Salt Encourages Tumor Growth ( Revici Experiments)



Jan 1, 2013
From High Salt Inhibits Tumor Growth by Enhancing Anti-tumor Immunity:

"Excess salt intake could affect the immune system by shifting the immune cell balance toward a pro-inflammatory state. Since this shift of the immune balance is thought to be beneficial in anti-cancer immunity, we tested the impact of high salt diets on tumor growth in mice. Here we show that high salt significantly inhibited tumor growth in two independent murine tumor transplantation models. Although high salt fed tumor-bearing mice showed alterations in T cell populations, the effect seemed to be largely independent of adaptive immune cells. In contrast, depletion of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) significantly reverted the inhibitory effect on tumor growth. In line with this, high salt conditions almost completely blocked murine MDSC function in vitro. Importantly, similar effects were observed in human MDSCs isolated from cancer patients. Thus, high salt conditions seem to inhibit tumor growth by enabling more pronounced anti-tumor immunity through the functional modulation of MDSCs. Our findings might have critical relevance for cancer immunotherapy."

That's an interesting article, contradicting in part Revici's experiments ( the ones about transplanted tumors)

But it doesn't contradict his experiments on spontaneous tumors and tumors caused by carcinogens, both being enhanced by the addition of just 2% salt into drinking water.

So, there's certainly a lot more to investigate.
Dec 18, 2018
it seems that HSD is of slight benefit for already developed manifest cancers,but that already normal to high salt diet
is inducing cancer.Better to not develop it then?Na+ induced immunity is but degrading to the whole body though,
we shouldnt worry so much about late-life cancer but of autoimmunity,inflammatory states that are driving aging


May 30, 2018
That's an interesting article, contradicting in part Revici's experiments ( the ones about transplanted tumors)

But it doesn't contradict his experiments on spontaneous tumors and tumors caused by carcinogens, both being enhanced by the addition of just 2% salt into drinking water.

So, there's certainly a lot more to investigate.

Agreed, does not close the case at all regarding salt effects.

I think it might be that salt consumption beneficial/detrimental effects depend on the context (for example, whether someone have hyperinsulinemia, high insulin levels decreasing salt excretion if I'm not mistaken). From what I've read, Japanese eat lots of salt and globally do not have more cancers (except stomach cancer if I remember correctly) than countries eating less salt. But they in general are eating a low fat diet and might not be as insulin resistant as the rest of developped countries.

Excessive salt (or maybe more precisely, disregulation of sodium level in the body) might **** with water homeostasis in the body.

Personally, I think from what I've read from recent hypothesizing papers and other studies that water is at the center of cancer (and probably other diseases too).

If you are interested by this angle:
  1. Cell hydration as the primary factor in carcinogenesis: A unifying concept. - PubMed - NCBI
  3. Biological Water Dynamics and Entropy: A Biophysical Origin of Cancer and Other Diseases
Last edited:
Dec 18, 2018
In already developed Cancers the reduction of tumor growth is actually good.i correct that hereby.
Salt is highly catabolic in the end,even for good ol cancer.
Dec 18, 2018
a reminder though:it just slows down progression,so we have little more time,but it isnt a cure at all.
focus should lie on prevention of cancer,and reduction of inflammation and lipid peroxidation,and curtailing of (excessive)ROS is achieveable.


Apr 15, 2013
Were the animals given plain water to drink in addition to the 2% sodium mixture. Sorry, I didnt read the study.
Just searching on google, seawater is 3.5 % salt mixture, someone drinking seawater will die quickly, hospital IV saline solution is .9% sodium matching the bodies natural level, so this 2% mixture they gave the animals sounds high, and without those animals having an option of normal water to drink, sounds like
they will develop dehydration and their bodies wont be able to remove waste products as efficiently.


Mar 29, 2014
Were the animals given plain water to drink in addition to the 2% sodium mixture. Sorry, I didnt read the study.
Just searching on google, seawater is 3.5 % salt mixture, someone drinking seawater will die quickly, hospital IV saline solution is .9% sodium matching the bodies natural level, so this 2% mixture they gave the animals sounds high, and without those animals having an option of normal water to drink, sounds like
they will develop dehydration and their bodies wont be able to remove waste products as efficiently.


Here is a salt lover....
Sorry if this has been posted already?....I have improved my workouts surprisingly by increasing sodium...only 1 cup bouillon and 1 caffeine capsule followed by sublingual co enzyme B Complex 45 minutes before workout.


Oct 12, 2015
I'm usually unwilling to exchange with people contenting themselves with posting gratuitous statements over my comments yet unwilling - or unable most probably- to back them up.
What does that mean? I actually had the exactly same doubt as tara did. I assume that in your first post it should have been sodium chloride rather than sodium chlorite?


Oct 12, 2015
As i've said many times, Ray dosn't really have a cancer cure plan.

That's why i reckon it's a missed opportunity by him not to comment on the Gerson diet, which, let's recognize, cures people without really explaining how, and hasn't been further developed since it appeared in the 1950's.

I believe that Dr. William Donald Kelley (One Answer to Cancer) did atleast partially improve upon it. Although Kelly started out using only pancreatic enzymes to treat cancer, his inspiration for the diet part I think was from Max Gerson. Kelly's refinement of diet was to introduce meat in the diet for some patients.


Nov 24, 2017
I bought a 2.5 kg bag and decided to experiment with half teaspoon daily doses (in lemon juice or in decaff). By the 3rd or 4th day I could not perceive my heartbeat. Figured this was the magical coveted blood pressure reduction and tried to get used to it. By the 5th or 6th week my muscles were spasming a few times per day. Had experienced this during my more athletic years, so I added in a few more shakes of sodium chloride along with 1/4th tsp of magnesium carbonate and tried to ignore it. By the 9th or 10th week the muscles under my jaw and above my neck would cramp up at the end of every cricket training. This was odd because the coach was the only one shouting. After one match it was so painful that I stopped at a Burger King along my commute home for a few packets of free salt, mixing a full one with a cup of water and drinking it together with a can of coke. The sodium and sugar may have helped or the problem may have subsided over the transpired period, but I ended my potassium bicarbonate experiment the next day.

Cronometer indicates that I achieve roughly 5000-6000mg potassium from food per day. Perhaps that was enough.

How much potassium is this daily? Did you take it all at once?

When it was positive for your blood pressure - why not just lowering the dose ?


Jan 1, 2013
I believe that Dr. William Donald Kelley (One Answer to Cancer) did atleast partially improve upon it. Although Kelly started out using only pancreatic enzymes to treat cancer, his inspiration for the diet part I think was from Max Gerson. Kelly's refinement of diet was to introduce meat in the diet for some patients.

Kelley discovered his cure by fluke.

He had terminal pancreatic cancer, and since digestive enzymes originate in the pancreas, he reasoned he needed to supplement them in order to be able to feed correctly.

His health improved, and he assumed it was tied to his pancreatic enzymes, so he looked in the literature and discovered the work of Scottish embryologist John Beard about the treatment of cancer with pancreatic enzymes.

Gerson only came later.
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