Experimenting With TocoVit's Effect On Body Temperature

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
Here are the results of an experiment I did to test TocoVit's effect on body temperature. I'm not sure this justifies a log thread, but I didn't want to clutter up the TocoVit thread with any followup discussion.

What I did
I switched from:
  • A small dose of Lotioncrafter 95% mixed tocopherol vitamin E oil (roughly equivalent to 7 drops of TocoVit volume-wise) transdermally every 2-3 days (in the afternoon/evening)
  • A full dose of TocoVit split between 10 drops sublingually after waking and 10 drops transdermally (in the afternoon/evening)

Throughout, I recorded my waking and post-breakfast (~2:15 later) temperature. I used an ear thermometer, which probably reports the waking temperatures a little too high because I use earplugs at night.

It appears to me that TocoVit stabilized both measurements and probably boosted my waking temp (although it might have been rising on its own for some reason I can't identify). I'm unclear on why it may have dropped (or at least not raised) my post-breakfast temperature.


This is definitely not a perfect experiment. I can think of several factors that might have influenced the results other than any unique properties of TocoVit:
  • I probably got 3x the vitamin E because of the TocoVit dosages, or possibly even more if the sublingual absorption was superior. And the daily dosing might have had an effect too.
  • The tocopherol ratios reversed from approximately 11%/59% alpha/gamma to 60%/10%.
  • Summer approaching could have some effect. However, my sun exposure and environmental temperature remained fairly consistent throughout, and there appears to be rapid change when starting the TocoVit.
Stress, diet, and sleep were all fairly consistent throughout.

I find placebo/expectation effects unlikely: if anything, I was primed for results in the opposite direction (based on people reporting a big rise in temperature shortly after taking TocoVit).

It's hard to come to any strong conclusions from this. It does seem clear to me that TocoVit influences metabolism, and that it might help temperature stability to take it (or maybe any vitamin E?) daily rather than a few times per week.

I continue to try random experiments like this. So I may revisit this one, avoiding the mistake of comparing completely different dosages next time.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Here are the results of an experiment I did to test TocoVit's effect on body temperature. I'm not sure this justifies a log thread, but I didn't want to clutter up the TocoVit thread with any followup discussion.

What I did
I switched from:
  • A small dose of Lotioncrafter 95% mixed tocopherol vitamin E oil (roughly equivalent to 7 drops of TocoVit volume-wise) transdermally every 2-3 days (in the afternoon/evening)
  • A full dose of TocoVit split between 10 drops sublingually after waking and 10 drops transdermally (in the afternoon/evening)

Throughout, I recorded my waking and post-breakfast (~2:15 later) temperature. I used an ear thermometer, which probably reports the waking temperatures a little too high because I use earplugs at night.

It appears to me that TocoVit stabilized both measurements and probably boosted my waking temp (although it might have been rising on its own for some reason I can't identify). I'm unclear on why it may have dropped (or at least not raised) my post-breakfast temperature.


This is definitely not a perfect experiment. I can think of several factors that might have influenced the results other than any unique properties of TocoVit:
  • I probably got 3x the vitamin E because of the TocoVit dosages, or possibly even more if the sublingual absorption was superior. And the daily dosing might have had an effect too.
  • The tocopherol ratios reversed from approximately 11%/59% alpha/gamma to 60%/10%.
  • Summer approaching could have some effect. However, my sun exposure and environmental temperature remained fairly consistent throughout, and there appears to be rapid change when starting the TocoVit.
Stress, diet, and sleep were all fairly consistent throughout.

I find placebo/expectation effects unlikely: if anything, I was primed for results in the opposite direction (based on people reporting a big rise in temperature shortly after taking TocoVit).

It's hard to come to any strong conclusions from this. It does seem clear to me that TocoVit influences metabolism, and that it might help temperature stability to take it (or maybe any vitamin E?) daily rather than a few times per week.

I continue to try random experiments like this. So I may revisit this one, avoiding the mistake of comparing completely different dosages next time.

Thanks Dan! Now if you could only keep doing this for a few more weeks and get some other people to join you :):
I will start doing the same but first I have to stop the caffeine I am taking as it will definitely bias the results.
Dan W

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
Thanks Dan! Now if you could only keep doing this for a few more weeks and get some other people to join you :)
Yeah, I wanted to keep testing it, but needed to troubleshoot some sudden allergy symptoms by cutting supplements. They turned out to probably be related to airborne allergens, nothing to do with TocoVit.


Apr 17, 2013
Here are the results of an experiment I did to test TocoVit's effect on body temperature. I'm not sure this justifies a log thread, but I didn't want to clutter up the TocoVit thread with any followup discussion.

What I did
I switched from:
  • A small dose of Lotioncrafter 95% mixed tocopherol vitamin E oil (roughly equivalent to 7 drops of TocoVit volume-wise) transdermally every 2-3 days (in the afternoon/evening)
  • A full dose of TocoVit split between 10 drops sublingually after waking and 10 drops transdermally (in the afternoon/evening)

Throughout, I recorded my waking and post-breakfast (~2:15 later) temperature. I used an ear thermometer, which probably reports the waking temperatures a little too high because I use earplugs at night.

It appears to me that TocoVit stabilized both measurements and probably boosted my waking temp (although it might have been rising on its own for some reason I can't identify). I'm unclear on why it may have dropped (or at least not raised) my post-breakfast temperature.


Is this graph from an app, or did you just make that?
Dan W

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
The graph part is from Google Docs' spreadsheet. I overlaid the shaded areas and annotations with a graphics program.
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