Sexuality And Libido Through A Peat Prism



Jul 22, 2012
I hope this lack of posts doesn't indicate
that all of us Peatians are
without sex and libido. :shock:

Well, for starters,
I wonder how many of us Peatatarians
have trouble with sexuality and libido.

Also, I wonder how many of us
come from a background of
low-carb/high-protein dieting,
like the "caveman diet" or "Protein Power," or "Paleo" or "Primal"
(depending on the variant).

I'm wondering....


Aug 28, 2012
narouz said:
I hope this lack of posts doesn't indicate
that all of us Peatians are
without sex and libido. :shock:

Well, for starters,
I wonder how many of us Peatatarians
have trouble with sexuality and libido.

Also, I wonder how many of us
come from a background of
low-carb/high-protein dieting,
like the "caveman diet" or "Protein Power," or "Paleo" or "Primal"
(depending on the variant).

I'm wondering....

Let me tell you that after years of bodybuildng and AAS use that libido was very on and off for me. I noitced a good increase in libido a few months in (before the thyroid supplementation) and it is continually improving since playing around with thryroid. I feel I will be back to my teenage years with a bit more persistence. :D


Jul 22, 2012
nwo2012 said:
narouz said:
I hope this lack of posts doesn't indicate
that all of us Peatians are
without sex and libido. :shock:

Well, for starters,
I wonder how many of us Peatatarians
have trouble with sexuality and libido.

Also, I wonder how many of us
come from a background of
low-carb/high-protein dieting,
like the "caveman diet" or "Protein Power," or "Paleo" or "Primal"
(depending on the variant).

I'm wondering....

Let me tell you that after years of bodybuildng and AAS use that libido was very on and off for me. I noitced a good increase in libido a few months in (before the thyroid supplementation) and it is continually improving since playing around with thryroid. I feel I will be back to my teenage years with a bit more persistence. :D

I will be eagerly await reports, nwo!
I know you were/are into bodybuilding (what is AAS?),
but what about your diet before going Peatian?
I guess what you're saying, maybe, is that your libido's ups and downs
have been more clearly linked with your bodybuilding and related supplementation
than with any specific kind of diet...?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Narouz, AAS= Anabolic Androgenic Steroids. :robot


Feeling like 12 again with spontaneous erections here and there and everywhere.


Jul 22, 2012
gummybear said:
Feeling like 12 again with spontaneous erections here and there and everywhere.

Could you give us the details?
Not of the erections :eek: , but of your life, diet, etc:
How long you been on the Peat diet?
What kind of diet before?
What kind of sexual dysfunction before the Peat thing?
Could you roughly describe your Peat diet?

Sorry to pry. :oops:


narouz said:
gummybear said:
Feeling like 12 again with spontaneous erections here and there and everywhere.

Could you give us the details?
Not of the erections :eek: , but of your life, diet, etc:
How long you been on the Peat diet?
What kind of diet before?
What kind of sexual dysfunction before the Peat thing?
Could you roughly describe your Peat diet?

Sorry to pry. :oops:


I've been on this for about a month.

Before, just average joe I guess. I've had depressions for many years and tried alot of things to cure it. It was last year that I started reading more about nutrition. I was just tired of being suicidal really. And my doctors couldn't help me.

No big interest in the other sex really, I could lie in the same bed with a top notch woman and my warrior wouldn't respond, due to my depression I guess.

Milk is the main thing for me, 50-60% of my diet is milk. The rest is orange juice, cheese, meat like 2 times a week. Coffee 3 times a day. I try to have carrots every day, just to eat some on the go or make a salad with some cheese and shrimps. And of course...gummy bears for the gelatin :rockout


Oct 2, 2012
hi all - first time poster, just getting started with the peat style of things.

Bit of background - messed myself up 18 months ago with overtraining and calorie restriction, body temperature since been in the 96's to low 97's, testosterone very low (280 -I'm a 26 year old guy!) Libido non existent, dry eyes, fatigue etc this all coming from previously being a semi professional athlete so it has been even harder to take.

My FT3 and Ft4 numbers are both fine by my RT3 is way high.

Anyway, not exercised or restricted calories in any way since my crash 18 months ago but don't seem to have recovered. My diet has been very high however in nuts and nut butters, along with cruciferous vegetables (albeit cooked into a soup) and I'm wondering if this Peat thing is my ticket to good health.

How long before you noticed the positive effects occurring if you don't mind me asking gummy?


qwerty42 said:
hi all - first time poster, just getting started with the peat style of things.

Bit of background - messed myself up 18 months ago with overtraining and calorie restriction, body temperature since been in the 96's to low 97's, testosterone very low (280 -I'm a 26 year old guy!) Libido non existent, dry eyes, fatigue etc this all coming from previously being a semi professional athlete so it has been even harder to take.

My FT3 and Ft4 numbers are both fine by my RT3 is way high.

Anyway, not exercised or restricted calories in any way since my crash 18 months ago but don't seem to have recovered. My diet has been very high however in nuts and nut butters, along with cruciferous vegetables (albeit cooked into a soup) and I'm wondering if this Peat thing is my ticket to good health.

How long before you noticed the positive effects occurring if you don't mind me asking gummy?

I noticed it the second week, I thought it was just bs but I was curious. I first noticed the change in energy, I felt like the duracell bunny. Massive increase in libido right after that. Life seemed a bit better, I was thinking of new projects, women started to get intresting etc etc.


qwerty42 said:
Thanks that gives me some hope. Been feeling like giving up on it all myself so good to read its worked for you.

Would you mind giving me a quick run down of your diet? Are you pretty strict?

Have you tracked body temperature?

Glad to hear that. I was looking for years after a solution to cure my depression. To me it was alot to exit the matrix we are living under. And to create more trust in myself, our appetite is amazing when we think about it.

No I dont feel I'm that strict. I try to drink as much milk as I can, (milk good for our mood). What else do I try to 2-3times a day. OJ like a 0,5 liter every day. Meat 2 times a week...carrots as often as I remember. And thats all. Avoid Pufas, processed food, everything that damage your thyroid.

Report in a month ;)


And my orgasms is far far better now, alot stronger and more fulfilling.


Jul 22, 2012
gummybear said:
No big interest in the other sex really, I could lie in the same bed with a top notch woman and my warrior wouldn't respond, due to my depression I guess.

Your "warrior"...?
You must be referring to your "animal flower." :eek:

Just kiddin' gummybear.
Thank you very much for that info.
Somewhat off track here I guess,
but from your description
it would seem that your Peat diet is
mostly liquid...?


narouz said:
gummybear said:
No big interest in the other sex really, I could lie in the same bed with a top notch woman and my warrior wouldn't respond, due to my depression I guess.

Your "warrior"...?
You must be referring to your "animal flower." :eek:

Just kiddin' gummybear.
Thank you very much for that info.
Somewhat off track here I guess,
but from your description
it would seem that your Peat diet is
mostly liquid...?

Hehe yes my animal flower. Don't ask if it is soft and firm :D

Yeah mostly liquid. Milk around 3-4 liters. Coffee, oj, carrots, fish and meat 3-4times a week.


Aug 28, 2012
gummybear said:
narouz said:
gummybear said:
No big interest in the other sex really, I could lie in the same bed with a top notch woman and my warrior wouldn't respond, due to my depression I guess.

Your "warrior"...?
You must be referring to your "animal flower." :eek:

Just kiddin' gummybear.
Thank you very much for that info.
Somewhat off track here I guess,
but from your description
it would seem that your Peat diet is
mostly liquid...?

Hehe yes my animal flower. Don't ask if it is soft and firm :D

Yeah mostly liquid. Milk around 3-4 liters. Coffee, oj, carrots, fish and meat 3-4times a week.

Good diet. I prefer more cheese than milk but otherwise quite similar.
Yes Narouz it was a combination of throwing off my whole HTPA when using anabolics over long periods of time. I was eating the lean meats and mostly rice, potatoes and oats for carbs, typical of bodybuilders. When I gave up the drugs, I continued to train and eat (but less volume) in a similar fashion and then came the dip in my libido. a year passed and then I was on the whole organic eating, no chemicals etc and basically did a WAPF/Mercola type diet. The libido stayed the same as post bodybuilding, very hit and miss. It was only after changing to the 'Peat' way that the libido has been steadily returning to a much more stable version. And this continually improved the longer I have been on the Peat method. And then when I began thyroid and pregnenolone supplementation I have noticed another improvement and now I am back getting morning erections again etc which had been absent since coming off the AAS.

So in a nutshell Peat methodology is fixing many issues I inflicted on myself. :D


New Member
Oct 31, 2012
I knew there would be a topic like this somewhere. Always an interesting subject to touch upon.

Anyhow, I am just going to share my part for this discussion. I've been living the Peat lifestyle for about a month now. Before, I was Paleo with almost no sugar at all. I have never had any sexual problems before and I am 25 years old. Anyhow, I don't know if this is appropriate, but I masturbate almost daily once or twice (mainly before bed) and I have morning wood quite frequently. I don't know if this is excessive or not but maybe I should limit it to 2-3 times a week. What are your thoughts?

P.S. For people who are struggling with low libido, I strongly believe if you keep your zinc levels high, your libido will improve.


Jul 22, 2012
khoidn87 said:
I knew there would be a topic like this somewhere. Always an interesting subject to touch upon.

Anyhow, I am just going to share my part for this discussion. I've been living the Peat lifestyle for about a month now. Before, I was Paleo with almost no sugar at all. I have never had any sexual problems before and I am 25 years old. Anyhow, I don't know if this is appropriate, but I masturbate almost daily once or twice (mainly before bed) and I have morning wood quite frequently. I don't know if this is excessive or not but maybe I should limit it to 2-3 times a week. What are your thoughts?

P.S. For people who are struggling with low libido, I strongly believe if you keep your zinc levels high, your libido will improve.

Interesting khoidn87.

I have a friend who,
before he started taking antidepressants and anti-anxiety pills
and also sleeping pills and high blood pressure pills,
would try to have sex and/or masturbate 3 times a day. :shock:
He would masturbate in the morning before trying to get his wife
to have sex around mid-day;
he explained to me that the moring masturbation was to relieve the pressure
so that if his wife rejected his overtures later
he would not feel so desperately rejected. :roll:

This guy smokes non-stop
and drinks a lot
and eats a Lot of meat...and not special meat either,
just commercial stuff.

Never have known what to make of him from a Peatian viewpoint.

I also used to know a couple of women
who had extremely heavy periods
and very high sex drives.
In fact, one would pre-screen boyfriends by telling them
that during certain days or weeks of the month
that the selectable boyfriend Must have sex with her every day.
These women were also very aggressive.
Not just sexually but generally.
One was a girlfriend of mine and
during certain phases of the month I kinduv lived in fear
because she had so much aggressive tension/energy
I knew some of it at least was bound to come my way.
It didn't help matters at all when my libido started crashing
and I couldn't deliver very well.
These girls' diets were sortuv just omnivorous, non-junk.
One was a vegetarian--the pre-screening one.
The other was very proud of her only dietary dictum: moderation.

I've wondered about those girls from a Peat viewpoint.
Peat has said that in some instances excess estrogen
causes sexual insatiability.
I'd like to see all of the above people's pertinent Peatian labwork.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
After about 2 years of almost incessant researching and reading Peat's books, articles, and interviews I put together a formula that seems to work pretty well for me. The explanation is simple - focus on diet and supplements that reduce prolactin, reduce serotonin, reduce estrogen, increase dopamine, increase testosterone, lower cortisol. So, my ingredients are as follows:

1. About 140g of protein daily in divided doses. My protein is a mix I make. I ordered some pure whey, pure casein, and pure gelatin powder. Both the whey and casein I order say on the label they have no added tryptophan and cysteine, which is important because most commercial whey and casein do have those two amino acids added on top of what is naturally present in the protein itself. The label also lists the amount of each amino acid in 100g of protein and both tryptophan and cystein are very low. I make a mixture of about 70g that I take in the morning and evening for a total of 140g. The mixture is as follows: 20g whey, 20g casein, 30g gelatin. I mix that powder dry and then use a tablespoon to ingest it and chase down with some orange juice.
2. Supplements: vitamin E (lowers both prolactin and estrogen), zinc (lowers both prolactin and estrogen), vitamin B6 (lowers prolactin and in old studies from the 1970s seems to be acting as an agonist of dopamine "receptors", BCAA (compete with tryptophan for transport into the brain so taking them lowers serotonin to achieve an effect similar to that magical substance RP mentions called P-chloro-phenylalanine), Magnesium (improves excretion of estrogen from the body). Dosage: 30mg zinc (as zinc gluconate), 5 mg B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride), 2000mg mixed tocoherols (not a typo - yes I mean 2000mg and not 2000IU), 3500mg BCAA.
The studies on the effects of tocopherol, zinc, and B6 on estrogen, prolactin, etc I already posted in my other posts. Here are the studies on BCAA depleting serotonin, and if combined with phenylalanine and tyrosine (from the 140g of protein) increasing dopamine:
Large neutral amino acids: dietary effects on brain neurochemistry and function. - PubMed - NCBI
Evidence that the branched-chain amino acid L-valine prevents exercise-induced release of 5-HT in rat hippocampus. - PubMed - NCBI
Branched-chain amino acids alter neurobehavioral function in rats. - PubMed - NCBI
Effects of high-dose large neutral amino acid supplementation on exercise, motor skill, and mental performance in Australian Rules Football players. - PubMed - NCBI
A comparison of the effects of intravenous infusion of individual branched-chain amino acids on blood amino acid levels in man. - PubMed - NCBI
Diminished central fatigue by inhibition of the L-system transporter for the uptake of tryptophan. - PubMed - NCBI
Leucine and tryptophan metabolism in rats.
http://intl-physiologyonline.physiology ... 5/260.full
Effect of L-Leucine-Supplemented Diet on the Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Content of Rat Liver | The Journal of Nutrition | Oxford Academic
Effect of total hepatectomy and administration of branched-chain amino acids on regional norepinephrine, dopamine, and amino acids in rat brain.

I did some blood tests too. Total testosterone was above 1500ng/dl, which is the highest the lab equipment would measure. So mine was higher but they could not determine how high. A level of 900ng/dl is considered very high and the upper limit for modern males. I am not sure I'd recommend this state of affairs as something to be maintained long term considering T easily aromatizes when it stays elevated for a few days. I just did it as an experiment that what I learned from Peat and my other sources does work as intended.
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