Vitamin A Lowers High Cortisol Levels (Cushing Disease)


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Jorge Dincó,

Sauberlich also had some friends, they helped him in the classic detox experiment:


It's surprising that some of that labeled carbon appears as exhaled CO2.

These recoveries aren't precise, quite a bit escapes detection (due to techmology issues and loss through unsuspected routes); the less they obtain, the more they assume is stored. But the reason why I'm mentioning this 'storage efficiency' is because even after more than 750 days, they could still detect radioactivity from a single dose. Here's an example with another subject:


These are for what's excreted, not what was stored or in use. Some toxins simply pass through and are excreted, others recirculate, others are metabolized to different forms but excreted the same way, and so on. It can be challenging to find out 'synthesis rate' based on ingested poisonol.
Tagging me and then removing the tag so I have to read the entire thread to find the relevant point only to find that there is none.

Sly, very sly.
While it's always nice to invite celebrities to the party with no shame, you've missed it.

Whenever I use the IMN system, it's because I'm confident that the person notified will like the content. When unsure (and the post is extense - not the case here), I often leave a comment directing the person to the part in question (example).

It could also be that I regretted tagging you but you were already notified, so there was nothing I could do. But it wasn't the case as well.
Dec 4, 2020
The person who posted this on StackExchange has a study linked to his original comment but it seems to have been removed. The study below found similar effectiveness between retinol and retinoic acid, which suggests the conversion efficiency is much higher or retinol is capable of acting on RAR similarly to retinoic acid.
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I prefer the latter option. :): It reminds me of Peat's discussion on vitamin D and how the medical industry fraudulently claims only calcitriol (1,25-OH) is the "active" vitamin D but according to Peat all intermediates like D3, D2, etc are active at the VDR. So, maybe the same is true of vitamin A.
Do you know where Peat says that intermediates like D3 and D2 are active at the VDR? Or scientific literature proving so? @haidut
I emailed him asking about it and he replied with "Nothing useful has been discovered so far about that protein.".
Last edited:
Dec 4, 2020
Would this a permanent reduction of cortisol whilst the vitamin A is in the body, or just a temporary effect the lasts a short while after dosing?

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I wonder if this correlates to how accutane works, lowering cortisol and the stress hormones, reducing acne and for some eliminating it.

I have used accutane and it works, but seems to be a bandaid treatment, doesn't fix whatever was the underlying stress, acne does come back.
would accutane or high dose vitamin A significantly help muscle growth then? or just beef liver and whole milk too?

Several studies, starting with the human one. The scientists used retinoic acid, which is the active form of retinol. Usually, people take vitamin A in the form of retinyl palmitate or retinyl acetate, and then these pro-drugs convert into retinoic acid with an efficiency of about 10%. The lowest dose used in the study was 10mg retinoic acid daily, which would correspond to about 200,000 IU retinyl palmitate or 125,000 IU retinyl acetate daily. Duration of the treatment was 6-12 months but effects were already established by the first month. Side effects were quite minor compared to what a doctor may try to brainwash you with when it comes to high doses of vitamin A.

Potential role for retinoic acid in patients with Cushing's disease - PubMed
"...DESIGN: This is a prospective, multicenter study. Seven patients with Cushing's disease (three men, four postmenopausal women) were started on 10 mg retinoic acid daily and dosage increased up to 80 mg daily for 6-12 months. ACTH, urinary free cortisol (UFC), and serum cortisol as well as clinical features of hypercortisolism and possible side effects of retinoic acid were evaluated at baseline, during retinoic acid administration, and after drug withdrawal.
RESULTS: A marked decrease in UFC levels was observed in five patients; mean UFC levels on retinoic acid were 22-73% of baseline values and normalization in UFC was achieved in three patients. Plasma ACTH decreased in the first month of treatment and then returned to pretreatment levels in responsive patients whereas no clear-cut pattern could be detected for serum cortisol. Blood pressure, glycemia, and signs of hypercortisolism, e.g. body weight and facial plethora, were ameliorated to a variable extent on treatment. Patients reported only mild adverse effects, e.g. xerophthalmia and arthralgias."

Diurnal ACTH and plasma cortisol variations in healthy dogs and in those with pituitary-dependent Cushing's syndrome before and after treatment with retinoic acid - PubMed
Retinoic acid prevents experimental Cushing syndrome - PubMed

vitamin D3 causes all the cushings symptoms for me and even a few days of not using oral D3 improves everything drastically. temps, face structure and puffinesss, bloating, appetite,. d3 causes all the serotonin symptoms, fatigue, no appetite etc
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