Remarkable Synergistic Effect Of Androsterone With DHEA


Oct 11, 2016
On the evening preceding my catching of a common cold, I felt a bit shivery and under the weather. I thought maybe I should see how I feel with a spot of T3. I applied one drop of Tyronene to my wrist before I left the office. On the bus home, I started feeling very stressed in my environment, which is weird for me because I never get anxious, like I had to remove myself from the bus (which was really uncomfortable, and hot, stuck in traffic with loud rattling sound from the engine). I happened to check my heart beat, which was pounding in my chest, but my heart rate wasn't very fast - just 75bpm. The beating was heavy and hard though.

I got off the bus, got a sweet fizzy drink, felt better. Got home, had no appetite - assumed high adrenaline. Tried to consume as many easily digestible foods as I desired, but felt sore throat near bedtime. Was sick next day.

Compare to right now, where post-Androsterone I have a heart rate of 95, and can't even sense it unless I check it against my watch. It's surreal.

Taking thyroid when coming down with a sickness seems like the opposite of what should be done... The system is breaking so speed it up? Maybe not a great analogy, but closer than thinking of t3 as fuel or something.


Jan 22, 2013
Took 4 mg ondansetron and 2 mg cyproheptadine at night. Today I can smell the androsterone again :eyes: So the serotonin theory of @haidut seems legit :clapping:


Sep 7, 2017
Los Angeles
Woohoo, just received my Androsterone and excited to try it out on my favorite rat.

Curious about dosing and was hoping for a recommendation(s) considering he's never used anything like this before. It looks like the recommended dose while taking DHEA is 1:1 or even 1:3 in favor of DHEA (I think that's what I read here the other day).

This is the SFA/Ethanol version of Androsterone btw.

Rat is currently taking 15mg of DHEA (5mg at a time broken up throughout the day)... Pure Encapsulations micronized DHEA capsules orally if that matters.

Current Supplement regimen is as follows:

6am - 5mg DHEA (no food, but taken with my coffee, sugar, gelatin and heavy cream)
10am - 5mg DHEA (still empty stomach... but still drinking coffee, usually about 40oz of coffee daily)
1pm ish - 15 mg vit k2 (Thornes liquid) and anywhere from 4000 to 8000 iu vit d3, liquid
2 to 3pm ish - 5mg DHEA (usually after a lunch with protein and starch)
9pm ish - 30mg zinc and 600mg Magnesium

Anyone have any suggestions as to when to incorporate the Androsterone and how much. I assume my rat should start low and then ramp up? Still don't know what starting low really means with this version, SFA/Ethanol Androsterone.

Rat, 45 years old, is in decent shape 5' 8" 165ish btw... could probably stand to lose a few lbs around the midsection and currently lifts weights every other day.

Also, rat has kids that he doesn't want to be affected by Androsterone... maybe he should put it on his thigh?

Thanks in advance for any advice.
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Sep 7, 2017
Los Angeles
On day 4 of Androsterone and here's my experience so far:

First day, only 2 drops... second day until today, 3 drops am with 5mg DHEA (still taking 2 more doses of 5mg DHEA throughout the day)... then second dose of 2 drops in evening around 7pm. All doses applied to the upper thigh and rubbed in.

Here's what I've noticed so far...

Restless sleep, which rat is not used to. Rat is used to waking up maybe once or twice... maybe going pee once... but then falling immediately back to sleep. Last night, woke up twice to pee and couldn't fall back asleep for hours. Mind was racing.

The other thing... NO nocturnal wood or morning wood since starting the androsterone. It's very rare for this to happen.

Again, only day 4 so far... and willing to continue for a while as I want to give it a fair shot... but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit concerned.



Sep 7, 2017
Los Angeles
Well, next 2 nights, strong nocturnal/morning wood. Maybe the first few nights were just a fluke.

I did drink alcohol, tequila, the first night... Which I almost never do... I guess that could be a factor as well.


New Member
Apr 2, 2018
Hi all,

first of all: Thank you Haidut for making my life better. You have a life long customer here in potential.
I want to post my experiences since a week with this combination and I seek some advice too.

First a brief introduction:
My rat is in his early thirties. He has always been an athlete and has always had high 'T' levels. (Untested, but very fast muscle development, high libido etc.) But was always also under a lot of stress.
My rat is blessed with a (really)big penis, and although this sometimes brings uncomfortabilities, there are no complaints there.
In the past my rat has used oral DHEA capsules for a brief period (50 mg) to see if androgenic benefits would occur. What happened was that he got serious irritability and seemingly high cortisol levels, so he quit taking the DHEA. (My rat guessed that that was due to estrogen rising.)
After researching more about the subject, my rat felt his dose of DHEA was way too high, especially for his age. So a while back I decided to order Androsterone and Pansterone to make use of these molecules' synergy and to benefit my rat's life.

Taking other supplements:

vit k2 + b12 in the morning
magnesium + zinc before bed

Daily dosage:
2 drops pansterone (2.5 mg)
2 drops androsterone (2 mg)
applied on scrotum in the morning, but also experimented with temples & neck applications.

what I noticed in the first week testing this combination:

- clearer thinking
- no more stress
- higher libido
- more energy
- less fatigue after gym sessions
- improved sleep
- women magnet
- faster beard growth
- muscles more visible
- weight loss, unsure if it's fat or muscle (don't feel weaker, but look a little skinnier).
(my rat already has a very good physique, so weight loss is not necessarily a positive thing here, but since it is for the general rat population, it's in this section)

- sometimes it looks like penile shrinkage has occured somewhat the last days. Which frightens me a bit.
- erections seem to be softer and harder to get, while libido is higher, if that makes sense.
- first nights couldn't sleep, now all is well.
- irritability later in the day if pansterone + androsterone is applied to scrotum.
- light increase in acne. mild face / body acne

I will post more when I experience it.

Where I need advice:
Concerning the irritability when applying pansterone + androsterone to the scrotum:
The irritability is a light form of the type i had when i was on the high dose of DHEA, which is why i assume estrogen production is rising somewhat. Is that correct?
Am i producing too much estrogen which causes penile shrinkage?
What causes the acne increase? nothing too crazy.

Is the dosage alright? (should i add another drop androsterone to counter these estrogenic symptoms?)
What about food intake before applying? Absolutely need to take it with meals / something sugary? It seems that the rat is absolutely craving for sugar after taking this.

Irritability doesn't arise when applied to the neck area. Is absorption worse?
Does applying in the neck area still give the androgenic benefits? or just the nootropic effects? @haidut

Thanks all
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Hi all,

first of all: Thank you Haidut for making my life better. You have a life long customer here in potential.
I want to post my experiences since a week with this combination and I seek some advice too.

First a brief introduction:
My rat is in his early thirties. He has always been an athlete and has always had high 'T' levels. (Untested, but very fast muscle development, high libido etc.) But was always also under a lot of stress.
My rat is blessed with a (really)big penis, and although this sometimes brings uncomfortabilities, there are no complaints there.
In the past my rat has used oral DHEA capsules for a brief period (50 mg) to see if androgenic benefits would occur. What happened was that he got serious irritability and seemingly high cortisol levels, so he quit taking the DHEA. (My rat guessed that that was due to estrogen rising.)
After researching more about the subject, my rat felt his dose of DHEA was way too high, especially for his age. So a while back I decided to order Androsterone and Pansterone to make use of these molecules' synergy and to benefit my rat's life.

Taking other supplements:

vit k2 + b12 in the morning
magnesium + zinc before bed

Daily dosage:
2 drops pansterone (2.5 mg)
2 drops androsterone (2 mg)
applied on scrotum in the morning, but also experimented with temples & neck applications.

what I noticed in the first week testing this combination:

- clearer thinking
- no more stress
- higher libido
- more energy
- less fatigue after gym sessions
- improved sleep
- women magnet
- faster beard growth
- muscles more visible
- weight loss, unsure if it's fat or muscle (don't feel weaker, but look a little skinnier).
(my rat already has a very good physique, so weight loss is not necessarily a positive thing here, but since it is for the general rat population, it's in this section)

- sometimes it looks like penile shrinkage has occured somewhat the last days. Which frightens me a bit.
- erections seem to be softer and harder to get, while libido is higher, if that makes sense.
- first nights couldn't sleep, now all is well.
- irritability later in the day if pansterone + androsterone is applied to scrotum.
- light increase in acne. mild face / body acne

I will post more when I experience it.

Where I need advice:
Concerning the irritability when applying pansterone + androsterone to the scrotum:
The irritability is a light form of the type i had when i was on the high dose of DHEA, which is why i assume estrogen production is rising somewhat. Is that correct?
Am i producing too much estrogen which causes penile shrinkage?
What causes the acne increase? nothing too crazy.

Is the dosage alright? (should i add another drop androsterone to counter these estrogenic symptoms?)
What about food intake before applying? Absolutely need to take it with meals / something sugary? It seems that the rat is absolutely craving for sugar after taking this.

Irritability doesn't arise when applied to the neck area. Is absorption worse?
Does applying in the neck area still give the androgenic benefits? or just the nootropic effects? @haidut

Thanks all

Wow, amazing feedback! Thanks very much.
I think that given your penis size your DHT levels may be naturally higher. So androsterone may elevate them to the point where it bring down estrogen too low and may even affect endogenous T levels. Some estrogen is needed for proper erections. Some people who reported similar issues as you while using androsterone found out their DHT levels were very high - more than twice the upper limit.
I strongly recommend testing DHT, T, DHEA, E1, and cortisol. If the androgens are in the upper 25% as you suspect, then androsterone may not be needed or you can try every other day or 1mg daily. You could also try Gonadin instead of androsterone as a way to control aromatization of Pansterone but without affecting DHT levels directly like androsterone does.
Irritability is commonly reported with androgenic steroids. Could be due to blood glucose drop or higher dopamine/adrenaline. Estrogen could also be a factor but I doubt it given the low doses you use. But it would be best to run a few tests so you know how these products affect your steroid profile.


Oct 15, 2016
The higher libido with decreased erection quality sounds odd. So does the acne, in the past haidut you told me you thought acne was caused by estrogenic metabolites and people who used dht-type steroids didn't get acne, I don't think I ever saw poor erections mentioned as a side-effect of dht supplements. Ray has written about his thoughts on the effects of dhea on the brain and how he supplements small amounts orally (sublingually?) . He also warned about the need to have adequate vitamin D levels, thyroid function and low stress hormones to avoid negative effects.
Travis has associated androgens with acne though, I don't remember if IGF-1 (dairy) was involved as well.
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Wow, amazing feedback! Thanks very much.
I think that given your penis size your DHT levels may be naturally higher. So androsterone may elevate them to the point where it bring down estrogen too low and may even affect endogenous T levels. Some estrogen is needed for proper erections. Some people who reported similar issues as you while using androsterone found out their DHT levels were very high - more than twice the upper limit.
I strongly recommend testing DHT, T, DHEA, E1, and cortisol. If the androgens are in the upper 25% as you suspect, then androsterone may not be needed or you can try every other day or 1mg daily. You could also try Gonadin instead of androsterone as a way to control aromatization of Pansterone but without affecting DHT levels directly like androsterone does.
Irritability is commonly reported with androgenic steroids. Could be due to blood glucose drop or higher dopamine/adrenaline. Estrogen could also be a factor but I doubt it given the low doses you use. But it would be best to run a few tests so you know how these products affect your steroid profile.
yeah, lucky are those who have labs available to fine tune their supp dosage


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
The higher libido with decreased erection quality sounds odd. So does the acne, in the past haidut you told me you thought acne was caused by estrogenic metabolites and people who used dht-type steroids didn't get acne, I don't think I ever saw poor erections mentioned as a side-effect of dht supplements. Ray has written about his thoughts on the effects of dhea on the brain and how he supplements small amounts orally (sublingually?) . He also warned about the need to have adequate vitamin D levels, thyroid function and low stress hormones to avoid negative effects.
Travis has associated androgens with acne though, I don't remember if IGF-1 (dairy) was involved as well.

That's why I think doing some blood work is warranted. Hard to speculate on all the things that could be changing.


New Member
Apr 2, 2018
Wow, amazing feedback! Thanks very much.
I think that given your penis size your DHT levels may be naturally higher. So androsterone may elevate them to the point where it bring down estrogen too low and may even affect endogenous T levels. Some estrogen is needed for proper erections. Some people who reported similar issues as you while using androsterone found out their DHT levels were very high - more than twice the upper limit.
I strongly recommend testing DHT, T, DHEA, E1, and cortisol. If the androgens are in the upper 25% as you suspect, then androsterone may not be needed or you can try every other day or 1mg daily. You could also try Gonadin instead of androsterone as a way to control aromatization of Pansterone but without affecting DHT levels directly like androsterone does.
Irritability is commonly reported with androgenic steroids. Could be due to blood glucose drop or higher dopamine/adrenaline. Estrogen could also be a factor but I doubt it given the low doses you use. But it would be best to run a few tests so you know how these products affect your steroid profile.

Thank you for the fast response. I will buy a test-test and we will see where I stand. Anyone got the URL bookmarked for a reliable test?
I was never such a 'hairy' person btw, not much androgenic hair. Does that rule out the existence of high DHT values?
Today the rat had a firm erection multiple times.

@haidut : does applying to the neck instead of the scrotum give less of an androgenic synergy in general?

The higher libido with decreased erection quality sounds odd. So does the acne, in the past haidut you told me you thought acne was caused by estrogenic metabolites and people who used dht-type steroids didn't get acne, I don't think I ever saw poor erections mentioned as a side-effect of dht supplements. Ray has written about his thoughts on the effects of dhea on the brain and how he supplements small amounts orally (sublingually?) . He also warned about the need to have adequate vitamin D levels, thyroid function and low stress hormones to avoid negative effects.
Travis has associated androgens with acne though, I don't remember if IGF-1 (dairy) was involved as well.

I will restart my vitamin D supplementation too! I had stopped that since I quit fish oil. But will buy a dedicated D3 supplement.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Thank you for the fast response. I will buy a test-test and we will see where I stand. Anyone got the URL bookmarked for a reliable test?
I was never such a 'hairy' person btw, not much androgenic hair. Does that rule out the existence of high DHT values?
Today the rat had a firm erection multiple times.

@haidut : does applying to the neck instead of the scrotum give less of an androgenic synergy in general?

I will restart my vitamin D supplementation too! I had stopped that since I quit fish oil. But will buy a dedicated D3 supplement.

I think applying anywhere on the body, at the same time as DHEA, would still give the synergy. No need to apply everything on the same spot.


May 30, 2018
Yes, the more end-point steroids you use the more risk you have of creating disbalances upwards the chain since there is usually a feedback mechanism of some sorts. So, if steroids have to be combined I would combine ideally DHEA + DHT + T, and if you only have two of them I would do DHT + DHEA or T + DHEA. The DHEA itself has very prometabolic effects and has some metabolites that are absolutely crucial for immunity. So, I think DHEA should be present in any combo. Pregnenolone + dhea + androsterone is probably the best legal way to optimize steroids as you get the strong androgen androsterone, the systemic health-promoter DHEA, and the progesteogenic and steroid synthesis boosting effects of pregnenolone. If DHT was legal, I would use that instead of androsterone, but if you look at the master thread on androsterone you will see that it converts back to DHT rather easily and is a true DHT prohormone without much of a chance of converting into something harmful.
Haidut, what do you think a good ratio would be when combining Preg + DHEA + DHT + T? I'm thinking of acquiring some DHT and T powder to add to a bottle of Pansterone. Would equal amounts of each be a good ratio for application to the scrotum to stimulate more T and DHT without causing suppression at maybe 2 mg of each per day? (1 mg DHEA, 1 mg DHT, 1 mg T, and 1 mg Pregnenolone)


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Haidut, what do you think a good ratio would be when combining Preg + DHEA + DHT + T? I'm thinking of acquiring some DHT and T powder to add to a bottle of Pansterone. Would equal amounts of each be a good ratio for application to the scrotum to stimulate more T and DHT without causing suppression at maybe 2 mg of each per day? (1 mg DHEA, 1 mg DHT, 1 mg T, and 1 mg Pregnenolone)

As a total daily dose I would take 30mg pregnenolone, 5mg-10mg DHEA, 5mg T, and 2mg DHT. The issue with suppression is mostly the lack of pregnenolone, so if you take care of that then suppression is actually a good thing because LH/GSH/GnRH are all pituitary hormones and as such probably not very healthy, so best kept low. A lot of the symptoms of menopause/andropause stem from the very high LH/FSH, and of course prolactin/estrogen. That's why using estrogen in some menopausal women may initially help because it suppresses LH/FSH and other pituitary hormones.


May 30, 2018
As a total daily dose I would take 30mg pregnenolone, 5mg-10mg DHEA, 5mg T, and 2mg DHT. The issue with suppression is mostly the lack of pregnenolone, so if you take care of that then suppression is actually a good thing because LH/GSH/GnRH are all pituitary hormones and as such probably not very healthy, so best kept low. A lot of the symptoms of menopause/andropause stem from the very high LH/FSH, and of course prolactin/estrogen. That's why using estrogen in some menopausal women may initially help because it suppresses LH/FSH and other pituitary hormones.
Awesome, so do you think a bottle of pansterone with your current formula's solvents would be able to dissolve 450 mg T and 180 mg DHT? That would be perfect, so every 4 drops would contain 5 mg T and 2 mg DHT, along with 5mg DHEA and Preg. Then extra pregnenolone could be supplemented as necessary.

Do you think this DHT/T/DHEA/Preg solution would be best applied to the scrotum? Or would a smaller amount be more appropriate if applied there? Maybe divided in two doses per day?
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Awesome, so do you think a bottle of pansterone with your current formula's solvents would be able to dissolve 450 mg T and 180 mg DHT? That would be perfect, so every 4 drops would contain 5 mg T and 2 mg DHT, along with 5mg DHEA and Preg. Then extra pregnenolone could be supplemented as necessary.

Do you think this DHT/T/DHEA/Preg solution would be best applied to the scrotum? Or would a smaller amount be more appropriate if applied there? Maybe divided in two doses per day?

I would apply on the skin or take orally. Probably too much T and DHT to dissolve properly in a bottle of Pansterone, but could work if heated well. If it is the SFA/ethanol version some of the ethanol will evaporate when heated so you may need to add more to make it back into 15ml volume. If it is the tocopherol/MCT version then no need to add anything.


Jul 14, 2018
Has anyone had success with this combo just using it a few times a week instead of everyday? Just to insure normal endogenous production? May start using this just after workouts couple days a week
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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