Salt and Swelling

Apr 4, 2021
Post a link please
well, I refered to buying the pork rinds directly from the butcher which is sometimes stripped of fat or you could do it yourself.
The snacks you see on the internet are usually with fat and also fried in fat


well, I refered to buying the pork rinds directly from the butcher which is sometimes stripped of fat or you could do it yourself.
The snacks you see on the internet are usually with fat and also fried in fat
Not really an option for me but thanks


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Not really an option for me but thanks


Sep 9, 2019
More solid food that you can salt is certainly the way to go Pina. I tried the salt solution thing long ago and it always messed me up.


Sep 9, 2019
I'll probably get torn for this but here. Every meal I eat is generally a 33/33/33 macro. As opposed to stressing about PUFA I stay aware of it, casually try to minimise and lean against excess with saturated fat (I had by grace of butter with breakfast and lunch today) and occasional vitamin E/taurine supplement).

For dinner tonight I'm eating chicken breast with steamed carrots/broccoli and potatoes. I'll salt the protein and starch but not the veg. I'll chase this with fruit as I do with every meal and a couple of sips of water to neutralise acid on my teeth. I'll wait an hour and drink 250 ml water. Sometimes orange juice and it would be more if my fluid balance was off from dancing with the devil. It's a school night so I'll be fine with that.

Some days it's fish, some days it's a cut of beef. Sometimes I drink chamomile tea with honey before bed. Etc. etc.


I'll probably get torn for this but here. Every meal I eat is generally a 33/33/33 macro. As opposed to stressing about PUFA I stay aware of it, casually try to minimise and lean against excess with saturated fat (I had by grace of butter with breakfast and lunch today) and occasional vitamin E/taurine supplement).

For dinner tonight I'm eating chicken breast with steamed carrots/broccoli and potatoes. I'll salt the protein and starch but not the veg. I'll chase this with fruit as I do with every meal and a couple of sips of water to neutralise acid on my teeth. I'll wait an hour and drink 250 ml water. Sometimes orange juice and it would be more if my fluid balance was off from dancing with the devil. It's a school night so I'll be fine with that.

Some days it's fish, some days it's a cut of beef. Sometimes I drink chamomile tea with honey before bed. Etc. etc.
This sounds like how I used to eat before Peating.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@Pina, urea has been really helpful for me over the last month and a half after unfortunately crashing my sodium trying to flush a kidney stone. It’s an osmotic diuretic so it helps with swelling. I understand it’s a bit of a bandaid solution but I needed to buy myself a bit of time and still be able to function until I could get things sorted out. I’m currently using the 0.25-0.5 grams per kg of body weight dose recommend for hyponatremia. It definitely works and I was able to increase my sodium from 132-139 and feel much better. I do believe lower thyroid function in winter can have an impact on retaining sodium so I’m focusing on that too atm.



classic -edema
Yes, I know but correcting thyroid is not easy
@Pina, urea has been really helpful for me over the last month and a half after unfortunately crashing my sodium trying to flush a kidney stone. It’s an osmotic diuretic so it helps with swelling. I understand it’s a bit of a bandaid solution but I needed to buy myself a bit of time and still be able to function until I could get things sorted out. I’m currently using the 0.25-0.5 grams per kg of body weight dose recommend for hyponatremia. It definitely works and I was able to increase my sodium from 132-139 and feel much better. I do believe lower thyroid function in winter can have an impact on retaining sodium so I’m focusing on that too atm.
Thanks blossom. I've stopped the blood pressure medication which was lowing my sodium. My serum urea tends to be on the high side of normal infact two months ago it was elevated when I increased sodium. In that test the sodium was 142. I will be testing again soon

Kaur Singh

salt, even just a few grains, used to wreck me.
milk fried my nerves at first

I worked at all the other things that I could
and eventually incorporated milk, dairy and salt into my daily life

have you read Nemo's experience microdosing thyroid?

This worked for me at first, in order to titrate the dose without adrenergic upheaval.
I found that after a course of cyproheptadine,
and bringing my D levels up
I was able to titrate thyroid with a lot more ease,
to much higher levels than the microdose
[ that I need ]

It really took work to bring down the stress hormones,
a few months

out of curiosity,
what have your ALP levels been through out the years?

what is your pulse pressure?
[diff between systolic and diastolic]
is it constant or does it swing a lot?
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salt, even just a few grains, used to wreck me.
milk fried my nerves at first

I worked at all the other things that I could
and eventually responded fine to milk, dairy and salt

have you read Nemo's experience microdosing thyroid?

I did that for a while
I found that after a course of cyproheptadine,
and bringing my D levels up
I was able to titrate thyroid with a lot more ease
and no crazy adrenergic upheaval etc
[ I need more than the microdose ]

It really took work to bring down the stress hormones,
a few months

out of curiosity,
what have your ALP levels been through out the years?

what is your pulse pressure?
[diff between systolic and diastolic]
is it constant or does it swing a lot?
Yes, I have. Nemo was particularly helpful with advice on thyroid. I've just ordered thyroid tests and will decide what to do once I have the result. I may abandon thyroid supplemention.
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