Androgens (androsterone/DHEA/T) Are Calcium Channel Blockers / Antagonists


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
The study found that all tested androgens, as well as progesterone were calcium channel blockers and 5b-DHT was the most potent. Androsterons was next, and it was equipotent to DHEA and testosterone. While the dose used in the study was high, the authors believe that the same effects may be observed in vivo with physiological doses of androgens present in humans. The calcium channel blocking properties of these androgens may explain (in part) their beneficial effects on CVD.

Androgens induce relaxation of contractile activity in pregnant human myometrium at term: a nongenomic action on L-type calcium channels. - PubMed - NCBI
"...The androgens tested in this study showed different potency to induce myometrial relaxation (Fig. 2). The major relaxing effect was induced by 5b-DHT, while DHEA, androsterone, and testosterone were less active and equipotent among themselves, and 5a-DHT and androstanediol presented only a slight efficacy. Therefore, the order of potency observed deserves further consideration. In the first instance, the high relaxing potency of 5b-DHT correlated with its strong vasorelaxant and vasodepressor effect [23– 25]. This 5b-reduced androgen has also been the most potent steroid inducing relaxation in the guinea pig ileum [19] and on the contraction induced by different agents in the rat uterus [2, 20]. In line with this evidence, our results obtained with 5b-DHT demonstrate that its potency is even more powerful than progesterone and some 5-reduced progestins in the human pregnant myometrium at term [4]. Even further, all androgens were more efficacious relaxants than progesterone on KCl-induced contraction as well as when their effect on spontaneous contraction was compared with progesterone in our previous results [4]."

"...On the other hand, the myometrial relaxation elicited by androgens suggests a possible interaction with b2 adrenoceptors or GABAA receptors; however, this possibility appears not to be supported because their respective antagonists, propranolol and picrotoxin or bicuculline, did not block the relaxing effect of sex steroids in isolated rat myometrium [9, 10]. Thus, the available data suggest that the myometrial relaxation of steroids seems to be due to inhibition of Ca21 influx through VOCCs and/or ROCCs."

The vasodepressor effect of androgens in pithed rats: potential role of calcium channels. - PubMed - NCBI
"...Moreover, 5 beta-DHT significantly antagonized the vasopressor responses to methyl 1,4-dihydro-2,6-dimethyl-3-nitro-4-(2-trifluromethylphenyl)-pyridine-5-carboxylate (Bay K 8644) with a blocking profile similar to that of nifedipine (NIF). This finding suggests that a blockade of voltage-operated calcium channels may be involved in androgen-induced hypotension."

"...This may, in fact, account for the several beneficial effects reported for dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), a metabolic intermediate in the pathway for the synthesis of various sex hormones (i.e. androgens and estrogens). These beneficial effects are associated with increased longevity and decreased heart disease in men [41,42]. In agreement with the above speculation: (i) the plasma levels of DHEA have been found to decrease with increasing age [41–45]; (ii) the age-related decrease in DHEA appears to be more pronounced in men than in women [43,44,46]; (iii) the blood levels of DHEA are low in a number of diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, autoimmunity, and cardiovascular diseases [41,42]; and (iv) exogenously elevated levels of plasma DHEA prevent or retard the occurrence of such diseases. These observations suggest that the action of DHEA, present in young males and females, could be attributed to products derived from its metabolism, such as androgens and/or estrogens. Since androgens have acute vasorelaxant [4,18] and hypotensive properties (present study), we propose that androgen replacement therapy may be considered in men after middle age to prevent cardiovascular dysfunctions, similar to the hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women, which reduces the incidence and severity of cardiovascular diseases."


Jan 25, 2014


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
This could also mean that androgens are another way to lower iron levels and serum ferritin. This study found an association between Calcium Channel Blockers use and lower Ferritin- Calcium channel blocker use and serum ferritin in adults with hypertension. - PubMed - NCBI

Also, in this interview, Iron Researcher E.D. Weinberg notes that his personal Iron Reduction Strategy was Aspirin and a Calcium Channel Blocker- Eugene D. Weinberg on Iron Toxicity - Rogue Health and Fitness

Interesting, thanks for sharing! I know that androgens are used to increase RBC and treat anemia. If ferritin and iron saturation are in the lower 25% of the range the RBC rises adaptively to compensate for the lower iron. But if iron gets too high or too low the RBC decline.


Feb 20, 2013
This could also mean that androgens are another way to lower iron levels and serum ferritin. This study found an association between Calcium Channel Blockers use and lower Ferritin- Calcium channel blocker use and serum ferritin in adults with hypertension. - PubMed - NCBI

Also, in this interview, Iron Researcher E.D. Weinberg notes that his personal Iron Reduction Strategy was Aspirin and a Calcium Channel Blocker- Eugene D. Weinberg on Iron Toxicity - Rogue Health and Fitness
I just read Weinberg on Iron toxicity and one thing I read scared me:

"Aspirin is a fine iron chelator which explains its help in longevity and lowered inflammation (Ref 83 in Metallomics paper). [The reference is Faecal Blood Loss Associated with Aspirin and Pentoxifylline, Given Alone and in Combination. After two weeks of four daily aspirin (total 1300 mg, compare to low-dose aspirin at 80 mg), the subjects were losing nearly 20 ml of blood a day via intestinal bleeding"



Sep 23, 2017
This could also mean that androgens are another way to lower iron levels and serum ferritin. This study found an association between Calcium Channel Blockers use and lower Ferritin- Calcium channel blocker use and serum ferritin in adults with hypertension. - PubMed - NCBI

Also, in this interview, Iron Researcher E.D. Weinberg notes that his personal Iron Reduction Strategy was Aspirin and a Calcium Channel Blocker- Eugene D. Weinberg on Iron Toxicity - Rogue Health and Fitness

givng blood lowers iron and raises Testosterone. Testosterone signals the making of hemoglobin which then reduces iron more. it also riases leptin which burns more fat. TRT would lower iron and make more blood but also raise hemocrit.


Jun 25, 2013
givng blood lowers iron and raises Testosterone. Testosterone signals the making of hemoglobin which then reduces iron more. it also riases leptin which burns more fat. TRT would lower iron and make more blood but also raise hemocrit.
If a male was low in Testosterone would this show up with low hemoglobin and low hematocrit numbers?


Feb 26, 2018
I just read Weinberg on Iron toxicity and one thing I read scared me:

"Aspirin is a fine iron chelator which explains its help in longevity and lowered inflammation (Ref 83 in Metallomics paper). [The reference is Faecal Blood Loss Associated with Aspirin and Pentoxifylline, Given Alone and in Combination. After two weeks of four daily aspirin (total 1300 mg, compare to low-dose aspirin at 80 mg), the subjects were losing nearly 20 ml of blood a day via intestinal bleeding"
Wow , that sounds bad . Alleviated by K2 maybe ?


Feb 3, 2019
givng blood lowers iron and raises Testosterone. Testosterone signals the making of hemoglobin which then reduces iron more. it also riases leptin which burns more fat. .
I did not know giving blood was anabolic!
I would have being doing so.

Once again high test is cited as a health metric/necessity
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