Ray Peat Has Grey Hair, No Facial Hair, Black Teeth And Age Pigments

Greg says

Nov 6, 2014
'The shaman is not merely a sick man, or a madman; he is a sick man who has healed himself.' - Terence McKenna


Oct 15, 2016
Lol the guy is drawing, trying to be creative and inspiring people to be critical and think for themselves but I guess he didn't see the zoomed-in picture coming in on the age pigments.


Dec 29, 2015
those look like freckles to me, on his hand. I think this thread is inaccurate, mean, and let me say again inaccurate. Ray Peat is the only "guru" that I would like to look like. His face skin is tight, hardly any wrinkles. His face hasn't fallen, like almost everyone his age. He has no turkey neck, like a lot of people in their sixties. his hair is vibrant and he has not lost a hair. no bald spot at all. most everyone , even if full head of hair all their lives, usually thins out as they get old, but not Ray Peat. He is sharp as a tack, still doing interviews and consults. So, I think nit picking on somebody's appearance is mean. What if he read that? Of course we can be judgemental when it es follow someone, and their diet and lifestyle recs. But I think Ray looks great! Most everyone has dental work. He decided not to. Like me, my tooth that was grinded down mistakenly by an ***hole dentist, has now grown back to full size. No dental xrays for me, nor Ray Peat


May 31, 2015
I think this reveals the limitation of guru-oriented pursuit of health. Ray's research and mentality has encouraged me to experiment on myself with an open mind to improve a truly dire health situation. Yet I can't follow almost any component of what Ray actually eats (which despite the protests of some, closely resembles the stereotypical diet of OJ, low fat milk, eggs, liver, etc) because I can't tolerate milk or citrus. Obviously eating those foods is what makes him feel his best and there is plenty of justification for doing so, but I'd still be sick if I continued to push the Ray Peat diet on my body. So what I take from him is the thought process, the curiosity, the body awareness etc. (And PUFA avoidance, lol) And if I took advice based on the beauty of the adviser I'd probably be a cardio bunny eating 1200 calories of chicken breast or raw juice a day like every beauty queen in Hollywood or NYC. I think the biggest limitation of the Peat world is dismissal of genetic difference, which is huge. I'm naturally pretty thin, have high cheekbones/good skeletal development, bright enough to do well in school without trying, etc yet I grew up on a bad diet, was barely breastfed, had a high stress childhood, no sun etc. I wasn't supplementing K2 in elementary school or in the womb. Guess what, everyone in my family is thin, everyone in my family is tall, with high cheekbones, did well in school etc. There are also a lot of bad physical and mental traits I possess (which also run in my family) that are debilitating, so that's why I am here seeing how I can mitigate them to have as functional a life as possible, not how I can magically become someone else who likely didn't even have to try and whose health and life just run smoothly. Those are the types of people who take pretty pictures. Models and celebrities often live terrible lifestyles, don't sleep, have high pressure on them, high stress, don't eat, do lots of drugs and drink - they look incredible. Doesn't mean copy them. Becoming monomaniacally focused on a few coveted traits is only gonna lead someone astray imo.


Oct 31, 2012
I once wrote Ray, 'you better live a long time to prove these idea's'.
In many ways that was very foolish. There may not be a maximum limit, but there are often challenges that are poised by environment and culture. What's that other thread, roundup for all. Even with great care. Some stranger can decide to save some money and put lead in a cities water supply.


Mar 7, 2017
Ray's ideas are sound.

Ray is in poor health.

Could both of these statements be true simultaneously?
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Mar 29, 2014
Perfection, omniscience and immortality are to be found in religion and deities, rather than the stepwise, imperfect but wonderful accomplishments of real life mortal humans and science.

He looks pretty decent for his age. The voice kinda turns me off, plus he never seemed like he lifted wieghts or was very masculone
Seems he had other things to do than lift weights. IMO, that doesn't make him any less masculine.
It's Peat's thinking and communication that inspires this forum. If you want weight lifters in their 80s, maybe find a different kind of site?
So what I take from him is the thought process, the curiosity, the body awareness etc. (And PUFA avoidance, lol)
This makes sense to me.
Becoming monomaniacally focused on a few coveted traits is only gonna lead someone astray imo.
There may not be a maximum limit, but there are often challenges that are poised by environment and culture. .... Even with great care. Some stranger can decide to save some money and put lead in a cities water supply.


Apr 11, 2015
He's 80 what benefit would it serve him to copper his hair. It's thick and healthy for his age.


Mar 7, 2017
Jet Li 2018 (55). He claims a diagnosis of Hyperthyroidism.

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Feb 26, 2018
Jet Li 2018 (55). He claims a diagnosis of Hyperthyroidism.


wow he aged fast ! but he also shaved his head so that makes up for a big part of his ageing imo ...


Dec 3, 2016
That guy that Law is showing looks a bit “doddering”. I’ve absolutely never seen Peat look like that. I even think that Peat has a quiet exactitude about him, a confidence that’s well earned. Peat is exciting in a way that most other men don’t have, probably because their too wrapped up in their worries, time and place.

I don’t think that is a shaved head...it seems to be a very receeded hairline.
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May 27, 2015
That guy that Law is showing looks a bit “doddering”. I’ve absolutely never seen Peat look like that. I even think that Peat has a quiet exactitude about him, a confidence that’s well earned. Peat is exciting in a way that most other men don’t have, probably because their too wrapped up in their worries, time and place.

I don’t think that is a shaved head...it seems to be a very receeded hairline.
What you describe is true masculinity and our society is bereft of it.


Mar 12, 2017
My health is better than it has ever been following his ideas. I don't care if the man's appearance inspires reflexive gagging, I'll still take what he says seriously. Albeit after doing my own experimentation. That said, I think he looks a lot better than most 80 something men I can think of. Not to mention, he's articulate and clearly healthy mentally, which says a lot about his physical health.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I'm not anti Peat. I have great success with using his advices. The only thing that bothers me sometimes is that Peat himself seems to not be in as good a health as his theory predicts.

He says that copper can help against grey hair, but his hair is grey.
He says that teeth can remineralise and that antibiotics helps but many of his teeth are black.
He has many age pigments on his hand, yet he writes that this can be completely prevented by diet, and that he has seen people reverse age pigments using progesterone.
It seems like that he would know how to optimise his testosterone levels, but he seems like quite low in testosterone in the way he talks and looking at his facial hairs.

What do you guys think of that?

You must understand Peat is 82, and only began dieting low pufa in the 1980's, when he was in his 50's. He didn't adopt most of his current thoughts on diet until the late 90's and early 2000's, when he was in his 60's. Most people have completely grey hair and are balding by time they are 50 or 60, unless they die it. Most people also have aging spots by this stage in their life as well.

With that in mind, Dr. Peat looks to be about 60. And he looks very healthy and strong for 60, he has broad shoulders and low body fat. He has few wrinkles and lines on his face, and a trim jawline. He doesn't have much of a double chin. Can you find any other 80 year olds who boast those qualities? 70 year olds? Even 60 year olds? Heck, most 50 year olds these days have more wrinkles and are in worse shape, unless they work out and have plastic surgery.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Can someone rationalise with me why its constructive to compare Ray Peat with Rich Piana? or comparing anyone else with anyone.

If you think he looks unhealthy and it makes you doubt is message and life work. be sceptical and critical its better than putting people on pedestals and not learning anything but how to copy other peoples diets and lifestyles. We are becoming used to being seduced by charlatans and it takes time to realise not everyone is a charlatan selling some snake oil.

Id rather listen some honest person who admits mistakes and learns from them then shares the wisdom once mastered, instead of being in denial and victim to vanity by covering them up with hair transplants, hair dye, fake teeth, damaging teeth whitening, cosmetic surgery, make up, photoshop, elaborate lighting setups etc.

LOL **** Piano vs Ray Peat:wacky: that is an extremely apt comparison IMO!

In fact now that I think about they are complete inverses of each other. Like the same men from opposite-mirror-worlds.


Feb 26, 2018
LOL **** Piano vs Ray Peat:wacky: that is an extremely apt comparison IMO!

In fact now that I think about they are complete inverses of each other. Like the same men from opposite-mirror-worlds.

the reason piana looked healthy (which he didnt if you paid a closer look) to some people, is because he would be super healthy if he was carrying an insane amount of muscle like that around under normal circumstances (no steroids) . and i think thats the point that the person in this thread wanted to make ,even though it was misunderstood by many.
so muscles are a sign of strength and expecially of health thats why women are biologically drawn to them.
its of course not the same if you force your body to carry unphysiological amounts of muscle by taking anabolic steroids in crazy dosages...

and to all the others that say they dont care how he looks because his diet makes them feel good. just think about that there are thousands of people that swear that the keto or paleo diet made them feel good. i do believe that it made them feel good.although that shouldnt be the only relevenat thing to look for when accsesing a diet . it is an improtant one though!
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