Removing Skin Growths With Coconut MCT Oil

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“We therefore conclude that the large increase in reported incidence is likely to be due to diagnostic drift, which classifies benign lesions as stage 1 melanoma.”

In other words, people are being diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer even when they have only a minimal, non-cancerous lesion, and these diagnoses appear to be skewing disease rates significantly. Further, adding even more credence to the growing body of evidence showing sun exposure is not the primary cause of melanoma, the researchers noted that the distribution of the lesions reported did not correspond to the sites of lesions caused by sun exposure.“

These findings should lead to a reconsideration of the treatment of ‘early’ lesions, a search for better diagnostic methods to distinguish them from truly malignant melanomas, re-evaluation of the role of ultraviolet radiation and recommendations for protection from it, as well as the need for a new direction in the search for the cause of melanoma.

Despite all the bad press linking sun exposure to skin cancer, there’s almost no evidence at all to support it. There is, however, plenty of evidence to the contrary. Over the years, several studies have confirmed that appropriate sun exposure actually helps prevent skin cancer. In fact, melanoma occurrence has been found to decrease with greater sun exposure, and can be increased by sunscreens.

One of the most important facts you should know is that an epidemic of the disease has in fact broken out among indoor workers. These workers get three to nine times LESS solar UV exposure than outdoor workers get, yet only indoor workers have increasing rates of melanoma — and the rates have been increasing since before 1940.

There are two major factors that help explain this, and the first has to do with the type of UV exposure.

There are two primary types of UV rays from sunlight, the vitamin-D-producing UVB rays and the skin-damaging UVA light. Both UVA and UVB can cause tanning and burning, although UVB does so far more rapidly. UVA, however, penetrates your skin more deeply than UVB, and may be a much more important factor in photoaging, wrinkles and skin cancers.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Banana Boat is recalling three batches of its “hair and scalp” sunscreen after tests found that the product contains trace amounts of cancer-causing chemical benzene, the manufacturer said in an announcement submitted to the Federal Drug Administration.

Exposure to benzene through skin contact, inhalation and by mouth has been linked to cancer such as leukemia, Fox Business reported.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Around the beginning of the 20th century, it was commonly believed that aging resulted from the accumulation of insoluble metabolic by-products, sort of like the clinker ash in a coal furnace. Later, age pigment or lipofuscin, was proposed to be such a material. It is a brown pigment that generally increases with age, and its formation is increased by consumption of unsaturated fats, by vitamin E deficiency, by stress, and by exposure to excess estrogen. Although the pigment can contribute to the degenerative processes, aging involves much more than the accumulation of insoluble debris; aging increases the tendency to form the debris, as well as vice versa.“ -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Jennifer posted this really interesting information in another thread….

“Here’s where Ray talks about copper causing a mole to grow:

Moles, DHEA, Etc

Everyone knows what a mole is, but no one understands what a mole really is. Moles are interesting because they are simultaneously normal and a little abnormal. But it seems that no one has taken them seriously enough to study them very scientifically. At least, I don't know of any publications on "the epidemiology of moles," or "the experimental production of moles."

Advertisements from the cancer society fund raisers have taught people that "any change" in amole could be a sign of cancer. The idea seems reasonable enough, but I think it has no clear scientific basis The fear of cancer has caused many people to have things excised as soon as they are noticed, but during this generation in which people have learned to have things cut out promptly, the incidence of melanoma has risen sharply. Melanoma first appears in normal-looking skin about as often as it does in pigmented moles, so the "preventive" removal of all moles is no guarantee that you won't get melanoma.

At least some pigment cells are "amoeboid," meaning that they can creep around. At body temperature, white blood cells under the microscope can walk about two inches per day.( 1) These facts indicate that it could be seriously misleading to think of a bit of tissue, such as a mole, as a "strictly localized" thing, the removal of which has no meaning for the rest of the body.I will just briefly mention some of the observations that have made me think of moles as"systemic phenomena."

A friend had many protuberant moles that had been present for most of her life (if not since birth), and one summer they withered, dried up, and fell off. She was taking a little more thyroid and triiodothyronine that summer.

One hot summer, I had a four ounce glass of Modelo beer, discovered I liked it, and for the rest of the summer I would often drink a similar small amount during the hot part of the day, while at my friend's house to water the plants. Two moles appeared on my forehead, and grew rapidly,until the bigger one was the size of a small pea. When the beer in the refrigerator was gone, the summer was nearly over, and I had thought increasingly about the estrogen content of beer, so I didn't drink any more. Within about a week, the moles were shrinking. The smaller one disappeared while the other one was still about the size of match-head. After about three weeks,the remaining mole was about the size of a dried pea, and one morning it rolled free when I touched it. It had become firm and dry.

DHEA Changes Moles

In 1980, a familiar old mole on my belly had begun growing and darkening. A couple of times when I had my shirt off on a hot day physician friends looked worried when they saw it and told me I'd better have it removed. It became thoroughly black, took on a sharply triangular shape,and had a firm leathery texture. By 1981, it was about 15mm. long, but still fairly flat. I had been experimenting with oral doses of DHEA in oil for two or three weeks, and had noticed that it made me feel like an adolescent, but it was causing me to get pimples.

One night as I was going to bed, I looked down and was shocked to see what looked like a maraschino cherry on my belly. I spontaneously flicked at it with my finger, thinking it might bean engorged tick, though the color and gloss weren't appropriate. Just before the second flick brushed it, I too late saw something black on the top of the globe, and realized that it was my mole. The black material brushed away, leaving a small drop of blood, but the dome remained glossy and red. By the next day, it was smaller and was no longer shiny from internal pressure.That afternoon I photographed it, and there was a red flare surrounding it, about 2 inches in diameter. By the third day, I could see that the deflating thing was going to be a brown mole, of roughly the same size as the original one that had been there a few years earlier. The only difference from its earlier state is that its margin might be more diffuse now.

In his mid-50s, my brother mentioned that he was getting a mole-like spot on his forehead. When I told him about my experience, and that I thought oral DHEA might have been responsible for the mole's disappearance, he applied a concentrated solution of DHEA in vitamin E directly onto the mole. A day or two later, he noticed a spot of blood on his pillow, and had his doctor cut the thing off, because of fear that bleeding signalled a malignant change.

After I found that a copper solution quickly caused my white eyebrows to return to their normal color, and repeated the experiment several times over about 3 years, I tried the same solution on my sideburns, and saw that some of those hairs had darkened after one application. It wasn't convenient to observe those hairs, so I decided to apply the solution to some white whiskers on my chin. After two or three applications, I carelessly used a solution that was too strong. Within less than a minute I felt it stinging, and washed it off. A stinging sensation was noticeable during the next 2 or 3 hours, and I washed the spot thoroughly several times. About 4 hours later it was still a little uncomfortable, and when I looked at it in a mirror I was horrified to see what appeared to be a large, coffee-colored mole on my chin, in the area where I had applied the copper, and where the burning sensation persisted. The edges were slightly raised about the surrounding skin, and it looked like a normal light brown mole, roughly the size of a nickel. It was so hard for me to believe that such an anatomical change could have occurred within 4 hours that I wondered if I had just failed to observe something that had been developing gradually. But after about a week it had disappeared, and no trace of it has returned, so I had to conclude that the high concentration of copper had acted with, or in place of, tyrosinase to form new pigment,or that copper-hungry cells had invaded the area.

A couple of years ago I noticed some moles on my upper chest were growing, darkening and developing an irregular, granular form. I hadn't used any DHEA for a few years, just because Ihad lost interest in it. A friend had just been telling me about using topical progesterone and DHEA in vitamins E and A to shrink a large and growing mole on her leg. For a few weeks I watched carefully as my moles changed since their location made it easy for me to view them at very close range. After becoming nearly black, I noticed that they were fading and becoming sort of grey. Then white and creamy areas appeared, and the grey seemed to concentrate into a few blue spots. The changes were surprisingly fast. I would look at them 2 or 3 times a day, and the blue, or black, or brown spots would be in entirely different locations each time. The moles hadbecome firm to touch, but the spots of pigmented cells appeared to be swimming wildly around within the boundaries of the moles, as if looking f or something, or escaping from something. Is meared a very light film of vitamins A and E with DHEA over the area of my chest with the moles, and the next time I looked the color was becoming regular. Within a day or two, even the texture had returned to normal.

Higher Altitudes Decreases Cancer Incidence

About ten years ago, a cancer geographer mentioned that he had found an inverse relation between altitude and the incidence of cancer around the world. A woman from Texas who was at the conference was sure his information was wrong, because the higher intensity of "radiation" at high altitudes would increase the damage to DNA that is commonly supposed to cause cancer.She decided to disprove his work by doing a study limited to the incidence of melanoma - which is supposed to be especially sensitive to ultraviolet radiation - within Texas. Her results surprised her; even melanoma incidence was lower at higher elevations.

Much of the doctrine about radiation at high altitude has been created by and for the nuclear industry. Actually, the dangerous secondary and tertiary particle showers from cosmic rays are more intense at sea-level than at high altitudes. But the greater oxygen pressure at sea-level might be the most important factor in various kinds of cancer, and other disease, since our antioxidant system can probably maintain better balance at high altitude. Mitochondria become more numerous at high altitude, and this might result from increased durability, as well as from the need for more efficient use of oxygen.

The skin is a major source of sterol formation. Skin changes in aging might indicate a special susceptibility to sterol deficiency, which could make topical application of steroid-associated materials especially appropriate.

About 50 years ago, melanosomes were believed to develop from mitochondria. Whether that was accurate or not, there are some interesting parallels between respiration and pigment metabolism. Copper, vitamin A, pregnenolone, progesterone, vitamin E and DHEA are intimately involved with both. The glucocorticoids tend to antagonize both.

Pigment Cells Related to Nerve Cells

Leghorn chickens are sometimes thought of as genetic albinos, but when relieved of the stress of egg laying, they can form black feather pigment. Domesticated animals of various kinds tend to become white. Soviet fox breeders selected foxes for tameness for 20 years. The foxes bred fortameness also lost their wild coloring, and became spotted.

The migration of pigment cells through the tissues of the developing embryo reflects in someway the altered balance of the whole organism. It is this distribution of cells during embryonicand fetal development, and later in life, which produces "birth marks" and moles. Pigment cells and nerve cells are closely related in embryonic development, so it is interesting to notice the similar appearance of astrocytes n the brain and melanocytes in the skin. Macrophages sometimes have a similar structure, and when stained with metals reticular macrophages and astrocytes (both have been called "metalophils") look surprisingly similar.

Metchnikov developed this theory of inflammation and immunity by phagocytosis in connection with his attempt to explain development, how ontogeny reflects - but alters - phylogeny. The recognition and preservation of self, in the immune reactions, was just an aspect of the ontogenetic creation of individuality.

When my phagocytes eat up one of my moles, and a good copy of my "original" mole is reconstituted in the same location, Metchnikov's idea of a dynamic organismic integrity, in which the phagocytes play a central developmental role, takes on new concreteness for me.

In 1983 I noticed that the whiskers on my cheeks were going white in circular as if themelanocytes were migrating centrifugally. Around the same time I noticed a flat mole, or raised freckle, was growing on my temple. Although many people have those spots removed, it is very common for people in their 80s to have a button-like black spot on the temple. My spot waxed and waned, but on average tended to get bigger and darker with the years.

In Mexico recently, a friend found that applying DHEA in vitamin E to a very big, red keloid tumor caused it to quickly fade and shrink. As I was driving home, I applied a little of the same solution to one of the mole on my temple. A day or two later I noticed a concentric ring of brownskin on the opposite side of the mole, about a centimeter away. The next day, there were two such bands. Then a bright red line appeared at the front margin of the mole, where I had first applied the oil. Although it looked as though the edge of the mole had bled, it was actually just a thread-like region of extremely dilated capillaries. Day by day, the thread of red appeared to be
contracting around the mole. The brown rings took on a V-shape, and extended into the hair. The color of the mole became lighter for about a week, and as the red thread "contracted" the flat mole became pedunculated and mostly colorless, like a tiny mushroom. Two or three dots of color remained, apparently trapped, in the globe. After drying and shrinking for a couple of days,it fell off, and the point of attachment had become smooth, normal skin within a day.

In this case, the concentric rings of brown pigment suggested that pigment cells might be returning to their normal locations, after having lived for ten years in an island on my temple.This might suggest that this particular skin area is the last to lose its ability to produce DHEA,and that well-nourished cells can remember where they belong.

Lipofuscin Produced in Oxygen Deprivation

Age pigment, lipofuscin, is produced in oxygen deprivation, apparently from reduced iron which attacks unsaturated fats. It has its own "respiratory" activity, acting as an NADH-oxidase. Melanin is produced by polymerization of amino acids, with copper as the catalyst. With aging,iron tends to replace copper. Melanin is an antioxidant. Thus, there is a sort of reciprocal relationship between the two types of pigment. A vitamin E deficiency relative to consumption of polyunsaturated fats, and an estrogen excess, accelerate the formation of lipofuscin.

A 47 year-old woman who had only a few "liver spots" on the backs of her hands began taking large amounts of estrogen, and within a few months the brown spots had darkened and spread until most of her skin was covered with spots. When she stopped using estrogen, and applied progesterone topically, the spots disappeared.

Since both keratinocytes ("keratinophages") and "melanophages" can phagocytize melaningranules,( 2)the occasional rapid disappearance of "age pigment" makes me wonder whether pigment-loving cells can't ingest and destroy lipofuscin. To the extent that lipofuscin wastes oxygen, the phagocytes might be able to relieve some of the symptoms of oxygen deficiency in aging. (My recent experience with an 82 year-old man with emphysema who regained a normal pink color a few days after beginning to use DHEA and pregnenolone led me to wonder whetherthe improvement was mainly in the lungs, or in the other tissues.)

If leukocytes can direct organized attacks on moles, with reconstruction of healthier tissue at the same location, the healing of an infection, or a wound, should be seen in the context of growth,construction, and creation, instead of simply attack upon a foreign body.

If leukocytes remove age pigments and deteriorated moles by recognition of an "age antigen," as in their removal of old red blood cells, or the unnecessary tadpole tail in maturing frogs, then we have a way to begin to grasp the mechanism of ontogenic evolution through various stages and"recapitulations of phylogeny," rejecting one structure as another step forward becomes possible.(The fact that the senescence antigen appears in embryonic kidney cells, as well as in adult liver cells, indicates that it has to do with development, the transition from one stage to another, rather than simply with the "wearing out" of cells.)

Melanoma sometimes spontaneously regresses, in a self-digesting manner.( 3)This might be the process that I have seen in my "autolytic" moles. The fact that the "tumor necrosis factor" is also a cachexia inducing factor (and is produced by activated macrophages) provides another perspective on the idea that the whole body might be designed to periodically melt-down, to be systematically reconstructed anew.

Correspondence and Subscriptions:Raymond Peat, Ph.D.Ray Peat's NewsletterP.O. Box 3427Eugene, Oregon 97403503-345-9855References
(1.) G.G. Nagas, et al, Direct measurement of luekocyte motility...., Proc. Soc. Exp. Bio/Med.138, p. 350-2, 1971.

(2.) Y. Mishima, Lysosomes in melanin phagocytosis and synthesis, Nature 216, p. 67, Oct. 7,1967.

(3.) T.C. Emerson and W.H. Cole, Spontaneous Regression of Cancer, p. 164, W.B. Saunders,Philadelphia, 1966.”


Jul 30, 2020
“Banana Boat is recalling three batches of its “hair and scalp” sunscreen after tests found that the product contains trace amounts of cancer-causing chemical benzene, the manufacturer said in an announcement submitted to the Federal Drug Administration.

Exposure to benzene through skin contact, inhalation and by mouth has been linked to cancer such as leukemia, Fox Business reported.”

Valisure list of sunscreens

There's a list of different sunscreens that had benzene found in them starting on page 12. It wasn't just Banana Boat.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021

“Antitumor effect​

Tumor development and progressions constitute a multistep process including genetic and epigenetic changes.[12,13] Aloe vera and its constituents have a vital effect on the control of tumor development, through the modulation of genetic pathways. An important study was performed to investigate the antitumor activity of Aloe vera against stage-2 skin carcinogenesis induced by 7,12-Dimethylbenz[a] anthracene (DMBA) and Croton tiglium (croton) oil; the results revealed that, compared to 100% incidence of tumor development in group I (DMBA + croton oil only), the incidence of tumors decreased to 50%, 60%, and 40% in groups II (DMBA + croton oil + topical Aloe veragel), III (DMBA + croton oil + oral Aloe vera extract), and IV (DMBA + croton oil + topical Aloe vera gel + oral Aloe veraextract) respectively.[14] Another study showed that Aloe vera decreased the levels of lipid peroxidation and increased the levels of reduced antioxidant enzymes, and the same study showed that 50% ethanol extract has an antitumor effect through the modulation of lipid peroxidation and augmentation of the antioxidant defense system.[15] Yet another experiment was performed to evaluate the anticancer properties and modulatory effects of Aloe vera, and it was found that Aloe vera active principles exerted significant inhibition of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cell (EACC) number, when compared to the positive control group, in the order barbaloin > aloe emodin (AE) > octapeptide > aloesin.[16]”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“However, the most striking feature was the protection purported by citrus peel consumption (OR = 0.66, 95% CI = 0.45-0.95). Moreover, there was a dose-response relationship between higher citrus peel in the diet and degree of risk lowering. This is the first study to explore the relationship between citrus peel consumption and human cancers. Our results show that peel consumption, the major source of dietary d-limonene, is not uncommon and may have a potential protective effect in relation to skin SCC. Further studies with large sample sizes are needed to more completely evaluate the interrelationships between peel intake, bioavailability of d-limonene, and other lifestyle factors.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“The speed of a single cell moving by ameboid motion can be measured by watching cells on a glass slide as they move toward food, or by watching cells of the slime mold Dictyostelium when they are aggregating, or by watching the pigment cells in and around moles or melanomas, under the influence of hormones. At body temperature, a single cell can crawl about an inch per day. Waves or spots of brown pigment can be seen migrating through the skin away from a mole, preceding the disintegration of the mole under the influence of progesterone or DHEA.” -Ray Peat


Feb 26, 2016
I have spots on skin identical to the different types you are all describing. The flat rough spots, brown spots, cauliflowery spots.

A few years ago I had one that had grown to about the size of my pinky fingernail, on my upper stomach. It grew slowly & got cauliflowery.

I put progest-e on it every few days for a couple of weeks at a time, but I’d do the opposite of what people are doing here. I covered it with a waterproof band-aid so it could get as little air as possible.

I wanted it to be exposed to co2 for a few days and I thought that was the way to do it.

It looked waterlogged & soft when I’d take the band-aid off. It looked bad.

But it started to get little pinpoint black spots like in Rinse’s pics. I flicked it with my fingernail & the little bubbles would flake off. They did bleed & I didn’t do it all at once.

It took months. But that thing eventually flaked off completely & new pink skin took its place.

Besides the thing flaking off it was interesting to see how horrified I was to see its changes during the process but how it ended up doing exactly what I wanted it to do.

I’m going to try that progest-e + lanolin combo. Been using Lansinoh brand lanolin for about a year.

@Rinse & rePeat Those Ray Peat quotes are golden. Thanks for getting those together.
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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I have spots on skin identical to the different types you are all describing. The flat rough spots, brown spots, cauliflowery spots.

A few years ago I had one that had grown to about the size of my pinky fingernail, on my upper stomach. It grew slowly & got cauliflowery.

I put progest-e on it every few days for a couple of weeks at a time, but I’d do the opposite of what people are doing here. I covered it with a waterproof band-aid so it could get as little air as possible.

I wanted it to be exposed to co2 for a few days and I thought that was the way to do it.

It looked waterlogged & soft when I’d take the band-aid off. It looked bad.

But it started to get little pinpoint black spots like in Rinse’s pics. I flicked it with my fingernail & the little bubbles would flake off. They did bleed & I didn’t do it all at once.

It took months. But that thing eventually flaked off completely & new pink skin took its place.

Besides the thing flaking off it was interesting to see how horrified I was to see it’s changes during the process but how it ended up doing exactly what I wanted it to do.

I’m going to try that progest-e + lanolin combo. Been using Lansinoh brand lanolin for about a year.

@Rinse & rePeat Those Ray Peat quotes are golden. Thanks for getting those together.
Oh man when I put MCT oil on mine and covered it with a bandaid my husband freaked out how big it got overnight. I realized it was mad, in which case it was really important to stay on it. I wouldn’t cover it again, no sense getting it all excited. I like the slow poisoning while it is sleeping method.

I am happy those RP quotes landed on eager ears Rafe!

PS: I urge anyone doing these do-it-yourself methods to keep the treatment up long after the culprit is gone. The first time I rid myself of one with MCT oil it came back many months later. I got rid of it again and kept the treatment up after it was gone and it stayed gone after that.,
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Feb 26, 2016
Blurry but you can make out about what it was. Funny, I said this was years ago. It was only in early 2021. It just feels like years ago.

It’s red where the band-aid stuck for several days at a time.


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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Blurry but you can make out about what it was. Funny, I said this was years ago. It was only in early 2021. It just feels like years ago.

It’s red where the band-aid stuck for several days at a time.
It is gone now?
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Yes it took time but it all fell off. No real scar.
I love hearing this kind of empowerment. Cutting these little monsters out is so scary. Both my grandfather, great grandfather and an aunt had theirs cut out and all of them died fairy quickly afterwards from doing so. Watchful waiting and sneaking up on it while it is sleeping is a better approach for me, but is does take some dedication.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“The replacement of injured cells means that mutations need not accumulate. Cell renewal with elimination of mutant cells has been observed in sun-damaged skin simply by stopping the damage, and mitochondria with damaged DNA can be replaced by healthy mitochondria simply by doing the right kind of exercise.

The regulation of cell renewal probably involves all of the processes of life, but there are a few simple, interacting factors that suppress renewal. The accumulation of polyunsaturated fats, interacting with a high concentration of oxygen, damages mitochondria, and causes a chronic excessive exposure to cortisol. With mitochondrial damage, cells are unable to produce the progesterone needed to oppose cortisol and to protect cells.

Choosing the right foods, the right atmosphere, the right mental and physical activities, and finding the optimal rhythms of light, darkness, and activity, can begin to alter the streaming renewal of cells in all the organs. Designing a more perfect environment is going to be much simpler than the schemes of the genetic engineers.” -Ray Peat​
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“You see, it is the ratio of omega-3/omega-6 that matters, dietitians/doctors say, because omega-3 is anti-inflammatory and balances the "controversial" inflammatory effects of omega-6. Well, apparently not so when it comes to cancer. Both are about equally bad, and none of the other fats (SFA/MUFA) were associated with the deadly melanoma. In other words, only PUFA promotes melanoma.”

“The authors concluded that “because there have been few experimental and epidemiologic studies of fat intake and skin cancer, our findings on certain types of fat and skin cancer need to be replicated and may motivate future studies.”’

“Results showed that a high intake of polyunsaturated fats — fats found in foods such as soybean, corn, and flax oil — increased the risk of SCC by 16% (P=.001) and BCC by 6% (P=.01). Higher intake levels of omega-6 fat were associated with melanoma, SCC, and BCC risk, and omega-3 fat intake was found to increase the risk of BCC, but not melanoma or SCC.

Additionally, a higher intake of cholesterol was associated with a reduced risk of SCC and higher intake of monounsaturated fats was associated with a reduced risk of BCC.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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