DHT Prevents Prostate Cancer And May Even Treat It



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Do you still believe this therapy would be a viable option for MPB? or maybe add T3 to the mix as well?

The effects of T3 largely parallel those of progesterone and DHT, so it may have additive effects but the main mechanism of action would be the same.
As far as the steroids, since DHT gets quickly deactivated in scalp due to higher 3a-HSD activity I think another non-aromatizable androgen like drostanolone (resistant to 3a-HSD metabolism) may be better as a topical remedy combination with progesterone.


Mar 17, 2017
I have no idea why but I've noticed that everytime when I take proviron,my prostate feels bad.
it goes away within days if i stop taking it.


Nov 8, 2020
I noticed the first signs of MPB on my scalp during June 2017. The rate at which it is progressing is impressive, in spite of the fact that I utilize a majority of the tactics that this forum tends to recommend for MPB. I started spraying my own mixed Solban-esque solution on my scalp in April 2017 as a prophylactic measure against balding. Two months later my scalp began balding anyway. A few weeks ago I added the following to my protocol:

- One drop daily of androsterone on testes
- 3 or 4 drops weekly of progestene on balding area of the scalp

So I'm trying progesterone + DHT therapy for MPB. I'll give it a few months and see what happens. If I'm Norwood 4 by the New Year, then DHT causes MPB. :bag:
How did it go mate?


Sep 27, 2015
How did it go mate?
Not good! I continue to bald. Vertex is getting pretty damn bad. My protocol has changed since the post you quoted, but I've been pretty consistent with the androsterone. In fact, I recently experimented with higher dose androsterone for a month or so, and my hair took a big hit, temples and vertex. Although it did coincide with the arrival of fall. It's all anecdotal. I can never really tell what is causing what. I'm strongly considering dropping androsterone for good and only using tiny oral dose preg, topical prog, and thyroid from here on out.


Aug 6, 2015
Not good! I continue to bald. Vertex is getting pretty damn bad. My protocol has changed since the post you quoted, but I've been pretty consistent with the androsterone. In fact, I recently experimented with higher dose androsterone for a month or so, and my hair took a big hit, temples and vertex. Although it did coincide with the arrival of fall. It's all anecdotal. I can never really tell what is causing what. I'm strongly considering dropping androsterone for good and only using tiny oral dose preg, topical prog, and thyroid from here on out.

i honestly think bacteria that feed off sebum is the problem, not the hormones that produce the sebum, but the simple fact that they feed off it and produce waste products from this waste

recently i have began the theory that baldness is caused by bacteria and fungi caused by a post saying that potassium bicarbonate cures baldness in the hair and skin forum section

Malassezia yeast is inexorably related to the inflammation (folliculitis) that causes hair shedding, hair miniaturization, and hair loss in AGA. It is also directly implicated in dandruff and sebborheic dermatitis. In a nutshell Malasszia wreaks its havoc on hair by using lipase enzymes to break down sebum, causing production of Arachadonic acid. Arachadonic acid is an inflammation precursor, leading to the creation and cascade of inflammatory enzymes that have well established roles in the miniaturization of the hair follicle and the constriction of the vasculature seen in virtually all cases of AGA.

wikipedia says the 4 anti fungals are

selenium sulfide
zinc pyrithione
pircontone olamine

Treatments > The effect of Ketoconazole and Piroctone Olamine on hair growth

In a study with 150 men who suffer from hereditary hair loss and dandruff, Ketoconazole and Piroctone Olamine were compared*. Excessive secretion of sebum, dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis are often linked with hair loss and hereditary hair loss. The 150 men received a shampoo with 1% Ketoconazole or 1% Piroctone Olamine. They had to use this shampoo 2 to 3 times per week for a duration of six months.

All treatments showed a reduction in itching and dandruff after 2 to 6 weeks. If we take a look at the effect of the treatments on various hair growth parameters, we see the following figures (in percentages):

  • The severity of hair loss decreases (Ketoconazole: -17.3%, Piroctone Olamine: -16.5%)
  • The percentage of hairs in the growth phase increases (Ketoconazole 4.9%, Piroctone Olamine: 7.9%)
  • The effect on the hair diameter is increased by 5.4% with Ketoconazole and by 7.7% with Piroctone Olamine.
Thus, the study shows that Piroctone Olamine scores better in a number of areas in comparison to Ketoconazole**:
  • Compared to Ketoconazole, Piroctone Olamine ensures an increase in the number of hairs in the growth phase (anagen phase) by more than 10% in 33% of people.
  • Piroctone Olamine gives 88% of the people thicker hair, despite hereditary hair loss, whereby this is 78% with Ketoconazole.
  • If we take a look at how many people experience a significant increase (more than 10%) of the hair diameter, this is 28% with Ketoconazole and as much as 34% with Piroctone Olamine (10% larger diameter means that the hair became 20% heavier).

i then found a product called kingsley scalp toner,
which is basically just piroctone olamine in alcohol, 4 ingredients,
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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