Blood Work - High Cholesterol - High Triglycerides - Low Testosterone


Iron Man

Apr 15, 2015
Weight lifting consistently and clean diet. Not much to report there. Free range eggs, no hormone meats, avoiding PUFA as best I can, cooking with olive oil, OJ with breakfast.
When I got my latest lab results, I stopped weight lifting completely and have decided to take 4-6 weeks off. I have also started working harder on getting into bed by 10:30pm each night and am looking at napping 15-20min each day. I am also dieting (short term) to get my body fat down to about 12%. I hope to do this over a 4-5 week period. For thyroid and adrenals, I am drinking mineral salt mixed with water first thing in the morning and am taking natural thyroid and iodine.
I know the dieting has mixed thoughts and I can appreciate that, but I am only doing this short term.
I am playing with pregnenolone (50mg) and natural progesterone cream, but it is really hard getting some strong direction regarding these two. At the moment, I am flip-flopping with trial and error. I thought natural progesterone and pregnenolone taken together was good, but someone said no. At the moment, I am trialing one day pregnenolone and one day progesterone. I am about to kick in 5-10mg of DHEA too.
That is about it...
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Iron Man

Apr 15, 2015
What are you going to do about your testosterone levels?
Ha, ha, ha... That is why I keep bumping this thread... I am still trying to work this one out.
At the moment, all I can attempt is the following;

High dose zinc
More sleep
High dose Vitamin D3
Natural Thyroid
Keep playing around with Pregnenolone, DHEA and natural progesterone

I am also dieting to get rid of any excess body fat, because my Doc mentioned that free testosterone can be bound up in bodyfat. I am not obese or anything, but I am certainly working on getting myself very lean. During this diet phase, I have stopped weight lifting completely and am letting my body completely refresh. By the time I finish dieting and recuperating, I think I will have been out of the gym for 4-5 weeks. The longest break I have taken in many, many years...


Aug 9, 2015
Iron Man, do you have updates in your well being, tests etc?


Jul 13, 2014
I am new to the forum and need some help here...

I am a male and turning 40 this year. I am very much into bodybuilding, exercise full body workouts 4X a week (broken up into an am/pm routine so workouts are around 25 minutes in length) and have a good diet. Food wise, we avoid GMO, processed foods and avoid the take out foods (most of the time). I drink mostly water with the occasional Coke. I very rarely drink alcohol, do not smoke and do not take any drugs of any kind (including pharmaceutical). Doctor I recently saw at my last check up asked if I were taking anabolics, to which I said NO (and I never have).

With turning 40, I requested some blood work to be done and was shocked with the results. Cutting a long story short, I have really high cholesterol, through the roof triglycerides and low testosterone. I am at a loss on what the issue is. I exercise frequently and take care of myself. Here are the results...

Chemistry (serum)

Sodium - 140 mmol/L ( Reference range - 135 - 145 )
Potassium - 4.7 mmol/L ( Reference range - 3.5 - 5.5 )
Chloride - 103 mmol/L ( Reference range - 135 - 145 )
Bicarbonate - 26 mmol/L ( Reference range - 20 - 32 )
Anion Gap - 11 mmol/L ( Reference range - 5 - 15 )

Ca (corr) - 2.46 mmol/L ( Reference range - 2.10 - 2.55 )
Phosphate - 1.2 mmol/L ( Reference range - 0.8 - 1.5 )

Urea - 7.2 mmol/L ( Reference range - 3.0 - 8.0 )
Urate - 0.37 mmol/L ( Reference range - 0.20 - 0.50 )
Creatinine - 81 umol/L ( Reference range - 60 - 110 )
eGFR - >90 ( Reference Range - >59 )

Fast Glucose - 5.2 mmol/L ( Reference range - 3.6 - 6.0 )

Total Protein - 79 g/L ( Reference Range - 66 - 83 )
Albumin - 51 gL ( Reference Range - 39 - 50 )
Globulin - 28 g/L ( Reference Range - 20 - 39 )
T Bilirubin - 11 umol/L ( Reference range - 4 - 20 )
ALP - 78 U/L ( Reference Range - 35 - 110 )
AST - 33 U/L ( Reference Range - 10 - 40 )
ALT - 55 U/L ( Reference Range - 5 - 40 )
GGT - 39 U/L ( Reference Range - 5 - 40 )
LDH - 203 U/L ( Reference Range - 120 - 250 )

Cholesterol - 8.8 mmol/L ( Reference range - 3.9 - 5.5 )
Triglyceride - 7.8 mmol/L ( Reference range - 0.6 - 2.0 )
HDL - 1.07 mmol/L ( Reference range - 0.90 - 1.50 )
LDL - ( Reference range - 0. 0 - 4.0 )
Cholesterol/HDL Ratio - 8.2 ( Reference range - 0. 0 - 4.5 )

Haemolysis Index - 15 ( Reference Range - 0 - 40 )

Comments on Lab - Suggested optimal treatment targets for patients are:
LDL Cholesterol - <2.0 mmol/L
HDL Cholesterol - >1.00 mmol/L
Triglycerides - <1.5 mmol/L

Triglycerides exceed 4.5 mmol/L. This prevents calculation of the LDL cholesterol level.

Measured LDL Cholesterol

Measured LDL Cholesterol - 3.6 mmol/L ( Reference range - 0 - 4.0 )

Comments on Lab - This LDL has been measured directly. A calculated LDL level using the Friedewald equation was not valid for this sample as the triglyceride level was >4.5 mmol/L


Testosterone - 7.6 nmol/L ( Reference Range - 11.0 - 40.0 )

Anaemia Profile

Iron - 22 umol/L ( Reference Range - 5 - 30 )
TIBC - 62 umol/L ( Reference Range - 45 - 72 )
Saturation - 35% ( Reference Range - 20 - 55 )
Ferritin - 242 ug/L ( Reference Range - 25 - 220 )

Comments on Lab - Mildly elevated ferritin. This may be seen in any acute illness, early iron overload, treated haemochromatosis, chronic disease states, eclampsia and hepatic disease.
In iron overload serum iron increases and TIBC falls. Both iron and TIBC may fall in chronic diseases states.

On the lab report, there were a few results from the last two tests I had done 10 and 11 years ago;

2004 -
Cholesterol - 5.5 mmol/L ( Reference Range - 3.9 - 5.5 )
Triglyceride - 2.0 mmol/L ( Reference Range - 0.6 - 2.0 )
HDL - 1.1 mmol/L ( Reference Range - 0.9 - 1.50 )
LDL - 3.5 mmol/L ( Reference Range - 0.0 - 4.0 )
Chol / HDL Ratio - 5.0 ( Reference Range - 0.0 - 4.5 )

2005 -
Cholesterol - 5.2 mmol/L ( Reference Range - 3.9 - 5.5 )
Triglyceride - 2.3 mmol/L ( Reference Range - 0.6 - 2.0 )
HDL - 1.2 mmol/L ( Reference Range - 0.9 - 1.50 )
LDL - 2.9 mmol/L ( Reference Range - 0.0 - 4.0 )
Chol / HDL Ratio - 4.3 ( Reference Range - 0.0 - 4.5 )

During 2004/2005, I was in worse shape than what I am in now. Diet was not good, I was a little overweight and in 2004 I actually had a virus. Those results seem better than the latest and I would say that now I am watching everything I eat. What on earth is going on??

Supplements consumed daily - I take iodine (Iosol drops), selenium, D3 (5,000 IU), A (25,000 IU), K-2, Krill oil (500mg), R-Lipoic Acid (200mg), Acetyl L Carnitine (1,000mg), Curcumin, Resveratrol, Quercetin, Fibroboost, Boron, MSM powder (8g), Silica, Copper, Zinc (15mg), Chromium, Vitamin B, Vitamin C (3g), Immune Boost, Magnesium Citrate

I want to get my cholesterol and triglycerides down fast... I want to get my testosterone levels up. Doctor wants me to try some natural things first and get more tests done in 6 weeks. If there is no sign of improvement, then I think he is hinting at statins (which I do not want to do).

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
did you have lots of sugar just prior to doing the tests? surely that would increase triglycerides massively

Iron Man

Apr 15, 2015
@bornamachine - No real news... Currently I am trying to lose some body fat. I feel that starting with this and then allowing the body to even out is a good place to start. While dieting, I have stopped weight lifting as I don't want my body to be under two lots of stress. I want to drop another 5lbs and then plan to bring my calories back up in stages. I will then get back into the gym.
@Joeyd - I don't believe I had a lot of sugar. This is something that I try to not get too much of.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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