Sexuality And Libido Through A Peat Prism


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
I will be trying the BCAAs with protein meals, but this goes to show everyone is different. Nate Dawgh reports good libido with Preg and Prog, but others report tanking. I’ve done Unique E on same days as Aspirin, Caffeine, Taurine, Pregnenalone, B’s, Zinc, and there’s no raging libido. I’ve done Ginsengs, Ashwagandha, Rhodiola, you name it. The only thing left to try for me is lowering serotonin more via BCAA, and some report DHEA helps libido, then maybe Thyroid. Seriously, what else can be left other than Dopamine agonists, or Bupropion for libido? I’m the type of dude who’d develop anxiety from those though, essentially killing libido.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I know this an old post, but what caught my attention is how ironic that SSRIS are used to treat premature ejaculation. Since you say high Serotonin is part of it, well I guess that shows after a while, maybe SSRI lower serotonin, via downregulation.

SSRI can "help" with premature ejaculation by lowering arousal and penile sensitivity. That is not the way to truly treat this issue as it is akin to the rubbing of anesthesia on the penis. Not exactly what one is looking for to experience during sexual activity. Btw, that latter "treatment" is also available in the form of specially lubricated condoms. The issue is systemic, not some local hypersensitivity that needs to be dampened. Anti-anxiety drugs are also helpful, which shows that the issue is with neurotransmitter and hormones and not a local penile one. People with premature ejaculation often are easily startled by loud noise, which is another common symptom of high adrenaline and/or low GABA.


Jun 19, 2016
If BCAA's compete with tryptophan for absorption, doesn't that simply mean a delayed tryptophan absorption and thus an equal end situation? What would otherwise happen to the tryptophan, turned into sugar or something?


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
SSRI can "help" with premature ejaculation by lowering arousal and penile sensitivity. That is not the way to truly treat this issue as it is akin to the rubbing of anesthesia on the penis. Not exactly what one is looking for to experience during sexual activity. Btw, that latter "treatment" is also available in the form of specially lubricated condoms. The issue is systemic, not some local hypersensitivity that needs to be dampened. Anti-anxiety drugs are also helpful, which shows that the issue is with neurotransmitter and hormones and not a local penile one. People with premature ejaculation often are easily startled by loud noise, which is another common symptom of high adrenaline and/or low GABA.

So, one should aim to lower adrenaline, and boost GABA ? I’m unsure if I buy that, as I’ve tried combination supplements to do both, prior to sex. No change, lol. Pelvic floor tension and controlling that through deep breathing all the way down there, is improved with Magnesium. That’s a natural muscle relaxer, but I don’t know how much of this is truly muscles vs neurotransmitters.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
So, one should aim to lower adrenaline, and boost GABA ? I’m unsure if I buy that, as I’ve tried combination supplements to do both, prior to sex. No change, lol. Pelvic floor tension and controlling that through deep breathing all the way down there, is improved with Magnesium. That’s a natural muscle relaxer, but I don’t know how much of this is truly muscles vs neurotransmitters.

Have you tried clonidine? It's primary effects are lowering of adrenaline and cortisol and apparently it works magic on premature ejaculation. The effects are not the same as beta blockers, so it should not be compared to those drugs but some people have also found benefit from the beta blockers.


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
I can see how Clonidine would work for ejaculatory reflexes that are guns blazing out the gate. It’s used as an non opioid alternative to Methodone for heroin withdrawal, so it calms down a hyperactive State.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
Ray would stay away from anything that contains silicon dioxide (silica). He said it's analogous to drinking powdered glass.
Please @haidut, do you know if there is a way how I can minimize the harm from silicon dioxide? I found that my favourite product contains it. Thank you.


New Member
Feb 6, 2018
Hi there,

my libido is rather low. When I take 800 IU or more of vitamin e, the rest of the day my libido completely dissappears und it's almost impossible to achieve an erection. What does this say about my situation? What should I try to increase libido?


Feb 16, 2018
@haidut people are saying you're bs'ing.
The only thing that's going to positively modulate testosterone in that stack is Taurine, and perhaps zinc if he was deficient. The best case for taurine is a doubling of (rat) levels. Whether or not that's applicable to humans is an open question. Speaking of which, I question the 1,500 figure. Most males will show 1,500 when they're on around 300mg of test (cypionate, enanthate etc).

You're not going to get that high with a supplement. How old was this guy? I could see such high levels maybe in a teenager, but then again they have no business/need to take a test booster. So we must assume this guy is out of his teenage years, had reason to believe his test needed boosting and... I'm sorry, I'm with the other people here. He was likely shooting test...


Jul 29, 2015
Hmm. Who do i lean towards in credibility? Georgetown graduate/former Division 1 athlete/
entrepreneur or degenerates who discuss using steroids all day long?
Bodybuilding forums are a great place to hang out if you want to know what it's like to feel your brain melt.
Nothing against bodybuilding at all, but I wouldn't exactly call the average Misc or anabolicminds forum member Mensa material...


Apr 21, 2018
Steroid forums are always gem on top of gem. Guys over there don’t understand how they overtrain like crazy, resort to overdosing drugs like crazy, and blame genetics when ***t hits the fan. But it’s all in the name of muscles that won’t be maintained without said drugs so it’s all good, right!

That being said a natural total Test >1500 ng/dl is truly impressive, I’d have loved to see LH-FSH-DHT-e2-SHBG numbers although judging by OP’s report everything would have been optimal. Simple curiosity. It’s like all the cholesterol went straight to DHEA&T and no further metabolites, whilst supplying proper gluco- and mineralocorticoids. Beautiful liver.

More generally. I don’t see what could go wrong in the context of:
- proper stress management first and foremost
- high potassium and magnesium diet
- balanced calcium, sodium, iron, copper and zinc intakes (cronometer helps a ton)
- low fat... I think unsaturated may be better than saturated although not a popular opinion here
- high carbohydrates avoiding problematic grains
- high plant intake, whole food low muscle-meat (more organ, gelatin) and nutrient dense
- sufficient but not over the top protein intake
- enough calories although I don’t really keep track provided I’m above my RMR


Nov 22, 2017
Steroid forums are always gem on top of gem. Guys over there don’t understand how they overtrain like crazy, resort to overdosing drugs like crazy, and blame genetics when ***t hits the fan. But it’s all in the name of muscles that won’t be maintained without said drugs so it’s all good, right!

That being said a natural total Test >1500 ng/dl is truly impressive, I’d have loved to see LH-FSH-DHT-e2-SHBG numbers although judging by OP’s report everything would have been optimal. Simple curiosity. It’s like all the cholesterol went straight to DHEA&T and no further metabolites, whilst supplying proper gluco- and mineralocorticoids. Beautiful liver.

More generally. I don’t see what could go wrong in the context of:
- proper stress management first and foremost
- high potassium and magnesium diet
- balanced calcium, sodium, iron, copper and zinc intakes (cronometer helps a ton)
- low fat... I think unsaturated may be better than saturated although not a popular opinion here
- high carbohydrates avoiding problematic grains
- high plant intake, whole food low muscle-meat (more organ, gelatin) and nutrient dense
- sufficient but not over the top protein intake
- enough calories although I don’t really keep track provided I’m above my RMR

What makes you say that you believe unsaturated fats are superior out of interest? Experience/studies etc?


Apr 21, 2018
Most studies are about people going too high in saturated fats. So rest assured it should be fine if you stick to the standard of less than 10% of calories from SFA. To be fully honest with you my personal preference goes toward MCTs which should deserve much more research in the field of nutrition (in large populations)

I dislike PUFAs just like anyone else (although I’m not against a bit of arachidonic acid and EPA/DHA, but less than 5g a day if possible), however MUFAs have some very interesting properties with regards to the cholesterol metabolism, inflammation, insulin sensitivity, cognition, mood. I’m not saying one is meh and the other is far superior. They are all very important.

That being said and to answer your question better I’d get to what the body makes out of saturated fats >>> MUFAs (oleic and palmitoleic) thanks to the SCD1 in the liver.

I dislike using Wikipedia to prove a point but it’s 10pm and I’m tired:

Monounsaturated fatty acids, the products of SCD-1 catalyzed reactions, can serve as substrates for the synthesis of various kinds of lipids, including phospholipids, triglycerides, and can also be used as mediators in signal transduction and differentiation. Because MUFAs are heavily utilized in cellular processes, variation in SCD activity in mammals is expected to influence physiological variables, including cellular differentiation, insulin sensitivity, metabolic syndrome, atherosclerosis, cancer, and obesity. SCD-1 deficiency results in reduced adiposity, increased insulin sensitivity, and resistance to diet-induced obesity.

So there, take home point, MUFAs are very important, SCD activity can vary, making people reacting differently to SFA intake.

It’s funny because medicine is already trying to control SCD so that people can keep eating a high fat high carbs diet


Feb 26, 2018
Kind of interesting.. i randomly took 500mg of adenosyl cobalamin today ( Vitamin B 12) because i thought i could help me study and 30 minutes later my libido was through the roof and also felt much more confident ...
Through which mechansims could adenosyl-b12 induce those feelings ?
Maybe it has to with me having had diarrhea and constipation for the last 4 weeks (finally over now) and therefore losing b12 through the stool. or loosing the kind of bacteria that produce b12 in the gut...
Im gonna try to reproduce the findings tomorrow .


Sep 1, 2017
Kind of interesting.. i randomly took 500mg of adenosyl cobalamin today ( Vitamin B 12) because i thought i could help me study and 30 minutes later my libido was through the roof and also felt much more confident ...
Through which mechansims could adenosyl-b12 induce those feelings ?
Maybe it has to with me having had diarrhea and constipation for the last 4 weeks (finally over now) and therefore losing b12 through the stool. or loosing the kind of bacteria that produce b12 in the gut...
Im gonna try to reproduce the findings tomorrow .
You need to try to repeat this, might be a coincidence.

Have you had the impression that having sex increases your libido vs abstinence or masturbation?
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