The Great Reset - Klaus Schwab


Nov 9, 2016
Alberta Conservative premier Jason Kenney gave a speech mentioning The Great Reset. He actually sounds pretty normal which is rare nowadays.
I guess this Klaus Schwab maniac sent his Great Reset book to every leader in the world, so it makes more sense now to see how they are all on the same page.

“He sent me a copy. I guess he sent one to probably every government leader around the world,” he said.

“And Klaus Schwab’s thesis in his book is that we — governments and societies, the world — should seize the opportunity of the public health and economic crisis to reimagine the world and radically change policies.”

Kenney said he would describe Schwab’s “great reset” plan as a “grab bag of left-wing ideas for less freedom and more government, for more government intervention, for policies that would, I think, create massive poverty, particularly [regarding] energy policies that he is advocating.”

The premier called Schwab’s annual Davos summit the “biggest gathering of global hypocrites in history.”

“It’s a little ski village in Switzerland. And every, I think February, a couple of thousand super-rich people, a lot of billionaires, millionaires, global CEOs and politicians fly into Davos with hundreds of private airplanes.

“They go into Switzerland and they spend a week basically lecturing the rest of the world, especially working women and men, about how they should reduce their carbon footprint,” he said.

“The hypocrisy in that crowd is so thick you can’t even cut it with a knife.”

Kenney made it clear that Schwab’s theories would not direct Alberta policy. “And so, no, I’m not going to be taking any policy direction from Klaus Schwab or his ilk.”


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Alberta Conservative premier Jason Kenney gave a speech mentioning The Great Reset. He actually sounds pretty normal which is rare nowadays.
I guess this Klaus Schwab maniac sent his Great Reset book to every leader in the world, so it makes more sense now to see how they are all on the same page.

“He sent me a copy. I guess he sent one to probably every government leader around the world,” he said.

“And Klaus Schwab’s thesis in his book is that we — governments and societies, the world — should seize the opportunity of the public health and economic crisis to reimagine the world and radically change policies.”

Kenney said he would describe Schwab’s “great reset” plan as a “grab bag of left-wing ideas for less freedom and more government, for more government intervention, for policies that would, I think, create massive poverty, particularly [regarding] energy policies that he is advocating.”

The premier called Schwab’s annual Davos summit the “biggest gathering of global hypocrites in history.”

“It’s a little ski village in Switzerland. And every, I think February, a couple of thousand super-rich people, a lot of billionaires, millionaires, global CEOs and politicians fly into Davos with hundreds of private airplanes.

“They go into Switzerland and they spend a week basically lecturing the rest of the world, especially working women and men, about how they should reduce their carbon footprint,” he said.

“The hypocrisy in that crowd is so thick you can’t even cut it with a knife.”

Kenney made it clear that Schwab’s theories would not direct Alberta policy. “And so, no, I’m not going to be taking any policy direction from Klaus Schwab or his ilk.”

Not sure how much is up to him considering Trudeau has already stated he likes the Great reset and Canada will be implementing it.


Feb 18, 2016
They will also use the "climate crisis" to push through authoritarian legislation, it’s all about destroying the nation state, the entire Davos narrative was about this, they openly stated it.

It will possibly be more beneficial for them to cause secessions in major countries like the USA, Canada etc , by bringing in a great reset which is essentially woke politics many folks will want out, the states that stay in will become the UN a smart cities, the global financial system will make sure all money flows through these areas in an attempt to deprive other areas, a more fractured world benefits the ruling class.

Its incredible to see how treasonous our governments have become, the NGO’s are basically funded by the tax payer without any mandate to the tune of billions per year, the NGO’s pump propaganda that is basically the real government agendas, they try to form public opinion and label the government the bad guy, if there is enough support from the public the government enact legislation for whatever they were lobbied to do, they basically pay NGO’s to lobby them, the NGO’s are full of woke politics.


Aug 17, 2016
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Feb 18, 2016

This is really good, hopefully we will see more like this, what he says about artists is true, what is promoted as art these days is propaganda, the idiot bank going around London a prime example, he’s highly likely a product of British intelligence regardless of the rumors of prior celebrity, the movies are gone to crap because of wokism.
Black Mirror is also worth rewatching, I reckon the guy who created it read a lot of globalist material, he also done Nathan barley which was spot on about big tech culture years before it took off.


Nov 9, 2016
I don't understand these old fuddy duddys like Klaus Schwab.
He's 83 years old and will be dead soon. Why does he care about a ridiculous global reset?
He won't even be around to see his evil empire dreams come true.
I don't get it.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I don't understand these old fuddy duddys like Klaus Schwab.
He's 83 years old and will be dead soon. Why does he care about a ridiculous global reset?
He won't even be around to see his evil empire dreams come true.
I don't get it.

He thinks transhumanism will save him and he will be immortal soon. Half machine, half (sub)human...but worse than both. Most of these people are not in their right mind, independently of their evil ideas.


Mar 15, 2018
Subhuman is usually one of the words I think of with these kinds of people.
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Oct 21, 2013
Alberta Conservative premier Jason Kenney gave a speech mentioning The Great Reset. He actually sounds pretty normal which is rare nowadays.
I guess this Klaus Schwab maniac sent his Great Reset book to every leader in the world, so it makes more sense now to see how they are all on the same page.

“He sent me a copy. I guess he sent one to probably every government leader around the world,” he said.

“And Klaus Schwab’s thesis in his book is that we — governments and societies, the world — should seize the opportunity of the public health and economic crisis to reimagine the world and radically change policies.”

Kenney said he would describe Schwab’s “great reset” plan as a “grab bag of left-wing ideas for less freedom and more government, for more government intervention, for policies that would, I think, create massive poverty, particularly [regarding] energy policies that he is advocating.”

The premier called Schwab’s annual Davos summit the “biggest gathering of global hypocrites in history.”

“It’s a little ski village in Switzerland. And every, I think February, a couple of thousand super-rich people, a lot of billionaires, millionaires, global CEOs and politicians fly into Davos with hundreds of private airplanes.

“They go into Switzerland and they spend a week basically lecturing the rest of the world, especially working women and men, about how they should reduce their carbon footprint,” he said.

“The hypocrisy in that crowd is so thick you can’t even cut it with a knife.”

Kenney made it clear that Schwab’s theories would not direct Alberta policy. “And so, no, I’m not going to be taking any policy direction from Klaus Schwab or his ilk.”
That all sounds good, and I've heard Alberta is the most libertarianesque of the provinces, but then he has to explain the persecution of James Coates.


Oct 4, 2020
He thinks transhumanism will save him and he will be immortal soon. Half machine, half (sub)human...but worse than both. Most of these people are not in their right mind, independently of their evil ideas.
Don't think there's that much wrong about the idea of transhumanism itself. It's more about what you do once you hypothetically reach it?
But I don't think it's near enough in the future to affect him.


Dec 12, 2019
He thinks transhumanism will save him and he will be immortal soon. Half machine, half (sub)human...but worse than both. Most of these people are not in their right mind, independently of their evil ideas.
You're Right about that. And we Germans should be really ashamed about him, because he is from our Country and has such sick Ideas. Hopefully this Transhumanism Thing will not take Place anytime soon. It's creeping me out even thinking of it....


Aug 17, 2016
Documentary teaser. Looks good.



Jun 20, 2015
Spain's Proposed 'National Security Law' Would Allow Seizure Of Citizens' Property During Health "Crisis" | ZeroHedge

The prominent Spanish daily El País is reporting a hugely alarming scenario in which Spain's central government is mulling a national mobilization and "security law" which would compel citizens to "temporarily" give up their rights in instances of future public health crises or emergencies such as happened with the coronavirus pandemic.

Consider just how far this Orwellian proposal goes, as reported on in El País:

In the event that a state of crisis is declared in Spain ('situation of interest to National Security' is the name given by law), the authorities may also proceed to the temporary requisition of all types of property, at the intervention or provisional occupation of those that are necessary or the suspension of all kinds of activities.

Among other novelties, the draft includes the obligation of the media to collaborate with the competent authorities in the dissemination of information of a preventive or operational nature. The most important thing, however, is that it incorporates measures to avoid the recurrence of shortages of products and critical goods to face a crisis, such as the lack of masks, respirators and PPE that occurred when infections began to spread massively.

We've seen some officials and political pundits actually push similar measures in the US and Britain... this looks to unfortunately be the "what's next" waiting for us during the next "global health crisis" on the horizon - however it gets vaguely defined.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

To be fair, Spain is probably one of the few countries in the world that is yet to adopt such laws. As far as I know, in most countries (especially in the West) personal property is suspended in cases of emergencies, wars, pandemic, etc and the state can do with it as it sees fit, with the nebulous promise that once things go back to "normal" the serfs will be "fairly compensated" for the confiscations. Of course, it never happens or if it does it is never commensurate with the endured loss. In fact, in most Western countries it does not even have to be a state of emergency. The police can confiscate any property, vehicle, tool, and even dwelling for law enforcement purposes. For example, if the police is chasing a suspect on the highway and their vehicles are not fast enough but you are driving a Ferrari on the road and the police thinks it will help them catch the suspect, they can legally seize it from you, crash it during the chase, and then pay you a fraction of what the car costs (and with taxpayer's money too).
Still, I agree that it is very sad to see one of the few countries without such laws now trying to "join the club".

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
An issue that is a concern to me is that once an emergency is declared there is little to no incentive to undo the emergency declaration. Pfizer and Moderna want to maintain the status quo. Otherwise the will not be able to peddle their vaccines. I assume that they will use their influence to keep the emergency intact. I heard on the new that the corporate officers of Moderna are all new billionaires. If I am not mistaken this vaccine was their first product that they brought to market.

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Apr 7, 2021
Alberta Conservative premier Jason Kenney gave a speech mentioning The Great Reset. He actually sounds pretty normal which is rare nowadays.
I guess this Klaus Schwab maniac sent his Great Reset book to every leader in the world, so it makes more sense now to see how they are all on the same page.

“He sent me a copy. I guess he sent one to probably every government leader around the world,” he said.

“And Klaus Schwab’s thesis in his book is that we — governments and societies, the world — should seize the opportunity of the public health and economic crisis to reimagine the world and radically change policies.”

Kenney said he would describe Schwab’s “great reset” plan as a “grab bag of left-wing ideas for less freedom and more government, for more government intervention, for policies that would, I think, create massive poverty, particularly [regarding] energy policies that he is advocating.”

The premier called Schwab’s annual Davos summit the “biggest gathering of global hypocrites in history.”

“It’s a little ski village in Switzerland. And every, I think February, a couple of thousand super-rich people, a lot of billionaires, millionaires, global CEOs and politicians fly into Davos with hundreds of private airplanes.

“They go into Switzerland and they spend a week basically lecturing the rest of the world, especially working women and men, about how they should reduce their carbon footprint,” he said.

“The hypocrisy in that crowd is so thick you can’t even cut it with a knife.”

Kenney made it clear that Schwab’s theories would not direct Alberta policy. “And so, no, I’m not going to be taking any policy direction from Klaus Schwab or his ilk.”

It makes me think hard.

Klaus Schwab in 2015 Interview:"Gene Editing Changes YOU, Has a Big Impact on your Identity"



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