A testimony pertaining to milk

Apr 22, 2019
This is very detailed, I really appreciate this response.
de nada
Love the testimony and Scriptures. I would love to try another milk fast. I still break out from dairy, and get fungal symptoms from eating more than a little bite of a good aged cheese. Last summer I made it about 10 days on raw milk. I love drinking it but it makes my stomach feel like a waterbed all day and I was quite gassy. I tend toward constipation at all times without enemas including on fruit fasts and milk fasts. My source of milk come from a family farm and I'm pretty sure it's mostly A1 and the cows eat whatever, including free leftover bread from a Nature's Own bakery. They get tons of donated bread, not sure how much goes to the pigs vs chickens vs cows. Would that be worse than grocery store vitamin D milk? I love milk but at 45 I can't stand looking at acne and aging on my face haha.
If the milk from the farm is raw, it's certainly better than grocery store milk. In accordance with the thread linked in the original post explaining the milk fasting protocol, the intestines have to be a certain kind of clean before undergoing the milk fast or else there will be big problems. The writer of the protocol speculates that if milk protein moves too slowly through the bowels that it will cause allergic reactions. I'm personally under the impression that a lot of people have a candida issue from taking pharmaceutical medications, namely antibiotics, in years past, which then causes a type of fungal overgrowth that happily steals lactose, thereby the fungus proliferates and causes symptoms of bloating, stomach upset, diarrhea, and all the rest. Acne is certainly a result of toxic dumping... Whether it's plastics, fractionated oils, mold, or something else coming through the skin, I can only speculate.


Nov 21, 2020
For 2 weeks now I've had urticaria from head to toe and am desperate for relief. While brief reprieve was initially provided by cyproheptadine or Benadryl, it's now progressed into a stage where nothing is helping. Of course the 'medical professionals' are strongly encouraging the use of Prednisone, but I'm not willing to further compromise my health. The symptoms are significantly exaggerated during the night – leading to restless nights and awakening with swollen eyes, lips, and even my man bits.

In attempt to remove anything allergenic from my 'Peaty' diet, I'm considering a goat milk fast.
In accordance with the thread linked in the original post explaining the milk fasting protocol, the intestines have to be a certain kind of clean before undergoing the milk fast or else there will be big problems
I currently consume 1L of milk per day, and experience no digestive upset from this quantity. My interpretation is that it's wise to first prep the body for a milk fast with fruit? Would you mind elaborating? Or do you think pulling the trigger with milk might be okay in my scenario?

Would it be ideal to add salt or magnesium during a milk fast? Should one add organic cane sugar to ensure adequate caloric/carbohydrate needs are met, or would this defeat the purpose? I'll likely continue my thyroid dose during the fast.

Aside from the milk fast, I'm considering adding a decent dose of daily progesterone alongside some pregnenolone to help calm my immune response. My vitamin D levels are quite low, and supplementing it greatly exasperates flushing/rosacea symptoms but this may a variable in these hives.

Any insight is greatly appreciated. All the best.
Apr 22, 2019
I currently consume 1L of milk per day, and experience no digestive upset from this quantity. My interpretation is that it's wise to first prep the body for a milk fast with fruit? Would you mind elaborating? Or do you think pulling the trigger with milk might be okay in my scenario?
If you're already consuming a liter of milk a day without issue, you'd probably be fine to try a milk fast.

But yes, a fruit fast until the tongue is clear and the bowel movements have no smell preceding the milk fast is what the writing calls for.

I understand that the following post is quite long, like a book even, but I would highly recommend spending some time reading it for a more detailed insight as it notes to also add fruit and (optional) raw starch in the middle of the fasting days:

Would it be ideal to add salt or magnesium during a milk fast? Should one add organic cane sugar to ensure adequate caloric/carbohydrate needs are met, or would this defeat the purpose? I'll likely continue my thyroid dose during the fast.
One of the reasons why a milk fast can fail is if a person causes their stomach acid to radically increase during the fast. The first time I tried it, on the 3rd day I took some desiccated liver tablets and it basically made me start over again. Bearing in mind that salt (sodium chloride) is a precursor to both sodium bicarbonate and hydrochloric acid (the latter two being digestive juices) I think it would be good advice to abstain from salt during the fast. On the opposite end, magnesium can be alkalizing and may also create a constipating hang-up in its own way. The goal isn't to keep the stomach acid at a certain pH per say, but rather to maintain the stomach acid level which most closely occurs during the digestion of milk.

Seeing as how thyroid supplementation is also an animal tissue which can raise the stomach pH, I'd apply the same principle that I just mentioned about taking desiccated liver tablets to thyroid supplementation. It would probably ruin any potential benefit.
Aside from the milk fast, I'm considering adding a decent dose of daily progesterone alongside some pregnenolone to help calm my immune response. My vitamin D levels are quite low, and supplementing it greatly exasperates flushing/rosacea symptoms but this may a variable in these hives.
At best progesterone will attenuate symptoms associated with high estrogen.

Pregnenolone will theoretically give the adrenals a break from producing as many steroid hormones, but again this is only temporary. Whenever the adrenals are supplied with the vitamins and minerals that they need (vegetables, seeds, nuts, rock powders, meat, shellfish, milk, cheese), they'll work from the inside-out without need for exogenous hormones. Whenever the adrenals are stable, exogenous hormones give little - if any - benefit.

A heightened immune response is either due to 1) the lymphatic system pushing out toxins faster than the body can handle and/or 2) dehydration which predisposes the body to a high histamine status. At this point, all of the high histamine, histamine-releasing foods, and DAQ-inhibiting foods will trigger allergic responses, reddened skin being one of many possibilities. If the skin is itchy during these breakouts, it's likely that a parasitic infection is present. I believe it's the case that drugs like benadryl and claritin will block histamine receptors in exchange for neurological decline for temporary relief from allergic responses.

This page has a useful list of common histamine-triggering foods:

Vitamin D may only be supplemented in the storage form (25 OHD) which operates differently than the active form assimilated by sunlight (125 OHD). If you really want to get your vitamin D up, first fix your adrenal glands so that it can be synthesized, then get all of the necessary nutrients to make it happen, like cholesterol, magnesium, etc... and then don't wash with soap for an entire day to preserve the oil on your skin while allowing that oil to soak up the radiation of the sun to be converted into vitamin D by the next day. Vitamin D as a supplement is like adding another hormone to the mix that throws things off, notably throwing calcium receptors in unknown places which ultimately causes the parathyroid (through PTH secretion) to move calcium out of the bones and into who-knows-which soft tissue. Silly stuff.


Jul 8, 2014
Of course I see the improvement of having taken pasteurized, homogenized milk. I wrote the following above:

Right. My point was that you didn’t get worse, you got better, which doesn’t match your belief below:

All I'm left to assert is that when fire is placed upon an adulterated food item, by removing the hydrogen bonds from all manner of 'good' or 'bad' substances in the food, we sabotage ourselves by imposing more free radical damage.

If you don't think electronics do anything, I challenge you to work in any Best Buy (an electronics store in America for those who don't know) for a month and report back on your observations, lol. That EMF-saturated work environment has a funny way of making everyone who works there miserable, selfish, and often overweight. I worked at 3 of them, all the same phenomenon. Besides that, I've got a multimeter to show you!

Haha! I spent most of my time in my dad’s music studio while growing up and worked at the mall so I had my fair share of EMF exposure, yet I was healthy, however, I do believe that you are sensitive to it, it just doesn’t affect me.

Who says it's a problem to believe that health and longevity are complicated!?

I do. 🙋🏻‍♀️ lol Based on what you have mentioned in this thread, you clearly believe stress is bad for health and I got the impression from your original rely to me below that believing health is complicated stressed you:

Amazing! You did it with powdered goat's milk!? What a relief that is to know that our bodies can even use powdered milk for healthful benefit.

If you're going to sling the verse around, at least understand that:

I wasn’t slinging anything. I know what faith is, Twohands. :) Since you’re a man of faith, it seemed to me that if your god forbid you from cooking your food, you would have your answer as to whether or not cooked food was safe to consume, and there would have been no need for you to feel relieved when I said that I healed using powdered goat’s milk because you trust in your god. That’s all. :)
Apr 22, 2019
Right. My point was that you didn’t get worse, you got better, which doesn’t match your belief below:
It's not an ultimatum. Having some food is better than having no food.
Every food could be ranked on a scale from 1-10 in terms of cleanliness or uncleanliness. A perfectly clean food would be utterly natural. Unclean elements often added to food are obvious: gene editing, synthetic chemicals, steroids, etc.

Applying fire to the clean portion of a food will fractionate it for better or worse. Applying fire to the unclean portion of a food will fractionate it for an exponentially worse result than if no fire were applied to it.

Haha! I spent most of my time in my dad’s music studio while growing up and worked at the mall so I had my fair share of EMF exposure, yet I was healthy, however, I do believe that you are sensitive to it, it just doesn’t affect me.
Everyone has a different definition of "healthy," but I'm glad you've resolved it for yourself.

I grew up spending thousands of hours glued to gaming consoles and computer games, lived on coca cola, ramen, and vegetable oil-filled snack cakes and never had any recognition for how EMF affected me until my general health resiliency improved to the point that it has in these last 6 months.

I'm sure you can think of a lackluster habit you cut in the past which, after having left it, returned to it briefly with a new perception of how it affected your cognitive state, dietary habits, heart rate, lifestyle, or any number of things. Common examples that come to mind are energy drinks, alcohol, cigarettes, and weed.

I do. 🙋🏻‍♀️ lol Based on what you have mentioned in this thread, you clearly believe stress is bad for health and I got the impression from your original rely to me below that believing health is complicated stressed you:
I don't think anyone would argue that a eustress is bad for health. That's the entire benefit of physical exercise 101. 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger,' etc. Anyone who has 4,000 messages on this forum of all places should know the difference between a fight-or-flight stress and a healthful one. Assumptions often make things more complicated than they ought to be.
The thought that comes to mind is once I heard Robert Morse answer a question about whether or not a person has to use organic, seeded, non-GMO grapes to see benefit when undertaking a grape fast, and Robert Morse responded with something to the effect of, 'I've seen so many people heal with Walmart grapes it's not even funny. The fruit still has a powerful enough force of life to help a person regardless of what men have done to it.'

And when you say that you were able to gather benefit from powdered milk... I'd call that even a step below pasteurized milk, so then the expression of relief is akin to me saying like, 'That's so cool! I would not have thought that powdered milk could be that powerful on its own despite going through the most processing milk could go through.'

I think the first definition of "relief" in the Webster's 1828 dictionary may offer additional clarity:

RELIE'F, noun

1. The removal, in whole or in part, of any evil that afflicts the body of mind; the removal or alleviation of pain, grief, want, care, anxiety, toil or distress, or of any thing oppressive or burdensome, by which some ease is obtained.

I wasn’t slinging anything. I know what faith is, Twohands. :) Since you’re a man of faith, it seemed to me that if your god forbid you from cooking your food, you would have your answer as to whether or not cooked food was safe to consume, and there would have been no need for you to feel relieved when I said that I healed using powdered goat’s milk because you trust in your god. That’s all. :)
The answer is that He doesn't forbid cooking of food, however He only ordains it for very special occasions, like holidays. When men take it upon themselves to make everyday a holiday, I personally consider that an act of disobedience in itself. I once heard Atom Bergstrom suggest eating 80% of our food raw and 20% of it cooked. The reason was something about keeping our immune system prepared for a wide variety of occasions.
Speaking as a man, I think that is a fair standard to try to adhere to.


Feb 5, 2019
de nada

If the milk from the farm is raw, it's certainly better than grocery store milk. In accordance with the thread linked in the original post explaining the milk fasting protocol, the intestines have to be a certain kind of clean before undergoing the milk fast or else there will be big problems. The writer of the protocol speculates that if milk protein moves too slowly through the bowels that it will cause allergic reactions. I'm personally under the impression that a lot of people have a candida issue from taking pharmaceutical medications, namely antibiotics, in years past, which then causes a type of fungal overgrowth that happily steals lactose, thereby the fungus proliferates and causes symptoms of bloating, stomach upset, diarrhea, and all the rest. Acne is certainly a result of toxic dumping... Whether it's plastics, fractionated oils, mold, or something else coming through the skin, I can only speculate.
OK, I might have done a day or two on fruit before the milk cure, but I didn't do it long enough then. My tongue generally always looks good-once a naturopath even commented that it was the cleanest tongue he'd seen? I had a very good organic childhood for which I'm super grateful and I think that explains my general health being relatively good. The constipation has been part of my constitution as long as I can remember but I never experienced acne until leaving home
Apr 22, 2019
OK, I might have done a day or two on fruit before the milk cure, but I didn't do it long enough then. My tongue generally always looks good-once a naturopath even commented that it was the cleanest tongue he'd seen? I had a very good organic childhood for which I'm super grateful and I think that explains my general health being relatively good. The constipation has been part of my constitution as long as I can remember but I never experienced acne until leaving home
Have you had antibiotics or pharmaceutical medications in appreciable doses in the past? It's possible for antibiotics to wipe out colonic bacteria which results in constipation. The remedies are said to be eating the large intestine of a clean animal, including up to 2 ounces of its included feces with consumption, eating fermented meat, and/or eating clay that has been soaked in raw milk for several hours. All of these things are purported to help restore healthful colonic bacteria which, in turn, will greatly aid problems of constipation.

The other thing that comes to mind is this mention of how to make milk more digestible:

"But there are some babies (and people) who can't even digest raw milk properly for several months. Two ounces of unheated honey and 4 tablespoons of unsalted raw butter blended with a half gallon of raw milk will make the milk digestible."

Excerpt taken from: Baby Food For Mothers Who Can't Breastfeed (Appendix A)


Apr 21, 2014
I really wish i could do this milk fast again. I tried back in 2013 when this lady was raving about it (Raw Milk Fast Do's and Don'ts) and i was worse off after. And i know living on fruit for 2 weeks would wreck me. I wish there was another way to clean the intestines... :(


Nov 21, 2020
One of the reasons why a milk fast can fail is if a person causes their stomach acid to radically increase during the fast. The first time I tried it, on the 3rd day I took some desiccated liver tablets and it basically made me start over again. Bearing in mind that salt (sodium chloride) is a precursor to both sodium bicarbonate and hydrochloric acid (the latter two being digestive juices) I think it would be good advice to abstain from salt during the fast. On the opposite end, magnesium can be alkalizing and may also create a constipating hang-up in its own way. The goal isn't to keep the stomach acid at a certain pH per say, but rather to maintain the stomach acid level which most closely occurs during the digestion of milk.

Seeing as how thyroid supplementation is also an animal tissue which can raise the stomach pH, I'd apply the same principle that I just mentioned about taking desiccated liver tablets to thyroid supplementation. It would probably ruin any potential benefit.
Good point re salt being the building block to stomach acid. I'll begin without it and only add small amounts if necessary. I'm taking Haidut's Tyromix so it's synthetic, and going straight into the blood stream via transdermal absorption. I feel horrible if a miss even a single day of thyroid.
Vitamin D may only be supplemented in the storage form (25 OHD) which operates differently than the active form assimilated by sunlight (125 OHD). If you really want to get your vitamin D up, first fix your adrenal glands so that it can be synthesized, then get all of the necessary nutrients to make it happen, like cholesterol, magnesium, etc... and then don't wash with soap for an entire day to preserve the oil on your skin while allowing that oil to soak up the radiation of the sun to be converted into vitamin D by the next day. Vitamin D as a supplement is like adding another hormone to the mix that throws things off, notably throwing calcium receptors in unknown places which ultimately causes the parathyroid (through PTH secretion) to move calcium out of the bones and into who-knows-which soft tissue. Silly stuff.
Great insights sir, thank you!
Apr 22, 2019
Good point re salt being the building block to stomach acid. I'll begin without it and only add small amounts if necessary. I'm taking Haidut's Tyromix so it's synthetic, and going straight into the blood stream via transdermal absorption. I feel horrible if a miss even a single day of thyroid.

Great insights sir, thank you!
Cool beans. Keep us posted please! Cheers.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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