The Most OVERLOOKED Peat Quote


Jul 31, 2019
100 grams of raw shredded carrot will provide roughly 15 grams of fiber

It's more like 2 grams.

50-70g is protein deficiency territory.

What's the basis for this statement except your reference to the supposedly awful life of the average person? Millions of people live in good metabolic health with this amount of protein, and a short-term experiments in the context of liver steatosis proves very little. How do you explain the life-extending effects of LPHC diets? Why does increasing the amount of carbohydrate in relation to protein increase the metabolic rate? There is no better way to increase your t3 than to eat less protein and more carbs - animal and human studies show this consistently without exception. Why do +20% protein diets aggravate colitis? 150g of protein are the equivalent of 750g of lean meat. No human being eats that much protein instinctually, only nutritional "experts" can get themselves to think that their bodies require that much.


Aug 27, 2018
The point is people here forget about CICO. Just dont eat over your TDEE if you dont workout and you wont get fat.


Nov 21, 2019
Wait people here eat 120g of fat a day?
And complain about weight?

otherwise, I am doing best by not applying any principle except for pufa avoidance and going for cravings

even if a nutritional approach overriding your instincts was better for you from a purely physiological perspective, it would also have to compete with the dopaminic benefits of going after cravings, and the subtly stressful problems that arise when you stay on a forced protocol

Then within your cravings take peaty decisions that still meet them


Nov 21, 2019
It's more like 2 grams.

What's the basis for this statement except your reference to the supposedly awful life of the average person? Millions of people live in good metabolic health with this amount of protein, and a short-term experiments in the context of liver steatosis proves very little. How do you explain the life-extending effects of LPHC diets? Why does increasing the amount of carbohydrate in relation to protein increase the metabolic rate? There is no better way to increase your t3 than to eat less protein and more carbs - animal and human studies show this consistently without exception. Why do +20% protein diets aggravate colitis? 150g of protein are the equivalent of 750g of lean meat. No human being eats that much protein instinctually, only nutritional "experts" can get themselves to think that their bodies require that much.

Literally completely detached from common sense to have twice of this and think its normal


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Nov 21, 2019
Whats wrong with eating fruit on sedentary days to get through the days? Lol
Literally any other food will make me sleepy on a 9-5 office day (as a primary cal source)

i don’t think I have ever seen a colleague return with full power from a lunch break in decent energetic shape

high sugar, medium protein, low fat is the way to go for me especially on sedentary days

add starches and fats on active days


Aug 27, 2018
@Ableton yeah, fruit and protein powder with milk has been working for me quite nicely. Getting sleepy at the office is the worst thing.


Nov 21, 2019
@Ableton yeah, fruit and protein powder with milk has been working for me quite nicely. Getting sleepy at the office is the worst thing.
Yeah, I will have a small amount of solid food containing little fat with that, to not get diarrhea.
Basically an optimal energetic state for me is just getting enough fat to not get gut problems.
Foods that speed me up (sugar, low fat milk, coffee) cause gut problems in me in isolation.
Foods that slow me down (fat) help my gut.
So To get the best of both worlds i‘ll have the tiniest amount of fat that my gut can get away with. This tends to be around 70g a day on average (on 4k cal diet) although timing (fats with fruit, especially juice) seems to be more crucial than total amount.

so my course of action is to have tons of fruit and juices on me, and whenever I have a portion, I‘ll have 1-2 bites of a butter sandwich or 2 spoons of a dish cooked in fat or whatever. Does not cause fatigue and keeps gut problems away.


Aug 1, 2017
The point is people here forget about CICO. Just dont eat over your TDEE if you dont workout and you wont get fat.

Yeah this, also the fact that a 10% increase in BMR is already pretty good, its approx what caffeine gives you for example


Jul 8, 2020
I feel like you're probably just mistaking "too much carbs" with "too much calories." The few people I've seen complaining about weight gain on a bioenergetic approach were eating like 4,000-5,000 calories everyday. This is way too much for the typical average metabolism, particularly when said metabolism in question is impaired by enviromental toxins. If someone eats their maintenance level of calories while eliminating PUFA, sterilizing the gut, balancing calcium/phosphate, and getting adequate protein they won't gain weight. Some subjects may also need thyroid, in which case there's several protocols, but the most recommended is the Broda Barnes protocol.

I feel like you are agreeing with me but trying to wrap it up in a way so it looks like you've come up with it. Of course if someone is eating an excessive amount of carbs they will be getting more calories than they need.

People eating maintenance calories won't gain weight, the clue is the word before the word calories.


Jul 8, 2020
You misread the quote.He said AT LEAST 180g. and that’s for someone on a 2000 calorie starvation diet. In WW2 they used to ration out 3000 calories (which people were starving on) as a bare minimum to citizens. And that was during tough times.

You misread the quote. Nowhere at all does it specify that is on a 2000 calorie diet, we dont know if he meant 2000, 2500, 3000, you have just completely made that up.

When I see at least 180g, I dont think oh well, better start eating 700g. People should be moving down towards the 180g than veering away from it, which most seem to be doing.

Do you have any sources to prove they were "starving." Or have you fabricated this in the same way you did with Peats previous post?

The health of the general public is declining, people in the ww2 era were arguably more healthy than they are now. Haidut has done many, many posts on this, have a read through his posts. Grip strength is on the decline, obesity skyrocketing, childhood cancers on the rise, hair loss. Almost every aspect on health is on a continual decline.


Jul 8, 2020
It's more like 2 grams.

What's the basis for this statement except your reference to the supposedly awful life of the average person? Millions of people live in good metabolic health with this amount of protein, and a short-term experiments in the context of liver steatosis proves very little. How do you explain the life-extending effects of LPHC diets? Why does increasing the amount of carbohydrate in relation to protein increase the metabolic rate? There is no better way to increase your t3 than to eat less protein and more carbs - animal and human studies show this consistently without exception. Why do +20% protein diets aggravate colitis? 150g of protein are the equivalent of 750g of lean meat. No human being eats that much protein instinctually, only nutritional "experts" can get themselves to think that their bodies require that much.

Peat has said the protein deficiency statement many, many, times. Have you read any of his articles? Have you listened to any of his interviews? It's like nobody on here actually studies any of his work. Moderate protein is a something Peat has reiterated so many times. (No, 150g isn't high)

I said the average person is in terrible health, which is true, haidut has done many posts on this, go through his search history. As above I have stated grip strength is on the decline, obesity rising, cancers on the rise, metabolic issues. For anyone with even a shred of common sense can see the general public are in a downward trajectory health wise.

Once again, if increasing carbs so much improves metabolic rate, why are there so many threads complaining about weight loss? Why doesnt every member of this forum have six packs?

If 20% protein diets aggravated colitis, why do some peoples colitis recover on carnivore? (I don't think carnivore is a good diet btw, but there are loads of accounts of this happening)


Jul 8, 2020
Literally completely detached from common sense to have twice of this and think its normal

Peat eats 150g a day and has made positive comments many times about protein in the middle 100s range.


Jul 8, 2020
Yeah, I will have a small amount of solid food containing little fat with that, to not get diarrhea.
Basically an optimal energetic state for me is just getting enough fat to not get gut problems.
Foods that speed me up (sugar, low fat milk, coffee) cause gut problems in me in isolation.
Foods that slow me down (fat) help my gut.
So To get the best of both worlds i‘ll have the tiniest amount of fat that my gut can get away with. This tends to be around 70g a day on average (on 4k cal diet) although timing (fats with fruit, especially juice) seems to be more crucial than total amount.

so my course of action is to have tons of fruit and juices on me, and whenever I have a portion, I‘ll have 1-2 bites of a butter sandwich or 2 spoons of a dish cooked in fat or whatever. Does not cause fatigue and keeps gut problems away.

Wow, so you have to eat little solid food in order to avoid diarrhea? What happens if you eat a normal human amount of solid food, you get diarrhea?

Having to be extra careful during your day to make sure you don't soil your pants is not a person that is healthy.

You wont like to hear this but a healthy person is robust, strong, can eat what they want (within reason) and be able to function. Whatever you're doing isn't working, and from what you've said, IMO, you arent healthy.

This is my problem with some members here in a nutshell. Many incredibly unhealthy members are giving out too much advice and people listen. I personally would not take health advice from someone that risks diarrhea on a daily basis.


Dec 11, 2018
What about the "Ray recommends 80g+ of protein a day and says that ~120g should be enough even for the most active individuals." quote? haidut has mentioned this recommendation many times here in his posts. Though Ray has said he doesn't feel good without at least 150g of protein a day.

Protein Requirements Increase With Age
High Protein Intake Increases Muscle Mass Even W/o Training

Could you give me a link to the article, podcast etc. where you got the "I think a person of average size should have at least 180 grams per day, maybe an average of about 250 grams." quote.


Dec 11, 2018
One of haidut's posts:

Yeah, I am aware of this other statement of his but I am pretty sure several of his articles talk about 80g daily being a good amount and in the collection of email exchanges he has told people that 120g is needed only by very active people. So, not sure what to make of it except maybe assume this is the optimal range - i.e. no less than 80g and no more than 150g. I am not surprised Peat needs 150g daily. Older people need much higher amounts of protein to achieve positive nitrogen balance.


Jul 8, 2020
What about the "Ray recommends 80g+ of protein a day and says that ~120g should be enough even for the most active individuals." quote? haidut has mentioned this recommendation many times here in his posts. Though Ray has said he doesn't feel good without at least 150g of protein a day.

Protein Requirements Increase With Age
High Protein Intake Increases Muscle Mass Even W/o Training

Could you give me a link to the article, podcast etc. where you got the "I think a person of average size should have at least 180 grams per day, maybe an average of about 250 grams." quote.

To be honest I am not sure why people are obsessing over this protein figure, I initially just typed it into a macro calculator to work out the percentages against carbs. 25% is not a high amount of protein. This thread isnt really concerning protein.

I got the quote from Danny Roddys ray peat wiki.


Jul 8, 2020
One of haidut's posts:

Yeah, I am aware of this other statement of his but I am pretty sure several of his articles talk about 80g daily being a good amount and in the collection of email exchanges he has told people that 120g is needed only by very active people. So, not sure what to make of it except maybe assume this is the optimal range - i.e. no less than 80g and no more than 150g. I am not surprised Peat needs 150g daily. Older people need much higher amounts of protein to achieve positive nitrogen balance.

This thread about carbs, I'm not sure why people are obsessing about a throwaway figure I typed into a macro calculator.
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