleomorphism: "The number and forms of the bacteria seem to mirror the state of systemic sickness in cancer patients, and, by following the appearance of the blood by darkfield microscopy, the patient's therapeutic progress can be monitored." Macomber. Cancer and Cell Wall Deficient Bacteria. Medical Hypotheses 32, 1-9, 1990.

Read full article, with accompanying images and references at:


by Dr. Lawrence Wilson

© May 2016, L. D. Wilson Consultants, Inc.

All information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

This is one of the more unusual articles on this website. The science is not proven, but please have an open mind. I am hardly the first person to write about this topic.

The somatid theory can definitely help explain newer medical findings that the human intestine is producing many vital chemicals such as hormones, vitamins, and immune system components.

Definitions. Somatids are a type of small, less differentiated body cells found everywhere in the human and animal bodies. Most live in the small intestines, and most are made by mitosis in the brain.

Mitosis means a cell splits into two small ones.

Similar to trophoblasts. In size and functioning, somatids are similar to Trophoblast Cells, discussed in a separate article on this website.

Totipotent. Trophoblasts are almost totipotent cells. The word totipotent (total potency) means they can turn into any other kind of cell. Somatids are similar to this and may be the same, in fact.

Generalists. Most cells, early in their lifespan, differentiate. To differentiate means the cell becomes a specialist. Some cells become stomach tissue, while others become skin or hair. Others become the eyes, the nose, or some other body tissue. The cell remains this way for the entire life of the cell. Somatids, in contrast, can change their form and their functions.

Pleomorphism. The quality of changing one’s form and function is called pleomorphism. The word just means having many forms. So one can say that somatids are pleomorphic. This just means that they can change their form and function.


Somatids were first found in modern times about 110 years ago when several European scientists with special microscopes noticed them. One needs a special microscope because most microscopes, including the most modern electron microscopes, require killing cells first before you can look at them.

If one kills the somatid, one will not see the cell change its form or function. As a result, the idea of a cell that changes itself depending on its environment is not currently accepted in medical science.

The scientists who discovered somatids had special microscopes, known today as Rife microscopes. These are very rare instruments, and there are very few of them on earth. They turn the specimen into a light source, and as a result can get extremely high resolution on a live cell.

The somatid discoverers. The first scientist to see them was Antoine Bechamp, MD (1816-1908) in France. He called them mycozyma. Some people still use this term, but most prefer the word somatid. He saw that they changed their form depending on the terrain inside the body.

As a result, he believed they were the basic building blocks of all organisms, even plants and rocks. In this, I believe he was incorrect. Not all cells are somatids. However, he was correct in identifying the somatids as very unusual.

In the early twentieth century, several other scientists observed them. A Canadian doctor, Gaston Naessens, MD (1924- ) called them somatids. Guenther Enderlein (1872-1968), a German physician, called them protits. The name somatids is most accepted.

Another who observed them was Royal Rife, MD in the United States. All these scientists wrote about these cells, and designed remedies based upon them, as well. To read more about Dr. Rife, Dr. Naessans and pleomorphism, read The Cancer Pioneers on this website.


The concept that a cell can change its basic form has found only limited acceptance in the medical world. For example, it is known that many yeasts are dimorphic. This means they have two forms.

They have both a mold or hyphal form, and a yeast form. Among such yeasts are some penicillins and the common candida albicans. Somatids are somewhat like this – able to change their form depending on the conditions inside the body.

The medical establishment considers somatids part of esoteric or occult science, but it is no such thing. It is simply science that is more advanced, or harder to see.


One of the more modern discoveries of medical science that is mostly still unknown among doctors is that one’s intestine is not just a place to digest food. It contains immune cells, and many others. This may be because of the presence of the somatids.

In fact, a popular diet for autistic children is called the Gut And Psychology Diet or GAPS diet, for this reason. To read more about this, and why I don’t recommend it, please read The GAPS Diet on this site.


Gaston Naessens and other researchers believed that the pleomorphic forms of somatids are abnormal and pathological. This appears to be true, although some scientists debate this point.


No. The somatids are not the same as what are called probiotic organisms. The latter include various strains of bacteria such as lactobacillus acidophilus, for example. These are cells that cannot change their form or function. In contrast, somatids can change their function.

The somatids are also different from what are called ferments in the intestines. These are various bacteria and yeasts found in foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut, miso, cheese, kefir, and a few other foods. Differences between somatids and probiotics include:

1. Compared with the souls in bacteria and ferments, the souls in the somatids are much more advanced.

2. Somatids are not just found in the intestines, as are the probiotic organisms. Somatids are found everywhere in the body.

3. Somatids can move in and out of body organs easily because they are extremely tiny. Probiotic organisms are much too big to be able to do this.

These are just a few of the differences between somatids and other micro-organisms in our bodies.


The implications of the somatid theory are enormous, including the following:

1. If the terrain of the body is this important, then diet, lifestyle, rest, sleep, thoughts and emotions should be the focus of our health care system, not drugs, surgery, vaccines, fluoridation and other toxic methods.

2. If terrain is important, detoxification of the body is critical, as nutritional balancing asserts.

3. If terrain is critical, then keeping the body pure in all ways should be the goal. In addition to a pure diet, one’s lifestyle, morals, character development and careful education of the young are therefore of the greatest importance.


If a person follows a nutritional balancing program for at least 20 years, causing development, the somatids atrophy, and eventually disappear. This may occur when the down force through the body is strong enough. To read more about this, please read Downward Moving Energy And Healing on this site.

The replacement of the somatids is one of the goals of every nutritional balancing program. However, to the best of my knowledge, final somatid replacement is not discussed among doctors who endorse pleomorphism and the somatid theory. Most likely, this is because they do not know how to accomplish the replacement of the somatids.


Manufacturer's webpage with multiple official company YouTube videos which are hidden on YouTube itself, about 714X, a screening test, somatid and its pleomorphism and the somatoscope:

Media | Cerbe Distribution Inc

Basically this is a cancer medication which has to be administered by a doctor in Canada or Mexico and has a big success rate to date according to sources. The 714X (the anti-cancer agent) product is still manufactured, with cGMP quality, sold and used by clinicians to this day in Canada and Mexico. The somatoscope is still in use by scientists, so far as sources state. The 714X product can be found on the manufacturer's website here:

Cerbe Distribution Inc | A Trustworthy Partner for Better Health

Mr Naessens has sadly passed away this year at the age of 94.

French news article about his passing: Le chercheur Gaston Naessens n’est plus

I hope this topic will be used to discuss the works of Mr. Naessens and his cancer treatment and that it will help people when it comes to cancer treatment options and discussion.

CC: @burtlancast (From who I came across Naessens and 714X, thank you for that, Burtlancast!)
Last edited:


Jul 3, 2016
Gaston Naessens: Somatid and Somatoscope
By Fritzraven Sky

Gaston Naessens's somatid theory of the origins of cancer, the result of over 40 years of research in bacteriology and biology (the last 20 funded personally by the late David Stewart of the MacDonald-Stewart Foundation), has its roots in the concept of pleomorphism, first advanced by Antoine Bechamp in France in the 1870's. Pleomorphism is the assumption of multiple forms, or stages, by a single organism during its life cycle. Bechamp postulated such a pleomorphic (literally, shape-changing) micro-organism, which he named “microzymia” as a common progenitor of all bacteria.

Pleomorphism was then in direct contradiction to the reigning (monomorphic) germ theory of disease being promulgated by Louis Pasteur. It continues to be vehemently opposed, anathema to established bacteriological doctrine, because it blurs the distinction between bacterium and virus, raising fundamental questions about the basis of life and the (genetic versus environmental) transmission of characteristics. Modern medicine espouses the viral etiology and “somatic mutation” theory of cancer (cellular function becomes disorganized by an errant gene) and makes a pivotal distinction between bacteria and viruses, as follows: 1) Virus are much smaller and can be filtered; 2) Viruses produce DNA or RNA, not both; and 3) Only bacteria, not viruses, may be cultured outside the host organism.

Research has demonstrated that the virus-like particles present in tumours and the blood of cancer patients are actually filtrable (pleomorphic) bacteria in their diseased phase. The cancer-causing Rous “virus” first isolated in 1911 is now known to be a classical bacterium. It produces both DNA and RNA and, like other pathogenic micro-organisms, has been cultured on slides outside the host. Despite the repeated demonstration many times since Bechamp of pleomorphism and the endogenous (internal) source of disease-causing bacteria, modern medicine remains as resistant as ever to testing the clinical applications of this body of knowledge.

Naessens's remarkable Somatoscope has made possible time-lapse photographic studies and revolutionary new blood examination techniques. Based on this live-specimen microscopic research, Naessens has formulated the following theory of disease-producing bacteria: Naessens's somatid is an elementary, sub-cellular and pleomorphic particle (analogous to Bechamp's “microzymia” or Wilhelm Reich's “bion”) present in all biological liquids and especially in blood, with a potentially variable life cycle comprising 16 separate stages in all. The first three stages (somatid-spore-double spore) are seen in the blood of all individuals. Whether or not these bacteria will then devolve further into their pathogenic forms is determined by the integrity of the internal environment. The pathogenic stages of Naessens's somatid cycle culminate in the formation of “thalli”, microscopic sacs that eventually burst, releasing somatids and initiating the entire cycle all over again. In other words, we're all born with a latent, dormant form of cancer. Actual disease is produced when the compromised health of the individual presents an opportunity.

The somatid in its double-spore form produces “trefons”, hormone-like substances which initiate cell division. In a healthy person the cycle, or rate of division, is regulated by blood inhibitors. Disturbance of the cycle due to physical or psychic stress results in a diminished level of blood inhibitors which in turn permits the proliferation of the diverse (and disease-causing) forms of the original somatid. Such diverse bacterial forms were first identified in the 1930's by German scientist von Brehmer as “Syphonospora Polymorpha” and have since been observed and variously referred to as Pleomorphic Organisms, “L” forms and Cell Wall Deficient Organisms (CWDO's). Anablast, Naessens's first anti-cancer serum developed in France in the 1960's, is derived from pleomorphic organisms, as are several other clinically successful anti-cancer serums and vaccines, including those of Drs. Glover, Crofton, Ivy and Livingston-Wheeler.

The Somatoscope resolves the role of pleomorphism in disease, enabling its inventor to observe, identify and classify bacterial forms as they evolve and devolve. It has some parallels to the 1930's microscope developed in California by the little-recognized and much-persecuted genius, Raymond Rife. Rife used a series of prisms to direct a monochromatic light beam onto the live specimen and then fine-tuned the light frequency until it “matched” the micro-organism's, prompting a kind of resonance in the organism and causing it to “light up.” This unique method of staining with light was a profound breakthrough, far superior to the conventional chemical dyes used with electron microscopy. The principles of illumination which Rife pioneered are only recently being rediscovered and affirmed by biophysical research. Rife, like Naessens and others, argued for the pre-eminent role of the patient's internal ecology in determining the outcome of the endogenous potential for cancer and other degenerative diseases.

The mainstream study of pleomorphism would necessitate profound changes in the entire field of bacteriology and in the clinical treatment of cancer, AIDS and other degenerative diseases. Since it would also expose and threaten a vast, interdependent web of vested interests in the medico-industrial complex, it continues to be unscrupulously suppressed. Pleomorphism has been proven and demonstrated in the laboratory; the cancer micro-organism has been isolated and cultured outside the organism and then reintroduced; revolutionary ocular devices, such as Naessens's and Rife's, document and forge the new advances. What remains to consolidate is the political will, so that freedom of choice and unrestricted access to medical alternatives exist.

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Published in the Le Monde à Bicyclette Journal Autumn 1989.

Guest Gems | Welcoming Page
© Robert Silverman 2000

Source: Somatid and Somatoscope

The Somatid Cycle of Life by Naessens

Somatids are tiny micro-organisms (germs) that feed upon the poisonous material which they find in the sick organism and prepare it for excretion. These tiny organisms are derived from still tinier organisms called “somatids” by Gaston Naessens. Other researchers discovered these same microbes and called them protits, microzyma, etc.

Somatids are present in the tissues and blood of all living organisms, and also in plant sap, where they remain normally quiescent (quiet and not acting) and harmless. When the welfare of the human body is threatened by the presence of potentially harmful material, a transmutation (change) takes place called pleomorphism. The ‘somatid’ changes into a virus or bacterium which immediately goes to work to rid the body of this harmful material. When the bacteria or viruses have completed their task of consuming the harmful material they automatically revert to the somatid stage.

If the environment in the body becomes toxic, polluted, or doesn’t have the nutrients it requires to maintain health these “tiny dots” hook together into long threads and change into the viruses, bacteria and finally the fungi (candida albicans) that clean up a corpse, if things get that bad. For more information see You Cannot “Catch” Germs, Bacteria or Viruses.

Source: The Somatid Cycle of Life by Naessens

The Somatid Connection


One of the most interesting components of both living and non-living matter are things called somatids, named as such by Gaston Naessens. Somatids are described as ultramicroscopic ,subcellular, living reproducing entities. They are remarkable in that they cannot be destroyed by ultraviolet radiation (routinely used to sterilize), or by 50,000 rems of nuclear radiation, or temperatures of over 200 degrees centigrade, and they are impossible to cut by diamond, and do not respond to any of the strongest antibacterial or anti fungal chemical agents.

Gaston Naessens was able to see somatids because working in the 1950s with artisans from the Lietz optical fac tory and the French military contractors Barbier-Bernard et Turenne, he constructed a microscope which can magnify live elements to enlargements of 30,000 X, with a resolution of 150 Angstroms (1 Angstrom = 100 millionth of a centimetre).The electron microscope can enlarge to the order of 400,00X with a resolution of 30-50 Angstroms but, as Naessens explains it, it ' necessitates manipulations that alter the physical aspects of objects being observed.' To understand the somatids , or even identify them correctly, however one has to be able to see the changes they go through.

Consequently, when tiny bits and pieces were found in the blood they were called 'dross' or crasse sanguine. Naessens has discovered that these small particles are in fact polymorphous (which means they occur in many or various forms) living things. In 1990 I had the opportunity to see a film showing somatids, which look like short, sparkling worms, tiny in comparison with red blood corpuscles and far more numerous. In a healthy person, somatids go through a three-stage cycle (somatids, spores, double spores) and produce, it is thought, trephone, a hormone indispensable to cellular division.
However, when the immune system is weakened or destabilized through stress or trauma, the somatid goes through another thirteen evolving forms(including bacteria, mycobacterial forms, yeast-like forms, ascopores, asci and mycelial forms).

Somatids are found in all living organisms, including the sap in plants. According to Francoise Naessens, Gaston's late wife and assistant, '...the "tiny bodies".. are fundamentally electrical in nature...Somatids are actually tiny living condensers of energy, the smallest ever found.' To understand the significance of this discussion, consider the fact that if a cube of fresh meat is injected with an in vitro culture of somatids, placed in a vacuum sealed vessel and put in the sun, the meat will only remain fresh, but will grow!

Gaston Naessens says, '..we have observed, in all biological liquids and particularly in the blood, an elementary particle endowed with a movement of the electronegative repulsion, possessing a polymorphic nature.' Essentials oils are a biological liquid and there is no reason to suppose that somatids are not present in them. It may well be that as further research is carried out, we will discover that essential oils in some way transfer somatids, the little condensers of energy, or influence the trephone factor - either chemically, electrically or energetically - and keep the somatids to a healthy (for us ) three-stage cycle.

Not only has Naessens discovered an extraordinary and marvellous microscope, and discovered somatids, he has developed a product based on camphor and its derivatice called 714-X which has arrested and rversed the progress of diseases in ove 1,000 cases of cancer as well as in several dozen cases of AIDS. Naessens writes , '...after having carried out numerous experiments on camphor and its derivative, we have discovered that this product is endowed with remarkable pharmaceutical properties ... it carries to the tumor cells all the nitrogen that it needs, supressing by the same action the secretion that would paralyse the immune system.

Aromtherapists will find it interesting that he has chose to work with camphor. Oil of Borneo Camphor (Dryobalanops camphora) is used in aromatherapy for depressive states, and acts as a tonic, among other things. Borneol is also found in small amounts in the essential oils of lavender, cinnamon, rosemary and certain types of hyssop.

Invisible forces are a fact f life, the air is full of invisible messages - from mobile phone conversations to satellite TV pictures. No biologist discusses physiological processes without talking about electricity, which you or I don't see. Physicists tell us that all life is basically vibration, and there are even reputable scientists saying that life is basically vibration, and there are even reputable scientists saying that life is just a big hologram! Compared with this, talk about etheric emanations seems positively old hat and perhaps it's not so surprising that university professors are proving the existence of auric bodies and chakras. Preliminary studies are proving what aromatherapists have long known - that essential oils have an effect far beyond the physical body

In the biological sciences there is still much to learn. To discuss essential oils solely in terms of chemical components is dismissive of other important factors in the nature of life. Aside from this, science has not yet identified all essential oil components. Life is living, that is the point! Nature has the capacity to retain life within it to a remarkable degree. In Denmark, Spergula arvensis seeds were germinated after 1,700 years and in China seeds of a Manchurian lotus were found to be fertile after 1,000 years.

While recognizing and acknowledging the importance of the therapeutic value of the known chemical components of essential oils, they are probably working in tandem with other factors, and snyergistically with each other. The fact is that certain essential oils work in therapy in certain conditions, yet chemically their effects cannot be explained. Sitting on the shelf of bottles, essential oils might be regarded as nothing more than a chemical cocktail, but they are powerful, energetic, dynamic liquids.

Despite the criticism of being vague, aromatherapists continue to say that essential oils contain a 'life force' but it may be some time before science can prove them wrong!

Reference : The Fragrant Mind : V A Worwood

Source: The Somatid Connection

Somatidian Theory...

Somatidian orthobiology is a new vision, a new way of explaining phenomena associated with living matter, taking into account the crucial existence of a very small living particle present in the blood: the somatid. This particle regulates all basic biological functions, such as cellular division and repair, two fundamental mechanisms maintaining life itself. Somatids may only be observed in a liquid milieu, thus explaining why an electron microscope cannot detect its presence. This instrument, although capable of greater magnification and greater resolution, necessitates the dehydration of the specimen to be observed (the specimen then being dead). The somatid cannot then be observed with this modern research tool, the only one in use today. The optical microscope was surpassed in the 1950's by the electron microscope. The optical microscope, often times considered obsolete today, can still render precious services in the field of fundamental biological research. Viewing live material contributes to a better understanding of life itself. Studying the words 'somatidian orthobiology' reveals that this expression describes the study of life taking into account this small particle, the somatid. Orthobiology : from the Greek word 'ortho' meaning 'to set straight' and 'bios' 'logos' the study of life. 'Somatidian' : from the Greek word 'soma' meaning 'the body' and 'tidos' meaning 'he who creates' (the somatid being the one creating the body). Somatidian orthobiology, a theory of biology proposed by Gaston Naessens in the early 1960's, was developed following a series of interrelated events. Various applications of this theory came about subsequently and still more are being developed today. A review of events that led to this new theory of fundamental biology follows. First, there is the man: Gaston Naessens. A biological researcher interested in the field of haematology, having aptitudes in manufacturing, mechanics and optics. This led to : The manufacture of a unique and very special optical instrument: the somatoscope (magnification power: 30 000X, resolution: in the order of 150 Angstroms) capable of viewing live matter without any staining. This led to : The discovery of a small particle in live human blood, much later called the somatid. This led to : The further study of this particle in culture. The further extraction and culture of this particle confirmed the living nature of the particle. This led to : The establishment of the cycle of the somatid in culture. The isolation of the extracted somatid placed in an ideal culture medium confirmed the presence of a definite growth cycle particular to the somatid (the somatidian theory). The demonstration of the growth cycle in culture of this living particle correlated with the live blood of healthy people and the blood of diseased people revealed a specific somatidian cycle for human blood.


The Somatid Cycle

Home / Members Articles / The Somatid Cycle

The Somatid Cycle
by Noelle Quinn Nov 2014
– Your Blood Cells Count!
I consider myself very lucky to have had the opportunity to train in Bio Testing and Therapy with Fr. Fox. This was in 1995 and it has made such a difference to my life and how I live my life. Fr. Fox left his mark on everyone who met him. I was absolutely sure that what Fr. Fox did and taught was very right. Through personal experience, having been worked on by Fr. Fox during the training (as we all were), I was left in no doubt that this therapy worked. I had suffered from severe body pain for quite some time which had left me tired and worn out. Following the work with Fr. Fox my body pain was removed and replaced with energy levels I had not felt for quite some time. I was hooked. Given the very young ages of my three children at that time I was not in a position to work at the therapy but I continued with practice, practice and more practice (with great input by Sr. Rachel). No body that crossed my door was safe. Instinctually I know that Fr. Fox had a very special gift to pass on.

During my training a few areas in particular stuck out in my mind and it is not surprising that these were the very elements that seemed to always come up when treating people. One of them was the Somatid Cycle. I have a vivid memory of Fr. Fox teaching us how to bring the somatid cycle back into balance. When testing with BTTI and the Blood Cells Vial is required as the remedy, it will either be the various remedies under the Cells or the somatid cycle that will need to be tapped in. Before describing how to remedy the somatid cycle I would like to give you a small bit of background on what the somatid cycle is. All those years ago I had no idea what it was only how to fix it – and that it worked.

Somatids are microscopic energy particles. They are found in all things including humans, animals, fruit, veg, and the sap of plants and also in lifeless organic matter like rocks and ashes. They are apparently indestructible.
Looking at the somatid cycle (this is shown on our BTTI sheets under the Combination Remedies for the Blood Cells Vial information) the first three stages are normal and are necessary in the human body as an immune response initiator. There are however a further 13 stages from stage 4 to 16.

Let us take a look at what happens in this cycle under the various stages:

Stage: What happens …

  1. normal
  2. normal
  3. normal
  4. bacterial form
  5. becomes double bacterial form evolving from the preceding and observed in blood smears
  6. rod form – looks like bacteria but longer
  7. bacterial form with double spores
  8. bacterial form with granulated double spores – they begin to move
  9. microbial bacteria – resulting from the maturation of the previous form and well known to microbiologists
  10. microbial globular form – this micro bacteria has developed bubble like enclaves
  11. bursting of bubble micro bacteria and this causes the release of elements of its cytoplasm (the fluid surrounding it) into the blood
  12. yeast form – yeast like formations that result from the bursting of the bubble like bacteria
  13. Ascosporic – the further development of the yeast form which are pre cursers of mycelia form (fungus)
  14. mycelia (fungus) – young
  15. develops into adult fungus (with thallus / branches)
  16. end of cycle – when this fungus reaches full maturity it is extremely active and when it bursts it releases an enormous quantity of new particles into the blood. Each particle is capable of duplicating the entire cycle.
This fibrous thallus (or the waste product) which is the residue from the somatid cycle is often observed in blood smears and dismissed as an artefact of coloration.

We all know that our blood is a useful focal point for exploring our health. The Doctor will take blood samples to diagnose what is going on. Whatever health issues we have today is largely the result of what is in our blood. Our blood bathes our cells in nutrients 24 hours a day. Our blood also has to carry away metabolic waste products. It is our Super Highway of nutrition and detoxification that reaches into (virtually) every organ and cell in our entire body. It makes sense then, that to improve our health it is necessary to improve our blood composition. Some research shows that if you take blood from people whose bodies prevent cancer and then inject that blood into people suffering from cancer the anti-cancer benefits of the blood are immediately reflected in the cancer patient (through tumour shrinkage for example). There is such a thing as anti-cancer blood – if you eat an anti-cancer diet you are making anti-cancer blood every single day.

Some facts to think about:

  • A typical human blood cell lives 4 – 5 months (approx. 120 days)
  • Blood is made up of 3 things:
    • Red Blood Cells: Oxygen carriers
    • White Blood Cells: Immune Function
    • Blood Plasma: Liquid solution that carries everything else.
When more red blood cells are needed, the body in its infinite healing wisdom automatically generates new ones. Obviously it must generate these new cells using the materials that are available – materials that are circulating in your blood at the time.

So the blood you make today that will be carried around your body for the next 4 months is made from the materials that are in your blood right now.

So let’s face it:
Bad blood leads to bad results:

  • Anger/moody mental function
  • Chronic disease
  • Good blood on the other hand leads to happy healthy outcomes:
    • Improves your sleep
    • Improves your sex
    • Improves your mood and cognitive function
    • Keeps your body free from cancer
    • Keeps your body youthful and energised
    • Actively healing itself on multiple levels
So let’s get to cleansing our blood and enhancing our health in a very simple and easy manner as taught by Fr. Fox in Bio-Testing and Therapy.

Somatid Cycle Protocol

5 Easy to Follow Steps:

  1. Test – (by whatever means you use, i.e. spasm, pendulum, body pendulum/other)
    To identify at what stage you/other are at in the Somatid Cycle. Start at number 1 and test through all numbers (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 etc.) till you come to where you get a change. Let’s assume you are at No. 8. (In my experience many people show up at number 9 when they have viral in their system, some at number 12 when big yeast infection present and many more at number 8 with bacterial infection present in the system.)
  2. Take your Blood Cells Vial from your bio-testing and therapy combination remedy kit and hold it in your left hand – between your fingers (this can be done by yourself for yourself or with another person).
  3. Holding the Vial in your left hand begin to tap back through the numbers starting at number 8 by placing your left hand on each number as you work back from number 8 thru 7, 6,5,4,3,2,1, each time placing your fingers on the number and tapping your upper arm.
  4. You work thru the numbers 8 – 1 seven times and then move to begin the same process starting at number 7 and working thru 7, 6,5,4,3,2,1, – do this seven times and so on i.e.
    1. 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, x 7 times – each time placing your fingers on the nos. and tapping body
    2. 7,6,5,4,3,2,1, x 7 times
    3. 6, 5, 4,3,2,1, x 7 times
    4. 5, 4,3,2,1, x 7 times
    5. 4,3,2,1, x 7 times
  5. Test again to see where you are in the somatid cycle now. You may stop at 3 or within the first 3 as these are naturally occurring in the body. If you have brought the cycle back to a number beyond 3 you must start the process again at that number e.g. No. 6. Start 6,5,4,3,2,1, x 7 times
    1. 5, 4,3,2,1, x 7 times
    2. 4,3,2,1, x 7 times
Test again and repeat if necessary to bring the cycle back to within 3.
Congratulations you have cleansed your blood in one of the simplest ways as taught by Fr. Fox.

If we take a brief look now at the homeopathic remedies included in the Blood Cells Vial:

There are 13 different remedies included in the vial. These remedies relate to most areas of the body. This is just a very brief overview of these remedies as they appear and the area they relate to.

Remedy: Organ/Body System etc.:

  • Primula Cerebral congestion
  • Pinus Syl Weak Ankles / Walking / Sinus / Lungs and Breathing
  • Conium Central Nervous System / Breathing / Eye / Sinus / Ears and Hearing
  • Calc Sulph Eczema/Glandular Swellings
  • Helianthus Spleen
  • Sabadilla Cranial Nerves / Vertigo / Sleep / Wake
  • Ambra Cranial Nerves / Thalamus / Amygdala / Aggression
  • Staphasagria Vagus Nerve /Smell /Taste /Emotional Turmoil /Bottled up Anger
  • Laurocerases Respiratory/ Heart/Sleep/Extremities & Fever
  • Hepaticum Pharyngeal Catarrh (itching and tickly throat)
  • Kali Phos Nerve Remedy/Genital Tract – Ovaries /Testicles/Inflammation
  • Alium Cepa Genital Tract /Endocrine/Sinus /Central Nervous System/Olfactory Nerves
So by using the Blood Cells Vial to cleanse our blood we have worked on practically the whole body. As we all know, our blood plays a major role in all our body systems as they all rely on blood supply.

Body System: Connection to Blood.

  • Cardiovascular: Pumps blood around the body
  • Muscular: Depends on a healthy blood supply
  • Skeletal: Red and White Cells grow in bone marrow
  • Endocrine: Hormones produced (our chemical messengers) circulated in the blood to keep proper internal environment
  • Respiratory: Working with breathing muscles brings air to and from lungs where gases exchanged for oxygen. Blood transports these gases to and from all body tissues supplying oxygen and removing waste carbon dioxide.
  • Immune: Protecting us from infectious diseases (white Blood Cells)
  • Reproductive: Needs steady supply of oxygen. Blood carries the hormones released by the reproductive system around the body
  • Urinary Tract: Formation of urine by the kidney eliminates waste and helps maintain the body’s chemical balance. Production of urine influenced by blood flow and blood pressure, chemical and various rhythms and cycles in the body such as sleep and waking.
  • Digestive: Responsible for breakdown of food, extraction and absorption of nutrients (include all organs connected with digestion)
  • Nervous: The Nervous system comprises Brain and Spinal Cord. Heart and Brain function are triggered by the Nervous system. Blood supply problems can cause mental health issues i.e. from toxins, drugs, medicines, alcohol etc. Infections can also affect the Brain.
  • Lymphatic: Closely connected to the circulatory system. Lymph comes from the blood and is returned to the blood.
  • Organs: All organs and tissues (Skin and Organs of Digestion) of the body need a supply of oxygenated blood and the removal of waste products.
    I am just, for information purposes, going to give a very broad overview of occasions when the somatid cycle was required when testing with clients.
When RC came to see me he just was not feeling well, felt he had slowed down and was experiencing trouble with his eyes. On testing RC I found salmonella affecting the lungs, parasitic affecting the eyes, viral affecting the Immune System and dysbiosis affecting the somatid cycle. It was at 8. By tapping the somatid cycle back to normal it will assist the body deal with events ie. detox for parasitic, use of probiotic and change of diet.

Another client CJ (35) had digestive problems since early 20s. She had rash from (dairy wheat and cheese) and her blood felt as though it was pulsing. She had a lot going on in her system ranging from Heart and circulation/gut absorption problem/gall bladder problem/ kidney/ lungs/ emotional context was very big/ limbs and hormonal system but underlying all the problems parasitic, viral and cystic showed up with pre cancer showing the somatid cycle at 10. While I have worked with CJ many times since then the somatid cycle has never appeared again for remedying.

Another client had scarlet fever as a child which was never treated. He has sleep apnoea and uses a machine at night. He sweats a lot since young, has cramps in his stomach for the past 7/8 years. He coughs in the morning. He had accidentally been given Antibiotics at four times the proper strength by a dentist while having very deep work done at age 35. On testing the client showed with salmonella in lungs/ kleibsella affecting lymph of lower body parasitic in bowel, helicobactor affecting the nervous system, viral affecting the brain area and cystic affecting reticular formation for breathing and also the somatid cycle at 12 yeast form.

This is just an indication of how relevant the somatid cycle is to what is going on in the system and how so many of the body systems can be affected by the state of the blood. So Fr. Fox has most definitely provided us with an amazing tool in BTTI. I feel blessed to have known him.

In relation to the somatid cycle reference has to be made to Gaston Naessens who built the microscope which he called the Somatoscope. He was born in Northern France in 1924 and studied physics, chemistry and biology. When the war started he moved to South of France and continued his studies. He got a degree in Biological Engineering. During his studies he was bothered by the limited power of the microscope. He decided to make a better one. He build the Somatscope in 1949 which enabled him to see organisms as small as 150 angstroms (1 angstrom =- 100 millionth of a centimetre). This allowed Gaston Naessens to see the tiny organism in our blood while still alive as opposed to dead as is the case with other microscopes. With this magnification he began to study human blood. He discovered that the blood of sick people was vastly different to the blood of healthy people. He noticed that healthy people kept the somatid number in check while unhealthy bodies were unable to. He discovered that the first three somatids were essential to life because they produce a particle responsible for cell division. Naessens’ early successes in treating cancer was not approved of by the medical authorities and he was fined. He moved to Corsica but was forced to move again to avoid further investigation.

Unfortunately he was continuously persecuted as his work and research did not suit the American Cancer Society or the American Medical Association. He moved to Quebec. Here he had support from scientists and doctors until such time as the various Associations again denounced his findings.

Through his research Naessens discovered that when the immune system is weakened the somatids go through the other thirteen stages. This weakening can be caused by many reasons such as exposure to chemical pollution, ionising radiation, electric fields, poor nutrition, accident, shock, depression and more.

His research has resulted in the association of degenerative diseases with the development of forms in the 16 stage cycle (rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, cancer and Aids). The ability to associate the disease with specific stages has enable Naessens to pre-diagnose conditions in advance of when they would clinically appear. He did wonderful work and though he was continually persecuted Fr. Fox chose to include this work in his BTTI protocol.

So to wrap up: When thinking about health enhancing qualities of your blood remember this astonishing fact:

Modern science cannot make human blood. But YOU can.
So will you manufacture blood out of transfats, pharmaceuticals and junk food or will you make your blood out of living fruits and vegetables, healthful omega 3s and positive energies from Mother Nature?

It’s your choice, each and every day. You can have good blood or bad blood and the health results you get will directly reflect the quality of your blood.

You have these tools in your Bio-Testing and Therapy Kit!

Source: The Somatid Cycle - Bio-Testing Therapy International

Book sources:

Suppressed Inventions


Yoga Journal

Curado de la Hepatitis C

During phase 3, somatids (tiny microorganisms necessary for life) that live in our body pleomorphise [or change] into yeast-like-fungus to ferment excess glucose and lactic acid in cells. In a healthy person, somatids are limited to 3 stages in their life cycle – somatid, spore, double spore. However, in a highly acidic (low pH) lactic acid environment caused by prolonged chronic stress breaking the cell's Krebs' Citric Acid Cycle, somatids pleomorphise into a further 13 stages. These stages include viral-bacterial-yeast-like-fungus forms which then migrate to the cell nucleus to reproduce, releasing acidic waste products called “mycotoxins”, inhibiting cell DNA repair and inhibiting the all-important tumor suppressor genes. Without the tumor suppressor genes [namely p53] to regulate cell death (apoptosis) when the cell has mutated beyond repair, the cell lives on and ‘cell-growth regulating’ proto-oncogenes turn into oncogenes, causing normal cells to mutate into cancer cells.

Source: Phase 3 of Cancer: The Cancer Fungus

There Is No Medicine Higher Than Truth

Ina Belderis
Once upon a time there was a disagreement between two biologists, and the outcome changed the perspective of medicine for ever after . . . or has it? It happened in the 19th century; the biologists were Antoine Bechamp and Louis Pasteur, and the controversy was about the cause of disease. Bechamp held that the cause of disease lay within the body, while Pasteur was convinced that it had an external cause as presented in his germ theory. According to Pasteur, disease comes about when bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms foreign to the body invade and attack it. His view has dominated medical science and its philosophy ever since.

Yet there was always something in the blood that eluded definition. As they had no means to examine it more closely and no explanation for it, researchers called it "dross" in the blood and it was generally ignored. This was still the case even when instruments were constructed that allowed a much closer examination, such as the microscope invented in the 1920s by Royal Raymond Rife, which could magnify 30,000 times and could detect microorganisms in living blood that no one had seen before.

Another researcher intrigued by the dross in the blood is Gaston Naessens, a French-Canadian scientist who has discovered an alternative treatment for immunologically-based diseases, founded on a completely different approach to disease. His story is told in a new book by Christopher Bird, The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens (H. J. Kramer, Tiburon, CA, 1991). It is a fascinating account of his various discoveries, his treatment of cancer patients, and his years of persecution by the modem medical establishment, ending in a trial in Quebec which he won. It also tells about the problems he encountered in having his remedy finally acknowledged and distributed.

To study this mysterious substance in the blood, Naessens needed a much stronger microscope. Unfamiliar with the work of Rife, he designed and built his own microscope with the assistance of technicians from the Leitz Optical Company. This unique instrument made it possible for him to view living entities far smaller than could be seen with existing light microscopes. And in studying these, he came up with a series of remarkable theories.

Naessens discovered a fundamental substance in the life juices of all living beings: a subcellular, living and reproducing microscopic form, which he named the somatid (tiny body). This "entity" developed in a form-changing cycle: the first three stages of this cycle (somatid, spore, double spore) normally occur in healthy living beings and are actually essential for their very existence. Naessens found these somatids to be indestructible. After the death of the host they return to the earth where they continue to exist. To him they are more basic to life than cells, which have long been considered to be the primary building blocks of life. Naessens found that these tiny entities change when the immune system becomes destabilized and weakens. Instead of the ordinary three-stage cycle, the somatid goes through a sequence of sixteen stages of growth, each one evolving into the next. He ascribes the weakening of the immune system to various kinds of trauma such as are brought on by shock, accidents, psychological states and pollution. He was able to relate the 16-stage cycle to many degenerative diseases, e.g., cancer, AIDS, and multiple sclerosis. He has even succeeded in predicting the eventual outbreak of these diseases by studying the somatid cycles in human blood.

Naessens developed a treatment using the idea that when the immune system is strengthened, it regains its capacity to fight disorders by itself His cure is based on certain phenomena in the normal three-stage somatid cycle found in the blood (p. 301):

In the course of this microcycle, we can detect the production of a trephone. This is a proliferative hormone indispensable to cellular division. Without it, life does not exist. In healthy individuals, the evolution of this cycle is stopped at the level of the double spore because of the presence of trephone inhibitors in the blood. . . . If, because of stress or some biological disturbance, the inhibitors in the blood diminish in concentration, the somatid cycle continues its natural evolution and one sees the appearance of diverse forms of bacteria. . . .Next come the mycobacterial forms, and then the yeastlike forms.
Naessens believes that when these inhibitors in the blood decrease and the polymorphism of the somatid is not stopped, an increased formation of trephone leads the cell to return to a simpler form (p. 303):

It then loses more or less those functions that give it its individuality and make it pertain to a specialized organ. The cell is divided even before it has utilized all its capacity for synthesis, thus prematurely interrupting the cycle of its activities and aggravating its disorder at each division. In response, it recovers old properties remembered from its origin - the most important of which is the aptitude to multiply rapidly.
The result is cancerization. Cells start multiplying quickly and a new "entity" occurs, which opposes the organism that has given it birth. In fact, we develop cancers daily, but a strong immune system gets rid of them quickly. When the immune system is weak, however, the new entity gets a chance to grow and is able to reach a "critical" mass of cells. According to Naessens, the entity that escaped the immune system is in need of great quantities of nitrogen for subsistence, which it draws from the organism through a certain substance it emits. At the same time this substance, CKF, paralyzes the immune system. The key to Naessens' cure is the suppression of CKF, so that the immune system is not paralyzed.

Naessens has offered his treatment to many cancer patients, never, however, calling it a cure for cancer, or ever promising anyone recovery. He has presented it as something that would strengthen the immune system, and he did achieve improvement and remission of cancer in very many cases. The medical establishment, however, denying the value of his discoveries, theories, and cure, has persecuted him for thirty years. It has gone to extremes to suppress this alternative treatment of immunologically-based diseases. When Christopher Bird asked Naessens about this, he replied that the attitude of modern medical science is understandable from its point of view. The medical community and Gaston Naessens speak entirely different languages. All approved cancer therapies are derived from the idea that cancer is a local affliction that becomes generalized. His theory claims that cancer is a general systemic illness that becomes localized. So modern therapy concentrates on cancer tumors and cancer cells with the philosophy that a cell-killing method must be used to get rid of all cancer cells in a diseased body: methods such as surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. When medical researchers investigate Naessens' product and find no cell-killing properties, they declare it worthless.

Some feel that Naessens' success in bringing about the remission of cancer comes only from a placebo effect -- people are cured because of a mysterious "psychological" faith. Other investigators maintain there was no cancer at all in these patients, that the diagnosis was wrong. Researchers who have come to Naessens' laboratory and looked through his microscope have seen for themselves the microorganisms he describes and the changing forms of their cycle. Yet most of them have responded that a) they did not know what they were seeing; b) they did not believe what they were seeing; c) they believed what they were seeing and became enthusiastic, determined to investigate but, after returning to their colleagues they denied what they had seen or tried to reason it away. Only a very small minority who believed what they saw and tried it for themselves have supported Naessens.

Gaston Naessens is not the only independent researcher who has experienced this reaction. Why does the medical establishment regard an apparently successful alternative cancer treatment with contempt and distrust? Why is so much research in the area of alternative medicine blocked? Several factors are at work. First, there is the financial element: the cancer treatment industry is a multimillion dollar business with very powerful lobbies in government circles. Actions undertaken by physicians and researchers which might undermine this power base are often met with formidable resistance. It is understandable, though certainly lamentable, that very few medical professionals are willing to risk being ostracized for daring to try something new.

A second, perhaps even more restricting, factor is the ruling dogma that the body is attacked from the outside by germs, chemicals, radiation, etc., or disabled from within by defective genes. In most cases medical science looks at a localized affliction rather than at the organism as a whole, though this is gradually changing. A third factor is the very real threat of quackery. Unscrupulous people have always tried to take advantage of the vulnerable position of those who are ill. A physician's suspicion and prudence are understandable. But this does not justify brushing aside everything at face value because it does not fit into existing theories. Ideally the task of science is to develop ideas that explain the phenomena of life, and formulate them into theories. The next step is to find the limitations of these theories. A dialectic process of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis, repeated over and over, should provide an ever expanding horizon of insights; but when science clings to certain set theories which are more or less regarded as absolute, it ceases to be science, the search for truth - an ongoing process. As soon as science fastens on to any one theory, dogma paralyzes free research and everything is made to fit an exclusive paradigm. Whatever cannot be made to fit is declared untrue or is ignored.

Where darkness reigns there are always points of light. The idea of approaching the whole person instead of just the afflicted part is not new: it has inspired physicians throughout the ages. At the beginning of this century Edward Bach, M.D., wrote: "Disease will never be cured or eradicated by present materialistic methods, for the simple reason that disease in its origin is not material. What we know as disease is an ultimate result produced in the body, the end product of deep and long-acting forces, . . ." (The Bach Flower Remedies, Keats Publishing Inc., New Canaan, CT, 1977, p. 26) Bach's words call to mind Naessens' explanation of the weakening of the immune system through shock, accidents, pollution and, perhaps most important, our psychological states. Many Oriental medical systems, which regard the whole person as a functioning entity, would have us look inward for the cause of disease.

According to theosophy we create ourselves and our own state of health. Disease is the working out of the law of cause and effect (karma), for everything that comes to us is the consequence of seeds sown in the past. Passion such as hatred, anger, or lust disrupts our lower constitution. When it escapes from the control or guidance of the higher part of our being, it changes the flow of the life-currents, condensing them here, rarefying them there. Selfishness is at the root of most wrongdoing and therefore the underlying cause of most disease. Dr. Bach draws from the ancient wisdom in saying that disease should be understood as a purifying process, an opportunity to cleanse, to correct wrong thought patterns, to get rid of inharmonious thought and emotions. When we realize that the causes of disease come from within, we are impelled to take responsibility for our thoughts and acts. Any philosophy based on the belief that the causes come only from outside could easily lull us into comfortable complacency.

The essential message of this book on Gaston Naessens is not whether his remedy really works or not. The point is that the facts arrived at through all kinds of research should decide what is a real cure and what is quackery. To really help human beings afflicted with disease, medical science should explore new ideas with an open mind. Researchers should be encouraged to investigate any avenue that may lead to a cure for disease, however strange it may seem to orthodoxy. They should not end up in a vicious circle of presenting unaccepted theories that create unaccepted remedies, which are then declared worthless just because they are based on unaccepted ideas. It serves no purpose when certain ideas are not taken seriously because no so-called reputable and credible source will take the trouble to look into them. So the potential treatments that may result from these ideas will always be due to the vision and hard work of one or a few pioneers long before they are generally adopted.

Gaston Naessens has called attention to such considerations through his courageous battle and inspiring discoveries. Christopher Bird's report about this "frontier" scientist and his trials gives hope that other scientists will find them worthy of further investigation, and that more patients and professionals will stand up for free research and the realization that there is no medicine higher than truth.

(From Sunrise magazine, October/November 1992; © copyright Theosophical University Press)

Source: "There Is No Medicine Higher Than Truth" by Ina Belderis

Pleomorphism – part 1


We are not what we appear to be

How would you react, if I told you that we are 90% bacteria and 10% human? I find it amusing to say the least. Yes we are, just that. Our cells maybe bigger, but the amount of DNA significantly smaller than bacterial one. We live in mutually necessary relationship with our unique population of microbes playing a huge role in supporting our health and wellbeing.

I am sure that most of you learned about Pasteur’s microbe theory, segregating microorganisms into separate groups and defining them as good, bad and ugly. The kids are still learning that at school, despite the fact it is absolute rubbish. This isolated view on microbiology was a foundation of what we still understand today as our enemy. There is this fear of infectious diseases so deeply ingrained in our psyche. There is always something trying to get us. Is that right?

Antoine Bechamp was a scientist living in the same timeframe as Pasteur but his work had a completely different outcomes. Opposite to monomorphic approach of Pasteur, Bechamp observed pleomorphic activity of a small particles that were present in all of the tissues in the human body but also in all of the surrounding us nature, Including stones and rock formations. He called this small particle- somatid, the one that builds the body and all around us. The interesting quality of the somatid was the response to the environment it was exposed to, morphing into multiple microbial forms by reacting to a simple change of PH. Level. Bechamp observed that in a balanced state (the healthy body) you would witness the natural and symbiotic stages of microorganisms, where an unhealthy individual would manifest thirteen pathogenic stages before the cell would return to its natural somatid state. I think for whatever reason we tend to look at things in separation, which creates this indescribable feeling of loss we often experience.

There is no such a thing as good or bad bacteria! It is only our way to understand the effect they have on how we feel. Microorganisms react to their surroundings and morph to survive in a specific environment we or nature has presented. We are survivals and opportunists, so are the microbes that build us.

There is no separation and You are responsible for the environment you create within!

I give you an example. If you are a person that uses high quantities of mucus forming foods like dairy, sugar, wheat and you live in a damp environment, you are more likely to suffer from seasonal chest infection then a raw foodie hanging out in Hawaii! Mucus is like a chocolate cake for pathogenic forms of bacteria, yeast and fungus. They welcome it with a smile and then burp a lot. It is your internal environment that feeds these buddies. Also, what is really interesting these guys are actually cleaning the mess you have created. They decompose toxic and dead matter stopping it from accumulating in the system. The problem is that we keep on creating the mess and by doing so we manifest more deficiencies, more inflammation and more unhappiness leading to various unhealthy symptoms.

“The primary cause of disease is in us, always in us “


Source: Pleomorphism – part 1

Re: Somatids

Okay.. This is quite a can of worms you`ve opened there Jenci :lol: It`s a huge topic. I`ll add a bit to start.

First though, About that video you posted. It is an interesting one. It is a short edit of one of the videos Naessens produced quite a while ago to explain his research. But whoever posted it on youtube and added those annotations has no idea what they are talking about. They are mostly wrong and actually come off as pretty stupid and really detract from the video itself. I recommend people just shut them off.

In the mid 1800s, Antoine Bechamp discovered these extremely tiny bodies in live blood and called them microzymas. His research was a bit wrong headed in that I believe he was looking to these bodies as a source of disease or how they acted on the body, but he was looking at disease as arising from a depleted body, rather than solely an external cause. Geunther Enderlein also did some work investigating these, he called them Protits.

Quebec researcher Gaston Naessens picked up on investigating these bodies that he then named Somatids. He has progressed the research on this subject further than anybody has.

Somatids are tiny bodies that exist in the blood and fluids of all living things, plant and animal. They are part of an up to now, completely unidentified biological system in all living things. They can only be viewed in live blood, not dead or stained blood, which is the normal route for studying blood. They are always vibrating, and have an electronegative repulsion. Without somatids cell division does not occur. You cannot live without them.

In dormant form they are a very tiny, extremely hard Apatite crystal that it very difficult to cut with a diamond knife. They are resistant to all acids, and withstand extremely high, carbonizing temperatures and extremely high levels of radiation.

In a healthy body/person, they self replicate via a healthy 3 stage micro cycle. In a diseased body or a body that is depleted in some way, they switch to a 13 stage life cycle.. As illustrated in this graphic

Just to avoid any confusion, these forms that are referred to in the 13 stage cycle above, merely indicates that the somatids take on forms that LOOK like bacteria, spores, ascospores, micobacteria, yeast. They are NOT turning into those things. They were given those names because of their visual similarity to those entities.

This larger 13 stage cycle, when it is evident by examining live blood, indicates that some form of disease is likely to form or has formed in your body. Also, upon death the somatids immediately switch to this cycle and help to break down the body.

After death, the gate control falls down. All somatids present in the blood at that time will process to their macrocycle bringing the body into its basic elements (dust). The greenish mycelium on the surface of a dead body is the somatids in action. The decaying process of the body is caused by the polymorphism of somatids.They are not cells and do not contain DNA or any kind of genetic material. But they seem to carry information. Naessens refers to them as precursors to DNA. When he isolated only somatids from the blood of a black rabbit and implanted them in a whit rabbit, the white rabbit started to turn grey as it started to grow black hair along with it`s own white hair.

There are a lot of intertwined parts to this subject. It goes back to Pasteur`s Germ Theory of disease and Bechamp`s cellular theory.

So a bit of background into Bechamp first and his discovery.

His 1912 book - The Blood and its Third Anatomical Element - The Blood and its Third Anatomical Element by Antoine Bechamp

That`s it for now.. More later..

Source: Somatids

NOVEMBER 12, 2003
Chromosomes, Somatids, and the Blood of Christ

As far as possible, Anchor Stone strives to make public all information available about the discoveries of Ron Wyatt. The only material we hold back is information that would in some way jeopardize our ability to pursue our ongoing exploration and investigation, which might place some of our associates in danger, or in cooperation with legal authorities. At the same time we work very hard to confirm all information to make sure that what we do share is accurate to the best of our knowledge. This is why I am writing this article today.

There has always been a group of critics that have circulated inaccurate information and false reports about Ron and his work. Over the years we have come to expect this. However, since his death some of the people that were originally involved in his work have begun to mislead people in regards to certain subjects. They have done this in a number of ways. One is to simply leave out certain information which by its omission can lead to a false conclusion. Another method is to release new information and then claim that this is something that Ron Wyatt always believed.

Shortly after Ron’s death I received a call from a friend who told me that one of Ron’s past associates was telling people that we should immediately stop talking about chromosomes in relation to blood tests associated with the Ark of the Covenant discovery. The only explanation given was that there was new information that would be forthcoming later. However the explanation did not come in a timely manner and months went by. In the meantime it was being strongly implied that this new information would somehow overshadow or possibly invalidate the information Ron had shared publicly about the chromosome count of the blood found on the Ark of the Covenant.

After making a few phone calls I found out that the new information was the somatid theory that has now been on the wyattmuseum web site for almost 2 years. The gist of this theory is that all living things have within them a “spark of life” and that this spark is evidenced by what are called somatids. Without going into an extensive history on somatids I will simply say that a man by the name of Gaston Naessens, who developed the dark-field microscope, discovered these amazing little objects. This special type of microscope is required to see somatids in a sample. Somatids are not visible with a standard laboratory microscope. There are currently a number of theories as to exactly what they are and the mechanism by which they function but what seems clear is that these objects are found within the bodily fluids of living organisms.

During his many public talks on the subject of the blood sample that he took, Ron often mentioned that when the blood was tested it was found to be “alive”. Other times he said it a bit differently; he stated that when viewed under a microscope the blood of Christ was “alive”. Over the years many have wanted to understand what Ron meant by this.

The way somatids have been applied to the Ark of the Covenant discovery is that WAR has claimed that they took a sample of the blood of Christ, rehydrated it and found within the rehydrated sample a number of somatids. They then submit that this is proof that the blood of Christ is alive and that this is what Ron meant when he stated that the blood was found to be alive when examined under a microscope.

This new information was released after Ron’s death, although the somatid test was performed before Ron’s death. I will point out here that Ron was talking about the blood being alive long before this somatid test was performed. In fact I have been unable to find (and I would welcome a copy if someone can provide one) a single instance when Ron mentioned somatids when talking about the blood tests. Perhaps he did but I have not heard it.

However I have several examples of where Ron ties the concept of the blood being alive to the presence of living white blood cells within the sample and ultimately to the results of the chromosome test that was performed. This is also consistent with our personal conversations on the subject.

So here we have a theory about somatids being promoted as what Ron Wyatt really meant when he talked about live blood, while at the same time we have been told to “stop talking about chromosomes”. Why is this happening? And further, what difference does it make? Cannot both be true?

I personally have no doubt that both are true. The blood of Christ, which is alive, would have somatids in it. However the presence of somatids does not prove anything. Every person has somatids in their blood. So the blood sample shown on the wyattmuseum web site could be anyone’s blood. But that is not all. A number of researchers tell us that somatids are also found in freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juice! So does that prove that the fruit juice in question is alive? On one level it does…. but is this the concept that Ron was trying to share? I don’t think so.

When I began to speak publicly on the discoveries of Ron Wyatt, one subject always caused me to feel intimidated. It was the subject of the blood of Christ and the chromosome test that Ron spoke about. Even if I did not mention it myself, people in the audience would invariably ask about it and expected an answer. Because I was lacking in information about chromosomes and this type of blood test I discussed the subject with Dr. Eugene Dunkley who is an expert in genetics. Here is part of what I learned.

In order to perform a chromosome count (karyotype) test on human blood you must be able to isolate and culture living white blood cells. This is because white blood cells are the only cells in the blood that carry genetic material. These cells must also be alive because they have to be cultured so they mature and divide. At a certain stage of cell division the chromosomes within the cell become visible under a microscope. When this stage is reached a dye or chemical is added that stops the growth cycle. Then the chromosomes are counted by sight through a microscope.

As I stated earlier, the blood must contain living white blood cells. Best case scenario, blood cells can live outside of the body approximately two weeks. A sample older than this would not contain living cells so there would be no way to perform a karyotype test. This is the reason Ron so specifically pointed out that the blood of Christ was alive. Even though the dried blood sample was 2000 years old, when rehydrated and examined under a microscope, it contained living cells…. including white blood cells. The microscope used in the lab that tested the blood was not a dark-field microscope and so any somatids present would not even be visible!

The very fact that the blood of Christ was alive after 2 millennia is nothing short of a miracle. However it is in line with Scripture which speaks of Christ in Psalms 16:10 this way, “For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.” Since the Bible tells us in Leviticus 17:11 that, “….the life of the flesh is in the blood.”, we see that the true blood of Christ would be expected to be as alive today as it was 2000 years ago.

But the question still must be addressed, “What difference does it make, chromosomes or somatids? Both testify to the blood of Christ being alive in harmony with Scripture.”

That is true, but to promote the somatids, as WAR has encouraged, to the exclusion of the chromosomes leaves out a very important testimony; one that Ron Wyatt believed and I believe is one of the most important testimonies of the blood. The results of the chromosome test conclusively affirms the identity of this man as the Christ because it testifies that he was the product of a virgin birth!

Under normal circumstances all human beings have 46 chromosomes…. 23 from their mother and 23 from their father. There are 22 pairs of autosomes which determine things such as our height, hair and eye color, etc. The 23rd pair is the sex determinant pair. They consist of either “X” or “Y” chromosomes. The mother only has “X” chromosomes. The father has both “X” and “Y” chromosomes.

If the sex-determinant pair is matched “X-X”, the child is a female. If “X-Y”, the child is a male. Thus we see that the single chromosome provided by the father in this chromosome pair determines the gender of the child. When the blood sample Ron Wyatt took from the crack in the rock ceiling above the Mercy Seat was tested, it contained 24 chromosomes…. 23 from the mother and one “Y” chromosome from the father, 24 chromosomes.

As Dr. Eugene Dunkley states in his article on the genetics of the blood of Christ, 24 chromosomes is exactly what would be expected if a man was born of a virgin. There are 23 chromosomes from the mother and a “Y” chromosome from a father. But that father cannot be a human father because the other 22 chromosomes on the father’s side are missing. Therefore the existence of a “Y” chromosome is at the very least a mystery, if not a miracle.

But there is more. In the 12 years since I first heard of the work of Ron Wyatt, I have listened to his critics say some pretty incredible things in an attempt to dissuade people from believing in his discoveries. But there is one incredible claim that specifically applies to this discussion.

Ron Wyatt found the Ark of the Covenant in 1982. Over the next 17 years, until his death in 1999, Ron spent much time in the caves in that area of the Calvary escarpment. Critics have actually claimed that if Ron ever brought out an “Ark of the Covenant” or a set of stone tablets claiming they were the Ten Commandment stones, the likelihood was that he manufactured them in that cave during those 17 years.

Incredible, huh? But you know something, a lot of people will choose to believe that. And even if they don’t want to believe that, it will raise an element of doubt in their mind that could sour the testimony that God wants to give when He brings these things forth. The truth is, since no one knows exactly what the real Ark of the Covenant looks like, it is possible that someone could make a fake ark and pass it off as the real thing.

I don’t know where they would obtain that much gold but it is within the realm of possibility….. especially if the devil is helping you. And it is also possible to make a fake set of Ten Commandments for the same reasons. So when these things are revealed, how can the discovery be authenticated?

We have seen recently, with some claimed Bible archaeology discoveries (James Ossuary), that ancient artifacts can be faked and that people are very skeptical if the evidence of authenticity is not iron-clad. So how can the discovery of the Ark and tables of stones be authenticated? BY THE BLOOD!

Clever men can make a fake ark and deceive people. They can make a fake set of commandment stones and pass them off as the real thing. But even with today’s technology men cannot make fake human blood. The blood found on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant, tested in a forensic manner, will provide the authenticity needed to convince even the most skeptical BUT honest-hearted critic.

I submit that when God gave the Ark discovery to Ron Wyatt, at the same time He provided the key to authenticating it beyond any reasonable doubt. This was necessary because this will be part of God’s last plea to a dying world…. that by His blood He has atoned for our sins and that this atonement was placed upon the Mercy Seat as an eternal living testimony of what He did at Calvary.

Please don’t tell us to stop talking about the chromosomes. If we don’t talk about them, I believe the very stones will cry out!

Source: Chromosomes, Somatids, and the Blood of Christ | Anchor Stone International

TO BE OR NOT TO BE? 150 Years of Hidden Knowledge

by Christopher Bird 1991

Nexus Magazine April 1992



"At the heart of science lies discovery which involves a change in worldview. Discovery in science is possible only in societies which accord their citizens the freedom to pursue the truth where it may lead and which therefore have respect for different paths to that truth,"

John Polanyi, Canadian Nobel Laureate (Chemistry); commencement address, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, June 1990

What follows is an attempt to provide a brief overview of astounding findings made by a band of intrepid and heretical searchers in a field of knowledge that deals with the very smallest forms of life.

Hard as it is to believe, these findings, made over more than a century ago, have been consistently ignored, censored by silence, or suppressed throughout all of that time by ruling "opinion-makers", orthodox (R1) thinkers in mainstream microbiology.

Instead of being welcomed with excitement and open arms, as one would a friend or lover, the amazing discoveries have been received with a hostility unusually only meted out to trespassers or imposters.

To try to present the vastness of a multi-dimensional panorama, is a little like trying to inscribe the contents of thick manuscript onto a postage stamp, or reduce the production of an hour-long drama into a few minutes of stage time.

Involved on the one hand is not only the sheer volume of material, but with books on the subject being hard to obtain, it is also not easily accessible and is sparsely referenced in ordinary bibliographical sources.

On the other hand, the protagonists in what amounts to a gripping saga were, more often than not, completely isolated from one another in space, time or both. They, and their parallel work and research, were consequently often unknown to their potential colleagues and natural allies. It was as if they were adventurers who, thinking themselves to be the sole explorers in virgin territory, were actually all opening up various parts of the same terra incognita.

Furthermore, as we have already said, the reports of the discovery of a whole "New World" by these many "Columbuses" were unwelcome, "Old World" cartographers had already made their maps and were satisfied with them.

Therefore, since maps of this territory are sketchy at best, or nonexistent at worst, outsiders seeking to penetrate it should remember the Buddhist saying: "The only trails are those that are made by walking" And the ones upon which they set foot will be not so much selected by intention as stumbled upon by chance.

It is for such reasons that, when I thought about how I might approach this subject today, I decided to eschew the formality of any academic approach in favour of telling the tale of my own foray into the little known land of pleomorphic organisms as it actually unfolded. Unlike other speakers at this symposium, I am neither a scientist, an academic or a health professional, but a writer who, for some 20 years, has roved the "frontiers" of science.

I am certain that if any of you have been propelled by some similarly strange twist of fate to go on the same quest, you have taken a different trail from nine.

Yet, as they say, "all roads finally lead to Rome."


My first exposure to the world of pleomorphic organisms - though I did not recognise it at the time - came in 1969 when, after returning to the United States from a stint as a foreign correspondent, I was asked by Peter Tompkins, an established author, to help him research a biography on the life and work of a "maverick" scientist, the late Wilhelm Reich M.D.

If "maverickness" is a quality attributable to innovators unafraid of developing new ideas and inventions - and often unscorched by the brand of any formal education into the subjects of their research - then that term suits Reich to a "T’.

After first making his mark in psychoanalysis as Freud’s protege and leading collaborator, he abruptly broke with the International Psychoanalytic Movement to take up an independent career in an aspect of what today has come to be called biophysics. When he bolted the Freudian "herd" in the mid-1930’s, most of his colleagues became his bitter enemies.

Exiled from central Europe to Norway, he began working with an unusual microscope equipped with special lenses that could magnify living organisms to 2 - 3000X their normal size, well over twice the magnification achievable with the ordinary microscopes of his day.

Among his extraordinary discoveries were "vesicles," minuscule fluid containing bladder-like sacs, that appeared in infusions of hay and other substances such as animal tissue, earth and coal.

After much experimentation during which he noted a marked increase in the number of vesicles that could be cultured when the preparations containing them were boiled, he concluded that the strange forms he had discovered were "transitional" one lying midway between the realms of the animate and the inert.

To these heretofore unrecognized elementary stages of life, he gave the name: Bions.(1)

Most microbiologists, not to speak of other life-scientists, undoubtedly looked upon Reich’s new creatures as if they had come straight out of Walt Disney’s old film, Fantasia. If so, they were in for an even ruder shock. For when Reich poured some of his boiled preparations onto nutrient culture media, the cultures began to generate peculiar looking bacteria and amoebae, creating, as it were, well-known life-forms, at least forms akin to them.

There was, of course, the possibility that the newly generated "animacules" - as Leuwenhock, inventor of the microscope called them when he first viewed them - could have invaded the cultures from the ambient atmosphere or that they could have appeared because the culture media had been improperly sterilized. To rule these out, Reich superheated his bion cultures to find that the ostensibly "dead" mixtures still gave rise to the higher microbic forms.

This led to the further conclusion that bions, as preliminary stages of life, were embodiments of an indestructible life force that defied death. This life energy he called "Orgone."

So apparently outlandish a discovery as that of a new "life energy" could not but rile biologists who had long sought to dispose of "vitalistic theories" such as those of the French philosopher, Henri Bergson, who postulated an elan vital, or the German biologist, Hans Driesch, who, borrowing the term from Aristotle, referred to entelechy. Biology was coming increasingly under the cold sway of a physics which adamantly rejected any "mystical" notions such as those of a "primal creator" or a "force of life", and therefore dutifully took its cue from the branch of science considered "first among peers."

Were all his disclosures not already so heretical as to alarm orthodox, or "correct opinion-making" science, to them Reich next added that microbial bion structures could also be detected in, and cultured from human blood, which, then as now, was and is considered to be sterile, an unchanging doctrine still taught in medical schools.

This, in turn, next led him to examine blood samples taken from persons suffering from cancer in which he saw extremely tiny bacterial forms that he connected to that lethal disease process. He therefore labelled them T - bacilli, the T standing for Tod which in Reich’s native German means "death."

It seemed to Reich that there was something unaccountable going on in the bodies of the cancer-afflicted, a degeneration causing healthy life-promoting bions to develop into a death-dealing T-bacilli. Since he had also found these "death bacteria" in the excreta of healthy people, he assumed that they were able to dispose of cancer causing particles, and that disposition to cancer was determined by a level of biological resistance to putrefaction.

It is at this juncture that I shall ask a leading question that only camento my mind many years after I had, via Reich, begun to delve into pleomorphic bacteriology and its connection with cancer and other degenerative diseases. I ask it because I later found that researchers working in this pioneering field who discovered microbes associated with cancerous states - to which each gave his or her own special nomenclature, thus creating a kind of "Tower of Babel" - instead of looking upon the appearance of the alien forms as an "alarm signs" or "warning light", that is an indicator of an incipient disease state, held them to be the cause of the disease.

The question, a central one in this discussion, therefore is: "Could germs appearing in the body be the result rather than the cause of afflictions, if not always, at least often?"

It may be that they are both.

Reich’s life ended tragically. For his pains, he was submitted anew to viciously virulent attacks for questioning sacred dogmas of medical science in general and cancerology in particular. The story of this towering, often cantankerous, scientist ended when he was brought to trial and sentenced to a term in a U.S. Federal penitentiary where, in 1964, he died.

The government of our American free republic also ordered that all of Reich’s publication on which they could lay their hands - including a privately printed journal, Journal of Orgonomy - be destroyed in a New York City incinerator. That order was carried out less than 20 years after the Nani government in Germany had ordered all of Reich’s then existing publications burned on an enormous pyre in downtown Berlin.(R3)


For many reasons, our biography was never written (R4). Yet the two years spent researching it was hardly wasted, because it was through the opportunity given to delve into Reich’s fascinating research that I first fell, like Alice down the hole or through the looking glass, into a wonderland of scientific "no-no’s."

In many ways it was a thrilling, yet troubling experience. Disturbing because, as one long trained to accept things as they supposedly "were", I was brought face to face with an investigative world in which those same things actually "were not". As I went along my trail, I also found that there were many other "were note" and "are nots" that were and are!

One question was especially rankling: What was preventing new discoveries from being recognised for what they were? Was this because "established" researchers, comfortable with orthodox scientific thinking, or "received knowledge", could not change their mini-sets, in Dr. John Polanyi’s words, their "worldview" to accommodate innovative thinking, or "vanguard knowledge?"

How was it that, in the precincts ruled by the "arbiters of knowledge", the evidencing of "unknown" things, instead of being viewed with excitement, was often castigated as "illusory" or tabooed as "fantasy"?

In 1965, I came across an article that more than just attracted my writer’s attention in that, in 1944, it was published in, not just one, but two prestigious journals, that of the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C. and that of the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia.

One third of its contents was devoted to the new electron microscope just put on the market by the Radio Corporation of America, the other two thirds, the lion’s share, to a "Universal Microscope" that had been designed and developed in the 1920’s by a Californian autodidact, Royal Raymond Rife.

The electron microscope, I knew, while capable of attaining magnifications surpassing 500,000X at excellent resolution, was incapable of examining living things because its radiation killed them.

But, as dearly stated in the article, Rife’s instrument was able to view living matter at unheard of magnifications reaching at least 60,000X, also at excellent resolution (R5).

With this extraordinary device, Rife could easily view a family of microbes in the blood of sick people which seemingly miraculously transformed, under various conditions, one into the other, like so many caterpillars metamorphising into so many butterflies. Sixteen stages in all, the same number in Gaston Naessens’ somatid cycle.

As a result, he came to the independent conclusion - to which as we shall see, others had come independently both before and after him -that, depending on its inner state, germs arose within the the body itself that, in Rife’s opinion, were not the cause but the result of disease states.

That single conclusion completely overturned everything d I had learned about bacteriology and disease during a four year course at general biology at Harvard.

Barely able to believe what I had read, and recalling what I had learned during my studies of Reich’s bion research, I dropped a book (R6) I was working on to spend two months at the National Library of Medicine trying to track down everything I could on Rife and his superscope. Not only was there precious little printed on the subject but the microscope itself seemed to have vanished from the surface of the earth.

The story of my fruitless search has been told elsewhere (3), so here, I will simply say that my library research showed that for several decades up to 1930, a now all but forgotten, if not entirely lost, school of microliologists had maintained that, far from holding everlastingly to one shape, bacteria could be caused, under the right conditions of culture, to metamorphose into forms small enough to pass through filters capable of blocking any microbe smaller than a virus.

Because of their sharp disagreement with a camp of orthodox bacteriologists known as non-filtrationists", these rebels were known as "filtrationists".

One of the earliest members of this school was a Swedish Ernst Bernhard Almquist, who, because he was also an Arctic explorer had islands off the north Siberian coast named after him.

Almquist made hundreds of observations of pleomorphic bacteria in his laboratory as did researchers in France, Italy, Germany, Russia and the United States and probably other countries. In 1922, after two long decades of work, Almquist came to the conclusion that "nobody can presume to know the complete life cycle and all the varieties of even a single bacterial species. It would be an assumption to think so."

The furor unleashed in the microbiological world microscopic discoveries, as well as by his subsequentt electromagnetically-based cure for cancer and other diseases, being put, like Reich, to trial by U.S. medical authorities. The trial proved so traumatic to the highly sensitive inventor that it led, first to a total nervous breakdown, then to alcoholism (R7).

The opposite fates of two microscopes, the electron and the "Universal", have ever since continued to plague my mind, incessantly pricking it with a philosophical question: How was it that the first, able to see only inert, inanimate matter was universally adopted in the world’s laboratories while the second, able to view animate organism as they lived and breathed, went into universal limbo?

What did the triumphant success of the one, and the sad demise of the other, have to say about the basic 20th century outlook in the biosciences supposedly dealing with life?

While asking that question, let us add a few more. What is it about the "politics of science" that led two scientific titans - or three, if, by anticipation, we include our host, Gaston Naessens - men who were self-trained experts in microscopy, and cancerology, to be brought to trial?

How is it that the discoveries of all three have been put on an "Index" as bogus and worthless? What explains their being denounced, all three of them, as deceivers and charlatans in the United States, France and many other countries?

It would take a moment of silence to contemplate the answer to these questions." (R8)


From where it had first led to Reich, thence to Rife, my trail next took me, surprisingly enough, to Rock Forest, a small village in that portion of Quebec, just north of Vermont, that is called L’Estrie in French, and The Eastern Townships in English.

I was tipped off to the existence of Gaston Naessens by Eva Reich M.D., Wilhelm Reich’s daughter. Since part of the story of my initial meeting, and 12-year association, with him has been told in the first chapter of my book, I shall not repeat it here.

What I can, and should say, is that if my studies of Reich’s research had opened a narrow vista onto the world of pleomorphic microbiology, and those of Reich’s work had greatly widened it, then what I came to learn as result of my encounters with Naessens began to afford me a view of the whole horizon beyond it.

My first visit to see Gaston Naessens was in 1979, ten years after a footlocker of Reich’s writings had been handed to me by Peter Tompkins for study. During the next half decade I was to learn, through my own experience, the help of friends and particularly through hundreds of hours spent with Gaston Naessens and his wife, a great deal more about what he has discovered in his fascinating research life than is reported in my book. And to learn about the many vicissitudes he has gone through as a result.

As time went by, one of the main things that became most shockingly clear to me was the unwillingness, or the inability of many scientifically trained people to accept or believe what they were seeing through Naessens’ microscope.

Instead of heralding the somatidic forms as excitingly brand new, they simply wrote them off as artifact, something not naturally present but introduced in error." (R9).

A whole essay could be written about how such beliefs spring, within seconds, into the minds of so called "competent" observers the most authoritarian of whom pass along as "certainties" to their followers. All such observers - and they are the vast majority - have, if they have ever heard it, forgotten Reich’s dictum for scientific work: "Do not automatically believe in anything , especially what you are told. Convince yourself of something by observing it with your own eyes. And, after having perceived a new fact, do not loose site of it again until it is fully explained" (emphasis added)

If, in this connection, it appears that the aphorism, "seeing is believing", does not necessarily hold true, one may add that the same is the case for the reverse: "believing is seeing".

During one trip to Europe with the Naessens’ in the mid 1980s, we were privileged to meet a Swedish physician, Erik Enby MD. who had experience working with what I learned was one of the earliest, and most talented, pioneers in the field of pleomorphic microbial research.

This was a German zoologist of whom we shall say more of in a few moments.

It was because of the language barrier - Enby’s spoken English was halting and Enderlein’s publications were in German, a language I neither speak nor read - that I could not subsequently penetrate that part of the terra incognita where the German scientist had laboured, at least not until 1990.

The peaks in a mountain chain of discoveries made by Naessens have been reviewed in part one of my book. In retrospect, given the whole "patchwork quilt" or other discoveries in this field made by a small platoon of researches, I would say that his crowning find was to have traced the whole cycle back to its origin, the tiny form he calls the somatid and to show how that form not only is all but indestructible, but through experimentation, how it acts something like a "DNA precursor" (R10).

All this and more, raises the question as to whether Naessens, in addition to everything else he has done, including the development of a promising approach for the alleviation of degenerative disease, has not come as close as anyone to unravelling the skein within which lies hidden the very mystery of the origins of life that has for so long continued to confound science, as it still continues to confound it. I use the qualification "as close as" because the next twist in my trail was to confront me with the realization that another French scientist of rare genius might have been unravelling the same skein a century before Naessens began to take up the task


It was in France, in 1984, that I met a pharmacist, Marie Nonclerq, who after a life spent practising her profession, was spurred to write an award winning doctoral dissertation under the title: Antoine Bichamp, 1816-1908: The Man and the Scientist, and the Originality and Productivity of his Work’ (4).

The disappearance of Rife’s microscope, along with most of his research documentation, constituted what amounted to a lost chapter in the history of microbiological science.

What Nonclercq had been able to dredge up from the annals seemed to be no less than a whole lost book.

I had stumbled, again by happenstance, on a controversy involving a battle between two scientific titans that had for so long been swept from memory that several generation of scientists knew nothing about it.

One of the adversaries was Béchamp, the other, his nemesis, the world-famous Louis Pasteur whose name is inscribed on the lintels of research institutes all over the world. The controversy centrally involved their opposing views about the genesis of microbe-fostered disease.

Through a physician in Brittany, Nonclercq came across a thick tome on the history of a medicine (5) in which she read that, on his death bed, Louis Pasteur had declared: Claude Bernard war right... the microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything."

In his recantation, the father of the theory - still enshrined as gospel -that the primordial role in many diseases is played by germs invading the body from without, seemed to be submitting to evidence that, in actual fact, that role is often played by the body’s internal environment, its terrain, its "soil" if one wills, that, changing in nature due to various causes, fosters the development of germs from within.

What Pasteur omitted was that his confession had been based not on single insightful statement by France’s leading physiologist, Bernard, but by Antoine Béchamp, the man with whom he had been locked in struggle for decades.

Nonclercq’s painstaking digging into historical sources uncontestably proves that this battle was won, not on the basis of scientific facts, but by Pasteur’s being able to overcome his nemesis, a dedicated, but retiring, searcher with no flair for self-promotion, with his highly developed skills in what today is called "public relations."

If the justice of history prevails, the Pasteurian victory will one day prove entirely pyrrhic, at least in terms of the staggering losses suffered by medical science in having, for so long been constrained to follow the Pasteurian track.

Béchamp’s own trail of discoveries began when, attacking the problem of fermentation - chemical reactions that split complex compounds into relatively simple substances - he isolated from living organisms a series of "ferments" he called zymases (R11).

Working with a class of organisms called molds, fungoid growths that disintegrate organic matter, Béchamp saw them to be formed by a collection of tiny "granulations" which, because of their connection to zymases, he called microzymas, or "tiny ferments", lexical forerunner of Naessens’ somatids ("tiny bodies") (6).

Very importantly, for the purposes of this narrative, he also found that these granulations, under certain conditions, evolved into single-celled bacteria and that, therefore "cells could no longer be regarded as the basic units of life", there being something far smaller to replace them.

More than that, the microzymas were seemingly so indestructible that Béchamp could find them even in limestone dating to a geologic period going back 60 million years during which the first mammals appeared on Earth. And he was astonished that all his efforts to kill them proved fruitless.

As he was to write, in his third masterwork, The Blood "I am able to assert that the microzyma is at the commencement of all organisation.

And, since microzymas in dead bacteria are also living, it follows that they are also the living end of all organisations, living beings of a special category without analogue."(7).

Because microzymas appeared at the inception of the life process -for instance in an ovule that became an egg - and were also to be found, fully active, in decaying life-forms, Béchamp, in a biological parallel to Lavoisier’s chemical rule: "Nothing is lost, nothing is created ... all is transformed," was to state: "Nothing is the prey of death.. all is the prey of life."

This seems to recall the old biblical phrase: "Ashes to ashes, and dust to dust..." On the final page of The Blood, Béchamp was even more explicit:

"After death, it is essential that matter be restored to its primitive condition, for it has only been lent for a time to the living organised being ... Living beings, filled with microzymas, carry in themselves the elements essential for life, or for disease, for destruction and for death.

This variety of results need not surprise us for the processes are the same. Our cells - as can constantly be observed - are being continuously destroyed by means of a fermentation very analogous to that which follows death. If we penetrate into the heart of these phenomena we could really say, were it not that the expression is a trifle offensive, that we are constantly rotting!" (emphasis added).


It was only in the 1990 that, a year after our sequel (R12) to The Secret Life of Plants came out, and 22 years after I began studying Reich and the bions, I finally had access to the work of another researcher that made the chain of mountain peaks on the horizon of pleomorphic microbial research stand out in clearer historical detail. This access was provided by a book, the first in English on the subject, dealing with the research begun during World War I by German zoologist, Guenther Endedein, whose discoveries were characterised by the book’s author as "some of the most important ever made."

Working as a bacteriologist in a military hospital on the Baltic Sea, Enderlein, in 1917, finished a manuscript heralded by colleagues as "opening totally new observations of the microbe world." It revealed many different pleomorphic development phases of bacteria and showed that illnesses and their healing processes are bound to exact cyclical and morphological laws.

The manuscript was published as a book, Bakterien Cyclogenie, (The Life Cycle of Bacteria) in 1925, shortly after its author’s appointment as curator of the Zoological Museum in Berlin.

For inspiring his work, Enderlein gives great credit to Antoine Béchamp as well as several Germans who took up where Béchamp left off, including zoologist Robert Leuckart, founder of the science of parisitology, and Otto Schmidt, who first reported parasites in the blood of cancer patients as far back as 1901.

Given the focus of interest at this meeting on darkfield microscopy, it is of great interest to add here that only by working at this instrument did Enderlein learn that microorganisms go through a forming-changing cycle that, in his view, could take on countless variations leading him to label the phenomenon a "1000-headed monster."

He unequivocally asserted, while different types of microorganisms normally live within the body in a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship, with severe deterioration of the body’s environment they develop into disease-producing (!!) forms to create what he called dysbiosis, or "a fault in the life process."

Their action, said Enderlein, was not due to any perverse intent on the the microbes part to harm it, but to the their urge to survive at its expense! In their early development phases they lived in the blood to perform functions beneficial to health, in the later ones, they abandoned that role to assure their preservation.’

Since, today, Bakterien Cyclogenie has become virtually unknown, it is curious to note that, before World War II, it brought the researcher a modicum of international recognition. It was apparently well received at an international biological congress held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1930, and Enderlein’s contributions were recognised by his being honored, in 1939, at the Third Microbiological Congress held in New York City.

Despite personal attacks on him by powerful members of the orthodox German medical community, Enderlein was strongly supported by a few courageous colleagues such as the physician and microbial researcher, Dr. Wilhelm von Brehmer, who identified as causal agent in the uncontrolled and malignant growth of Cancerous cells."

Enby’s book also filled me in on historical aspects of how the doctrine that microbes were monomorphic - as opposed to pleomorphic- had risen to ascendancy, aspects which I had missed while researching my paper on Royal Raymond Rife.

This rise can be attributed not only to the influence of Pasteur (1822-1895), but also to that of Robert Koch (1843-1910), whose "principles" are one of the "Ten Commandments" in microbial research, and his compatriot the naturalist and botanist, Ferdinand Julius Cohn (1828-1898), who insisted upon the constancy of bacterial types and their Classification into rigidly set groups and species based on their structure and form.

Entrenched as dogma, the Cohn-Koch view was taught to many Americans who went to Germany to study medicine after the turn of the Century and who, in turn, brought it back to the United Stales where, becoming the ruling outlook, it brooked no opposition.


What I have presented to you is only an account of a personal trek into the mysterious country inhabited by pleomorphic organisms. I gave it to you "piecemeal" so that you could share the uncertanties and surprises met along the trail that are normal to any exploration.

The country surveyed has been only superficially charted but, as a result of my exploration, my knapsack is filled with a heap of sketches, that, given the time necessary to accomplish the task, would one day allow me to prepare a map of the territory in all detail.

In book form, this map could easily provide a tale as exciting as any told in the best detective thriller. All that is lacking is its ending, and the ending "devoutly to be wished" is that the labors of so many stalwart workers in the field of microbial pleomorphic research will find their fruits in the acceptance of their findings - and the applications of therapeutic modalities to which these have led - for the benefit of the sick and the suffering everywhere.

The first chapter of Dr. Enby’s book was entitled; "Origins of a Medical Revolution." That revolution, still in progress is not over. Since Enderlein’s book came out 65 years ago, its conclusions, like those of Béchamp before him, have continued to remain unacknowledged by the scientific community as a whole. This is not because many other researchers have not bent every effort to bring out the truth, to make the revolution happen. Consider, for instance that, way back in 1927, an American microbiologist, Dr. Philip Hadley, who much admired Enderlein’s work, published, in the Journal of Infectious Diseases, a 312 page article, "Microbic Dissociation", based on work conducted at the Hygienic L.aboratory of the University of Michigan. In this article, Hadley foresightedly noted:

"It will probably be many years before a true appraisal of Enderlein’s contribution can be made. In the meantime, we may regard with not little admiration his manifestly careful attempt to put a degree of order into the chaotic state of the study of bacterial cells. I believe that Enderlein has blazed a trail which, at least, in many lines of advance, other bacteriologists sooner or later are sure to follow."

Those words were written 64 years ago, but few have been the bacteriologists to take up Hadley’s challenge.

One who did take up that challenge was born only three years before Hadley laid it down. We are in his presence today. In a life of devotion and, isolation, half of it in his native France, the other half in Quebec, the land of his adoption, he has kept alight, and borne forward, the torch lit and carried before him by Béchamp, Enderlein, Rife, Reich and so many others.

Now he has emerged from cherished anonymity into the limelight at a symposium of his summoning to which you have come, many of you from far away, to bear what he has to say and to see what he has to show you.

It maybe that his discoveries will determine whether the field of microbial pleomorphic research will at last emerge onto scientific center-stage.

Will that emergence soon happen"?

Is it "to be or not to be?" For that, as Hamlet put it in another context, is the question.

Let us salute Gaston Naessens and his triumphant accomplishments.


RI The word ‘orthodox’, stems from Greek ortho . (meaning ‘correct’, or ‘right’, or even ‘upright’) mid doxa (‘opinion), the latter coming from the verb, dokein (‘to think,’ or ‘to seem’). Traced to its roots, orthodoxy thus connotes ‘opinions that seem, or are though to be correct’

R2 Untranslatable into any other language, the word ‘maverick’ denotes one who refuses to abide by the dictates of his group, in other words, a’dissenter’. Most people do not know that its etymology comes straight out of the cowboy culture of the ‘Old West’ where the term was applied to an unbranded, or orphan, range calf or foal traditionally considered the property of the first person who brands it. The English speaking word is indebted to an early Texas cattleman, Samuel a Maverick (1809-1810) who did not brand his calves, for involuntarily donating his name to its lexicon.

R3 The world, and perhaps the only, expert on Reich’s bion research is Dr. Bernard Grad, professor of biological sciences recently retired from McGill University in Montreal. In his student days, Grad spent much time working with Reich at "Organon" the home and research laboratory Reich bult in Rangeley, Maine. Grad has research, still awaiting publication, on his own bion research it relates to the origin of Life.

R4 Reich’s private archives were sealed by the sole trustee to his estate. His daughter, Eva, tried unsucessfully to unseal them through court action.

R5 Rife’s genius also invented a camera which could clearly reveal the letters and numbers of an auto license plate from a mile away!

R6 The Diving Hand: The 500 Year Old Mystery of Dowsing (E.P. Dutton, New York, 1979; New Age Publications, North Carolina, 1985.)

R7 It was only through a fortuitous meeting in Kansas City that I was finally led to the San Diego garage of one of Rife’s lab assistants where I found the "Universal Microscope" in dilapidated condition. The publication of my article resulted in many phone calls from people who had been on the hunt for the microscope for years. One of the most interesting and ardent came from John Hubbard MD., State University of New York (Buffalo), who came to my house in Washington D.C. to look at documentation on RifeI had brought back from California. I had planned to write a book on Rife’s life and work, but other projects intervened. That book, The Cancer Cure that Worked, (Marcus Books, Queensville, Ontario, 1987) was written by Barry Lynes.

R8 For enlightening answers to these questions, see The Cancer Industry Unravelling the Politics, by Ralph W.Moss (Paragon House, New York, 1989).

R9 The word "artifact" stems from art, plus factum (the neuter past participle of the verb facere, "to make"), or "something made". In biology, it means "a structure or substance not normally present but produced by some external agency or action." Most of us have forgotten that the basic meaning of the word, art, is "human effort to supplement, imitate, alter or counterfeit the work of nature." The facile use of the word, "artifact," in addition to being able unjustly to dispose of new microscopic discoveries, has a kind of "overtone" suggesting an attempt to trick, feign, dissemble or to carry out a deception or engage in a fraudulent action. It fits well with accusations against Naessens of having done all those things over the yeas.

R10 His experiments on rabbit-to-rabbit somatid transfer as they apply to genetic characteristic change in living animals, and particularly to organ transplant with potentially no "rejection syndrome", are described in part 1 of my book.

R11 Enzyme complexes found in yeasts, bacteria and higher plants. Credit for their discovery went, not to Bechamp, but to a German scientist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1907 for making it. Béchamp’s conclusive paper, justifying his priority, was published in 1897 and the word zymase is found in the 1873 edition of the French Littre dictionary in connection with Bechamp’s first work on the subject.

R12 Secrets of the Soil, Harpercollins, New York, 1980.

1. Reich’s first book on this, written in German, was Die Bione (The Bions) published in Norway in 1939. English language treatment of the subject is to be found in The Cancer Biopathy, (first published in the 1950’s) 1973; and The Bion Experiments on the Origin of Life, 1979, both published by Farrar, Straus, Giroux.

2. "The New Microscopes"

3. "What Has Become of the Rife Microscope?" New Age Journal, Boston, Massachusetts, 197(r, also reprinted in The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naesens, NJ. Kramer inc,Tiburon, California, 1991, as Appendix "A".

4. Published as a book: Antoine Bechamp, 1816-1908 L’Homme et le Savant, Originalite et Fecondite de Son Oeuvre, Maloine, Paris, 1982.

5. Delhoume, Leon, De Claude Bernard a d’Arsonval. Lib Bailliere et fils, Paris, 1939, 595pp~

6. Béchamp’s two master works on this subject seer Les Microzymas, Blilliere, Paris, 1883, 992pages; and Microzymas et Microbes, Editions Dentu, Paris, 1893, 346 pages.

7. From Le Sang et son deme element anatomique, Paris

1899, translated as The Blood and the Third Anatomical Element by Montague R. Leverson MD., John Ouseley Limited, London 1912. In the 1980’s Alan Cantwell, M.D. reported that the Library of Congress in Washington D.C. had informed him that the book was to be found neither in its collection nor in any library in the United States. It has since been reprinted by Veritas Press, GPO Box 1653, Bundaberg, QId 1988.

8. Hidden Killers: The Revolutionary Medical Discoveries of Professor Gunther Enderlein, by Erik Enby MD., Sheehan Communications, 1990. The book may be obtained from raum&zeit, Box 1508, Mount Vernon, Washington D.C. 98273; Pb: 2064246025.

9. Enderlein who like Bechamp, lived for 96 years (he died in 1968), published many of his conclusions in Akmon – a journal he first issued in 1955.

10. In his book, Siphonospora polymorpha von Brehmer 1947, this researcher also noted that cancer can be prediagnosed in its earliest forms by measuring the pH value of the blood and the appearance in it of large amounts of rod-shaped siphonospora, as viewable under a dark-field microscope.

raum&zeit, VoLZ No.6,1991.

Pages 52 to 59. (raum&zelt is an excellent bi-monthly journal

published in the USA. Subscriptions are US$75- for six issues:

Dept. S.O.,PO Box 1508, Mount Vernon, Washington 98273.

(206)424 6034 - Editor’s Office

Source: TO BE OR NOT TO BE? 150 Years of Hidden Knowledge by Christopher Bird 1991
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Jul 3, 2016
Basically one of the aspects of the 714X treatment, is simply a lymphatic system flush. Perhaps that is what it primarily does. A flushing agent, 714X, is injected directly into the lymphatic system.

Here's an article on that, but it could be done in various ways ofcourse.

Clean your Body's Drains: How to Detoxify your Lymphatic System

Also 714X provides nitrogen to the cancer cells which cause the micro organisms to cease excreting their toxic compounds. This together with the lymphatic system flush is basically all there is to it AFAIK.

How It Works
The theory behind the work of Gaston Naessens is that cancer is caused by a friendly microorganism (present in all cells) that becomes unfriendly. 714X provides nitrogen to the cancer cells, thus causing this microorganism (somatids – “little bodies”) to cease excreting their toxic compounds and the immune system is mobilized. I presume that at that point the immune system kills the cancer cells. “Furthermore, the 714X therapy unclogs the lymph system, which is responsible for removing toxins from the body.”

Perhaps it is a nitrogen deficiency of some sort we are speaking of? It apparently exists in plants:

Nitrogen deficiency - Wikipedia

Nitrogen can be dangerous though, astronauts died by inhaling it directly, according to Nitrogen - Wikipedia

The human body does need it though:

Sources on nitrogen in the human body:
Why Does the Body Need Nitrogen?
How Do People Get Nitrogen into Their Bodies?

Cryotherapy is an actual conventional cancer treatment in which liquid nitrogen is applied directly on the tumor, causing it to freeze and get destroyed. I wonder if the freezing part is the only reason that the tumor dies/regresses/falls off or whatever happens to it in cryotherapy.
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Dec 3, 2015
Here is a book that maybe of interest:


  • [Christopher_Bird]_The_persecution_and_trial_of_Gaston Naessen.pdf
    1.1 MB · Views: 98


Jul 3, 2016
Yeast assimilable nitrogen

Importance in winemaking[edit]

Assimilable nitrogen is an essential nutrient needed by wine yeast in order to fully complete fermentation with a minimum amount of undesirable by-products (such as compounds like hydrogen sulfide that can create off odors) created. Over the course of a fermentation, yeast may use up to a 1000 mg/l of amino acids though often far less than amount is needed.[2] Yeast can store amino acids in intracellular vacuoles and then later either use them directly, incorporating them into proteins, or break them down and use their carbon and nitrogen components separately.[4]

In the absence of nitrogen, yeast will begin to shut down and die off. Some strains will begin breaking down sulfur containing amino acids like cysteine and methionine releasing a sulfur atom that can combine with hydrogen to produce hydrogen sulfide (H2S) which can impart rotten egg odors to the wine. However, there is not a direct correlation between YAN levels and hydrogen sulfide production since H2S can be produced by yeast even in the presence of abundant nitrogen but with instead other vital nutrients (such as the vitamin pantothenic acid) lacking. There are even some strains of S. cerevisiae that produce H2S as a response to having too much available nitrogen (particularly too much glutamic acid and alanine[3]). This is why a prophylactic approach of indiscriminately adding nitrogen supplementation to every fermentation may not have the desired results of preventing H2S.[2]

Nitrogen levels in the wine can have an influence on many sensory aspects of the resulting wine, including the synthesis of many aromatic compounds. Fusel alcohols are made by the degradation of amino acids though in the presence of high levels of ammonia and urea their production is reduced. When available nitrogen is limited, the levels of glyceroland trehalose, which may influence mouthfeel, are higher.[3]

Nitrogen supplementation[edit]

Winemakers have long known that some fermentations ran more predictable and "healthier" if pomace (the solid skins, seeds and remains left after pressing) from another wine was added to the batch. This is a method still used today to make the Italian wine Ripasso. In 14th century Tuscany, the technique of governo used in some of the earliest Chiantis involved adding dried grapes to the batch.[16] While that also added sugar both methods provided extra nitrogen and other nutrients still available in the skins and seeds.[17]

As enologists began better understanding the science of fermentation, nitrogen was identified as a principal nutrient and winemakers as early as the 1900s began adding ammonium salts to their must.[4] Urea was also used as an early nitrogen supplement but research linking it to the development of ethyl carbamate has led to its banning in many countries, including the United States since 1990.[2][18][19]

There are many types of nitrogen supplements available for winemakers to use. Most of them are complex formulations that include nitrogen (from either amino acids or ammonium salts) along with vitamins, minerals and other growth factors and sold under brand names like Go-Ferm, Superfood, Fermaid K (the later two also containing some DAP).[2] Amino acids can be added directly to the must though as of 2010 only glycine is permitted to be added to must in the United States.[4]

Yeast hulls (or Yeast ghosts) are the remnants of yeast cell walls left over from the commercial production of yeast strains to be used for inoculation. In addition to providing a source of assimilable nitrogen from amino acids, they also provide lipids and sterols that can used by the cells to strengthen their plasma membrane, allowing for the uptake of other sources of nitrogen.[2]

Risk in adding too much[edit]
Nitrogen supplements, particularly DAP, stimulates yeast reproduction and can greatly increase the biomass. This could have the consequence of speeding up the fermentation rate faster than what a winemaker may desire and will also increase the fermentation temperature due to the heat being generated by the yeast. The excess biomass can also create a scarcity of other yeast nutrients, such a vitamins and sterols, due to increase competition and may lead to the production of off-odors (such as hydrogen sulfide) and even stuck fermentations.[1]

Excessive levels of the amino acid arginine (greater than 400 mg/l), especially near the end of fermentation, can pose the risk increase the production of ethyl carbamate. This is because arginine gets broken down into urea which can be reabsorbed and utilized by yeast or metabolized into ammonia. However, urea also reacts with ethanol if it is not completely metabolized which coupled with long term exposure (as well as high temperatures) can lead to the production of the ester ethyl carbamate.[1]

However, the greatest risk of over supplementing a must is that excess nitrogen and other nutrients will be left behind after fermentation is complete. This can create microbial instability as spoilage organisms can use these excess nutrients.[3]

Yeast assimilable nitrogen - Wikipedia

Hmmm... According to Ted from Bangkok, mitochondria going into anaerobic fermentation is what causes the cell to go cancerous. Naessens drug supplied nitrogen to the micro organism within the cancer cell to stop them from excreting toxins, which subsequently allowed the immune system to kill the cancer cell. Now read that piece above again involving nitrogen in wine fermentation, with glycine also being named, glycine being known as anti-cancer on here. Can we connect some dots?

How It Works
The theory behind the work of Gaston Naessens is that cancer is caused by a friendly microorganism (present in all cells) that becomes unfriendly. 714X provides nitrogen to the cancer cells, thus causing this microorganism (somatids – “little bodies”) to cease excreting their toxic compounds and the immune system is mobilized. I presume that at that point the immune system kills the cancer cells. “Furthermore, the 714X therapy unclogs the lymph system, which is responsible for removing toxins from the body.”

I also posted a source in this topic which said that the microorganisms seen by Naessens are not viruses, but entities of the human body which can resemble viruses at their own will.
What if these mini-entities, dubbed somatids by Naessens, are our body's own pseudo-bacteria, which will transform into bad bacteria under circumstances, and then cause the cell of which they reside in to become cancerous?

Why do I have the feeling I am reading about the human body when I am reading this wikipedia article on yeast assimilable nitrogen for wine fermentation? Why do I see urea frequently named in the article?

Yeast assimilable nitrogen - Wikipedia

And then there is this topic on Urea: Using Urea And Creatine As A Cancer Treatment

We have to connect the dots here, people!

Also check this out, 2015 article on a cancer study:

How Fermentation Gives Us Beer, Wine, Cheese—and Cancer?
Even in the presence of oxygen, cancer cells and some bacteria prefer fermentation, a new study finds

Wine, beer and yogurt are produced when microorganisms convert sugar into alcohol, gases or acids. But this process of fermentation—which is used by bacteria, fungi and other fast-growing cells to generate energy in the absence of oxygen—is a much less efficient way of generating energy for cells than aerobic respiration. Credit: ©iStock

In 1931 German physician, physiologist and biochemist Otto Heinrich Warburg won the Nobel Prize for his discovery that cancerous cells—unlike most healthy human cells, which produce energy using oxygen via respiration—favor the anaerobic process of fermentation, or the conversion of sugar into acids, gases or alcohol, even in the presence of oxygen. This has perplexed scientists ever since because fermentation is a far less efficient means of generating energy than aerobic metabolism, hence its pejorative tag as a “wasteful metabolism.”

But a team of scientists from the University of California, San Diego, has discovered that although oxygen-based metabolism is a more efficient means of energy production, the costs required to produce the molecular machinery that drives respiration are twice those needed to ferment the sugar glucose. Their work could have implications in identifying potential targets in treating cancer.

The team measured what is called proteome allocation—or the fraction of all cellular proteins devoted to various tasks—to determine the metabolic costs of generating energy and cell growth in Escherichia coli bacteria. The enzymes that facilitate respiration—the raw machinery that normally supports human cellular life—are large and lumbering and need to be produced prolifically to keep us, and our steadily growing cells, going. Put another way, a higher percentage of a fast-growing cell’s proteome is dedicated to growth whereas a smaller fraction is available for other cellular processes, including energy production.

University of California, San Diego, physics and biology professor Terry Hwa, who led the study, likens his findings, recently published in Nature,to coal versus nuclear energy. "Coal factories produce energy less efficiently than nuclear power plants on a per-carbon basis, but they are a lot cheaper to build,” he said in a statement. So the decision of which route to generate energy depends on the availability of coal and the available budget for building power plants.” Fast-growing cells find fermentation the cheaper path. In this sense it is coal energy for cells. (Scientific American is part of Nature Publishing Group.)

The idea that cellular metabolism and growth might be based on the cost-benefit balance of producing the proteins necessary to generate energy and grow was first proposed by a team of Dutch theoretical biologists in 2009. Hwa’s findings confirm those findings. And although prevailing dogma views cancer as a genetic disorder—or really a complex of disorders caused by countless possible mutations—some researchers are coming around to the idea that the ultimate pathologic insult might be impaired or altered energy production.

Thomas Seyfried, a biologist at Boston College who was not part of this study, feels that cancer is a metabolic disorder, citing the large body of evidence implicating mitochondrial dysfunction in cancer. Mitochondria—or the “powerhouses” of our cells—are where cellular energy production takes place. “There is now substantial evidence from a broad range of disciplines showing some degree of defect in the number, structure or function of mitochondria in all types of tumor cells. These mitochondrial defects cause the enhanced glucose uptake and the fermentation seen in tumor cells,” Seyfried explains.

In a 2014 paper by Seyfried and colleagues published in Carcinogenesis he cites ample evidence to support his claim, including showing that a cell’s tumor potential is suppressed if it is transplanted with normal mitochondria; and conversely that transferring mitochondria from tumor cells into the cytoplasm of normal cells increases the chances that those once normal cells will become cancerous. He also points out the large body of work connecting the etiological dots: Many of the mutated genes associated with cancer seem to exert their effects by impairing cellular respiration. It is also possible, Seyfried strongly feels, that transitioning from respiration to fermentation produces free radicals that cause genetic mutations associated with cancer.

Seyfried also suggests a possible evolutionary explanation for fermentation in cancer cells, citing work by Carlos Sonnenschein and Ana Soto at Tufts University showing that the default state for cells is to proliferate, like cancer cells do, and that aerobic respiration in the mitochondria normally helps keep this growth in check. “Unbridled proliferation driven by fermentation metabolism was the state of existence for most cells before oxygen entered the atmosphere some two billion years ago,” he explains. “A gradual loss of respiratory control together with a compensatory fermentation underlies the origin of cancer.”

The association between energy production and cancer is likely far from being completely understood, and although Hwa cautions that he is not a cancer biologist, he feels there is definite promise in pursuing treatments that tinker with metabolism. “I can see that interfering with fermentation could be an effective strategy to slow down tumor growth,” he explains, “since slow-growing cells rely more on respiration to generate energy—then, in principle, this treatment strategy is naturally more disruptive to fast-growing cancer cells than normal cells.”

Current cancer treatment emphasizes interfering with cell signaling pathways that could lead to runaway cellular growth. “But from this study,” Hwa says, “[we found] that maybe we don't need to be so concerned with signaling and could instead work to slow down the efficiency of fermentative processes. We can then count on cancer cells’ growth to slow down as they shift to respiration.”

As more and more mutations associated with varying cancers are uncovered, developing oncology therapies could seem a Sisyphean undertaking. But a single pathology—one that perhaps results in the mutations associated with cancer—could make developing effective cancer therapies a whole lot easier.

As Otto Warburg’s work alluded to nearly a century ago, perhaps this entails simply encouraging cancer to take a breath of fresh air.

Source: How Fermentation Gives Us Beer, Wine, Cheese—and Cancer?

Cancer = cell fermentation?
Cancer = fermentation?
Cancer = a state of fermentation?

Are our body cells pseudo-bacteria or do they contain pseudo-bacteria which go into fermentation when energy goes too low or for any other reason, causing cancer?
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