
May 26, 2018
I have read that it should actually improve sleep, and make you relaxed and sleepy but me and another person I give the t4 both experience insomnia or only a few hours of sleep in total, with tossing and turning, when we take it in the evenings. The dose is 25 mcg. Has anybody else experienced this?

Other than this, t4 increases my metabolic rate well (pulse rate, temps, energy etc.).
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Jul 29, 2014
Personally I haven't noticed issues one way or the other. I just got cynoplus again so have been taking it along with my T3 (I don't take a lot of thyroid, just small doses). However a friend of mine says that T4 makes him wake up earlier than he would normally but he is unable to get back to bed and is alert. Something like 4:30 in the morning (going to sleep at 10 or 11). So he only takes T3 (small doses as well)

When I say small doses I mean less than 1 grain and more like 0.5 grains.

I take 1/4 cynoplus before bed which is around 25 mcg of T4 I think? and 7.25mcg of T3.
Apr 30, 2016
Absolutely!! Since I started T4 (Levoxyl range 65-100 mcg daily) 25 or so years ago I have never had a good night’s sleep unless I was sick or medicated. For the past 15 years I used Valium to sleep 2-3 x/week because of this. I have been off the drug for 4 months and take cypro now instead as needed. Changing my diet, increasing calories, switching to evening dosing have not worked.


Jun 26, 2017
Absolutely!! Since I started T4 (Levoxyl range 65-100 mcg daily) 25 or so years ago I have never had a good night’s sleep unless I was sick or medicated. For the past 15 years I used Valium to sleep 2-3 x/week because of this. I have been off the drug for 4 months and take cypro now instead as needed. Changing my diet, increasing calories, switching to evening dosing have not worked.

Same here. I was taking 25 mcg and sleeping until 4:30-5:00, but when the doc put me on 50mcg I had much worse insomnia, so I went back to 25 mcg. This in spite of TSH at 5.35 uU/mL. I have been taking 0.25mg clonazepam for sleep for 20 years...similar to your story. I am going to switch back to morning dosing and see if it makes a difference.


Jul 9, 2020
Maybe its a rT3 issue? Have you tried lowering your T4 dose and adding a small amount of T3 to your regime? You could also have some sort of dysregulation with your ACTH, something like pregnenolone, inosine, or aspirin may help if taken around bedtime.
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