It's hard to be both open and disciplined - considering life from a mile high

Apr 22, 2019
An airplane ride can make a man consider life -
It's rare that people are both open *and* disciplined.

Usually they're heavily skewed towards one side or the other.

A stereotypical open & undisciplined person could be evidenced as the common pothead/recreational drug enthusiast. They're loose and share their inner thoughts quickly, often with little hesitation. They welcome all shapes and sizes, yet their universal acceptance is often a justification for them to be slack in organizing objective reality. They are not keen on advancing anything in the physical realm, whether that's building a physically stronger body or advancing their physical surroundings. They are content to live on meager wages, driving the same economic car until it burns out while living a physically disorganized life in every way: messy hair & grimy living arrangements. The slackness of the open person is stagnated water which becomes unclean with fungus & bacteria due to a lack of movement/physical action. Stagnation breeds contempt and the open & undisciplined person will eventually scorn the forward actions of others because of their own lack of action, direction, and initiative.

Philosophers, artists, drug enthusiasts, homeless, gamblers, followers and musicians could fall into this category. More emphasis on the question of "why?" and less for "how?"

A stereotypical disciplined & closed person could be evidenced as the common business or working man. As the name implies, the busi-ness man stays busy to the end of his own closure. The working man is always on the grind, doing everything for himself, and picking himself up by his own bootstraps. He emphasizes money, physically clean & trim things (straight lines and grids are preferred), and advancing his physical prowess. All things that increase physical organization by adding more physical, objectively tangible Lego blocks to this life is the goal of the disciplined and closed person. Contrary to the open & undisciplined person, they are a river of water that doesn't consider 'finding peace,' 'finding themselves,' or 'stopping to smell the flowers along the way.' They don't make time to consider subjective matters because anything that is subjective is therefore not objective, therefore it doesn't matter and it's a waste of time. The disciplined person says, 'why would you consider your emotions when they have no bearing on the objective outcome?'

Further, they are only concerned with their own business and have no thought to volunteer their business to anyone else. They are proponents of 'let bygones be bygones' and supreme independence. They'll say, 'there's a sucker born every minute, it sucks to suck, and I'm not a sucker. My mother raised me to stop sucking.'

Although the closed and disciplined person has physical foundation to share with others, just as they keep to themselves, so too do they keep their wealth. As the closed and disciplined person continues in their harsh ways, their cold shoulder intensifies to the point of overtaking their personality, and eventually, their world view as a whole. Instead of being sympathetic to those who are in pain or lacking, they become apathetic towards them. The closed & disciplined person might say that the only reason why someone is struggling is because of their own lack of drive, therefore if everyone's problems are their own, then why should they care about helping others if it's first required that someone wants to help themselves? Combining this thought process with a cold & reclusive outlook will eventually result in greed and manipulation of others. In the interest of compounding the breadth/power of their physical organization in this life, they scheme to suck from the suckers. The opposite of radical acceptance is a calculated lie.

Corporate heads, motivational speakers, stock traders, lobbyists, salespeople, fitness influencers, authoritarians, and engineers could be categorized here. More emphasis on the question of "how?" and less for "why?"

"Who?" , "what?" , and "where?" are the nouns of life - the person, place or thing.

"Why?" and "how?" are the perspective modifiers of "who?" , "what?" , and "where?"

Open & undisciplined people default to consulting others and think,

> 'Why should I care who that is?'

> 'Why are we considering what this is?'

> 'Why are we considering going there?'

This is the subjective, dependent, yin, female force of life.

Additionally, this person prefers eating plants because they are uncomfortable with asserting power over any physical object. Their loose and fluid predisposition makes them fundamentally insecure and therefore averse to responsibility. Eating meat is, in a sense, undertaking the consequences of the actions of the animal being consumed. What that animal ate during it's life will literally change the chemical makeup of its tissue, after all.*

The attempt to get on karma's good side is approached in a defensive & cautious manner by the slack man.

This person is comfortable with the idea that a thing might not have a purpose. They often act as prey with a victim mentality. Some things in the world are just random and all is here to be enjoyed and respected. They embrace spontaneity and are content to ponder a topic endlessly without ever standing on a grounded conclusion. They employ fluid yet dull action. They're thinkers, not doers. Chaos reigns supreme.

*[This is evidenced by the varying ratios of the omega 3, 6, and 9 polyunsaturated fatty acids found in the same species of animal which is fed different food sources throughout it's life.]

Closed & disciplined people default to consulting with themselves and think,

> 'How do I become who I want to be?'

> 'How am I going to use what I have?'

> 'How am I going to get there?'

This is the objective, independent, yang, male force of life.

Additionally, this person prefers meat because that's what predators eat and it's higher on the food chain. Meat has a higher level of physical organization due to the preformed assimilation of plant matter into living tissue already done by the digestive tract of the animal being eaten. For example, rumen animals like cattle have a different digestive system which breaks down plant material better than humans. Consuming the tissue of an animal is an act of dominance that can be framed as a carrying on of the legacy of the consumed animal. The purpose of the prey animal is to be consumed by the predator. Upon the prey fulfilling it's purpose by being eaten by the predator, the onus is now upon the predator to utilize what he has taken in order to incorporate the animal's legacy into his own. (This concept is no different than one nation overtaking another in order to use the captured citizens as a means of furthering their own reach & power across the world.)

The attempt to get on karma's good side is approached in an aggressive & capitalistic manner.

This person assigns purpose to all things and does not believe in chance outcome. They often act as predators. They are not gamblers, they're executioners. They employ rigid yet sharp action. They're doers, not thinkers. Order is king.

With regard to the undisciplined:

Proverbs 6:6-11

[6] Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:
[7] Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler,
[8]Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.
[9] How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep?
[10] Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep:
[11] So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man.

With regard to the cold & closed:

Romans 1:28-32
[28] And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
[29] Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
[30] Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
[31] Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
[32] Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

To the slack & chaotic man I offer this reminder:

Ecclesiastes 9:10
[10] Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.

> And as God is perfect, I offer the very next verse as a reminder to the disciplined & orderly man:

Ecclesiastes 9:11
[11] I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

The Truth is somewhere in the middle. Christ has spoken,

Matthew 10:34
[34] Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.



Dec 1, 2021
What a fantastic and enlightening article. I have to admit I'm more of the open & lazy type, and when I work I don't like a steady pace, instead I want to give it my all and be done with it. I've also seen the opposite type that rather works longer than working more intensely, and these types really can be busy 24/7. You worded it so well.


Dec 1, 2022
If the big five personality trait model is valid, it implies that this isn't the case (in general/on average). One trait is openness and a second is conscientiousness (roughly a synonym for discipline). The way the statistical model works is that each trait is independent of the others. Variation in one trait does not explain variation in another.

In layman terms, the results of the model show that a person's degree of openness does not help in predicting discipline, or vice-versa.

Similarly, the trope of the suffering artist is invalidated on the assumption that this model is true. The artist is typically high openness. The "suffering" part is referencing another trait in the big five model - "neuroticism". Since these are two distinct traits, they don't vary together. One doesn't predict the other.


Dec 1, 2022
As someone who is high in trait openness and has lackluster discipline, I can see the temptation in believing this myth. It provides an excuse for our personal failing. Better to simply acknowledge where we are weak and make a plan to fix it.
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