Retinil - Liquid Vitamin A


Jan 28, 2013
I wish I could report anti-histamine benefits from the 30,000 iu I've been taking, though I have been seeing other benefits, I think. I have really been suffering big time though on the histamine front, especially in the last week. I'm thinking maybe it's all the caffeine I am taking.

Anyway, Is there any reason to believe that higher doses of vit.A can be tolerated over time? As I reported awhile back, 50,000 iu doses gave me hyperthyroid type symptoms. Does it make any sense to gradually try to push my way up again or is there something I can do/take in order to make a higher dose more tolerable?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Dean said:
post 114068 I wish I could report anti-histamine benefits from the 30,000 iu I've been taking, though I have been seeing other benefits, I think. I have really been suffering big time though on the histamine front, especially in the last week. I'm thinking maybe it's all the caffeine I am taking.

Anyway, Is there any reason to believe that higher doses of vit.A can be tolerated over time? As I reported awhile back, 50,000 iu doses gave me hyperthyroid type symptoms. Does it make any sense to gradually try to push my way up again or is there something I can do/take in order to make a higher dose more tolerable?

The only issue of vitamin A that I know of is that taken without sufficient vitamin E it can oxidize and damage cells. I think combined with a decent dose vitamin E (200+ IU) you can take 200,000 IU daily for a long time. There is a drug sold in Europe called Eavit which has 200,000 IU retinol and 200 IU vitamin E per pill and is often taken for up to 12 months without issues. People with liver issues should probably be more careful but even in them it is the oxidation of stored vitamin A in the liver that is the problem. So, taking vitamin E should help them too.
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Jan 28, 2013
haidut said:
Dean said:
post 114068 I wish I could report anti-histamine benefits from the 30,000 iu I've been taking, though I have been seeing other benefits, I think. I have really been suffering big time though on the histamine front, especially in the last week. I'm thinking maybe it's all the caffeine I am taking.

Anyway, Is there any reason to believe that higher doses of vit.A can be tolerated over time? As I reported awhile back, 50,000 iu doses gave me hyperthyroid type symptoms. Does it make any sense to gradually try to push my way up again or is there something I can do/take in order to make a higher dose more tolerable?

The only issue of vitamin A that I know of is that taken without sufficient vitamin E it can oxidize and damage cells. I think combined with a decent dose vitamin E (200+ IU) you can take 200,000 IU daily for a long time. There is a drug sold in Europe called Eavit which has 200,000 IU retinol and 200 IU vitamin E per pill and is often taken for up to 12 months without issues. People with liver issues should probably be more careful but even in them it is the oxidation of stored vitamin A in the liver that is the problem. So, taking vitamin E should help them too.

Well, I take a daily dose of Estroban and was also using Progest-e at the time I tried the higher A dose, so I probably was getting pretty close to the 200 iu of E. Do you think it would be worthwhile trying to up the A with more Estroban than Retinil? I'd probably have to rob a bank, but...
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Dean said:
post 114345
haidut said:
Dean said:
post 114068 I wish I could report anti-histamine benefits from the 30,000 iu I've been taking, though I have been seeing other benefits, I think. I have really been suffering big time though on the histamine front, especially in the last week. I'm thinking maybe it's all the caffeine I am taking.

Anyway, Is there any reason to believe that higher doses of vit.A can be tolerated over time? As I reported awhile back, 50,000 iu doses gave me hyperthyroid type symptoms. Does it make any sense to gradually try to push my way up again or is there something I can do/take in order to make a higher dose more tolerable?

The only issue of vitamin A that I know of is that taken without sufficient vitamin E it can oxidize and damage cells. I think combined with a decent dose vitamin E (200+ IU) you can take 200,000 IU daily for a long time. There is a drug sold in Europe called Eavit which has 200,000 IU retinol and 200 IU vitamin E per pill and is often taken for up to 12 months without issues. People with liver issues should probably be more careful but even in them it is the oxidation of stored vitamin A in the liver that is the problem. So, taking vitamin E should help them too.

Well, I take a daily dose of Estroban and was also using Progest-e at the time I tried the higher A dose, so I probably was getting pretty close to the 200 iu of E. Do you think it would be worthwhile trying to up the A with more Estroban than Retinil? I'd probably have to rob a bank, but...

I think you are fine with Retinil as a cheaper source of vitamin A and combining it with EstroBan for the vitamin E, and K synergism. No need to spend fortune on multiple EstroBan.
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May 21, 2015
I've been using Retinil topically for several weeks on acne breakouts on my shoulders and back, around 30 drops a day. I've seen noticeable improvements in the location where its applied in terms of healing the lesions, improving the appearance of scar tissue, and complete reduction of keratosis on the triceps area of my arms. I should note that the keratosis reversal was almost overnight while the acne and scarring improvements took around two weeks. It has not completely healed all lesions but is defiantly improved. It hasn't really helped any dandruff on my head but I'm starting to think I have a massive Vitamin A requirement and would have to use a lot more of the product or eat a lot of liver.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Demyze said:
post 118265 I've been using Retinil topically for several weeks on acne breakouts on my shoulders and back, around 30 drops a day. I've seen noticeable improvements in the location where its applied in terms of healing the lesions, improving the appearance of scar tissue, and complete reduction of keratosis on the triceps area of my arms. I should note that the keratosis reversal was almost overnight while the acne and scarring improvements took around two weeks. It has not completely healed all lesions but is defiantly improved. It hasn't really helped any dandruff on my head but I'm starting to think I have a massive Vitamin A requirement and would have to use a lot more of the product or eat a lot of liver.

That is awesome! Thanks so much for sharing! Did Retinil change any skins spots in the process as well? Like lipofuscin or moles?
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May 21, 2015
haidut said:
post 118275 That is awesome! Thanks so much for sharing! Did Retinil change any skins spots in the process as well? Like lipofuscin or moles?

Honestly I wasn't really paying attention but the noticeable big moles on my upper back that would have received application do look a lot smaller and are smooth to the touch now. Also last week I started spraying some niacinamide solution I made all over back there which seems helpful so far.
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Jan 28, 2013
Hello, Haidut. I don't want to be a negative Nelly, but I am having issues with getting drops out of my current bottle. Basically, I have to squeeze the bottle hard which sends out a stream. This, of course, makes it impossible to control/know dosage. Any suggestions? Also, can you clarify what color the liquid is supposed to be. Thanks.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Dean said:
post 118787 Hello, Haidut. I don't want to be a negative Nelly, but I am having issues with getting drops out of my current bottle. Basically, I have to squeeze the bottle hard which sends out a stream. This, of course, makes it impossible to control/know dosage. Any suggestions? Also, can you clarify what color the liquid is supposed to be. Thanks.

You are having issues with Retinil?!? This is a first report, so I am really sorry to hear this. The liquid is supposed to be whitish/milky color and have a strong taste of alcohol and vitamin A. The vitamin A is a peculiar taste that I cannot describe easily but if you have tasted vitamin A supplement before you would know how it tastes.
The only suggestion that I have is to use a needle/paperclip to push through the hole. I will send you a free replacement bottle with your next order, so just include a note in the PayPal order form.
Thanks for reporting this and I apologize for the inconvenience.
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Jan 28, 2013
Well, I don't know if a freebie is necessary. I'll try the paperclip thing, if not I've got another bottle on standby that I can use and if no problems I can pour this one into that one.

Yeah, milky white. Just thought I'd double check. It seemed though it was brighter white since I've had the bottle problems, but probably just an optical illusion with it coming out in a stream instead of drop by drop.

I've been keeping my extra estroban bottles in the fridge, should I be doing the same with extra Retinil bottles? Thanks.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Dean said:
post 118801 Well, I don't know if a freebie is necessary. I'll try the paperclip thing, if not I've got another bottle on standby that I can use and if no problems I can pour this one into that one.

Yeah, milky white. Just thought I'd double check. It seemed though it was brighter white since I've had the bottle problems, but probably just an optical illusion with it coming out in a stream instead of drop by drop.

I've been keeping my extra estroban bottles in the fridge, should I be doing the same with extra Retinil bottles? Thanks.

Please do not put the Retinil bottle in the fridge as the cold temps can make the solution precipitate, which it probably did during shipping. Neither Retinil nor EstroBan need to be kept in the fridge if you intend on using them within the next 12 months.
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Jan 28, 2013
So if the Retinil precipitated would it still be effective? Is there anyway to unprecipitate it? It does seem lately that I am less sensitive to dosing of A. I attributed it to increasing estroban (and thus vitamin E) from 1-2 doses a day to 3, improving perhaps my tolerance for A. Maybe it's just that I haven't been getting nearly as much A as I'd thought lately--since getting into the current bottle?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Dean said:
post 118821 So if the Retinil precipitated would it still be effective? Is there anyway to unprecipitate it? It does seem lately that I am less sensitive to dosing of A. I attributed it to increasing estroban (and thus vitamin E) from 1-2 doses a day to 3, improving perhaps my tolerance for A. Maybe it's just that I haven't been getting nearly as much A as I'd thought lately--since getting into the current bottle?

You can leave it at room temperature for a few hours and then shake the bottle. This should re-solve (pun intended) the problem.
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May 27, 2015
Haidut, just recieved. Was wondering: what is percentage absorbed when applied to the spots you mentioned?

Mr Rossi

Dec 20, 2015
I got always very strong arm muscles after taking Retinol.
I mostly take 5 drops twice a day topically.

Mr Rossi

Dec 20, 2015
I must mention that I can not do sport for a long time because of CFS, MCS and Fibromyalgia.
My arm muscles were before Vit A intake as pudding, almost gone and very weak.


Feb 9, 2013
I have been taking Retinil topically, a few drops rubbed over my face as a "serum". I don't know if it's my imagination, but my complexion looks better. No breakouts at all and decreased oil production. But not dry either - I don't need any moisturizer.

This might also be do to progesterone/pregnenolone I am taking also from Idea Labs... but those I'm putting on my body not my face.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I have found the same

Vitamin A powerfully inhibits cortisol synthesis as well as estrogen, and it is cortisol/estrogen that causes the muscle atrophy/weakness.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Haidut, just recieved. Was wondering: what is percentage absorbed when applied to the spots you mentioned?

If I judge by my blood tests, at least 80% from topical administration.
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