Need advice on pressure to get my brother vaccinated who has hepatitis c


Mar 21, 2021
My brother was hooked on meth and heroine for about 3 years to the point he was homeless and took him being in jail for about 5 week to get clean which was hell for him since he was detoxing for the first week and finally being clean seemed to have gave him a clear head to not want to drugs anymore.
So he has been staying with me and wanted to drink to the point of being plastered which kept him from wanting to drugs and I have been slowing weening him off to the point him drinking maybe a couple of beers a day. He is 100 times better from when he was on drugs and has been improving a lot since out of jail.

my mom has been pressuring me to get him vaccinated because she says people with hepatitis c do not do well with covid.

For his diet I have been having been feeding him grass fed beef mixed with gelatin and calcium carbonate for hamburgers / tacos that haidut recommended some liver and oysters carrots and avoiding PUFAs. And for supplements vitamin d , allithiamine , taurine, niacinamide, tocovit , sometimes progesterone or pregnenolone , and aspirin.
He takes benadryl to sleep which would help with serotonin and charcoal like twice a week and have given him cyproheptadine and allo pregnenolone a few time to help with depression.
And coconut oil because I heard the study how it help with liver health and since he was drinking and had hepatitis c i thought it would help.
He is doing a lot better but my mom is pressuring me to get him vaxxed because he has hepatitis C.

He is 29 coming off years of drug abuse with hep c. Do I need to worry about Covid with him and who knows if he already had it.
Should he consider getting the vaccine but i think he shiuld focus on healthy living and has the diet and supplements I gave him been ok , should I add stuff ? Retract stuff?

I am no expert but just trying to get him towards a lot of the advice I have seen from the ray peat forums


Aug 1, 2017
sounds youre doing all the right things for your brother so far. id not get the vaxx obviously, esp if hes relatively short term clean

however its worth keeping in mind that relapses can and will most probably happen, so be prepared for that

drug-related forums like are great to check for people reporting about similar situations


Apr 19, 2020
My brother was hooked on meth and heroine for about 3 years to the point he was homeless and took him being in jail for about 5 week to get clean which was hell for him since he was detoxing for the first week and finally being clean seemed to have gave him a clear head to not want to drugs anymore.
So he has been staying with me and wanted to drink to the point of being plastered which kept him from wanting to drugs and I have been slowing weening him off to the point him drinking maybe a couple of beers a day. He is 100 times better from when he was on drugs and has been improving a lot since out of jail.

my mom has been pressuring me to get him vaccinated because she says people with hepatitis c do not do well with covid.

For his diet I have been having been feeding him grass fed beef mixed with gelatin and calcium carbonate for hamburgers / tacos that haidut recommended some liver and oysters carrots and avoiding PUFAs. And for supplements vitamin d , allithiamine , taurine, niacinamide, tocovit , sometimes progesterone or pregnenolone , and aspirin.
He takes benadryl to sleep which would help with serotonin and charcoal like twice a week and have given him cyproheptadine and allo pregnenolone a few time to help with depression.
And coconut oil because I heard the study how it help with liver health and since he was drinking and had hepatitis c i thought it would help.
He is doing a lot better but my mom is pressuring me to get him vaxxed because he has hepatitis C.

He is 29 coming off years of drug abuse with hep c. Do I need to worry about Covid with him and who knows if he already had it.
Should he consider getting the vaccine but i think he shiuld focus on healthy living and has the diet and supplements I gave him been ok , should I add stuff ? Retract stuff?

I am no expert but just trying to get him towards a lot of the advice I have seen from the ray peat forums
I feel for you, and appreciate your efforts. I can't really say what you "should or shouldn't do" regarding the shots or advice for your bro. My neighbour's brother died from the shot, this was even deemed official cause of death by the gov't. (Literally within 2 weeks of the first jab with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS)).
..... no more comment.
I do have experience with treatment for folks with drug abuse/addiction so I will just say that there are Herbal/nutritional formulations out there for Liver that are very effective for liver health. As in hepato-protective milk thistle, L methionine, etc.. Some excellent products are only "practitioner" distributed/sold, but they are concentrated and work. iHerb has the Thorne range which is excellent, but there are others and I should stop here with the products. Acu is also an excellent treatment for liver issues, and addictions in general, I know first hand. Wish you and the bro' the best.


May 13, 2015
My brother was hooked on meth and heroine for about 3 years to the point he was homeless and took him being in jail for about 5 week to get clean which was hell for him since he was detoxing for the first week and finally being clean seemed to have gave him a clear head to not want to drugs anymore.
So he has been staying with me and wanted to drink to the point of being plastered which kept him from wanting to drugs and I have been slowing weening him off to the point him drinking maybe a couple of beers a day. He is 100 times better from when he was on drugs and has been improving a lot since out of jail.

my mom has been pressuring me to get him vaccinated because she says people with hepatitis c do not do well with covid.

For his diet I have been having been feeding him grass fed beef mixed with gelatin and calcium carbonate for hamburgers / tacos that haidut recommended some liver and oysters carrots and avoiding PUFAs. And for supplements vitamin d , allithiamine , taurine, niacinamide, tocovit , sometimes progesterone or pregnenolone , and aspirin.
He takes benadryl to sleep which would help with serotonin and charcoal like twice a week and have given him cyproheptadine and allo pregnenolone a few time to help with depression.
And coconut oil because I heard the study how it help with liver health and since he was drinking and had hepatitis c i thought it would help.
He is doing a lot better but my mom is pressuring me to get him vaxxed because he has hepatitis C.

He is 29 coming off years of drug abuse with hep c. Do I need to worry about Covid with him and who knows if he already had it.
Should he consider getting the vaccine but i think he shiuld focus on healthy living and has the diet and supplements I gave him been ok , should I add stuff ? Retract stuff?

I am no expert but just trying to get him towards a lot of the advice I have seen from the ray peat forums
I want to suggest a couple of videos for your mother to watch:
Dr. Richard Fleming interviewed by Mike Adams:

MUST SEE: Dr. Fleming Warns COVID-19 is an Engineered Bioweapon Colonizing the Body with Spike Protein
and this one:
a recent interview of Dr. Zelenko:

Dr. Zev Zelenko SLAYS Globalists, Exposes "Global Genocidal Event"

The injection is not a "vaccine"; it is a murder weapon.

I have found that thiamine is absolutely critical for health. Thiamine hcl is very safe and has fewer side effects than the allithiamine. It is extremely important for organ health (including the liver) along with the autonomic nervous system function. Helpful information here: HDT Therapy

I think that pregnenolone would be helpful; it's important to be consistent with it and to take enough of it.

Hang in there. Your brother is blessed to have you helping him.


Feb 14, 2020
Firstly, what a lovely brother you are! Having said that, I don't think either of my brothers would let me care for them to the extent you are helping yours.

Why don't you get a supply of Ivermectin and follow the I-MASK + protocol for peace of mind? If you can't find a Dr to prescribe it or locate a supply without it you could go down the road of Horse or Dog Ivermectin (standard wormer ingredient). Just ensure Ivermectin is the only ACTIVE ingredient and measure the dose accordingly.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
Your brother could use MMS (chlorine dioxide) to get rid of hepatitis C:

Another way to help your brother is to do a detox, maybe that clears up his brain. Then if your brother would get a job and gets a brighter outlook on life, then he won't fall back on drugs (or alcohol). What I read is that people self-medicate because the emotional pain is too much to handle. Often, prescription pain killers are causing drug dependency. Following Anthony Robbin's advice is to sit down and write up what you want from life, then things start to change. Let him watch or read 'The Secret', this stuff really works. Maybe he should first read the book and then watch the movie.


Aug 10, 2012
@area51puy Maybe you can find evidence that the inoculations are especially bad for guys with hepatitis and for alcoholics or drug addicts. Former or whatever. It sounds like putting these new therapies into his system would be especially dangerous. He's already in a weakened state and all. He's doing well and you'd hate to see that disrupted.

You could go on the defensive a bti with your mother.... gently but firmly. That's my take. And 12 Step Programs if possible. I don't know how that works with lockdowns and all..
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