Terrible Blood Results: Very Low Energy And Weak Immunity


Oct 29, 2016
Hey guys, my blood labs are here and they are not looking too great. I suffer from very low energy levels (diagnosed with CFS, not sure if that diagnosis really fits. A lot of the associated symptoms are there tho.) Right now I'm trying to get away from artificially boosting my energy levels (dopamine boosting substances can make me feel normal and even good for an amount of time), because that always ends in a crash. I'll still use coffee and tyrosine to keep that dopaminergic tone tho, without that depression will surface.

Also, I have something like a cold/flu 24/7/365, so I think my immune system is really underperforming. Whenever I exert myself too much (which is basically every time I do a normal amount of activities) that immunity gets additionally lowered.

My diet before the blood was drawn was as nutrient dense as it gets: OJ, milk, coffee, skyr, liver, date syrup, some butter. Supplements I used: B complex, aspirin, vitamin D A, E, K1, K2, choline bitartrate, glycine, cyproheptadine, tyrosine + BCAAs, magnesium acetate.

I assume my thyroid is in good shape because of the TSH value belows, and blood tests I did a few months ago (my free T3 was at the high end of the range). Waking temp is relatively low at around 96.80 degrees, but I'm stabilizing at around 98,60 most days. Pulse is at 80 most of the time.

My interpretation skill of blood lab results is basically zero, so I would really appreciate you guys chiming in. :thankyou


HDL: 26 mg/dl. Range: > 55

LDL: 58 mg/dl. Range: < 150

Uric acid: 4.6 mg/dl. Range: 3.5-7.2

Homocysteine 11 umol/l. Range: < 15.0

Biotin: 580 ng/l. Range: > 250

25 OH-Vitamin D3: 20 ng/ml. Range: 30-100

Urea: 27.0 mg/dl. Range: 16.6-48.5

Creatinine: 0,8 mg/dl. Range: 0.7-1.2

Total Protein: 7,8 g/dl. Range: 6.6-8.7

CRP: 1,53 mg/l. Range: < 1.00 (My doctor: „Teeth?“. Which certainly is a possibility.)

TSH: 0.82 uIU/ml. Range: 0.35-2.50

Testosteron: 3,55 ug/l. Range: 2.50-9.50

Potassium: 4.3 mmol/l. Range: 3.5-5.1

Natrium: 137 mmol/l. Range: 136-145

Calcium: 2.53. mmol/l. Range: 2.15-2.50

Magnesium: 0.91 mmol/l. Range: 0.66-1.07

Inorganic Phosphorous: 0.79 mmol/l. Range: 0.81-1.45

Ferritin: 103 ng/ml. Range: 58-391

Transferrin: 2.78 g/l. Range: 2.00-3.60

Iron: 23 umol/l. 6-35

Copper: 14.7 umol/l. 11.00-22.00

Total bilirubin: 0,5 mg/dl. Range: < 1.2

Gamma-GT: 40 U/I. Range: < 60

GOT: 28 U/I. Range: 10-50

GPT: 43 U/I. Range: 10-50

Cholinesterase: 11.33 U/ml. Range: 5.32-12.92

Alk. Phosphatase: 100 U/I. Range: 40-129

LDH: 197 U/I. Range: 135-225

Amylase: 36 U/I. Range: 28-100

Lipase: 26 U/I. Range: 13-60

HbA1c: 5.0%. Range: 4.1-6.1

HbA1c (mol): 31 mmol/mol. Range: 20-44

Glucose in serum: 73 mg/dl. Range: 74-106 (I think it is that low because of the blood drawing process itself.)

Estimated average glucose: 97 mg/dl. Range: 60-126

CK total (CK-NAC): 218 U/I. Range: <190

CK-MB: 12 U/I. Range: < 25

CK-MB proportion of CK: 6%. Range: <6%

Triglycerides: 390 mg/dl. Range: <150

Cholesterol: 162 mg/dl. Range: 150-280

Leukocytes: 6.4/nl. Range: 3.9-10.0

Erythrocytes: 5.8/pl. Range: 4.5-5.9

Hemoglobin: 16.9 g/dl. Range: 13.0-18.0

Hematocrit: 0.50 l/l. X Range: 0.40-0.52

MCV: 86 fl. Range: 82-98

MCH: 29 pg. Range: 28-32

MCHC: 34 g/dl. Range: 32-36.

Thromobocytes: 309/nl. Range: 140-440

Segmented granulocytes: 76.7%. Range: 50.0-70

Lymphocytes: 14.2%. Range: 25.0-40.0

Eosinophile granulocytes: 2.2%. Range:1.0-5.0

Basophilic granulocytes: 0.7%. Range: 0.1-3.0

Monocytes: 5.4%. Range: 2.0-8.0

Segmented granulocytes abs.: 4.9/nl. Range: 1.9-7.0.

Lymphocytes abs.: 0.9/nl. Range: 1.0-4.0

Eosinophilic granulocytes abs.: 0.1/nl. Range: 0.0-0.5

Basophils gran. abs.: 0.0/nl. Range: 0.0-0.3

Monocytes abs.: 0.4/nl. Range: 0.1-0.8
I would look into the hypothalamus pituitary adrenal axis. Selfhacked is a good starting point.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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