The Key To Low Body-fat, Regardless Of Diet/Exercise?

Jun 16, 2022
I'm so sorry about your own health struggles...I'm glad, however, that you are figuring it out and moving in a forward direction. :):

I appreciate the insight. I am of course on the typical Peat supplements (especially to help the metabolism hum along). I've been on T3 (Cytomel) for almost a month now...I titrated up to a high dose, now I'm titrating down (it's a cycle that is training the thyroid to convert T3 on its own, via Wilson's Temperature Syndrome protocol). I wasnt feeling good at all on the high doses, although I dont know many who would feel OK with 75mcg of T3...or maybe I just had to get my body used to it, not sure - but the headaches, super high heart-rate, etc - I couldnt hang more than a few days on that high dose. I seem to have no bad side effects on about 45-50mcg range.

I do take a B-complex supplement that has B1 Thiamine in it, but I looked at it and it only has 10mg (100% of RDA). I was focusing on the B3 (Niacinamide) and the B12. I wonder if the liver capsules I take have some B1 in it...

As today would have it, I'm in a desperate place now. I look and mentally feel doesnt help that now my husband is noticing enough to say something about it - at this point, I dont blame him - he looks like the perfect human specimen and I look like miss piggy now (not trying to be facetious, I'm serious). I go from being athletic and thin to "average American looking" to NOW looking like a busted can of biscuits in my jeans (and I DONT want to go buy bigger jeans since I dont want to "settle" here). I've gotten worse since being Peaty. I also lost my motivation to workout - it's odd. I do some, but I used to workout 6-days a week earlier this year. Some of this is my body revolting to the change in diet and adding sugar back, some of it is what I've been struggling with for 8 years since my last son was born (inability to lose weight and lose it somewhat easily). I know muscle burns fat, but the golden question is how do I continue to build muscle if I am not flogging myself in the gym (thus causing more hormonal, thyroid, adrenal damage) - there's gotta be a highly effective yet shorter workout to do to accomplish this building of muscle and keeping the fat burning furnace going. (If anyone reading this has insight on the workout, please let me know).

FTR, I have tried low-fat Peaty, I've tried eating more or eating less, I've tried the minimal Peaty diet (only OJ, Milk, Coffee, Eggs, Carrot Salad)... I didnt do the "minimal diet" very long because it made me physically feel awful and bad headaches, and of course it stressed me out not having any sort of variety. It's driving me crazy trying everything, I'm to a point where I want to do a drastic diet, but I keep telling myself it's not sustainable - I'll just either be miserable for the rest of my life having to eat like that forever or gain the weight back. I want to stay Peaty, I just dont have YEARS to rehabilitate my metabolism naturally... Perhaps if I add some actual workout regimen (rather than just "winging it" a few days a week), that might help - I just need to figure out what that is and looks like.
As far as the gym or exercise. If you have enough energy do a full body workout 2-3 times per week. Keep eating mixed macros and quality food. Peat style is great. Don’t focus on fat loss. Focus on muscle building without overdoing it.

In a balanced way continue this process so you’re not destroyed hormonally/mentally/physically and things will likely move in the right direction. Then you would be able to tolerate more fruit and sugars later which will also be a virtuous cycle to help your hormones and finally your fat storage issues.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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