Slippery Slope SUPPLEMENTS

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"It's best in general to get the B vitamins from regular foods, occasionally with liver, because supplements usually contain contaminants that can cause allergic reactions when they are used for a long time. Other B vitamins that are usually safe for occasional use are B1, niacinamide, and pantothenic acid." -Ray Peat

"Some of the B vitamins, especially B2, can be very allergenic. B6 doesn't affect the others very much; 10 mg per day is a big dose." -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“The good thing about fish oil is that it’s so unstable that most of it doesn’t survive to reach your bloodstream where it would inhibit your thyroid function; so it breaks down into other compounds which are actually toxic, and the first thing you see affected is the immune system. The breakdown products of the spontaneously oxidizing fish oil include acrolein, which is a carcinogen, and ethane which you can measure on the breath after people eat fish oil. But several of these toxic breakdown products are immunosuppressive, so they have an antiinflammatory effect that in the short run makes them seem beneficial.” Ray Peat (audio interview)
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Yes, It is a good one as far as I can tell. I can feel the difference in my heart energy.

Hey Jon, my husband has been taking the hawthorn liquid and has read that it is a diuretic. He has lost some pounds since taking it over the last week, and of course I am worried cause he didn't need to lose any at 6 foot and 173 pounds. Have you notice weight loss with it?


Dec 17, 2020
That's very interesting. I would say my background has some similar elements. I feel good every time I cut out one more supplements.

Its really sick. Before breakfast, I've popped two chromium capsules, memantine, some rosemary tincture, scoop of Lysine, cistanche, vitamin C and sometimes milk thistle.

Last couple of days I've cut out the methylene blue because I began to notice it in the urine. I feel better being off of it. I may or may not continue to use it.
How much MB were you taking to notice that?
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"The myth that free amino acids are “natural nutritional substances” has been used to promote the use of many products besides MSG, including aspartame, chelated minerals, and tryptophan." -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"Acid reflux, or heartburn, occurs when the stomach contents are regurgitated back up the esophagus. This can lead to burning and discomfort in the chest or throat area. It can also cause difficulty swallowing, coughing or nausea. Progesterone is one of many things that can cause or aggravate acid reflux. The hormone causes relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), a ring of muscle in the esophagus that contracts to keep stomach contents from flowing in the wrong direction. If this muscle ring relaxes too much, the contents of the stomach can rise back up the esophagus and cause acid reflux. This is one reason pregnant women get heartburn -- their progesterone levels are elevated."

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I think this is good info for those who suppliment vitamin D.

"Most people regard calcium as the most important mineral for healthy bones. While it is important, magnesium may even be more so! In cases of magnesium deficiency, the bone suffer in the following ways: Vitamin D Absorption
Magnesium is essential for vitamin D to turn on calcium absorption. That’s why magnesium supplementation may be necessary when taking vitamin D (or else levels may become even more depleted). Proper Calcium Use
Magnesium is required to stimulate the hormone calcitonin which draws calcium out of the muscles and tissues and into the bones. This helps explain why magnesium helps lower the risk of osteoporosis, arthritis, kidney stones, and heart attack."

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
This question was raised on Reddit about pylori and his answer was so organic. I his "anti-biotic" really got my attention.....

Why did h. pylori treatment make me feel like I was dying?

Originally Answered: why did h. pylori treatment make me feel like I was dying?

"I am not trained in medicine, but I was treated for H. Pylori 15 years ago, and I have strong opinions based on my experience. In my opinion, H. Pylori is a complete scam, one of many in medicine. You feel like you are dying because you are being poisoned. Just as in cancer chemotherapy, the hope is that the patient outlasts the infectious agent, but both are being poisoned.

I was naive in those days, and followed my doctors advice without doing my own research. After the fact, my research indicated that most people will test positive for H. Pylori, and in the vast majority of cases, it does absolutely no harm. It is supposed to be the immediate cause of stomach ulcers, but unless you actually have ulcers, which can be ascertained by other means, H. Pylori is not harming you. However, it does provide a convenient hook on which your doctor can hang his diagnosis, make you sicker in the long run, and create return business.

Lots of bacteria live in your intestinal tract, and that's a good thing. Your gut is an ecosystem, and the micro-fauna that live there contribute to your digestion. They are currently called pro-biotics, the micro-biome, or my favorite term, gut bugs. The massive anti-biotic treatments you are receiving to kill H. Pylori kill everything else too. This leaves your system open to invasion by harmful infectious agents, destroys your digestive balance, and creates a market for more medicines that mask symptoms, but typically do more harm than good in the long run. See the current controversy over acid reflux and proton pump inhibitors.

Consider raw milk. Being raw it is rife with gut bugs that aid in its digestion. But when it is pasteurized, all the pro-biotics are killed, and helpful enzymes are denatured. When raw milk is left out, it sours into curds and whey. These products are actually healthier than the original milk, because they have been pre-digested by pro-biotics into easily digested foods. But if pasteurized milk is left out, it putrefies into a poisonous mass. All the milk product Salmonella-E.Coli-Listeria, etc. outbreaks have occurred in pasteurized products. In raw milk, the other micro-organisms keep the harmful organisms in check. When the good gut bugs are wiped out, there is nothing to prevent bad gut bugs from taking over if introduced afterwards. Pasteurization is preferable to anthrax, but in the absence of a disease agent, it does absolutely no good, only harm. Even calves fed pasteurized milk from their own mother cows fail to thrive, typically dying of malnutrition before reaching adulthood.

The name alone tells the tale. Anti-biotic means anti-life. Unless you are actually in immediate danger of dying from an infection, you are better off encouraging the growth of pro-biotics rather than poisoning your whole system trying to kill germs. Again, just my opinion, and I'm no doctor. But then again, I'm not trying to get rich off illness either."

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I hadn't heard of using vitamin K topically until reading this by raysputin.


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Apr 6, 2018
This thread is to my point about supplimenting one thing causing an imbalance in another area. In this case it was supplimenting vitamin D & K, which caused a calcium imbalance and real food aka cheese resolved it.

I also had issues with vitamin D inducing insomnia regardless of whether it was oral or topical. I found that in contrast sunlight and rich foods such as dairy would help me sleep better.

The issue with supplements is that they often taken in isolation, taken for too long, overdosed, and all the necessary cofactors cannot be taken into account unless the full scope of nutrition is understood (unlikely so at this time). It’s also easy to cause an imbalance as many nutrients are antagonistic such as copper vs zinc. It’s also difficult to diagnose nutritional deficiencies with standard blood tests as in some cases they can be wildly unreliable. It’s easier in a lab when you can euthanize the entire animal or take tissue biopsies to perform a chemical analysis.

Food sources naturally contain all the cofactors for the purpose of the organism, such as a seed in a fruit or mammalian milk for the growth of babies.

That being said I’ve seen data that plant based foods contain significantly less minerals than in the past due to soil depletion and industrial intensive agricultural practices. I’ve also come across a study in cattle milk showing that their vitamin K content is depleted and varies greatly depending on the region where they are raised, likely again due to soil conditions of their food source.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I also had issues with vitamin D inducing insomnia regardless of whether it was oral or topical. I found that in contrast sunlight and rich foods such as dairy would help me sleep better.

The issue with supplements is that they often taken in isolation, taken for too long, overdosed, and all the necessary cofactors cannot be taken into account unless the full scope of nutrition is understood (unlikely so at this time). It’s also easy to cause an imbalance as many nutrients are antagonistic such as copper vs zinc. It’s also difficult to diagnose nutritional deficiencies with standard blood tests as in some cases they can be wildly unreliable. It’s easier in a lab when you can euthanize the entire animal or take tissue biopsies to perform a chemical analysis.

Food sources naturally contain all the cofactors for the purpose of the organism, such as a seed in a fruit or mammalian milk for the growth of babies.

That being said I’ve seen data that plant based foods contain significantly less minerals than in the past due to soil depletion and industrial intensive agricultural practices. I’ve also come across a study in cattle milk showing that their vitamin K content is depleted and varies greatly depending on the region where they are raised, likely again due to soil conditions of their food source.

A lot of good points bk_ . To your milk point Ray Peat also says allergies to milk can be non-existent in different seasons depending on if the cows are consuming clover in the spring or grass in the summer. So many variables. Again to your point about whole foods let's your body get things in balance, letting it use what it needs and discard what it doesn't. Though milk has a wide variety of nutrition, if you aren't drinking the highest quality then you better have a very diverse diet to fill in cheap milk's shortcomings. I personally justify spending extra on meat and milk by saying to myself, I would rather eat half as much good stuff than twice as much crap. Good to know about topical vitamin D. I only started using it on my husband this past few days. I looked into UVB light this morning, but don't know how it compares to topical D. The morning sun is no doubt the best.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"Chromium 6, the cancer-causing compound that sparked the legal crusade by Erin Brockovich, can be toxic in tiny doses. Brown University scientists have uncovered the unlikely culprit: vitamin C. In new research, the Brown team shows that when vitamin C reacts with even low doses of chromium 6 inside human cells, it creates high levels of cancer-causing DNA damage and mutations."



Sep 23, 2021
Southeast US
I personally don't understand the obsession on this forum with supplementing the fat soluble vitamins and tampering with hormones... seems like a recipe for trouble.

For example, many posts like, "Why does vitamin X cause these terrible symptoms? Do I need more vitamin Y?" How about you stop ingesting unnatural amounts of that particular vitamin and see if you can restore your health with good nutrition and lifestyle habits instead? How many generations before you survived and procreated without taking supplements? I understand we face unique stressors but our understanding of human physiology is still so limited. I don't care how many isolated studies you can cite showing that vitamin Q makes your testes larger...

Right now the only things I supplement are magnesium bicarbonate (seems to help me a lot) and brewer's yeast as it helps my digestion (probably due to B vitamins). I eat liverwurst weekly but that's not really a supplement. I like the idea of sticking with food (even food-based supplements) and herbs for occasional added support.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I personally don't understand the obsession on this forum with supplementing the fat soluble vitamins and tampering with hormones... seems like a recipe for trouble.

For example, many posts like, "Why does vitamin X cause these terrible symptoms? Do I need more vitamin Y?" How about you stop ingesting unnatural amounts of that particular vitamin and see if you can restore your health with good nutrition and lifestyle habits instead? How many generations before you survived and procreated without taking supplements? I understand we face unique stressors but our understanding of human physiology is still so limited. I don't care how many isolated studies you can cite showing that vitamin Q makes your testes larger...

Right now the only things I supplement are magnesium bicarbonate (seems to help me a lot) and brewer's yeast as it helps my digestion (probably due to B vitamins). I eat liverwurst weekly but that's not really a supplement. I like the idea of sticking with food (even food-based supplements) and herbs for occasional added support.

That is EXACTLY how I feel Ciggy! There aren't too many suppliments that HAVEN'T caused me more problems, except brewers yeast, MSM and nettle. Suppliments are like "fast food", a poor substitution for real food because of it's convenience. I feel bad for the people that can't eat the real thing because of allergies and such. Here is my vitamin B12, copper and vitamin A today from beef liver :)


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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"However, according to a January 2013 study in the Asian Journal of Scientific Research, orange peel contains substantial amounts of potassium and calcium, as well as small amounts of magnesium and phosphorus. All of these are essential minerals that the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health recommends consuming on a daily basis.

You're unlikely to get substantial amounts of magnesium or phosphorus from eating orange peels. However, you can obtain a fair amount of potassium and calcium.

Potassium is important for cardiovascular health, and both calcium and potassium are also needed for bone health. Calcium also supports the function of your nervous system cells."

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"After a century of scientific nutrition, public nutritional policies are doing approximately as much harm as good, and they are getting worse faster than they are getting better." -Ray Peat
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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