Remarkable Synergistic Effect Of Androsterone With DHEA



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
i have found that with this combo on my rat's tiny little scrotum, he is kind of tired-ish, and lacks motivation. Is this because his stress hormones are lower now and he lacks that OOMPH from cortisol and adrenaline?

He is tired all the time now and although he has a strong sex drive and good erections, the rat seems to lack interest in other things and kind of sits around a lot of the time...


Maybe the rat is getting too much androsterone. Keep in mind that steroid is a GABA agonist similar to progesterone and does make people tired in high doses. So, if the rat is using the combination in a 1:1 ratio I would try lowering the androsterone dose so that the ratio is 1:3.


Dec 1, 2012
I think it is a combination of lifestyle, diet, overmedicalization, and above all lack of sense of purpose. Every object in the Universe is purposeful (at least in the Aristotelian sense) and constantly driving the message into people's heads that life has no purpose, everything is meaningless and dumb, etc. has a powerful vanquishing effect on the mind/brain. Health is primarily a byproduct of mental outlook + diet and both of these are horrific these days.

I find it quite odd that people can come to think the universe has no purpose (which I agree with) and then interpolate that human lives have no purpose. It's like saying that because there's no colour red out there in the universe, only my personal filtration of qualia, that the colour red does not exist. I don't see how that follows.

I also think people are really not free nowadays and we live in a masked slavery where every moment of a person's life is a discrete transaction, usually controlled by somebody else and done for money. If reality is continuous and our brain does best in an environment rewarding such worldview, then this transactional/reductionist lifestyle is like the physiological anti-Christ that came upon this world.

That's a good point. I'd never thought about how our current environment keeps smacking us in the face with how we're slaves to causality in a way it didn't do so much in the past.
Nov 21, 2015
Maybe the rat is getting too much androsterone. Keep in mind that steroid is a GABA agonist similar to progesterone and does make people tired in high doses. So, if the rat is using the combination in a 1:1 ratio I would try lowering the androsterone dose so that the ratio is 1:3.

yes that is what I was thinking. I'll adjust Rat's dosages in my experiment.

It is similar to what Ritanserin did to Rat, by the way...


Oct 16, 2015
When applied to the rats scrotum at what dose does androsterone inhibit natural producing endogenous hormone production?


Aug 17, 2016
I think it is a combination of lifestyle, diet, overmedicalization, and above all lack of sense of purpose. Every object in the Universe is purposeful (at least in the Aristotelian sense) and constantly driving the message into people's heads that life has no purpose, everything is meaningless and dumb, etc. has a powerful vanquishing effect on the mind/brain. Health is primarily a byproduct of mental outlook + diet and both of these are horrific these days. I also think people are really not free nowadays and we live in a masked slavery where every moment of a person's life is a discrete transaction, usually controlled by somebody else and done for money. If reality is continuous and our brain does best in an environment rewarding such worldview, then this transactional/reductionist lifestyle is like the physiological anti-Christ that came upon this world.
This is excellent Haidut. It reminds me of certain insights in Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
When applied to the rats scrotum at what dose does androsterone inhibit natural producing endogenous hormone production?

Don't know about the scrotum application, but injections of the human equivalent dose of up to 100mg daily of androsterone did NOT suppress endogenous production in humans. However, in animal models the non-suppressive dose was close to HED of 15mg - 20mg daily so I'd stick to the lower dose just to make sure. The dose of 15mg - 20mg is also remarkably similar to the non-suppressive doses of other potent androgens like DHT and synthetic steroids derived from it (Proviron). As usual, symptoms could be your guide. Sudden drop in libido or loss of muscle tone are usually good indications that you the rat is getting too much or it is converting into the wrong pathways somehow.


Jul 31, 2015
I think it is a combination of lifestyle, diet, overmedicalization, and above all lack of sense of purpose. Every object in the Universe is purposeful (at least in the Aristotelian sense) and constantly driving the message into people's heads that life has no purpose, everything is meaningless and dumb, etc. has a powerful vanquishing effect on the mind/brain. Health is primarily a byproduct of mental outlook + diet and both of these are horrific these days. I also think people are really not free nowadays and we live in a masked slavery where every moment of a person's life is a discrete transaction, usually controlled by somebody else and done for money. If reality is continuous and our brain does best in an environment rewarding such worldview, then this transactional/reductionist lifestyle is like the physiological anti-Christ that came upon this world.
Then Please tell me you are not in support of the globalist Hillary Clinton or I will be seriously confused in this world now.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Then Please tell me you are not in support of the globalist Hillary Clinton or I will be seriously confused in this world now.

I don't like neither her nor Trump :): Not sure I like any politician really. The few that I met were all pretty sick individuals and they all seemed to be able to excuse pretty much any behavior of theirs with the YOLO slogan.


Aug 17, 2016
I don't like neither her nor Trump :) Not sure I like any politician really. The few that I met were all pretty sick individuals and they all seemed to be able to excuse pretty much any behavior of theirs with the YOLO slogan.
The whole notion of needing a leader creeps me out.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I truly dont understand how we keep letting theae psychos lead us. Its mind boggling. I mean, why do we keep doing it man?? They are all psychos.

Well, I have yet to see a politician who is not completely messed up in the head (I live in DC and run into them all the time). Maybe as far as politicians are concerned (in the current system) there is nothing better??


Oct 5, 2014
I think it is a combination of lifestyle, diet, overmedicalization, and above all lack of sense of purpose. Every object in the Universe is purposeful (at least in the Aristotelian sense) and constantly driving the message into people's heads that life has no purpose, everything is meaningless and dumb, etc. has a powerful vanquishing effect on the mind/brain. Health is primarily a byproduct of mental outlook + diet and both of these are horrific these days. I also think people are really not free nowadays and we live in a masked slavery where every moment of a person's life is a discrete transaction, usually controlled by somebody else and done for money. If reality is continuous and our brain does best in an environment rewarding such worldview, then this transactional/reductionist lifestyle is like the physiological anti-Christ that came upon this world.

I totally agree with you haidut. XX century seems like a race to disempower humans in a metaphysical kind of sense. When you say "life has n purpose, everything is meaningless and dumb, etc." I would add "and random". Like this happen for a random reason.

Then the chrisis of values called "post-modernism".

Really, it's a dissolution that has led XXI men into the most profound nihilism disguissed in many different ways. Everything is compulsive work, sex, production, culture, everything... Because there's a big void left by those XX dogmas (although they started earlier with Descartes) about randomness and no purpose. A lost individual colliding randomly with other individuals.

Also the psychotherapy : You are another victim, an accident, a result of your parents and your school.

The modern way of family in which there's only a nucler family living together : mom, dad, children. Before that all family used to live and support together.

If you sum this all... I can't see how else can we disempower human beings even more... Maybe directly castrating us at birth ? Wait... they alread do that with fluor and xenostrogens...

It benefits greatly the elites of course.


Jan 25, 2014
Really looking forward to trying out androsterone. I recently added Pansterone back to the 11KDHT I was taking, and it seemed to make a noticeable difference to mood and energy. I actually allowed me to dial back the amount of thyroid I've been taking, and temps and pulse are as good, if not a little better. I haven't been doing weights at the gym recently, as I've been dealing with a minor sprain, and thought rest would be best, but I haven't seemed to lose any muscle tone during that time. And my weight has been constant.

I've also been experimenting with higher doses of B1, B2, Niacinamide, and biotin, and think those added a big boost as well. I was trying to lower estrogen, as estrone tested fairly high a while ago (part of the reason I paused the Pansterone). These also added a nice boost to mood, and vision.

Well, I have yet to see a politician who is not completely messed up in the head (I live in DC and run into them all the time). Maybe as far as politicians are concerned (in the current system) there is nothing better??

I think it's probably that the system attracts a fair amount of messed up people, and any "normal" people that get in get messed up by the system. Have you watched the documentary "Honest Man?" It's about Budd Dwyer, the Philadelphia Treasurer that famously committed suicide at a press conference. The back story is really interesting, and seeing as the main witness that claimed Dwyer agreed to accept a bribe (no actual bribe was ever made) basically recanted his testimony and said he was blackmailed into giving false testimony against Dwyer in the film, I'm dubious that any normal or honest person could survive in that environment. It's about 75 minutes, and you can find the documentary on youtube. I highly recommend!


The modern way of family in which there's only a nucler family living together : mom, dad, children. Before that all family used to live and support together.

We are actually already going into the next phase in which more and more children are raised by a single parent, mostly by the mother alone.

You don't have to be a genius to figure out how that might influence the coming generations, especially men.


I think most males nowadays are severely deficient in the strong 5-AR derived androgens. This has been consistently shown by comparative studies showing levels of androsterone, androsterone sulfate and androsterone glucuronide are about 60% lower in young males circa 2005 compared to the same androgens in the same age group of males circa 1960. Basically, we are only 40% as "male" as our fathers. I don't even want to think how much worse we are compared to the grandfathers...
Anyways, glad it is working so well! Please keep everybody posted on this thread as I think many other males are in a similar situation and this combo can potentially benefit every male over 30.

Can you give a link to these studies please?


Oct 16, 2015
Don't know about the scrotum application, but injections of the human equivalent dose of up to 100mg daily of androsterone did NOT suppress endogenous production in humans. However, in animal models the non-suppressive dose was close to HED of 15mg - 20mg daily so I'd stick to the lower dose just to make sure. The dose of 15mg - 20mg is also remarkably similar to the non-suppressive doses of other potent androgens like DHT and synthetic steroids derived from it (Proviron). As usual, symptoms could be your guide. Sudden drop in libido or loss of muscle tone are usually good indications that you the rat is getting too much or it is converting into the wrong pathways somehow.

Thank you. I remember you mentioning this but I can not find the thread. But is there any reason androsterone, pansterone and 11-kDHT should not be given to the rat? Perhaps in a 1 : 1 : 0.4 dose? Do you see any reason why this trifecta might be better than androsterone and pansterone only?


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Well, I have yet to see a politician who is not completely messed up in the head (I live in DC and run into them all the time). Maybe as far as politicians are concerned (in the current system) there is nothing better??

Well, it seems like the career of a politician itself is a barrier to entey for sane people. I mean, to find success aand navigate the complex network of corruption, scandals, to constantly be on your toes and command everyone around you, to constantly be showing a false face, to play the game of politics almost requires that one have a few bolts loose in their head. Which is why we see the candidates who have the most logical, balanced policies being consistently shunned in the mainstream.
Jan 10, 2016
Update on tangible effects of pansterone + androsterone combo.

Gym session today was excellent in terms of strength and strength endurance. I did upper body which is normally enough. But then I did lower body as well and lifted more than usual.

Later on I showed up on the wrong day for a social event, I found out after a phone call. It's only upon reflection that I realise how indifferent to my own display of incompetence that I was. Under normal circumstances I would have been really embarrassed and took great pains to make a joke out of it and do a bit of damage control.
Today I basically understood what happened, said ok I see, and hung up.
And it's only now I realise that it's probably the high dose androgens I'm taking that is influencing my behaviour as well as my gym performance.
It's like a healthy level of sedation, that melts away the impulse to neurotically micro manage every detail of your life.
I really like androsterone.


Apr 13, 2015
Update on tangible effects of pansterone + androsterone combo.

Gym session today was excellent in terms of strength and strength endurance. I did upper body which is normally enough. But then I did lower body as well and lifted more than usual.

Later on I showed up on the wrong day for a social event, I found out after a phone call. It's only upon reflection that I realise how indifferent to my own display of incompetence that I was. Under normal circumstances I would have been really embarrassed and took great pains to make a joke out of it and do a bit of damage control.
Today I basically understood what happened, said ok I see, and hung up.
And it's only now I realise that it's probably the high dose androgens I'm taking that is influencing my behaviour as well as my gym performance.
It's like a healthy level of sedation, that melts away the impulse to neurotically micro manage every detail of your life.
I really like androsterone.

awesome! how old is your rat?
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