Robert F. Kennedy Jr as democratic nominee?


Aug 13, 2020


May 22, 2021
I can testify that after twenty years or so it becomes hard to remember exactly how many times I've flown on, say, American Airlines, or how many times I've flown to Seattle for that matter. I'm sure he's done a heck of a lot of lfights on private jets in his life. He corrrected it when he remembered it.

*** "LIAR" Alert ***

I think the latest campaign that we've all been anticipating is to portray RFK Jr as a "liar." Trolls are going around saying that RFK Jr 'lied' about this or that -- like in the Breaking Points interview where he says he has a Palestinian friend -- and I figured this out when someone said that he was lying about this in a clip which didn't even contain the part where he said that! I had to search around and then found a whole thread where it is featured and the lying accusation is made, which of course cannot be proven but it is intended to damage him. It was quite clever actually -- some phony troll with an anti-vaccine looking profile saying she's been following him for a decade but now she can see that he is lying about having such a friend, lol. It wasn't even in the clip where she posted it. "Couldn't believe she recommended him as a candidate to her friends' she said. Hopefully the troll's 'friends' can think for themselves.

Makes me wonder how many of the pro-Palestine people that troll RFK Jr's tweets and anything related to him are actually DNC or RNC trolls. i do believe the maniipulation on Twitter is that bad. It is sad that there are so many people in this country that do not want free and fair elections and it starts with the elites and corrupt power structure in place that will do anything to hang on to that power.
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Aug 13, 2020
Vanity is one of the ways they get you, another is to film you doing things you shouldn't (blackmail).

No different than vane orange man, both pro Israel to the detriment of the people of the US.

Do you really think you are getting good candidates when elections are stolen, is a broken system, it doesn't work.

Thank AIPAC for that, a non-registered foreign agent.


May 22, 2021
Vanity is one of the ways they get you, another is to film you doing things you shouldn't (blackmail).

No different than vane orange man, both pro Israel to the detriment of the people of the US.

Do you really think you are getting good candidates when elections are stolen, is a broken system, it doesn't work.

Thank AIPAC for that, a non-registered foreign agent.
You think someone is blackmailing RFK Jr into running for office at peril to his own life and livelihood? Because he made more than 5 million dollars last year from his law practice and as chairman of CHD (even while launching his presidential bid) and had resisted making any run even though his supporters had been wanting him to for more than a decade. Look at all the misinformation and everything else he's up against. Me, I would just enjoy that life he had rather than go through all of this BS but I think the censorship and the things he is seeing changed his mind. Or if he knows somebody's got a blackmail tape on him that would stop his candidacy why make the run in the first place? He's a successful attorney, so why give that up to be manipulated by someone? Not the type to sell his soul IMO.

I had heard all the rumors about Trump (the pee tape etc) and believed or tended to believe them at the time. Propaganda works. But they all were a big nothingburger, were they not? Invented by the Clintons.

I agree with you on the elections. I was beside myself about the Gore/Bush decision, among other things. All I can do is vote for a candidate that promises to fix the system, which RFK Jr does.
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Aug 13, 2020
There's a thread about the subject of RFK and Jeffrey Epstein:

RFK and Jeffrey Epstein links​



May 22, 2021
Yeah, the WaPo and NYT have been doing hit-pieces from any angle on RFK Jr from the get-go. Love that last sentence where it states SHE revealed little involvement in Mr. Kennedy's campaign. He's been talking about her from early on and it was never any secret that she was on the campaign. Gotta love it, CIA mouthpiece now suggesting that it is somehow sinister -- even when she's written an unflattering memoir about the CIA I believe -- for her to have had a lower profile before becoming campaign manager. Ray McGovern, a popular CIA critic, is also former CIA BTW -- lifetime career in fact -- I'm not of the opinion that his motives are suspect and he certainly has insights into the inner workings of the agency.


Aug 17, 2016


Sep 9, 2019
and to counter Dean's classical liberalism (though he says he is now an Independent and he says Ron Paul was the only good politician), here is Doug Casey on anarcho-capitalism/libertarian.
Thanks for the content and balance Ms Regina.

I couldn't help myself and had to meme Mr Casey's lean back moment. However something tells me Mr Henderson could draw faster and walk away cooler.



May 22, 2021
This Frontline documentary details some recent history with peace efforts for Israel and the Palestinians and US involvement. I've always liked Frontline, but have gotten a bit skeptical of PBS of late, as I have of most mainstream news outlets. It appears Frontline is now partnering with WaPo, and towards the end this kind of predictably portrays Trump in a negative light and Biden in a positive one, but overall seems a fair overview and filled in some gaps for me. Also on the Frontline website is a 30-minute piece analyzing the Israeli border defenses and how they failed on Oct 7 which was pretty interesting, plus another one on Netanyahu that I haven't seen yet. I have heard that RFK Jr is 'doing a deep dive' and hopes to come up with some kind of proposed plan on where to go from here.

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Mar 21, 2021
This Frontline documentary details some recent history with peace efforts for Israel and the Palestinians and US involvement. I've always liked Frontline, but have gotten a bit skeptical of PBS of late, as I have of most mainstream news outlets. It appears Frontline is now partnering with WaPo, and towards the end this kind of predictably portrays Trump in a negative light and Biden in a positive one, but overall seems a fair overview and filled in some gaps for me. Also on the Frontline website is a 30-minute piece analyzing the Israeli border defenses and how they failed on Oct 7 which was pretty interesting, plus another one on Netanyahu that I haven't seen yet. I have heard that RFK Jr is 'doing a deep dive' and hopes to come up with some kind of proposed plan on where to go from here.


This is the crux of the problem.


May 22, 2021
View attachment 59472

This is the crux of the problem.
Didn't see your note at the bottom initially, so was confused :)

I thought I'd mention that I wasn't able to play the Frontline episode on Netanyahu so I played the audio as I was falling asleep. I wasn't catching all of it, but it was really quite interesting and got into the rift that developed between Obama and Netanyahu after Obama blindsided him in a speech saying the US supported the 1967 borders. Eventually Obama snubbed Israel and was doing deals with Iran behind Netanyahu's back, which apparently Netanyahu was upset about because he feels it is a threat to the survival of Israel. I was in and out of sleep but after that another related Frontline episode started playing and I realized how much context and information was missing from my understanding. These documentaries were published over the years/decades and one notable thing in my groggy state was that they have gone from using the word 'terrorists' to 'militants' when referring to Hamas. Then I started thinking about how some the recent videos by Mike Benz talk about how Netanyahu has gotten inconvenient for the Biden admin because it really isn't about the Iran nuclear program but about oil and gas reserves in Iran that the US wants to tap, and if you recall that Biden was VP at the time of the Obama admin and all of the Burisma influence peddling supposedly going on it starts to paint a different more complicated picture.

I thought I'd add this info here because IIRC RFK Jr has been against these deals with Iran, so it may come up again.

Mike Benz post I was referring to for anyone interested:

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May 22, 2021
Didn't see your note at the bottom initially, so was confused :)

I thought I'd mention that I wasn't able to play the Frontline episode on Netanyahu so I played the audio as I was falling asleep. I wasn't catching all of it, but it was really quite interesting and got into the rift that developed between Obama and Netanyahu after Obama blindsided him in a speech saying the US supported the 1967 borders. Eventually Obama snubbed Israel and was doing deals with Iran behind Netanyahu's back, which apparently Netanyahu was upset about because he feels it is a threat to the survival of Israel. I was in and out of sleep but after that another related Frontline episode started playing and I realized how much context and information was missing from my understanding. These documentaries were published over the years/decades and one notable thing in my groggy state was that they have gone from using the word 'terrorists' to 'militants' when referring to Hamas. Then I started thinking about how some the recent videos by Mike Benz talk about how Netanyahu has gotten inconvenient for the Biden admin because it really isn't about the Iran nuclear program but about oil and gas reserves in Iran that the US wants to tap, and if you recall that Biden was VP at the time of the Obama admin and all of the Burisma influence peddling supposedly going on it starts to paint a different more complicated picture.

I thought I'd add this info here because IIRC RFK Jr has been against these deals with Iran, so it may come up again.

Mike Benz post I was referring to for anyone interested:


The thing that I find intriguing, is that Mike makes these connections from Biden/Burisma/China/iran and suggests a 'regime change' motive for Israel. We saw the Maidan coup engineered by State Dept/CIA in Ukraine. Weren't there protests against Likud/Netanyahu in Israel not too long ago? Almost sounds classic CIA, propping up the opposition as in Ukraine when the Ukraininan Nazis suddenly became useful as a tool against Russia and the gov't in place that was friendly to Russia. And as Mike points out, the censorship changes to allow the direction they want the narrative to go -- gives the example of the Azov battalion in Ukraine where they were uncensored when convenient. I'm also sensitive to the narrative change where Biden was initially totally supportive of Israel after Oct 7 but since has softenend his rhetoric. I thought he was caving to part of his potential voter base at first, but maybe this is the way the narrative is engineered to go, ptotests feeding into it, and spelling an end for Netanyahu. Someone's bankrolling the protests -- people being bussed in, identical Palestinian flags that everybody conveniently already has, ubiquitious keffiyeh's, etc. My mind also picked up on the use of "terrorists" to describe Hamas in previous Frontlines, switched now to "militants" now that they are "parterning" with WaPo, notoriously connected to the CIA. Just some thoughts. This would suggest huge motive for keeping both Trump and RFK Jr off the ticket -- their plans would be foiled for not only Ukraine, but Iran too, and the Bidens are personally vested in this as the evidence coming out now under the impleachment inquiry shows.
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