Temperature Reset à La Steve Richfield

Nov 16, 2012
For now just a summary of my reset attempt and tommorow a follow up and more details

-have a decent breakfast and some sugared coffee to heat myself up
prepared all the layers of heavy clothing, prepared 5 mcg of T3 and 12.5 mcg of T4, took thermometer and entered a steaming shower
-oral temperature in shower rather quickly shoots up to 37.3°c (99.14°F)
-get out of shower, quickly dry up and dress in the following: shorts, thick long trousers, thick long socks, skiing pants, t-shirt, thin long sleeve shirt, thick long shirt, winter jacket, wool mitts, wool hat
-set up in a small pre-heated bathroom
-initial temperature dips to 36.5°c (97.7°F)
-pop 5 mcg of T3
-within 20-30 minutes temperature shoots past target and lands at 37.3°c (99.14°F)
-start making slight adjustments and taking off clothing, after some fiddling acquire stable temp of 37.0°c (98.6°F)
-maintain stable goal temperature for 15 minutes, measure every 2 minutes
-after 15 minutes, all hell breaks loose
-suddenly pulse increases to 140-150 out of nowhere, sweating, heat waves, feel like fainting
-I take the emergency T4, it doesn't help
-"F this **** CALL 911"
-rush out of bathroom shedding some clothing, quickly go downstairs, temperature bottoms out 36.2°c (97.16°F) like lightning
-barely get it together, think I'm gonna abandon the whole thing
-make it one last attempt, I put all the clothing back on, go to my room this time, sit in front of the computer and call my brother for support
-I start heating up again, trying to stave off the panic attacks
-Need to keep temperature in control but every time I put the thermometer in my mouth I get a panic attack and my pulse shoots up 40-50 BPM
-My brother tries to distract me as much as possible while I take the measurements, the conversation and browsing helps keep me together somewhat
-After a while I get a lock on 37.0°c (98.6°F) again, had to add a scarf to maintain the temperature
-Feeling incredibly hot (not in the sexy way either) and my body is really fighting the normal body temperature
-Occasional miniature panic attacks as my CMCS tries to overthrow my attempts but it eventually gives in
10:00 - 14:00
-More or less keeping a stable temperature between 36.9 - 37.2°c (98.42 - 98.96°F), still feeling really hot at these temperatures. I realise at this point that the fact that my body feels overheated at a normal body temperature means my temperature set point is indeed low and that my body simply doesn't want this method of operation (but is entirely capable of working it)
-Have a meal, try to go to the bathroom and take off 5 layers of clothing before losing any degrees
-Still need all this clothing to maintain 37.0°c (98.6°F) but am successful at doing so
-Suddenly my temperature with the same clothing starts to shoot up to 37.4°C (99.32°F)
-Realise my body has started to cooperate somewhat and is overheating
-Remove the hat, gloves, loosen the scarf, it's still not enough
-Finally had to take off the jacket entirely and now I am again settled on 37.0°C
-I have some cold OJ and some dairy which cool me off, but within 5-10 minutes I feel my internals flame up again (though the oral temperature takes 10 minutes to show true readings after a cold meal)
-I shoot right back up to 37.0-37.1 (98.6 - 98.78) even after a cold beverage
-Still easily maintaining 37.1 (98.78) without the jacket, scarf, cap or gloves, definitely easier to reach the same temperature at this point with less clothing so something has changed internally since morning
-temperatures still stable
-pulse has felt fairly high all day, go to take readings
-see pulse is 96 but blood pressure reads 170/80
-miniature panic attack, don't want to measure anymore
-take beta blocker to calm myself down
-before the beta blocker even has a chance to work I take measurements again and after 2-3 measurements once the adrenaline has cleared my pulse is 65 and my blood pressure 135/65
-lost a bit of temperature while fiddling with the device (had to take my long sleeves off to measure pressure)
-go back upstairs, put on my scarf and quickly heat bakc up to 37.1(98.78)
-still good
-realise I've successfully maintained 37.0 (98.6) for an entire day with a high pulse. done what I failed to do with thyroid hormones, food, or any supplements combined
-awaiting change of set point to evening temperatures - 36.3°C (97.34°F) - not sure when this is supposed to happen
-hopefully gonna maintain that temperature overnight with blankets and warm clothing
-wait to see what tommorow brings
-I was supposed to be asleep at this point, but I can't sleep. Steve mentioned needing far less sleep once the temperature has increased and this is more in line to my sleeping habits as as a teen where I went to bed at 2 AM and woke up at 8 AM without a problem. Still disappointing cause I wanted to get proper rest this night
-My temperature did not drop to 36.3 as expected, I had it dip a few times but right now it is at 36.7 (98.06) ° which seems high for a night-time temp and should have dropped to 36.3 according to Steve. Not sure what is keeping the temp up. Perhaps overactive adrenals during night-time as I used to (up until now, will see this night) wake up in the night with a pounding heart and I have heart palpitations daily
-Despite the fact that I am only in my pants right now in a fairly chilly room I can't drop my temperature below 36.6 (97.88)°.

Note for this experiment I am going to drop all thyroid hormones because I already feel hyperthyroid as hell and my pulse is very high. My pulse used to be 50-60. It's been 80+ for the majority of today. Definitely very serious metabolic changes happening in my body as a result of this experiment. It will be interesting to see what symptoms can be hopefully fixed with this.

Stay tuned
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Nov 16, 2012
Have you tried warming up with red light. I find this brings my temps up really well.

Certainly helps, but should hopefully become obsolete after resetting completely ^_^

Steve says that temps will not stay up for long on the second day (only up to an hour) - this is normal and to be expected. Let's see what happens. I will try to keep it up as long as I can.

-Woke up around 7 AM, temps were 36.1 (96.98) (slightly lower than should be but still higher than usual) and pulse was low - 47. Slept pretty well though.
-Had cheese, some OJ and an apple for breakfast, then a sugared coffee
-Prepared my clothes and jumped into the shower, got up to 37.1 (98.78)
-Dried off and put on the heavy clothing, then tweaked for 15 minutes to settle at 37.0 (98.6)
-Did not take any pills or hormones of any kind today
-No racing pulse or negative reactions today whatsoever
-Moved to my room which was chillier this morning than usual - was afraid I wouldn't be able to keep temps up
-Easily settled down at 37.0 (98.6)° with one piece of clothing LESS than yesterday - able to ditch the scarf despite the room being colder, it seems my body is working with me a bit more this morning to keep temps up on its own
-able to take my temps repeatedly without any kind of panic attacks or increases in pulse - it seems my psyche figured out this is reasonably safe
-creeping up to 37.1 (98.78)°, unbuttoning jacket (in comparison yesterday I was buttoned up until about 15:00 (3 PM)).
-no crash yet still 37.0 (98.6), had to take off mittens
-temperatures are still up
-I keep having to remove bits and pieces of clothing to maintain the same temperature which would suggest the internal metabolism is ramping up
-my body is now fairly reliably guiding me towards 37.0 (98.6). Whenever I start to feel uncomfortable I check my temps and it's usually a little bit over like 37.1 (98.78) or 37.2 (98.96). Then I loosen some clothing to feel comfortable again and when I recheck temps it's usually bang on 37.0 (98.6)
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Nov 16, 2012
Just talking about getting up to temperature. Instead of a hot car etc.

Yeap, whatever can heat you up is good. I don't have a red light source strong enough to heat me up so much, and using electricity is also costly.
If anyone has a go at this I'd really recommend to set up in an area where you normally spend your time and are familiar with, and surround yourself with friends and family who you can trust.
There are a lot of things that can go wrong while your brain is scrambling to figure out how to function in the new mode you've put it in, and during that time you can experience some very
unpleasant things like I outlined above, which can perpetuate into a panic attack. I thought I was ready for it and I wasn't. Today is much smoother however.

I'd also point out just how amazed I am that this approach actually works and that I am actually seeing most of the things unfold in front of me just as Steve had written. I was very skeptical and it sounded like science fiction to me.


Sep 13, 2012
Wow thank you for sharing this! I came across Steve a couple years ago but only read of a couple people trying it and wasn't sure if it was safe. Do you think the T4 really is an antidote? I still get panic attacks when my pulse and temp go up. But feel fine if it's 98.6 and less than 100 pulse. Higher feels like adrenaline.
Nov 21, 2015
How much are you trying to reset? Steve has told me that trying to jump to fast too far doesn't work well. He suggested several resets for me. I'm kind of moving more in the 97's and low 98's. That's up from the 96s.
Nov 21, 2015
so today, I did a reset inspired by you. Steve told me that I can do it frequently. The key is to not fight things when you're done, and let your body come to whatever temp it wants.

I used lights and then bundled up, went over 98.1F., and then later, took the bundles off (OMG I was so sweaty) and stayed under lights. 98.3 or so all day. Still now. At least 5 or 6 hours.

I got a down comforter recently and have made sure to be really warm at night, on Steve's suggestion. I'll see how we do tomorrow when I wake up. Hoping to be in the 97s when I wake up, up to 98.3 or so in the day.


Aug 31, 2016
Vancouver, BC
Very interesting.

It could also be that ambient (outside temperature) which is the same as piling a load of clothes on, isn't the same as internally generated temperature. Put it this way, if you go to say Vegas in the middle of the summer and your body temp is 36.2 and you're sweating (in shorts and t-shirt), is it really smart to dress up in jeans and a sweatshirt, gloves, and throw on a beanie when it's over 100 degrees there, just to get up to 37 degrees?

I actually did an experiment very similar to yours just over a year ago, but I had far better success stabilizing my temperature around 37-37.2 sitting outside in shorts and t-shirt in the middle of winter (it was below freezing outside). My temperature stayed elevated well over an hour even after I came inside. Eating after this kept it elevated for several hours after this so I know it wasn't coritsol caused.

The temperature you will probably feel better at is the one your body can internally generate on it's own means, either by general cell processes, eating, or cold temperatures. Yes cold temperatures make people feel better once they come out of the cold. It's like it's tricking your body into thinking it must generate more heat in case your stupid enough to go back outside in the cold weather again haha!

If you want a quick easy way to increase your temp, eating something salty and calorie dense, and by salty I mean put a hell of a lot of salt on it; that will shoot your temperature up.


Sep 13, 2012
Very interesting.

It could also be that ambient (outside temperature) which is the same as piling a load of clothes on, isn't the same as internally generated temperature. Put it this way, if you go to say Vegas in the middle of the summer and your body temp is 36.2 and you're sweating (in shorts and t-shirt), is it really smart to dress up in jeans and a sweatshirt, gloves, and throw on a beanie when it's over 100 degrees there, just to get up to 37 degrees?

I actually did an experiment very similar to yours just over a year ago, but I had far better success stabilizing my temperature around 37-37.2 sitting outside in shorts and t-shirt in the middle of winter (it was below freezing outside). My temperature stayed elevated well over an hour even after I came inside. Eating after this kept it elevated for several hours after this so I know it wasn't coritsol caused.

The temperature you will probably feel better at is the one your body can internally generate on it's own means, either by general cell processes, eating, or cold temperatures. Yes cold temperatures make people feel better once they come out of the cold. It's like it's tricking your body into thinking it must generate more heat in case your stupid enough to go back outside in the cold weather again haha!

If you want a quick easy way to increase your temp, eating something salty and calorie dense, and by salty I mean put a hell of a lot of salt on it; that will shoot your temperature up.
If getting temp up to normal was as easy as just eating something calorie dense then why are so many still struggling to push temps up?!
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Nov 16, 2012
DAY 3 (yesterday)

-Woke up at 36.1° again, need to work at staying warmer overnight
-Cheese and OJ breakfast, sugared coffee
-Ready the clothes and hop into shower, get up to 37.0 (98.6) °c/F
-The house is nowhere near as warm this morning
-While I'm drying out and exposed to the cold air my body is scrambling to stay at 37.0 (98.6) °c/F and my pulse increases rapidly, dumping adrenaline to keep me warm


-The adrenaline is still going and pulse is high with temps stable at 37.0 (98.6) °c/F
-I feel rather uncomfortable and practically sit on top of a radiator to warm myself up externally
-After about half an hour of doing this my pulse slows and my chest clears of the adrenaline somewhat

-feel a little bit calmer but I come to some realizations:
-My body easily accepts the 37.0 (98.6) °c/F set point in the morning but the adrenals have to step in way too much if the house is even a little bit colder
-Ideally, the thyroid would generate the required heat
-Not sure what the thyroid status is right now, not taking thyroid supplements at the moment but will wait up to 2 weeks to see if it "wakes up" and then do some lab tests
-I don't feel hypothyroid when my temperature is high but did feel so when it suddenly dropped yesterday
-Overall up until now my thyroid had no reason to function properly, but now that my brain is trying to work at the proper temperature we will see if the thyroid 'wakes up' with it

-leaving home for driving practice (I'm taking a license test)
-I dress normally - jeans, light long-sleeved shirt, and light jacket
-Taking thermometer with me
-15 minutes after leaving house outside @ 12 (53.6)°c/F, taking temperatures, it's 37.0 (98.6)°c/F!
-Run from station to driving test center for 15 minutes to make it on time
-Drive around with instructor for 45 minutes, I do really well and my mind works sharper than normal, not much anxiety from being around a large group of people either
-Take temperature afterwards, it's 37.1 (98.78) ° c/F!
-It stuck even with normal clothing and being outside! That was the real test, amazing.
-The question is how does my body keep up the temperature in the afternoon without adrenal intervention (I had a normal pulse) even with light clothing, and why it couldn't do that in the morning... hmm

-Got home, dressed warm again immediately, just to be on the safe side and really cement it in

-yesterday my temperature dropped around 5PM and would no longer stay up
-now at 6 PM it's still 37.0 (98.6)°c/F dead on
-every day it should hopefully stay up longer until it can stay up all day

-temps finally dropped to 36.7°c, soon to be almost all day

Changes noticed so far:
-skin is softer everywhere
-mouth is not as dry and has a kind of gloss appearance to it
-my hands, which would crack, bleed and dehydrate every autumn till late spring since I was 11 years old, are almost as soft and healthy as in summer, this is the biggest change, my hands were awful as a rule, and no cream could help them
-notice I'm a bit more argumentative, 'bossy' and have less patience for trivial matters
-less anxiety around people, no longer feel 'below' everyone by default but at least on-par if not above

I have the most difficulty in the mornings. Here, my temps will still not come up on their own, and I need both the warm shower and hot coffee to push them up, and I need to dress very warm to keep them that way.

Then, as the day goes by, I have an easier and easier time maintaining my temps. In the afternoon I start to heat up a lot and have to shed most of my heavier clothing and can stay at 37.0 almost effortlessly.
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Nov 16, 2012
later on, temps around or below 96F and I feel awful. Is there a rebound effect?

Like Steve says every day the temps should stay up longer and longer, but during the initial week or so when the crash happens, you're going to be exhausted.l
When mine dropped 2 days ago, I wanted to go to sleep immediately, started yawning like crazy, and felt very 'hypothyroid', like I needed hormones right now, whereas when I had a high temp I didn't feel that at all.

Yesterday my temp stayed up longer and I didn't crash anywhere near as hard, if at all. It's very important to keep pushing the body to stay at 98.6 as long as possible in the beginning so that it really accepts that setting.
Nov 21, 2015
Thanks @MyUsernameHere

Woke up at 97.2F. Which is higher than usual. Will continue this path today. 98.3 or so is fine. If I can get there consistently I can then do another reset to 98.6.

By the way, my hands crack a lot in the winter also. Hoping that gets fixed this time. It's already better also not quite 100% better but better than it was last winter.


Sep 13, 2015
By the way, my hands crack a lot in the winter also. Hoping that gets fixed this time
I had this too before peating. Salt worked for me and now no crack the last 2 Winters.


Sep 13, 2015
I dont know realy. I started to Salt every warm meal i had. I tried to Salt to taste on the upper limit. Risking that sometimes i got too much. Then i had too drink something with it.
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Nov 16, 2012
No diet, supplement, mineral, skin cream, or hormone helped my low temperatures or my cracking hands. This looks like it's going to be the first autumn-spring in 13 years that I will have normal-looking hands. I almost can't believe it but it's right there in front of me. I was always embarassed of my hands in the cold season, they looked like the hands of a decaying zombie... Now they are about 95% summer quality.

A quote from Steve's website:
Here are some common ways that your CMCS can malfunction:
1. Superstitious learning, where something like general anesthesia tricks your CMCS into “thinking” that it almost killed you, so it will never ever do THAT (living a normal healthy life) again.

2. Living a very sedate, stable, and comfortable life, so that years go by without you ever having to really exert yourself, get really cold, get really hot, get really sick, etc. Eventually your CMCS avoids doing things that it hasn't done for years, because it might be dangerous, and old habits become new disabilities.

3. Illnesses that introduce temporary organ malfunctions, like hypothyroidism. The organs recover or their function is artificially supplemented, but the CMCS continues to work around the malfunction that is no longer there.

4. Surviving a severe famine, so your CMCS learns to survive with less, rather than living better with more.

5. Your CMCS can “learn” a malfunction when in the womb of a malfunctioning mother. Hence, any of the above malfunctions can sometimes result in a maternal family line of many generations of people with the same problem, yet with no genetic basis for the problem.

Number 4 is me. My 'famine' was almost 2 years of various alternate day and intermittent fasts, calorie restriction, eating 500 calories on a whole day, and other bull****. There isn't really all that much broken, my brain just adapted to the conditions it was exposed to. I wouldn't be surprised if my 'primary hypothyroidism' turns out to be nothing but an adaptation to what I went through, and that my thyroid is actually perfectly fine.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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