Senomyx, Vaccines & Coke WHAT?!!

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Here is what vaxxers are injecting into themselves every year!


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Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
So my husband had a tetanus shot in August of last year and immediately had health problems afterward. Pina said the same thing happened to her after a tetanus shot and both of them are still suffering terribly. I have been trying to figure out the formula to undoing the horrific pain that it has caused my husband and traced it to the glutamic acid in vaccines! He has a glutamate intolerance and now since the vaccine any glutimates sends him to the hospital! He can barely bend over and a cough sends him in pain to his knees. Here in the chart of glutimates I found with vaccines listed! If anyone suspects they have a glutimate intolerance or allergy to MSG you better get your doctor to give you a medical exemption from ANY further vaccines fast!
isnt glutamine an essential amino acid, if you do have an excess arent there other amino acids that help to deplete it. not sure which ones maybe gelatin or bcaa
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
isnt glutamine an essential amino acid, if you do have an excess arent there other amino acids that help to deplete it. not sure which ones maybe gelatin or bcaa

Don't know too much about it yet. I am experimenting the last two days with GABA. Some people are sensitive to glutimates, like histamines, which are good too. It is a too much of a good thing turning bad.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
This employee of Pfizer says their is a toxic substance called Luciferase in the vaccine to make our cells glow. Interesting name for the substace.

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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Pina posted this elsewhere....

“HEK stands for human embryonic kidney. To harvest a viable embryonic kidney for this purpose, sufficiently healthy children old enough to have adequately-developed kidneys must be removed from the womb, alive, typically by cesarean section, and have their kidneys cut out. This must take place without anesthesia for the child, which [anesthesia] would lessen the viability of the organs. Instead of being held, rocked, and comforted in the time intervening between their birth and their death, they have organs cut out of them alive.”

“There is no way that a spontaneous abortion could result in the cell line (as the kidneys cannot remain viable past the brief window in which they must be harvested) or that some brilliant researcher found a way for great good to come out of a rare tragedy by making use of a child’s body donated to science after it was aborted. The deliberate killing of an unwanted child (a little girl, in the case of HEK 293) took place in the tortuous manner it did precisely to obtain her organs for research. The harvest of her organs was the direct cause of her death, prior to which, she was a living child, outside the womb.”


Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Pina posted this elsewhere....

“HEK stands for human embryonic kidney. To harvest a viable embryonic kidney for this purpose, sufficiently healthy children old enough to have adequately-developed kidneys must be removed from the womb, alive, typically by cesarean section, and have their kidneys cut out. This must take place without anesthesia for the child, which [anesthesia] would lessen the viability of the organs. Instead of being held, rocked, and comforted in the time intervening between their birth and their death, they have organs cut out of them alive.”

“There is no way that a spontaneous abortion could result in the cell line (as the kidneys cannot remain viable past the brief window in which they must be harvested) or that some brilliant researcher found a way for great good to come out of a rare tragedy by making use of a child’s body donated to science after it was aborted. The deliberate killing of an unwanted child (a little girl, in the case of HEK 293) took place in the tortuous manner it did precisely to obtain her organs for research. The harvest of her organs was the direct cause of her death, prior to which, she was a living child, outside the womb.”

doesnt injecting a protein make you allergic to it, so if elites were actually consuming human organs/blood etc, they wouldnt be able to do so if they were getting vaccines!
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
isnt glutamine an essential amino acid, if you do have an excess arent there other amino acids that help to deplete it. not sure which ones maybe gelatin or bcaa

Glutimates are a big problem for a lot of people and the reactions they get are more severe and life threatening...

"MSG has been associated with various forms of toxicity (Figure 1(Fig. 1)). MSG has been linked with obesity, metabolic disorders, Chinese Restaurant Syndrome, neurotoxic effects and detrimental effects on the reproductive organs. Table 1(Tab. 1) shows products containing substances that result in the release of glutamic metabolites after ingestion. The purpose of this editorial is to shed light on MSG toxicity and the possible threat it poses to public health."

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"It’s true that such cells have been used either in the testing or development and production of COVID-19 vaccines. The cells are grown in a laboratory and were derived from a few elective abortions performed more than three decades ago. These same cell lines are also used to test and advance our understanding of several routine drugs, including acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and aspirin, and they continue to be used for treatment research in diseases such as Alzheimer’s and hypertension."

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"Senomyx is an American biotech firm that creates additives that change how our food tastes and smells, which sounds a little sketchy to me. They do this by mapping the tongue and using their technology to understand what chemicals trigger our taste buds. Senomyx has created a product of artificial and natural additives that they hope will transform the foods we eat and drink. Big Food industries think this may help in the battle to reduce sugar and calories in your favorite not-so-healthy choices. Sweetmyx is not a sweetener; instead it works by enhancing the sweet taste of sugar or other artificial sweeteners, which allows manufacturers to reduce the amount of sweeteners used in any given food or beverage."

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
doesnt injecting a protein make you allergic to it, so if elites were actually consuming human organs/blood etc, they wouldnt be able to do so if they were getting vaccines!
This does not make sense, for two reasons, one ingesting human blood or meat would be no different than eating a beef, both are proteins. Secondly injecting a protein is the same as getting a blood transfusion.

“Human blood serum contains about 7 percent protein, two-thirds of which is in the albumin fraction; the other third is in the globulin fraction. Electrophoresis of serum reveals a large albumin peak and three smaller globulin peaks, the alpha-, beta-, and gamma-globulins.”


Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
This does not make sense, for two reasons, one ingesting human blood or meat would be no different than eating a beef, both are proteins. Secondly injecting a protein is the same as getting a blood transfusion.

“Human blood serum contains about 7 percent protein, two-thirds of which is in the albumin fraction; the other third is in the globulin fraction. Electrophoresis of serum reveals a large albumin peak and three smaller globulin peaks, the alpha-, beta-, and gamma-globulins.”

But blood transfusions should not be done in the first place.
There are certain ticks which if they bite you, you get red meat allergy.
Theres many people with dairy or egg sensitivities due to vaccines that contain those proteins.
Peat himself said that animals in experiments are made allergic to proteins by injecting them with them.
Blood transfusions might make you allergic only to consuming human blood. But i dont think theyre healthy or advisable anyway
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
But blood transfusions should not be done in the first place.
There are certain ticks which if they bite you, you get red meat allergy.
Theres many people with dairy or egg sensitivities due to vaccines that contain those proteins.
Peat himself said that animals in experiments are made allergic to proteins by injecting them with them.
Blood transfusions might make you allergic only to consuming human blood. But i dont think theyre healthy or advisable anyway

I know nothing about blood transfusions as far as anything Ray Peat has said. Could you please post references of the things you know from Peat? As I have talked about in many posts, for many reasons, I would be devastated to find myself in a situation where I have to have someone else’s blood put in me. I would hope and pray I would win the lottery and get a healthy AND happy person’s blood.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I know nothing about blood transfusions as far as anything Ray Peat has said. Could you please post references of the things you know from Peat? As I have talked about in many posts, for many reasons, I would be devastated to find myself in a situation where I have to have someone else’s blood put in me. I would hope and pray I would win the lottery and get a healthy AND happy person’s blood.
He doesnt advise them unless theres severe blood loss or need. If the blood transfusion only makes you allergic to consuming human meat or blood it shouldn’t matter. I think he had a comment of blood donors often being much healthier than recipients
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
He doesnt advise them unless theres severe blood loss or need. If the blood transfusion only makes you allergic to consuming human meat or blood it shouldn’t matter. I think he had a comment of blood donors often being much healthier than recipients
Well sure RP recommends getting rid of our blood, especially for iron purposes. I don’t know any other reason for getting a blood transfusion than for emergency purposes, except possibly exchanging old blood for young blood.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Rinse & rePEAT
“Do you think there could be any benefits for exchanging out old blood for young blood?”

“Yes, but also risks of catching diseases.”
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
David PS posted this elsewhere today…


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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I wonder if they were forced to disclose this information?


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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“In what it called a “commercial milestone,” the local flavor company, Senomyx, announced in an Aug. 28 press release that beverage giant PepsiCo would soon begin adding the new ingredient to two of its soft drinks — Manzanita Sol, nationwide, and Mug Root Beer, in two test markets in the United States.

Sweetmyx S617 is one of the food industry’s answers to our nation’s unhealthy obsession with sugar. The artificial ingredient, one of several similar additives developed by Senomyx, helps food and beverage companies reduce the calorie content of their products by amplifying the sweetness of sugar and other sweeteners.

The upshot: Companies like Pepsi can use less sugar or high fructose corn syrup in their products without sacrificing taste.

While Senomyx’s “sweetness enhancers” could be an important tool to help the nation fight obesity, some scientists and consumer groups wonder how much is really known about their safety.

The ingredients have never been reviewed for safety by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Senomyx, like many other companies that develop food ingredients, has avoided government oversight by using a loophole in a 57-year-old federal law that allows its industry to essentially police itself.

Some scientists critical of Senomyx’s decision to bypass the FDA said the company’s sweetness enhancers have not been adequately studied to determine if they may cause certain health problems.

These scientists aren’t saying Senomyx’s ingredients are unsafe — but they’re worried that there isn’t enough data available to prove that they are safe.

Lisa Lefferts, a scientist at the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a Washington, D.C.-based consumer advocacy group, said she analyzed studies completed for four of Senomyx’s sweetness enhancers, including Sweetmyx S617.

“None of the four we examined met the FDA testing recommendations,” Lefferts said. “It’s really a shame that these substances haven’t been tested adequately and that they haven’t gone through the proper pre-market approval procedures, because they really have the potential to help reduce sugar consumption, which would have a wonderful benefit to the public’s health.”

Lefferts and others are especially concerned because these ingredients could eventually become widely popular in American diets — and people would not even know they are consuming them.“

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“An analysis by the Center for Science in the Public Interest found that three of the four sweetness enhancers were missing a handful of recommended tests, including cancer studies, reproduction studies and screens to test how ingredients affect the nervous system. The other enhancer, Sweetmyx S617, appeared to be missing one study on reproductive toxicity.”
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