Senomyx, Vaccines & Coke WHAT?!!


Mar 29, 2016
I sound like a lot of work and expense.
Since I don't make magbicarb anymore, nor need carbogen, nor really needed the CO2 bath (could be wrong as I really haven't found time to use it to really evaluate), it's not really needed.

The more healthy metabolism-wise, the less this is needed.

But when I was new to the forum, CO2 was a big deal to me and I didn't understand whether I needed it or not. As I learn more and as I realize that exogenous CO2 is really only for people with poor sugar metabolism, I realized I really don't need it. I don't need Buteyko either, and I don't need to even learn to breathe if my body is in balance. All I needed was to make sure I can make my own CO2, and I can if if have good sugar metabolism. Good sugar metabolism ensures good acid-base balance as well.

My health actually worsened taking in bicarbonates, as it turned my body alkaline.

But I count it as learning and it's not wasted.


Oct 21, 2013
Just when you think you've read the label before eating something, and you voted to stand up for things you believe in, you find more disturbing information that shakes up the world you are already having a hard time trying keep up with!

I have read recently that Catholics, because of their religious beliefs, are refusing Covid vaccinations because they are made from stem cells of aborted fetuses. That was news to me!

I passed that shocker on to my son, then he gave me an even bigger shocker! These same fetuses, from the 70's and 80's, are still being used! Their cells have been extracting and multiplied so many times since it was killed, that now they are using those many multiplied cells, clones I imagine, to make snacks more flavorful. Dear God, literally!!

"Fetal cell lines are cells that grow in a laboratory. They descend from cells taken from elective abortions in the 1970s and 1980s. Those individual cells from the 1970s and 1980s have since multiplied into many new cells over the past four or five decades, creating fetal cell lines. Current fetal cell lines are thousands of generations removed from the original fetal tissue. They do not contain any tissue from a fetus."

Senomyx is the company that has taken advantage of those aborted babies. I am sure many were soothed with the rationalization that it would save many lives, but just like George Orwell's "Animal Farm", there was just more rationalizing until the pigs ran the show. If all of that isn't controversial enough, these same dead babies, who involuntarily gave up their lives to supposedly save lives, are now being used to make our snacks tastier!

Of course the profiteers couldn't be left out of the ill gotten fortune! The link below has a very long list of brands we have trusted, even as being "All Natural" to profiting from Synomx dead baby technology. The irony that Gerber is using it, babies eating babies? My mind is seriously blown! Really Aquafina? Quaker Oatmeal? Haagen Daz? ?

"Vaccine makers may use these fetal cell lines in any of the following three stages of vaccine development:

Development: Identifying what works

Confirmation: Making sure it works

Production: Manufacturing the formula that works

When it comes to the COVID-19 vaccines currently approved for emergency use, neither the Pfizer nor Moderna vaccines used fetal cell lines during the development or production phases. (So, no fetal cell lines were used to manufacture the vaccine, and they are not inside the injection you receive from your doctor.) However, both companies used the fetal cell line HEK 293 in the confirmation phase to ensure the vaccines work. All HEK 293 cells are descended from tissue taken from a 1973 elective abortion that took place in the Netherlands.
The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is a bit different. It is an adenovirus vector vaccine. (Adenovirus is the virus that causes the common cold. The virus in this vaccine has been changed so that it does NOT cause illness.) With this type of vaccine, a carrier, in this case adenovirus, acts as a delivery vehicle. The adenovirus has had the coronavirus spike protein added to its DNA. The adenovirus carries that genetic material into your body, delivering its modified DNA to your cells. Your cells will then make the spike protein, activating your immune system. Once activated, your immune system creates antibodies to fight off the spike protein. Learn more about the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
To make their virus vector vaccine, Johnson & Johnson infects PER.C6 fetal cell line cells with adenovirus. All PER.C6 cells used to manufacture the Johnson & Johnson vaccine are descended from tissue taken from a 1985 elective abortion that also took place in the Netherlands. They use this cell line because it is a well-studied industry standard for safe and reliable production of viral vector vaccines.
None of the COVID-19 vaccines in development use fetal cells taken from recent abortions."

There are those that say they would die for their religion, but are they going to live for it now, or is that vast list of foods too much to give up? How true the saying is sometimes, "Ignorance is bliss."

"The study of vaccines, "vaccinolgy", in isolation from the developmental effects of nutrition and environmental stress, is a pseudoscience, blind to the mechanisms, that produce harmful long range effects." -Ray Peat
They weren't "elective" abortions. They were mostly forced abortion on the inhabitants of mental asylums.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Since I don't make magbicarb anymore, nor need carbogen, nor really needed the CO2 bath (could be wrong as I really haven't found time to use it to really evaluate), it's not really needed.

The more healthy metabolism-wise, the less this is needed.

But when I was new to the forum, CO2 was a big deal to me and I didn't understand whether I needed it or not. As I learn more and as I realize that exogenous CO2 is really only for people with poor sugar metabolism, I realized I really don't need it. I don't need Buteyko either, and I don't need to even learn to breathe if my body is in balance. All I needed was to make sure I can make my own CO2, and I can if if have good sugar metabolism. Good sugar metabolism ensures good acid-base balance as well.

My health actually worsened taking in bicarbonates, as it turned my body alkaline.

But I count it as learning and it's not wasted.
Yeah I haven't felt right about taking bicarbonate on a daily basis either. Why get greedy and push my luck improving on feeling great? I can see having one of those soda making machines to control the ingredients going into tonic water, sodas and such, but I have never liked bubbly drinks. Even as a kid I didn't like soda. Drinking the Mexican Coke is even challenging. I usually only have it with red meat to block the iron. I think carbonation is tough on the teeth too isn 't it?
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"In the U.S., the death penalty is sometimes reserved for "aggravated homicide." If those who kill hundreds of thousands for the sake of billions of dollars in profits are not committing aggravated homicide, then it must be that no law written in the English language can be objectively interpreted, and the legal system is an Alice in Wonderland convenience for the corporate state."
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"In the U.S., the death penalty is sometimes reserved for "aggravated homicide." If those who kill hundreds of thousands for the sake of billions of dollars in profits are not committing aggravated homicide, then it must be that no law written in the English language can be objectively interpreted, and the legal system is an Alice in Wonderland convenience for the corporate state." -Ray Peat


Aug 5, 2017
"In the U.S., the death penalty is sometimes reserved for "aggravated homicide." If those who kill hundreds of thousands for the sake of billions of dollars in profits are not committing aggravated homicide, then it must be that no law written in the English language can be objectively interpreted, and the legal system is an Alice in Wonderland convenience for the corporate state." -Ray Peat
That is a brilliant quote! Interesting he chose Alice in Wonderland, with her rabbit hole

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Yeah I haven't felt right about taking bicarbonate on a daily basis either. Why get greedy and push my luck improving on feeling great? I can see having one of those soda making machines to control the ingredients going into tonic water, sodas and such, but I have never liked bubbly drinks. Even as a kid I didn't like soda. Drinking the Mexican Coke is even challenging. I usually only have it with red meat to block the iron. I think carbonation is tough on the teeth too isn 't it?
how does the soda block the iron? i didnt know of this, is it the sugar in it?
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"Whether it's deliberate or not, the emphasis on stem cell technology has the function of directing attention away from traditional knowledge, the way allopathic medicine has de-emphasized."
-Ray Peat (Stem cells, cell culture, and culture: Issues in regeneration)

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
"Whether it's deliberate or not, the emphasis on stem cell technology has the function of directing attention away from traditional knowledge, the way allopathic medicine has de-emphasized."
-Ray Peat (Stem cells, cell culture, and culture: Issues in regeneration)
are stem cells useful ?bone marrow apparently contains them, although Ray said it has too much fat and iron
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
are stem cells useful ?bone marrow apparently contains them, although Ray said it has too much fat and iron

Human stem cells are an ethical issue. Helpful or not it is strange science that came at the cost of innocent life. People need to quit doing reckless harm to themselves and let murdered babies rest in peace.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Here is a shocker from the government's own website from 2013! It is titled:

The dark side of stem cells: triggering cancer progression by cell fusion
T Dittmar et al. Curr Mol Med. 2013 Jun.

"The phenomenon of cell fusion plays a crucial role in a plethora of physiological processes, including fertilization, wound healing, and tissue regeneration. In addition to this, cell fusion also takes place during pathophysiological processes such as virus entry into host cells and cancer. Particularly in cancer, cell fusion has been linked to a number of properties being associated with the progression of the disease including an increased proliferation rate, an enhanced metastatogenic behavior, an increased drug resistance and an increased resistance towards apoptosis."

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"Fetal cells have been used for research since the 1930s. In order to obtain these cells, an aborted fetus is collected after their death, usually by a biotechnology company, university, or medical center. A tissue donation is removed, and the sample is brought to a lab, where the cells are replicated extensively. These cell lines are given an alphanumeric name. For example, the line known as WI-38 was created from the lung tissue of a three-month-old female fetus aborted in 1962. MRC-5 comes from the lung tissue of a fourteen-week-old male fetus aborted in Great Britain in 1970. The replication process is extremely prolific — meaning that a single sample can be used for many experiments and procedures. However, there are limitations; the samples degrade or exhaust over time. The stocks of cell lines must be replenished periodically. For example, in 2015 a new lung sample was taken from a three-month-old aborted fetus to create a cell line known as WALVAX-2."

"Despite this type of work going on for decades, not many people know about it. The use of fetal tissue came into the spotlight in recent years when the controversial videos by the Center for Medical Progress — which revealed Planned Parenthood executives discussing the procurement and sale of fetal tissue — were released. But the attention brought to this practice by the videos was still not enough to make it a well-known issue; this is partly due to the fact that the range of its use is not clearly advertised. For example, the FDA does not always require cosmetics companies to include a list of their ingredients, though Neocutis freely admits to their use of fetal cells. Similarly, when the flavor enhancers developed by Senomyx are added to foods, they are in a low enough concentration that they can be labelled as “artificial flavors.” This means that consumers cannot easily trace which foods include those additives. Vaccines manufacturers provide a list of their ingredients, but not all patients read through the ingredient list before getting a shot — and when these ingredients are listed, the cell lines are referred to by their alphanumeric name. If you don’t know what you’re looking for, you might never realize exactly what it means."


Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
"Fetal cells have been used for research since the 1930s. In order to obtain these cells, an aborted fetus is collected after their death, usually by a biotechnology company, university, or medical center. A tissue donation is removed, and the sample is brought to a lab, where the cells are replicated extensively. These cell lines are given an alphanumeric name. For example, the line known as WI-38 was created from the lung tissue of a three-month-old female fetus aborted in 1962. MRC-5 comes from the lung tissue of a fourteen-week-old male fetus aborted in Great Britain in 1970. The replication process is extremely prolific — meaning that a single sample can be used for many experiments and procedures. However, there are limitations; the samples degrade or exhaust over time. The stocks of cell lines must be replenished periodically. For example, in 2015 a new lung sample was taken from a three-month-old aborted fetus to create a cell line known as WALVAX-2."

"Despite this type of work going on for decades, not many people know about it. The use of fetal tissue came into the spotlight in recent years when the controversial videos by the Center for Medical Progress — which revealed Planned Parenthood executives discussing the procurement and sale of fetal tissue — were released. But the attention brought to this practice by the videos was still not enough to make it a well-known issue; this is partly due to the fact that the range of its use is not clearly advertised. For example, the FDA does not always require cosmetics companies to include a list of their ingredients, though Neocutis freely admits to their use of fetal cells. Similarly, when the flavor enhancers developed by Senomyx are added to foods, they are in a low enough concentration that they can be labelled as “artificial flavors.” This means that consumers cannot easily trace which foods include those additives. Vaccines manufacturers provide a list of their ingredients, but not all patients read through the ingredient list before getting a shot — and when these ingredients are listed, the cell lines are referred to by their alphanumeric name. If you don’t know what you’re looking for, you might never realize exactly what it means."

wow, so anything that says artifical flavors can actually contain human cells/fetal cells?
do these taste good or improve flavor or something, which kind of foods would be using human fetal cells as the flavorings?!
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
wow, so anything that says artifical flavors can actually contain human cells/fetal cells?
do these taste good or improve flavor or something, which kind of foods would be using human fetal cells as the flavorings?!

I am trying to get the big picture of it one puzzle piece at a time. So far the ethical deceit using abortions for profit without the public's knowledge, especially in foods is not nice and disrespectful to humans with a food conscious. Sounds a lot like the devil huh? Secondly the government posted a study from 2013 stating that the "Dark Side Of Stem Cells" is that it progresses cancer. Hasn't that been what "conspiracy theorists" have been saying all along about vaccines? "Conspiracy theorists" have been screaming from rooftops for 15+ years that vaccines are designed to limit our lifespans. I guess most conspiracy theorist are those that look above the herd and see the cliff ahead. For whatever good arguements science came up with to get the "go ahead" for using stem cells, cloning animals and creating babies in petri dishes there is a dark side to it all and darkness is hard to navigate through.

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Go to the beggining of this post Mr. Bollox, to see the lists of things that aborted human stem cells are used in and three ways they used them.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
wow, so anything that says artifical flavors can actually contain human cells/fetal cells?
do these taste good or improve flavor or something, which kind of foods would be using human fetal cells as the flavorings?!

Here are a few, of hundreds, of products using aborted human stem cells as flavor enhancers.


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