Strength And Libido Quest


Sep 1, 2017
I suppose this isn't gonna be the most original thread here, but objectives are:
- Get stronger (weight training, main movements to evaluate are Squat, Overhead Press, Deadlift, Clean, Dips...)
- Get more libido and erection quality (without stimulation they usually start fading in about 10-20 seconds and gets semi-flacid in a minute)

I hope this serves as a useful log of a self experiment for other people dealing with similar issues.

Reasons to start all this?
Erectile dysfunction problems, low libido, easily getting injured performing activities like trekking, martial arts, etc.
Low testosterone (see lab results below)

Background info:
- Male
- 1.82 m 66 Kg
- Around 2.011 weighted about 83 Kg with a 18-22% fat percentage (mainly due breathing squats and lost of milk, cheese, meat, etc)
- About 2.012 had a bilateral ginecomastia surgery (small and painful, both sides)
- From previous surgery "got" hypertension (140/90) and doc put me on lifetime treatment
- Done drugs, quited them after a few years (not drinking coffee neither cigarettes or alcohol)
- Performed a 3 day water fast, got rid of hypertension and stopped drinking doc treatment
- IBS-D for years, ended it up when I performed a garlic enemas for about a week and drinked probiotics + yogurt
- Feb 2.017 laparoscopic varicocele surgery (left grade III, right grade I), two months resting, started
- Anectodically I felt an amazing, incontrollable libido and steel erection at the night after the surgery, never felt such a drive since that time and years ago, also, itching returned
- Been lifting weights since 16 years old, with some months or even years off
- Easy to lose fat and weight, harder to gain it
- Significant depression history (even months with shitty mood)
- Acne since puberty (slowly fading away since last fasting)
- Lactose intolerant (I can drink up to 300ml of milk WITH food, but getting lots of gas)
- Left calf small varicose vein (hurts a bit when I'm not working out for months)
- Got some kidney pains (I thought it was back pain and didn't care) since about 2 years ago. Now, after fasting they got more intense and when I got a ecography I had a 2mm calculus on my right kidney, the left one (where pain was present) got nothing but "urine retention", doctor suspected that I was about to piss a calculus or already did. Pain is now lower
- Currently I have a Grade I varicocele on left side mainly, right side is pretty slightly. I could upload pictures of the ecography is someone thinks it's useful to check for pycnogenol effects or horse chestnut effects, etc...I have pretty visible varicose veins in the left side, could also upload if it's gonna be useful (they didn't fade away even 6 months after surgery, I'm confused about it)

- Estimated 1RM at 24 March 2.017: Squat 56 Lb, Deadlift 60 Lb, Press 55 Lb, Weighted Dips (5x5) 20 Lb
- Estimated 1RM at 01 Sept 2.017 (after fasting): Squat 238 Lb, Deadlift 256 Lb, Press 106 Lb, Ring Weighted Dips (2x8, harder than regular dips) 10 Lb, Hang Power Clean 144 Lb

* 4 day water fasting on 27 Aug 2.017.
Results: fat dropped, small fever like sympthomps, joint pains mainly. About 5% strenght (weights) drop on main excercises. Day after I was kinda euforic at afternoon, felt great during the day, driving my motorcycle way more aggressively and having fun at it (kinda strange in me), great mood.

Started a DIET that consists mainly on: discarding PUFAs and shitty industrial food (pasta, flours, dairy -gonna try some day to see effects-, processed meats, beans), main protein source: sardines (cheap as ***t here), also since 24 Aug 2.017 being eating 4 raw onions, beet, orange, parsley. 800 UI Vit E (DL Alfatocoferol acetate, 400 UI 8 AM and 800 UI 8 PM), oral B complex vitamin (8 AM, 8 PM), horse chestnut 200 mg
Usually eating 4 times a day

Sleeping with my groin completly nude, rest of the body covered, approx. room temp of 22 to 24ºC with air conditioner
Varicocele itching mainly when sitting and/or under heat.

Interesting to say that I live in Venezuela, blood tests and services are cheap as they can get (usually ranging from 1.25 to 5.62 USD). Bad side: country situation is really ****88 up, people gets easily depressed or pissed off, lots of people slowly getting into starvation (socialism at it's finest), some supplements and medicines can be extremly cheap also, but hard to find, but most of the foreign supplements, drugs, etc...that can't be find in regular markets are EXTREMLY pricey for local buying power (lucky ones earn from 25 to 40 USD a month)

I'll try to keep uploading blood tests and pictures (same spot, 8 AM, same angle) so you can check progress, results, etc

Mid-August 2.017 Blood Tests (start):
Testosterone 2,4 ng/mL
Free Testosterone 7,5 pg/mL
Cortisol 08:00 16,4 ng/mL
TSH 0,9 mlU/L
T3 soon
T4 6,9 ug/dL
Free T4 1,31 ng/dL
Prolactine 5,2 mlU/L
Estradiol 35 pg/mL

Triglicerides 32 mg/dL
Cholesterol 212 mg/dL
HDL Cholesterol 62 mg/dL
LDL Cholesterol 145 mg/dL
VLDL Cholesterol 5 mg/dL

I'm really interested on Haidut's supplements, specially Androsterone and Pansterone combo, I'm waiting to save some extra bucks and get my hand on those, but I wanna make sure they don't mess up my HPTA or could get me way more ****88 up. I'm even thinking about getting some DHEA powder from the US and DMSO and make some while taking Pregnenolone orally, but I have to make some math and see if I could get some instruments to measure it all up precisely first.

As you can see I like to make experiments and not always believing whatever a doctor tells me, I like to use my own brain. I'm not a medicine or nutrition professional or have an extensive background on it, but I got some experience weight training and dieting.

My main objective is to have more libido and erection quality ASAP. I just bought some L-Citrulline 2:1 malate and pycnogenol to see if I can improve veins and circulation. I have being trying with watermelon rind some months ago and then the last two days (can't wait for the citruline powder), and it works pretty fine improving erections and feels like more pump working out, but it's not so cool to have to drink about 700 ml to 1 L of watermelon rind juice a day also makes a lot of fecal matter, I think it could be a good thing for a constipated person. Also, I noticed that eating also the red part of the watermelon along the rind gives me diarrhea (I eat also the seeds), it seems it's too much watermelon, the rind alone seems to be the way to go (until my L-Citruline arrives).

Also I have queued on my List: Haidut's supplements, Moringa seeds, Aspartic Acid, ashwagandha, Muira puama, Tribulus terreastris, Topical progesterone, Pregnenolone, DHEA.

I'm not english native speaker, sorry about that.


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May 3, 2015
Hi @vulture,

Sounds like the water fasting helped your mood and male functions!

Have you tried eating lots of fruit? Not the rind, peel or seeds! Just the flesh of bananas, mangos, papayas...?

This is the closest thing to a water fast but with good energy supply and good vitamins and minerals.

The amino acids in fruit are easy to assimilate. Ray Peat suggests fruit may contain keto acids, like potato, and so may be higher in protein recycling substances than other foods.

Other proteins can tax the kidneys, which may be a problem area for you.

Being low fat, fruit should improve blood circulation and possibly help your erections.

I assume tropical fruit is still affordable in Venezuela...?

(Don't tell the socialist authorities that you can live on tropical fruit or they will start a plan to eradicate it!)

Oh yes, how old are you now and what caused the gynocomastia?
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Mar 7, 2017
Your post raises all kinds of red-flags indicating that you have not yet taken time to research your particular issues on this forum.

This should get you started:

Ray Peat Email Exchanges - Ray Peat Forum Wiki

Optimal diet for increasing lifespan

And then begin by solving the big 3:

+ Clean the Liver

Caffeine Reverses Stress, Insulin Resistance, Hypertension

High Protein Diet Prevents & Reverses Fatty Liver Disease (steatosis)

+ Fix Digestive Issues

Amino Acid Supplementation For People With Poor Digestion

Ray Peat Potato Protein Soup (RPPPS)

Cyproheptadine - A Wonder Drug?

+ Reduce PUFA in Tissues down to almost nothing

PUFA Depletion Can (probably) Be Accomplished In 30 Days!

Haidut's Summary Of PUFA

VoS uncoupling thread


Getting Ripped With Dr Peat

This is not a quick-fix regiment for weekend warriors, but an opportunity to change your life and health for the better, so take this seriously by reading and testing as much as possible (the search function is far more effective and efficient than any member's advice).


Sep 1, 2017
Hi @vulture,

Sounds like the water fasting helped your mood and male functions!

Have you tried eating lots of fruit? Not the rind, peel or seeds! Just the flesh of bananas, mangos, papayas...?
Currently doing it. I feel overall better. In my 16 to 27 years working out I just focused in protein, CH and fat. Didn't care about eating veggies or fruits, neither cared too much about minerals and all the things you seem to know a lot better than me. It is now that I'm really witnessing how powerful veggies, fruits and even things like turmeric can be.

This is the closest thing to a water fast but with good energy supply and good vitamins and minerals.

The amino acids in fruit are easy to assimilate. Ray Peat suggests fruit may contain keto acids, like potato, and so may be higher in protein recycling substances than other foods.

Other proteins can tax the kidneys, which may be a problem area for you.

Being low fat, fruit should improve blood circulation and possibly help your erections.

I assume tropical fruit is still affordable in Venezuela...?
In Venezuela almost nothing is affordable, but I'm not in the poorest stratus, so, to me it's kinda affordable to eat fruits, specially tropical ones (0.014 USD an orange, you would be happy here haha). But I shouldn't even think about buying apples or pears or foreign fruits/foods, really pricey. What I used to eat some months ago since I started lifting again was a lot of white rice and sardines, it was the cheapest way to pack protein, fat and CH, and some veggies and fruits (didn't cared about it, I started reading about Peat and this forum like a week ago).
I'm currently adding foods after water fasting, each 2 days or so, and feeling my body a lot more (meditation helped me out a lot on that), so far none of these things have messed up my hystoric acne or digestion: potatoes, watermelon (can't eat too much of the red part -diarrhea-), banana, fresh cheese, comino, turmeric (a teaspoon a day), salt, cilantro, parsley, garlic, onion, beet, orange, cocoa powder (30g or less or I get bloating and farting), sardines, beef liver, beef gelatin, carrots, butter, taro, chili, peppers.

I'm thinking on buying EV coconut oil and EV olive oil. I'm currently using a small amount of pig oil, they extract it cooking pig skin, it's an brownish oily substance widely used centuries ago in this region when vegetable oils didn't exists in the market.

(Don't tell the socialist authorities that you can live on tropical fruit or they will start a plan to eradicate it!)
Well, in that case I should tell'em that I can't live without them hahaha it's like you can't figure out things worst and they just prove you are wrong, every year, every month, for decades.

Oh yes, how old are you now and what caused the gynocomastia?
29 YO, I was about 15 to 16 YO at that time. I have no idea, it started being painful at touch and got surgery. Shitty diet could have being.

BTW, I'm not sure if it is the new diet or just the NO from the citrulline in the watermelon or what, but when I get aroused I notice I'm producing a lot more precum than before, it's significantly more than before.

Almost every night I get up to have a pee at night, but sometimes it takes half an hour or so to go back to sleep, would like to sleep kinda deeper. Let's see what the Pansterone I just ordered do, I must admit I'm kinda excited about it.

Thanks for your feedback. I'll keep posting updates (blood tests, experiments, etc)


Sep 1, 2017
Your post raises all kinds of red-flags indicating that you have not yet taken time to research your particular issues on this forum.

This should get you started:

Ray Peat Email Exchanges - Ray Peat Forum Wiki

Optimal diet for increasing lifespan

And then begin by solving the big 3:

+ Clean the Liver

Caffeine Reverses Stress, Insulin Resistance, Hypertension

High Protein Diet Prevents & Reverses Fatty Liver Disease (steatosis)

+ Fix Digestive Issues

Amino Acid Supplementation For People With Poor Digestion

Ray Peat Potato Protein Soup (RPPPS)

Cyproheptadine - A Wonder Drug?

+ Reduce PUFA in Tissues down to almost nothing

PUFA Depletion Can (probably) Be Accomplished In 30 Days!

Haidut's Summary Of PUFA

VoS uncoupling thread


Getting Ripped With Dr Peat

This is not a quick-fix regiment for weekend warriors, but an opportunity to change your life and health for the better, so take this seriously by reading and testing as much as possible (the search function is far more effective and efficient than any member's advice).

Wow dude, I can't ask more from you hehe thanks a lot
I don't drink coffee because it usually gives me "too much energy", I feel it starts becoming anxiety, I even remember one day I started playing drums because I just couldn't keep calmed, but I'll read the stuff to see what's up to it.
I was reading constantly about aspirin and wasn't sure about starting taking it until I read about nosebleedings...ha! it was sent inmediatly to the end of my list hahaha Jesus...even using Pansterone seems like a big step for me.

BTW, if you (specially @haidut) consider there are interesting blood tests to be performed before and after using Pansterone, I might do them. Maybe you want to see how Pansterone could mess with a certain mineral or hormone, it could be just 2 or 2.5 USD more. I could try to keep my diet as strict and regular as possible (I'm not the kind of guy who craves for sugar like a baby or "can't resist" eating pizza on fridays) so you can have less variables involved.


Mar 23, 2017
You are going at it the wrong way.
Trying to boost nitric oxide will give you erections in the short term but will damage you overall.
The reason for your strong libido post op was because after the surgery there was a local inflammatory response.
Inflammation triggers nitric oxide release which causes vasodilation which leads to strong erections.

The reason you are not getting erections right now is because you are undernourished and overstressed.
Your body has shifted hormones away from androgens and is applying the emergency break.
Just look at your T and your Estrogen.
Why are you even lifting right now. You are destroying yourself. Recover first and then train.

Also if you start getting cold sores, tonsillitis or other herpes outbreaks it means you have overdosed on arginine/citrulline.


Sep 1, 2017
You are going at it the wrong way.
Trying to boost nitric oxide will give you erections in the short term but will damage you overall.
The reason for your strong libido post op was because after the surgery there was a local inflammatory response.
Inflammation triggers nitric oxide release which causes vasodilation which leads to strong erections.

The reason you are not getting erections right now is because you are undernourished and overstressed.
Your body has shifted hormones away from androgens and is applying the emergency break.
Just look at your T and your Estrogen.
Why are you even lifting right now. You are destroying yourself. Recover first and then train.

Also if you start getting cold sores, tonsillitis or other herpes outbreaks it means you have overdosed on arginine/citrulline.
LOL, maybe a month ago I would assume as obvious that if I'm undernourished and over stressed it obvious to eat more and lifting
I get your logic but, besides enjoying it, I see lifting as a way to measure strength, more weight, stronger me. From your point of view what would be my way to measure I'm driving in the right direction and what's the signal I should wait to go back to strength training?
Do you suggest to minimize stressful stimuli in daily life and just eat the right way for some time? (I assume you simpatize with Peat's views on diet)


Mar 23, 2017
You have to get in touch with yourself.
Only you can answer that question.
I would look for signs like getting morning wood everyday and getting horny after workouts.
This would mean your training actually increases your T.

When you first go from a relatively healthy state to a stressed state adrenaline feels good.
At first it is anti-inflammatory and makes you feel good and energetic.
But you alway pay for those short-term benefits later on.
That is how people get addicted to fitness and extreme sports.
First it feels really good.
Then you need to do it just to feel normal because in the other time you feel like ***t.
It is a vicious cycle.
The more you do this the more you burn out.
Add PUFA to this and it is crash and burn.


Sep 1, 2017
Well, updating:
Introduced coffee three days ago, day 1 was real intense, even got LOTS of laugher, haven't laugh so hard months or years ago, also some vigour sensation (I started cleaning the house a lot more than before or ordering my stuff). Surprisingly, coffee didn't gave me anxiety like years before, I feel full of energy and great mood, but able to rest without problem. I'm taking coffee with sugar and now introduced some gelatin to it. I'm not taking coffee after 4 PM (16:00) to avoid mess up with my (already crappy) sleep quality with the caffein
Feeling better and I think I have slightly more libido since a week ago.

I would like to stop waking in the middle of the night to pee or just wandering at 3AM...I don't seem to sleep deeply. I would like to hear some suggestions: more salt? gelatin before sleeping? coffee before sleeping? (sounds weird but it seems there are some guys doing it here)


Sep 1, 2017
I don't know if it's the diet or is the diet and the L Citrulline or just the Citrulline, but damn, I look a lot more vascular and ripped, I can see veins in my lower abdomen, muscles doesn't look that puffy, but kinda "harder". I'm eating about 6 to 8 times a day, smaller meals than before, but a lot more frecuent. Also, I think my libido improved and I feel with more energy and better mood to do stuff, smile and laugh more frequently.

Pansterone (DMSO) is in the way and before taking it I'll get some blood test done, so you can see how it affects the hormones. If it works fine (I have read the DMSO vs Tocopherol stuff), I'll try to get Androsterone and soon as possible, as well as K2 or E, I'm not sure what would be top priority here...

BTW, I enjoy milk (but can't drink more than 250/300ml with food, or I get heavy farting/bloated/diarrhea), but here is hard to find milk that is not UHT or a powdered milk with some vitamins and crap...the goverment price regulations make it almost impossible to have a reliable supply of REAL milk, and black market milk in this city is not so easy, I'll try to get some real good old whole milk


Sep 1, 2017
I'll attach a table where you can see what I'm basicly doing

For coffee I'm doing about 3 cups a day, started with less than a half of it and increased with each day. Also taking coconut oil (two or three times a day). I usually eat cheese at night (it has a reasonable amount of salt in it which I think that keeps me "less thirsty" at night), I think I'm sleeping better (waking up a little bit later also), and since 19/09/2017 (date format is DD/MM/YYYY) I'm getting stronger and longer lasting morning woods (not placebo, definitely something usual now, unfrequent weeks or even some years ago), even at 2 or 3 AM I wake up for some minutes and find my **** waiting for orders hahaha

I'm sunbathing since 26-08-2017 or a few days before. I'm way more tanned (sometimes I even take the 1 PM sun and even feel the morning sun doesn't "do the trick")

Vascularity is impressive for me, also I look way more ripped (picture must help confirming it). I was pleased to see that I can get stronger and leaner at the same time, but also consider I'm a newbie considering weights lifted. I can see veins in my inferior abdomen, over my ribs, in my chest, a few more visible on biceps, forearms looks like if I got some green snakes inside. For this whole thing I see two important factors: diet and L-Citrulline. I'll stop citrulline in about two weeks and we will see if they still look so visible, but being ripped I doubt is L-Citrulline related

Varicose veins in balls are less itchy, even when my balls are on fire (riding a motorcycle in a tropical city at 30 to 35 ºC), but they are still clearly visible, I can't see any relevant improvement on that. Sometimes I even think: would L-Citrulline make the veins look even worse? We'll see in two weeks. And BTW, since taking L-Citrulline my **** looks bigger when flacid

Mood is improved, I make more jokes, sing loud, parodies than weeks ago, I feel better but I'm also starting to notice some tendency to be more aggressive and thinking more violent stuff than before, even hitting a table recently after arguing with someone and yelling at him, that's not usual and I wasn't hungry or pissed of before arguing, I just felt really insulted and didn't want to keep hearing crap (and it worked) and hit the table so hard my food ended up in the ground. I feel also maybe a little bit bolder.

I eat more frequently (get hungry about each 2 or 3 hours).

When fasting 14 hours prior to blood tests (soon posting) didn't feel extreme hunger or pissed off or any relevant thing besides being plain hungry.

I'm considering having a mid-night snack if I keep waking up at 2 or 3 AM. Something with a little bit of protein, some fat and CH (cheese and orange or banana and milk with coconut oil). Although is getting easier for me to go back to sleep than before.

Also started giving Pansterone today to my rat. 2 drops in his balls to see what it does, so far two impressions: it burns a little bit but vanishes amazingly fast, I thought that I was going to wait a minute or two for it to get absorbed, not even 20 seconds I think. Rat didn't notice strange smells, UFO's or weird stuff like some other rats I read, but I had the impression that he felt aroused easier...there were some female rats that I was thinking: I find weird that my rat could consider attractive that one, so I asked if it could be a raise in libido...time will tell soon.


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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Wow dude, I can't ask more from you hehe thanks a lot
I don't drink coffee because it usually gives me "too much energy", I feel it starts becoming anxiety, I even remember one day I started playing drums because I just couldn't keep calmed, but I'll read the stuff to see what's up to it.
I was reading constantly about aspirin and wasn't sure about starting taking it until I read about nosebleedings...ha! it was sent inmediatly to the end of my list hahaha Jesus...even using Pansterone seems like a big step for me.

BTW, if you (specially @haidut) consider there are interesting blood tests to be performed before and after using Pansterone, I might do them. Maybe you want to see how Pansterone could mess with a certain mineral or hormone, it could be just 2 or 2.5 USD more. I could try to keep my diet as strict and regular as possible (I'm not the kind of guy who craves for sugar like a baby or "can't resist" eating pizza on fridays) so you can have less variables involved.

By all means, if you do blood tests before/after on Pansterone please share them here!


Sep 1, 2017
By all means, if you do blood tests before/after on Pansterone please share them here!
You better bet I will, buddy

BTW, I don't know what happend but I can't find the attachment of the new picture...damn


Sep 1, 2017
Picture at 24-09-2017 (had one before pansterone but because of a forum upload mistake had to take this one at the second day of pansterone) and about 3 weeks of Peating
(first one was after water fasting for about 4 days)


Sep 20, 2017
A few comments and questions:

- your body looks highly estrogenic and androgyne: wide waist, pecs look like underdevelopped breast, lack of torso hair.
- it all points toward a lack of T and DHT, but we know that hormones are not a cause in themselves, they are always the result of your way of life.

- do you have a history of using antibiotics, or have you ever had food poisoning? Both of these can make you develop candida, and lead to what you seem to have: food malabsorption (weight loss) and kidney issues (when your gut become leaky due to candida, food particles pass directly in the bloodstream and obstruct kidneys)

Overtime the lack of nutrient absorption may have lead your body to be unable to produce the right hormones.

I would advise you perform a complete stool test analysis to detect any kind of fungus and/or parasites you may have.

ALL of your health is primarily dictated by your gut health.

You will then know if you need to cleanse your gut from candida and parasites


Sep 1, 2017
A few comments and questions:

- your body looks highly estrogenic and androgyne: wide waist, pecs look like underdevelopped breast, lack of torso hair.
- it all points toward a lack of T and DHT, but we know that hormones are not a cause in themselves, they are always the result of your way of life.

- do you have a history of using antibiotics, or have you ever had food poisoning? Both of these can make you develop candida, and lead to what you seem to have: food malabsorption (weight loss) and kidney issues (when your gut become leaky due to candida, food particles pass directly in the bloodstream and obstruct kidneys)

Overtime the lack of nutrient absorption may have lead your body to be unable to produce the right hormones.

I would advise you perform a complete stool test analysis to detect any kind of fungus and/or parasites you may have.

ALL of your health is primarily dictated by your gut health.

You will then know if you need to cleanse your gut from candida and parasites
Sure I used antibiotics, more than 2 or 3 times.
Also, had a lot of trouble with IBS-D for years, since my 21 to 25 years old approximately
I think I had some allergic reaction when I was a child to a sausage. Not sure about food poisoning. How do you precisely diagnose candida?
I'll have a stool check in about a few days, I doubt it was "complete", but I'll see if there's a more extensive test

I uploaded a new picture where I'm in a more neutral position, so you can more precisely see proportions and ratios you said. You are right about torso hair, also I have few facial hair. I also got bilateral gynecomastia a few years ago, a small case (maybe a diameter within 1 to 1.5 cm)

Thanks for your insight
BTW, in this pic ilumination is a bit different and extra "lean-ness" can be easily noticed in left leg and lower abdomen veins, I'm sure I got more ripped since 3 weeks Peating, despite of the fact of drinking sugar with my coffee almost 3 times a day (never eat sugar for years before) and eating-drinking about 15-20 oranges a day


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Sep 1, 2017
Blood tests before starting on pansterone and after 4 days water fast and then 3 weeks of Peating (first post haves blood tests BEFORE 4 day water fast and 3 weeks of Peating)

Eritrocites 5.37 10^6/uL (4.5 to 5.5)
Hemoglobine 15.8 g/dL (13 to 18)
Hematocrite 47.8 % (42 to 52)
Mean Corpuscular Volume 89 fL
Mean Corpuscular Hb 29.4 pg (27 to 31)
Mean Corpuscular Volume Concentration 33.1 g/dL (32 to 36)
RDW 13.1 % (11.5 to 14.5)
Leucocites 4.53 10^3/uL (4 to 10)
Neutrofiles 45% (55 to 70) LOW
Linfocintes 46% (17 to 45) slightly high
Monocites 7.5% (0 to 10)
Eosinofiles 1,1 % (0 to 4)
Basofiles 9.5 fL (6 to 11)

Glicemia 97 mg/dL (70 to 110)
BUN 18 mg/dL (7 to 25)
Creatinine 0.9 mg/dL (0.4 to 1.4)
Oxalacetic Transaminase (AST/TGO) 27 UI/L (0 to 40)
Piruvic Transaminase (ALT/TGP) 36 UI/L (0 to 41)

Urine Analysis
Color Yellow
Aspect Sightly turbid
Density 1.025 (1.002 to 1.030)
pH 5 (4.5 to 7.5)

Glucose negative
Hemoglobine negative
Urobiligene negative
Protein negative
Bilirrubin negative
Ketone bodies negative
Nitrites negative
Leucocitary Esterase negative

Hematies 0-1 x CPO (0 to 3)
Leucocites 0-2 x CPO (0 to 4)
Flat cells 0-1 x CPO
Bacteria scarce
Mucine scarce

Estradiol 47 pg/mL (11 to 44) (DAMN high)
Prolactine 5.2 mIU/L (0.9 to 15)
Cortisol 8 AM 12.7 ng/mL (6.7 to 22.6)

PD: I tried to translate all this stuff, I hope it's fine, anything strange or weird, notify and I'll try to fix it (I'm not a speciallist on lab tests or physiollogy)
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

Blood tests before starting on pansterone and after 4 days water fast and then 3 weeks of Peating (first post haves blood tests BEFORE 4 day water fast and 3 weeks of Peating)

Eritrocites 5.37 10^6/uL (4.5 to 5.5)
Hemoglobine 15.8 g/dL (13 to 18)
Hematocrite 47.8 % (42 to 52)
Mean Corpuscular Volume 89 fL
Mean Corpuscular Hb 29.4 pg (27 to 31)
Mean Corpuscular Volume Concentration 33.1 g/dL (32 to 36)
RDW 13.1 % (11.5 to 14.5)
Leucocites 4.53 10^3/uL (4 to 10)
Neutrofiles 45% (55 to 70) LOW
Linfocintes 46% (17 to 45) slightly high
Monocites 7.5% (0 to 10)
Eosinofiles 1,1 % (0 to 4)
Basofiles 9.5 fL (6 to 11)

Glicemia 97 mg/dL (70 to 110)
BUN 18 mg/dL (7 to 25)
Creatinine 0.9 mg/dL (0.4 to 1.4)
Oxalacetic Transaminase (AST/TGO) 27 UI/L (0 to 40)
Piruvic Transaminase (ALT/TGP) 36 UI/L (0 to 41)

Urine Analysis
Color Yellow
Aspect Sightly turbid
Density 1.025 (1.002 to 1.030)
pH 5 (4.5 to 7.5)

Glucose negative
Hemoglobine negative
Urobiligene negative
Protein negative
Bilirrubin negative
Ketone bodies negative
Nitrites negative
Leucocitary Esterase negative

Hematies 0-1 x CPO (0 to 3)
Leucocites 0-2 x CPO (0 to 4)
Flat cells 0-1 x CPO
Bacteria scarce
Mucine scarce

Estradiol 47 pg/mL (11 to 44) (DAMN high)
Prolactine 5.2 mIU/L (0.9 to 15)
Cortisol 8 AM 12.7 ng/mL (6.7 to 22.6)

PD: I tried to translate all this stuff, I hope it's fine, anything strange or weird, notify and I'll try to fix it (I'm not a speciallist on lab tests or physiollogy)

So, which test results were before Pansterone and which ones are after Pansterone? Also, doing the fasting would skew the results drastically, with or without Pansterone. I would go for regular diet and then just do a pre/post Pansterone tests.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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