The DHT Thread - Principles For Raising DHT (Supps, Foods, Etc.)


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Can you provide further info on this?
This would be great if true for several reasons for underweighted males with low fat (like me):
1.- High dosages are kinda well tolerated and not so harmful in the long term
2.- Usually haves positive effect on sexual performance
3.- You could, theorically, get more muscle without getting more fat or estrogen

Provide more info on what? I thought it was pretty descriptive. Most bodybuilders agree with it too and the only reason they do not like using DHT directly is that it gets quickly metabolized by 3a-HSD in muscle. But they love non-metabolizable DHT-type steroids like Anavar, and Drostanolone.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
the part you dont understand my point is ım not saying dht is evil hormone its good if you have low-normal testosterone high estrogen(aging men)dht will protect you in this scenario because it has e2 lowering effects and will protect you from getting ***s and might lean you a bit also some mood uplift but at the same time its binds SHBG so strongly that it lowers shbg this is paradoxical because it will lead to higher free t=higher dht higher estrogen(more supression) since dht more dominant than estrogen you become dht dominant low shbg low total testosterone guy.At the end, my point is if one has extremely high dht levels he most likely will have reduced lh levels and lowered testosterone this happens because body wants to protect you from dht and estrogen related diseases.People who have too high dht and low testosterone will only get gains from finasteride providing estrogen in range.Less oily skin less hairloss higher energy levels more muscle mass finasteride is anti aging if dht is too high.

Luteinizing hormone pulsatility in subjects with 5-alpha-reductase deficiency and decreased dihydrotestosterone production. | Request PDF last paragraph
Studies on the Feedback Regulation of Gonadotropin Concentrations in Male Rats (III).

Nowhere did I say you said DHT is evil or that one should have sky-high DHT levels. I just pointed out that IF one has to choose between rock bottom and sky high DHT levels, the latter is probably a lot less dangerous despite mainstream medicine pushing for DHT being as low as possible with advancing age.
Btw, low LH/FSH are not really bad as they are pituitary hormones and associated with cancer just like TSH. A study with high dose DHT found that neither T nor estrogen is really needed for proper sexual activity in older males and completely suppressing LH/FSH, estradiol and T with higher dose DHT was not associated with bad outcome. If anything, the men were in better health. So, DHT is quite capable of filling in for T's roles, and the minor decrease in bone density is probably related to the suppression of progesterone and DHEA that such high dose DHT would cause. Lower DHT dose or adding some progesterone/DHEA (as Peat has suggested to people using endpoint steroids) usually prevents these issues.

Male sexual function can be maintained without aromatization: randomized placebo-controlled trial of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in healthy, older me... - PubMed - NCBI
"...RESULTS: DHT treatment increased serum DHT with complete suppression of serum T, luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, and estradiol throughout the 24-month study resulting in reduced spinal bone density. There were no spontaneous complaints, or discontinuations for, adverse effects on sexual function during the study. DHT administration had no effects on any of 33 measures of sexual function and mood, apart from a mild, but significant decrease in overall sexual desire, which was reversible after cessation of treatment. Increasing age and less often increasing BMI were associated with significant decreases in most aspects of sexual function."

The optimal situation is to have strong gonadal response to small, pulsatile LH/FSH release. This is how it works when we are young and in older males LH/FSH pulses are way too high for optimal health. Worst of all, there are really no pulses in older males - LH/FSH stay elevated 24x7. Thyroid and pregnenolone/DHEA can sometimes restore gonadal sensitivity to LH/FSH. However, if the gonadal sensitivity to LH/FSH cannot be restored for some people in advanced age then it is arguably better to have high DHT (usually through supplementation) and suppressed LH/FSH, estradiol, T than supplement with T or (even worse) hCG, GnRH, etc. This realization has led to some doctors calling for DHT being used for andropause instead of T since it is safer and can lower estrogen, which is one of the primary reasons for gonadal dysfunction in older males. And most "controversially" of all, unlike T therapy DHT therapy actually reduces prostate size.
Transdermal dihydrotestosterone treatment of 'andropause'. - PubMed - NCBI
Should the Nonaromatizable Androgen Dihydrotestosterone Be Considered as an Alternative to Testosterone in the Treatment of the Andropause?
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Jan 5, 2019
Sugar does not decrease androgens they said when you eat sugar it lowers test by 40% well thats anytime you eat food not sugars fault that it lowers blood androgens in the day

are you sure about this? i eat a lot of sugar and intuitively i'd say you're right, but some people have been posting these anti-sugar studies here lately, which claim that too high sugar consumption could cause the body to become unable to regulate androgen levels, etc.


Aug 24, 2019
Nowhere did I say you said DHT is evil or that one should have sky-high DHT levels. I just pointed out that IF one has to choose between rock bottom and sky high DHT levels, the latter is probably a lot less dangerous despite mainstream medicine pushing for DHT being as low as possible with advancing age.
Btw, low LH/FSH are not really bad as they are pituitary hormones and associated with cancer just like TSH. A study with high dose DHT found that neither T nor estrogen is really needed for proper sexual activity in older males and completely suppressing LH/FSH, estradiol and T with higher dose DHT was not associated with bad outcome. If anything, the men were in better health. So, DHT is quite capable of filling in for T's roles, and the minor decrease in bone density is probably related to the suppression of progesterone and DHEA that such high dose DHT would cause. Lower DHT dose or adding some progesterone/DHEA (as Peat has suggested to people using endpoint steroids) usually prevents these issues.

Male sexual function can be maintained without aromatization: randomized placebo-controlled trial of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in healthy, older me... - PubMed - NCBI
"...RESULTS: DHT treatment increased serum DHT with complete suppression of serum T, luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, and estradiol throughout the 24-month study resulting in reduced spinal bone density. There were no spontaneous complaints, or discontinuations for, adverse effects on sexual function during the study. DHT administration had no effects on any of 33 measures of sexual function and mood, apart from a mild, but significant decrease in overall sexual desire, which was reversible after cessation of treatment. Increasing age and less often increasing BMI were associated with significant decreases in most aspects of sexual function."

The optimal situation is to have strong gonadal response to small, pulsatile LH/FSH release. This is how it works when we are young and in older males LH/FSH pulses are way too high for optimal health. Worst of all, there are really no pulses in older males - LH/FSH stay elevated 24x7. Thyroid and pregnenolone/DHEA can sometimes restore gonadal sensitivity to LH/FSH. However, if the gonadal sensitivity to LH/FSH cannot be restored for some people in advanced age then it is arguably better to have high DHT (usually through supplementation) and suppressed LH/FSH, estradiol, T than supplement with T or (even worse) hCG, GnRH, etc. This realization has led to some doctors calling for DHT being used for andropause instead of T since it is safer and can lower estrogen, which is one of the primary reasons for gonadal dysfunction in older males. And most "controversially" of all, unlike T therapy DHT therapy actually reduces prostate size.
Transdermal dihydrotestosterone treatment of 'andropause'. - PubMed - NCBI
Should the Nonaromatizable Androgen Dihydrotestosterone Be Considered as an Alternative to Testosterone in the Treatment of the Andropause?
Can we extrapolate the findings of this study to someone looking to use only Masteron and nothing else for Bodybuilding purposes and say that that person too would not experience too much of a reduction in his libido or any other 'low weedTestosterone symptoms' in spite of the Masteron causing his natural production of Testosterone to be suppressed?
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Jun 22, 2021
I have had some great reactions to DHT from females. However, DHT does increase aldosterone , and I always feel some type of volume expansion, or a fuller appearance.
After some new finding this week, I feel that a DHT Metabolite or a DHEA metabolite as haidut stated in a thread , is responsible for MPB. I'm very interested in finding ways to keep DHT as DHT and not 3adiol.
Is this inherently a bad thing? I do get very large when my DHT is high, but I don't really seem to report any negative effects or I don't have any hair loss either - I'm concerned with maybe not knowing the symptoms for when it's too high as a google search for high DHT symptoms don't seem to be right


Dec 29, 2015
Is this inherently a bad thing? I do get very large when my DHT is high, but I don't really seem to report any negative effects or I don't have any hair loss either - I'm concerned with maybe not knowing the symptoms for when it's too high as a google search for high DHT symptoms don't seem to be right
I've been using DHT almost daily for the last several months, and have only experienced good things from it. When I posted that I was using it very sparingly and I wasn't having that great of a reaction to it, I think my body has adapted I must have been DHT deficient because I feel a lot better now with higher needs to levels.


Aug 24, 2019
I've been using DHT almost daily for the last several months, and have only experienced good things from it. When I posted that I was using it very sparingly and I wasn't having that great of a reaction to it, I think my body has adapted I must have been DHT deficient because I feel a lot better now with higher needs to levels.
I use it too and my experience with it is good too. How much do you use and how do you use it?


Dec 29, 2015
Only a couple milligrams or drops topically they're on genitals or on the neck.. obviously it's super powerful because just from the topical there is the effects.. I definitely want to ensure I don't overuse or cause some suppression of some sort.. same thing with testosterone but I don't not use it anyways DHT works so much better.. but when I was using testosterone only 1 to 5 mg topically.


Jun 21, 2017
Only a couple milligrams or drops topically they're on genitals or on the neck.. obviously it's super powerful because just from the topical there is the effects.. I definitely want to ensure I don't overuse or cause some suppression of some sort.. same thing with testosterone but I don't not use it anyways DHT works so much better.. but when I was using testosterone only 1 to 5 mg topically.
What DHT did you use ?
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