Strength And Libido Quest


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I don't find that interesting because it's well documented the impact of mesterolone on DHT levels (skyrocketing them).

@haidut @RisingSun how much would you wait to re-test LH to asses supression on 1 x 25 mg Proviron every day?
I was thinking in a week. But also I'm wondering about LH values variability also...

Another thing I'm noticing is sometimes a slight joint ache, it's not significant enought to care.

I think at 25mg daily even one week should be enough. Several human studies with another DHT derivative oxandrolone at even lower dose (10mg) found suppression of LH starting on the 3rd day and reaching statistical significance on the 7th day.


Sep 1, 2017
Strange and additional effect of mesterolone supplementation on my rat: atypical smegma presence on rat's penis. It's being now two days that I found it, and I remembered such a thing was present mostly in my adolescence, and years ago was almost non-existant.
Also, noctural tumescence seems to be increasing it's intesity


Sep 1, 2017
Today I made my last Blood Tests, Total T, Total Cholesterol and LH again.

I started taking D-Mannose tying to get rid of what I think is a UTI I've had for a few months. But labs were made BEFORE in order to avoid affecting values. D-Mannose dosage is about 2 g a day for a few days then I might reduce it


Feb 11, 2018
Very interesting...

Will keep following ...

When do you expect to get results from last tests?

I've recently added diluted T3 (2mg per drop) to my regimen and after a few weeks of gradually increasing it felt much better and androgenic. My TSH was over 3.5 last time and T3/T4 low.

Libido at all time high. Strength in the gym increasing fast.
But, I suspect that dosing became to much (taking 2mg T3 every 1-1.5 waking hours plus Pansterone Kuinone and 11-keto DHT) and started getting estrogen bloat, water retention and reduced libido.

Gonna take few days off and restart at lower doses.

Can't do another test until Christmas.

Interested in how T3 will treat you .


Sep 1, 2017
Very interesting...

Will keep following ...

When do you expect to get results from last tests?

I've recently added diluted T3 (2mg per drop) to my regimen and after a few weeks of gradually increasing it felt much better and androgenic. My TSH was over 3.5 last time and T3/T4 low.

Libido at all time high. Strength in the gym increasing fast.
But, I suspect that dosing became to much (taking 2mg T3 every 1-1.5 waking hours plus Pansterone Kuinone and 11-keto DHT) and started getting estrogen bloat, water retention and reduced libido.

Gonna take few days off and restart at lower doses.

Can't do another test until Christmas.

Interested in how T3 will treat you .

Quoting my Tyronene first impression:
Well, today was first use of Tyrone on my rat, just one drop sublingual. Taste is horrible. used it about an hour after pansterone 2 drops (not first timer), and I had an impression that my rat had increased awareness, relaxation and being more ludic, joking and more prone to joyful mood.
I haven't tried another drop after lunch because I'm not sure how frequently shall I start to experiment dosing this stuff. Rat didn't feel anything negative neither temp or pulse were decreased (slightly increased indeed, but I need more times to compare with and without).
On my rat I had that impression, but effects are subtle enough that they could start vanishing slowly, and what really is making me think it doesn't last that long is that hands and feet start getting cold again (this might be the easiest way to notice it). I really liked that feeling of being more awake yet calm. And winter here since rat got a cold feels crappier, and looks like he feel way more resistant to cold weather on it.
I think 11-Keto DHT + T3 would be an interesting thing to try as long as you have enought quality food available.

@haidut @RisingSun @boxers

Testosterone is up and LH is the same. Testicle size doesn't seem to have changed (I measure it with my fingers, not so precise but at least I know that there's not significant change). So, I could say: 25 mg Mesterolone daily wasn't supressive for my rat.
Cholesterol raised significantly. Could T3 supplementation drop it? What do you think about those cholesterol levels?
Could this cholesterol increase come from Mesterolone supplementation?

NOTE that I didn't use T3 neither DHEA/Preg along with Mesterolone, I waited until I performed the blood test to keep Mesterolone usage as isolated as possible. Also, I got the flu, I'm getting better since the first blood test, I'm not sure how this could influence labs. I just have some cough since about a week.


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    Captura de pantalla 2018-08-06 a la(s) 10.31.18.png
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Sep 1, 2017
What will I do next?
I'll drop Mesterolone usage for at least a week to three weeks, until I can start to sprint again. I'll start experimenting more on T3, keep an eye on cholesterol levels and research on them.
Also I got some acne (I think from Mesterolone usage), two of them cystic, and I think I can attribute it to Mesterolone.
Muscles seem better, I look "better", but I'm not completly sure why, maybe I look more ripped, but it's not easy to asses such a thing, I didn't measure water-fat percentage neither toke pics.


Sep 1, 2017
Do you recommend others try this on their rats? Is it worth it?
Rat got better erection and libido when it comes to actually have sex, not all I wanted but improved. But I felt rat was calmer and not constantly craving sex, I mean, if rat's not having sex, he wasn't anxious about having it. I would keep up and increase dosage if cholesterol haven't come that high. I'll try to get him back to sprinting and workout (haven't worked out because of a flu), experimenting with T3, keeping an eye on total cholesterol and LH/T, and try again maybe in a month. I think with 50 mg things could improve, along with T3 maybe, but I can't keep going further without knowing what happend with cholesterol levels. Androgenically seems like I hitted a nail, no LH drop, even T got up, and felt androgenic effects from mesterolone. Side effect: acne...

I would suggest to asses rat's cholesterol levels and blood pressure, if eveything seems ok, trying it while keeping an eye on cholesterol, LH and T levels.
I think I found something pretty interesting and hope to give you all useful info and actual NUMBERS on the matter, not speculations, and I think we need more of that, more numbers.

But, sadly, I'm far from having an idea of what the hell bringed rat's T so high...I surely did a lot of Peaty stuff, tried things like MB for a while, gelatin, etc...but I can't isolate a thing to assure you that THIS was the issue...I'm even surprised my testicles with such a varicose veins can produce that T. Maybe this is, as must of us suspect, a systemic thing.

I have some HcG available also and I'm really curious to try low dose HcG along with T3 to see what happens, but having such a T levels I'm almost fearful of trying other than T3...AFAIK T3 shall increase sensitivity to LH (or HcG) and help even more with androgenic snowball. But right now I don't want to mess with the gonadal axis.

Would be interesting to see someone else's rat's lab on low dose mesterolone or low dose DHT. At least on 25 mg mesterolone everyday I think I give some evidence to say that it's not dangerously supressant at all.


Mar 2, 2018
I will try this on my rat , might even try 50mg and get good amount of blood work. Will also give my rat testosterone...

I know most DHT are harsh on lipids though, not sure why?
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Sep 1, 2017
Update: now trying Androlic by Landerlan, supposed to be 25 mg per tablet as Proviron, but I don't see my facial hair growing faster, which I noticed on Proviron by Bayer.
I'll experiment further with it, up to 2 or 3 x 25 mg a day and see what happens, but certainly not buying that stuff again, even though it seems a legit box from Landerlan (meets all original stuff to avoid fakes -see website-) I think that judging on facial hair growth speed it might be underdosed or who knows what.


Feb 11, 2018
Bumping this. .

How's everything going with this experiment?

At what doses are you right now and how does it feels in comparison with Proviron?

Do you take T3 with it? Pansterone?


Sep 1, 2017
Bumping this. .

How's everything going with this experiment?

At what doses are you right now and how does it feels in comparison with Proviron?

Do you take T3 with it? Pansterone?
I'm not taking Pansterone since weeks or even months, right now I'm trying T3 + T4, it's being about a month of experimenting on Thyroid supplementation.

I'm not taking Mesterolone at the moment, can't find it at a good price, and certainly not gonna try Androlic by Landerlan again. I'm thinking about buying another 20 tabs from a new vendor but I'm not sure if it's legit, but it's surely more expensive. I wouldn't buy anything else than Proviron from Bayer and maybe from Schering, I'm not taking risks with random pharmaceuticals.

I would like to check for cholesterol maybe in a few weeks to see how Thyroid supplementations impacts cholesterol. I would also like to try 50 mg proviron for a week or two and check for LH-T-Cholesterol levels, but running labs constantly is almost a hole in my pocket. If anyone is interested on donating for blood tests for this experiment, I'm all ears, I could send pictures of original blood tests before-after and bills. Blood tests range from 10 to 15 USD (cheaper ones are things like cholesterol, the more expensive ones are for hormones). T-LH levels could be assesed for about 25-30 USD, before and after totals 50-60 USD and you'll see in that new experiment how a higher dose, but still on the low side, affects endogenous levels. I have varicoceles and have had historically low T.


Nov 22, 2017
I'm not taking Pansterone since weeks or even months, right now I'm trying T3 + T4, it's being about a month of experimenting on Thyroid supplementation.

I'm not taking Mesterolone at the moment, can't find it at a good price, and certainly not gonna try Androlic by Landerlan again. I'm thinking about buying another 20 tabs from a new vendor but I'm not sure if it's legit, but it's surely more expensive. I wouldn't buy anything else than Proviron from Bayer and maybe from Schering, I'm not taking risks with random pharmaceuticals.

I would like to check for cholesterol maybe in a few weeks to see how Thyroid supplementations impacts cholesterol. I would also like to try 50 mg proviron for a week or two and check for LH-T-Cholesterol levels, but running labs constantly is almost a hole in my pocket. If anyone is interested on donating for blood tests for this experiment, I'm all ears, I could send pictures of original blood tests before-after and bills. Blood tests range from 10 to 15 USD (cheaper ones are things like cholesterol, the more expensive ones are for hormones). T-LH levels could be assesed for about 25-30 USD, before and after totals 50-60 USD and you'll see in that new experiment how a higher dose, but still on the low side, affects endogenous levels. I have varicoceles and have had historically low T.

Vulture, could you give a quick concise list of pros and cons regarding your separate experiences with proviron and T4/T3, perhaps a summary of the differences between the two? Much appreciated.


Sep 1, 2017
Vulture, could you give a quick concise list of pros and cons regarding your separate experiences with proviron and T4/T3, perhaps a summary of the differences between the two? Much appreciated.
- is not easily predictable, complicate to dose and interpret it's effects
- since I started my temp/pulse didn't seem to improve, and sometimes they are actually lower
- I'm waiting for week 2 (cumulative T4 effect) to asses dosages
- Felt calmer, more relaxed

Mesterolone (Proviron):
- Facial hair growth speed increased
- Seemed to increase acne
- Felt calmer and confident
- Seemed to improve erection quality slightly (low dose, 25 mg)
- Increased T and total Cholesterol

I'll keep experimenting and posting stuff. I think Thyroid is not something you can figure out in a few weeks, like Mesterolone.


Nov 22, 2017
- is not easily predictable, complicate to dose and interpret it's effects
- since I started my temp/pulse didn't seem to improve, and sometimes they are actually lower
- I'm waiting for week 2 (cumulative T4 effect) to asses dosages
- Felt calmer, more relaxed

Mesterolone (Proviron):
- Facial hair growth speed increased
- Seemed to increase acne
- Felt calmer and confident
- Seemed to improve erection quality slightly (low dose, 25 mg)
- Increased T and total Cholesterol

I'll keep experimenting and posting stuff. I think Thyroid is not something you can figure out in a few weeks, like Mesterolone.
Thanks man, I understand it's early days but look forward to your updates.


Sep 1, 2017
I’ve being finding it hard to get my hands on Proviron again.
Rat met some hotter females (two of them I really like a lot), and started having sex with them. First tried sildenafil 50 mg to go safe, but I’ve noticed in both occasions rattie ****ed the s*** out of them, with one of them even had a pretty good erection after two good matches, and with the other there were 4 matches in less than 8 hours and sometimes Rat even struggle a little bit to ejaculate, he said he felt he could last forever with the in out in out. One of them really beg me to cum, which I didn’t wanted to, but rat likes to make her happy...

The thing is that the next day of this wild sex Rat was really damn high in libido, erection is way better, and sometimes those effects lasts for days, I’m really considering actually having sex increases your libido significantly. I will taper down sildenafil usage to 25 mg then stopping it.
Rat’s enjoying the best sex life I have ever seen. I’m hoping to get some proviron anyway because I liked how rat felt and I’d like to know what 50 mg ED does for me.
But I’m pretty happy right now about his sex life, my female rats are pretty happy also and getting even exhausted in long, intense and pleasurable sex session

BTW, my rat isn’t having 60 mg T4 and about 24 mg T3 everyday and morning temp rises from 96.5 to about 97.1 F
Sometimes aspirin or cyproheptadine los dose before bed. Peaty diet, less stress


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
I’ve being finding it hard to get my hands on Proviron again.
Rat met some hotter females (two of them I really like a lot), and started having sex with them. First tried sildenafil 50 mg to go safe, but I’ve noticed in both occasions rattie ****ed the s*** out of them, with one of them even had a pretty good erection after two good matches, and with the other there were 4 matches in less than 8 hours and sometimes Rat even struggle a little bit to ejaculate, he said he felt he could last forever with the in out in out. One of them really beg me to cum, which I didn’t wanted to, but rat likes to make her happy...

The thing is that the next day of this wild sex Rat was really damn high in libido, erection is way better, and sometimes those effects lasts for days, I’m really considering actually having sex increases your libido significantly. I will taper down sildenafil usage to 25 mg then stopping it.
Rat’s enjoying the best sex life I have ever seen. I’m hoping to get some proviron anyway because I liked how rat felt and I’d like to know what 50 mg ED does for me.
But I’m pretty happy right now about his sex life, my female rats are pretty happy also and getting even exhausted in long, intense and pleasurable sex session

BTW, my rat isn’t having 60 mg T4 and about 24 mg T3 everyday and morning temp rises from 96.5 to about 97.1 F
Sometimes aspirin or cyproheptadine los dose before bed. Peaty diet, less stress

Lol. I want that life


Apr 17, 2018
I don't find that interesting because it's well documented the impact of mesterolone on DHT levels (skyrocketing them).

Oh yeah? Any study to link that actually shows DHT levels when Mesterolone is administered?


Sep 1, 2017
Oh yeah? Any study to link that actually shows DHT levels when Mesterolone is administered?
hmmm seems you're right. I just found this:
"Mesterolone (ME)
The other oral treatment group was mesterolone (Proviron–Bayer, 317 patients, 477 treatment years). For many patients, this preparation, being converted entirely to DHT and therefore only a partial form of androgen replacement, often provided inadequate symptom relief, and was abandoned after the first 5 years of the study."

Interestingly, after I read something similar from you, also found another study that stated that improvement on depression symptoms with Mesterolone treatment was higher if patient had in rage T levels...
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