SPEAK THE TRUTH! And Redeem This World From Hell

Nov 26, 2013
what massive network are you talking about? The billion plus Catholics or the largest and most powerful religous/military order in Catholcism? Only propagandists claim them to be Jewsuits.
In the presentation the guy talks about his web of findings. He was presenting his book.

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
In the presentation the guy talks about his web of findings. He was presenting his book.

A lot of videos on Youtube make the same claims about a vast Jewish network of Bankers and the Elders of Zion. It's a myth. I used to believe that too when I first got into this and then after lots of research, I realized it was the Jesuits who were behind most of it, including the Protocols, Mein Kampf, and most of the neo-Nazi stuff pushed so heavily on Youtube.

Your guy doesnt seem very different from the countless other blame the Jews videos Ive watched.
Nov 26, 2013
A lot of videos on Youtube make the same claims about a vast Jewish network of Bankers and the Elders of Zion. It's a myth. I used to believe that too when I first got into this and then after lots of research, I realized it was the Jesuits who were behind most of it, including the Protocols, Mein Kampf, and most of the neo-Nazi stuff pushed so heavily on Youtube.

Your guy doesnt seem very different from the countless other blame the Jews videos Ive watched.
I understand but these are real, living people with photos and direct interviews as opposed to historical second, third hand accounts as happens when trying to rebuild the history of cults. Watch this brief part about securing the deal for the WTC security. (58:20 onwards since timestamping doesn't work)


x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
I understand but these are real, living people with photos and direct interviews as opposed to historical second, third hand accounts as happens when trying to rebuild the history of cults. Watch this brief part about securing the deal for the WTC security. (58:20 onwards since timestamping doesn't work)

I have no doubt that Jews and Israelis were used in 9/11 but they like the US are controlled. There is far more evidence of US involvement/control in 9/11 that he is leaving out. The Presidency, CIA, FEMA, not to mention the entire US military are not Israeli controlled. FEMA was mobilized to New York the night before 9/11. The evidence that the Jesuits run these agencies is overwhelming if you just look for it.

If you read any of those books I linked to before you will see how the Jesuits have taken over the world and then hid that fact by rewriting history.


President Barack Obama meets with Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, right (Alma Mater St. Mary’s University, Texas), in the Oval Office, Sept. 9, 2010. Also attending are, clockwise from left, Robert Cardillo, DIA deputy Director (and now Director of National intelligence for intelligence integration and schooled at Jesuit Georgetown), Deputy National Security Adviser Tom Donilon (Donillon attended Jesuit la Salle Academy, earned a B.A. at: The Catholic University of America in 1977 and is connected personally to the Biden family). Rodney Snyder, Senior Director for intelligence Program, NSS(Can not find any kind of BIO on him). John Brennan, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counter terrorism ( Attended private catholic schools from his youth, is Alma mater at Jesuit Fordham University and is former CIA), and National Security Advisor Gen. James L. Jones (Alma Mater Jesuit Georgetown University)

Trump is no difference except that he himself was Jesuit trained at Fordham.
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x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
I understand but these are real, living people with photos and direct interviews as opposed to historical second, third hand accounts as happens when trying to rebuild the history of cults. Watch this brief part about securing the deal for the WTC security. (58:20 onwards since timestamping doesn't work)
OK I watched what you suggested. It mentions that a Mossad connected company almost got the security contract in 1987. So? This is typical of disinfo where they tell you a partial truth and let you assume that's all there is. The truth is that they didnt get the contract so why does he go to such lengths to bring it up unless he wants to scapegoat the Jews by implication. The full truth is that a Kuwaiti financed Company, with Marvin Bush as a Director, had the WTC security contract as well as the contract with United Airlines. Ask yourself why he leaves this out and mentions a random company from 1987 that didnt get the contract.

The rest of it is just mentioning the names of random Jews that were involved in some way. It was NYC so of course there were Jews involved. There were also many more Catholics, Protestants, and every other religious group involved. What is important to know is that the head of NYC was Mayor Giuliani, a Papal Knight SMOM. There is no way they could pull this off without him being involved.

His little speech on the evils of the Talmud is basically ill informed Internet anti-Semitism that likes to pull out 10 or so questionable quotes from the Talmud and make it seem like the whole thing is Satanic. There is far worse in the Koran and even in Papal encyclicals.
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Oct 11, 2015
I dont think you are wrong xraypeat. The Jews are a "scapegoat" definitely. Actually any "secret government" conspiracies are scapegoats... The people themselves are the problem... Its not that these conspiracies are necessarily wrong, but rather different masks the Machine wears and discards when convenient. The truther movements are part of the mask... The holes in the theories are part of the mask... Carefully dissimulated in such a way as to encourage these types of internet discussions. People will talk about 9/11 for decades with nothing to show. But that does not mean the Machine's own weapons can't be used against it. And they will be.

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
I dont think you are wrong xraypeat. The Jews are a "scapegoat" definitely. Actually any "secret government" conspiracies are scapegoats... The people themselves are the problem... Its not that these conspiracies are necessarily wrong, but rather different masks the Machine wears and discards when convenient. The truther movements are part of the mask... The holes in the theories are part of the mask... Carefully dissimulated in such a way as to encourage these types of internet discussions. People will talk about 9/11 for decades with nothing to show. But that does not mean the Machine's own weapons can't be used against it. And they will be.
agreed, the intricacies and complexities of the levers used to control the masses are mind boggling. The truth has become just as much a weapon of control as the lies.


Oct 11, 2015
agreed, the intricacies and complexities of the levers used to control the masses are mind boggling. The truth has become just as much a weapon of control as the lies.

Longish video but very timely and he makes the important point in the first few minutes

Nov 26, 2013
Longish video but very timely and he makes the important point in the first few minutes

Another day, another "unified theory" lmao. Check out at 7:00 his mic cuts out and he actually thinks it's a conspiracy.


Oct 11, 2015
Another day, another "unified theory" lmao. Check out at 7:00 his mic cuts out and he actually thinks it's a conspiracy.
Everything is in language/symbols, and it goes beyond what PNM talks about. Much more than what is on the computer or TV screen... and I think he would agree with that.
Nov 26, 2013
Everything is in language/symbols, and it goes beyond what PNM talks about. Much more than what is on the computer or TV screen... and I think he would agree with that.
They didn't cut his mic out completely and prevent him from finishing the vid... this time it was just a warning :nailbiting:

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Longish video but very timely and he makes the important point in the first few minutes

I dont know about this one. Sounds like good old disinfo/BS to keep everyone confused and ignorant. The strategy is officially known as Learning Against Learning; basically burying the truth within a pile of overwhelming BS that you cant find the truth anymore.

Most of what he says is just nonsensical, like claiming that there is meaning to George's alter ego Art Vandelay or that Import/Export means something beyond import/export. Seems like his role is to make a mockery of the truth movement by conflating real facts with made up ones.
Nov 26, 2013
I dont know about this one. Sounds like good old disinfo/BS to keep everyone confused and ignorant. The strategy is officially known as Learning Against Learning; basically burying the truth within a pile of overwhelming BS that you cant find the truth anymore.

Most of what he says is just nonsensical, like claiming that there is meaning to George's alter ego Art Vandelay or that Import/Export means something beyond import/export. Seems like his role is to make a mockery of the truth movement by conflating real facts with made up ones.
Is the 80+ % of Americans not believing the official 911 story, a desired outcome for the Jesuits?
Nov 26, 2013
The advantages are many but mostly it makes the people feel hopeless and alienated from their government, thus greatly weakening the Country. Ex KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov calls it demoralization.
Sounds more efficient to just convince people that there are conspiracies rather than go through all this hassle of actually making the conspiracies.

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Sounds more efficient to just convince people that there are conspiracies rather than go through all this hassle of actually making the conspiracies.
two different things.

Just like with Pearl Harbor, an actual attack on 9/11 was required to start the never ending war on "terror," designed to drain us both physically and financially. By the time its all over our country will be a financial basket case with a worn out military unable to defend us and a generation of destroyed veterans.
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Jan 23, 2017
The good news: he based this on women he saw at his time. The bad news: if he observed mostly modern women, primarily from the West, he would have refrained from ever saying this. Many (not all, of course) modern women would have been his model for saying woman is the dark counter-radiance or shadow of the other entity, whose name begins with an "S." And he would not have meant it at all as a complement to modern women, you can bet the mortgage.

The world famous Islamic Sufi poet Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi (1207 - 1273) writes: "Woman is the radiance of God; she is not your beloved. She is the Creator—you could say that she is not created."

Rumi > Jordan son of Peder
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Jan 23, 2017
Re: Arabi, this is why female beauty is vitally important:

Female beauty is a central theme in Islam, which regards it as “the most direct visible manifestation of God's beauty, gentleness, mercy and forgiveness”. This theme is developed most famously in Islamic mysticism or Sufism. In her work The Mystical Dimensions of Islam, Annemarie Schimmel records the position of Ibn ʿArabī – who is generally regarded as the greatest Sufi – on “perceiving the divine through the medium of female beauty and seeing the female as the true revelation of God's mercy and creativity” as follows:

“The closing chapter of the Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam, that on the Prophet Muhammad, centers around the famous tradition according to which the Prophet was given a love for perfumes and women and joy in prayer. Thus, Ibn 'Arabī could defend the idea that 'love of women belongs to the perfection of the gnostics, for it is inherited from the Prophet and is a divine love' (R 480). Woman reveals, for Ibn Arabī, the secret of the compassionate God. The grammatical fact that the word dhāt, 'essence', is feminine offers Ibn Arabī different methods to discover this feminine element in God.” https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Women_in_Islam

The best book ever written on sexual mysticism (my copy, which I read years ago, is highlighted with my comments and notes all over the place), is Julius Evola's The Metaphysics of Sex. Nothing better ever written on the topic, and he discusses Arabi's ideas about sacred, mystical sex.

Female-oriented religions are directly connected with birth and the body, nurturing, fecundity, nonviolence, wholeness, spirals, circles and the Underworld. Perhaps this is the profound insight that the Prophet Muhammad had when he said, 'Paradise is found at the feet of The Mother.' The secret Sufi understanding of this hadith is that the Arabic word for foot is the same word for the female pubic bone, suggesting that illumination can be found through sexual intercourse between two married Sufis in the station of Haqq. The great Sufi Sheikh, Ibn 'Arabi, 'practiced ... the exaltation of sexual intercourse as a supreme method of realization,' [83] and transmitted his direct knowledge from Allah to fourteen women, eight of whom received this transmission in dreams.[84]
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