Announcement Ray Peat Cultists & Cries of Authoritarianism


Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
Theres a lot of talk over on twitter that you have a perspective that the Earth is flat? Is that true?
Do a search of the forum. I believe there was some discussion about it several years ago.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
am seeing a trend where it takes 7 to 8 years but it will be different for everyone. I have noticed over the years that many people come into Peating and they literally cannot take a week of the diet most likely because their liver is already full slap up.
I remember when I first came here in 2013 in very bad shape saying that I felt poisoned. A Peat inspired approach to my diet helped tremendously early on. In my early days here I ate basically ruminate meat, rice, fruit and dairy. In hindsight I know now it helped because it was low oxalate and I had oxalate toxicity from being floxed. The problems started ramping up within 2 years for me after I started forcing liver, taking vitamin A supplements and expanding my diet by including things like cocoa/chocolate that are high oxalate.
I gained 75 pounds and almost lost my marriage in the process of trying to get my health back. My husband told me that he thought my focus on metabolism was clearly not working and it was the worst thing I’d ever done health wise. I’m embarrassed to admit that I resented his words at the time but now I see he was saying it out of love and concern.
I didn’t make a conscious decision to stop peating but due to circumstances it just happened. When I tried to return to aligning myself once again with his general framework the improvements I experienced reversed so I really had no option at that point but to perceive, think and act on what worked for me. It took me awhile to figure out my own health puzzle but I know now I was actually poisoned at least 3 times before joining here so that explains why I crashed so quickly. I’ve stayed here because I appreciate all that Peat taught us about thinking for ourselves, I’ve continued to learn a lot here by people sharing their experiences and I also enjoy interacting with others who are as interested as I am in improving their own health. I also value being in a group of people who don’t believe everything they hear in the mainstream media and are interested in searching for the truth. The diet that worked for Peat didn’t end up working for me and that’s okay. He still taught me to think, question and pay close attention to my own context which was very empowering and learning those things changed the course of my life.


May 22, 2021
It took me years to realize that I was overdoing things and gaining weight and there was no way that I could heal my thyroid -- which I now believe to have been the crux of my problems -- with diet alone and needed supplementation, which I seem to be needing less of these days. Other than that and needing a little more meat and some starch just to keep my diet interesting I haven't had any problems with lots of milk, juice, Vitamins A, D, or K, which I've been taking off and on (A in summer and D in winter) without anything negative to report. I had some blood work done with all overall indicators of health looking good and I'm 62 and having been doing Peat principles for fifteen years give or take after becoming ill subsequent to excessive medical radiation and extreme stress.


Jan 9, 2019


May 3, 2015
Charlie has done an excellent job providing and running this forum throughout the years.

We have all learned a lot from the forum about Ray Peat, his diet, the corruption of science and various social issues.

Ray Peat never claimed he had created the perfect diet nor that his ideas were set in stone.

We should be open to radical ideas, since mainstream ideas appear to make us sick, and perhaps this has been deliberate.

Evil wants us sick, so don’t be surprised if it attempts to destroy alternative views and this forum.


May 21, 2021
Ray Peat Diet:

-too much fructose.......Glucose is the way.
-too much "vitamin A" from liver, OJ, dairy etc..limiting "vitamin A" as much as possible is the way.
-too much calcium........ magnesium, potassium, selenium, molybdenum and zinc picolinate is the way
-no soluble fiber, we need soluble fiber to soak up the bile so we can get it out of the body
-too much copper from liver, oysters, etc
-too many pharmaceuticals like antibiotics that stop the liver from detoxing. makes you look like you are improving when all it is doing is shoving the toxins deeper inside and stopping the liver from working causing cholestasis
-too many supplemented hormones which overload the liver. thyroid supplementation is about the only thing i agree with until it is not needed anymore. And it wont be needed anymore once the liver clears.
-no Niacin as nicotinic acid.....Peat had everyone scared off this when this stuff is truly a miracle from God.

That's all I can think of right now....

All this leads to a liver bomb waiting to go off. And the thing is when this bomb goes off it can happen all at once, so you think everything is just fine and then boom. It can take many years, I am seeing a trend where it takes 7 to 8 years but it will be different for everyone. I have noticed over the years that many people come into Peating and they literally cannot take a week of the diet most likely because their liver is already full slap up.

I have attached a food chart with the foods that will lead to healing the liver. It is a low "vitamin A" and low toxin diet.
@charlie i agree with you about this, and one i agree most is fructose. i remember, when i started ray peat diet in 2021 to 2022, i whitched my high carb diet (starches, 500g carbs ) to high fructose diet with beef liver and oysters. i felt like im going to die, hot flushes, anxiety, neurotoxicity feelings, etc etc. darkest year of my life. it is 2024 and just right now im starting to feel better and again myself. at the end of 2021 i had sono and doctor told me i have fat aroung liver, even im always around 12%body fat with really visible abs.

the one think i dont think is right, is low fat diet, or very low fat diet. i see, only SFA stimulate my gallblader to release bile, olive oil doesnt do this same way and coconut oil dont too. i have low fat diet, but it is about 70 grams from butter, olive oil and some dairy, rest is from whole grains. when im going low SFA my bolirubin in blood increase...


Jul 22, 2023
Milk those babies like we been doing for thousands of years!
Yes! I mean how does one actually live this low vitamin A diet? All the food has to be purchased. I guess I'm stupid, but I'd rather see where my food is coming from. How much can you really trust food coming to you from so far away to be clean. I'd rather poison myself with vitamin A and fructose, than gamble on heavy metals, glyphosate, and everything else.
Last edited:


Feb 27, 2020
Ray Peat Diet:

-too much fructose.......Glucose is the way.
-too much "vitamin A" from liver, OJ, dairy etc..limiting "vitamin A" as much as possible is the way.
-too much calcium........ magnesium, potassium, selenium, molybdenum and zinc picolinate is the way
-no soluble fiber, we need soluble fiber to soak up the bile so we can get it out of the body
-too much copper from liver, oysters, etc
-too many pharmaceuticals like antibiotics that stop the liver from detoxing. makes you look like you are improving when all it is doing is shoving the toxins deeper inside and stopping the liver from working causing cholestasis
-too many supplemented hormones which overload the liver. thyroid supplementation is about the only thing i agree with until it is not needed anymore. And it wont be needed anymore once the liver clears.
-no Niacin as nicotinic acid.....Peat had everyone scared off this when this stuff is truly a miracle from God.

That's all I can think of right now....

All this leads to a liver bomb waiting to go off. And the thing is when this bomb goes off it can happen all at once, so you think everything is just fine and then boom. It can take many years, I am seeing a trend where it takes 7 to 8 years but it will be different for everyone. I have noticed over the years that many people come into Peating and they literally cannot take a week of the diet most likely because their liver is already full slap up.

I have attached a food chart with the foods that will lead to healing the liver. It is a low "vitamin A" and low toxin diet.
Charlie, when you say no Niacin as nicotinic acid, do you mean it is good to take the flush niacin or that that type is not good?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Charlie, when you say no Niacin as nicotinic acid, do you mean it is good to take the flush niacin or that that type is not good?
Nicotinic acid aka flush Niacin is the best.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Jun 14, 2013
Tucson, AZ
A lot of us are "detoxmaxing"

That's where I've been here lately. Added fiber back into my diet even aiming for the RDA. Cutting out coffee (caffeine) because it's been messing me up. Cut out chocolate because of heavy metal concerns. Trying to eat more organic and sensible. I had my Ancestry DNA taken in the fall and ran the raw data through Strategene, and I have some genetic polymorphisms along some of the detox pathway that I need to be more mindful of. God bless!! :):


Sep 27, 2015
what should I do with my dairy goats?
Personally I would replace any grain-based goat feed that probably contains a retinol supplement with plain organic grains, hay and forage without any added vitamins and avoid very green purchased feeds like chaffhaye


Jul 22, 2023
Personally I would replace any grain-based goat feed that probably contains a retinol supplement with plain organic grains, hay and forage without any added vitamins and avoid very green purchased feeds like chaffhaye
My goats don't eat grain, just hay and branches.


Sep 13, 2012
Yes! I mean how does one actually live this low vitamin A diet? All the food has to be purchased. I guess I'm stupid, but I'd rather see where my food is coming from. How much can you really trust food coming to you from so far away to be clean. I'd rather poison myself with vitamin A and fructose, than gamble on heavy metals, glyphosate, and everything else.
As long as you know to avoid most caretenoids, and added vitamin A, many homesteaders are not well despite trying to grow all their own food. The family I was buying raw milk from years ago the lady did not look healthy at all despite her weston a price inspired diet. Homesteaders will be eating a lot of vitamin A unfortunately especially when combined with tons of eggs. You could grow more meat and of course not eat the liver. I think the world is suffering from a 'more is always better' attitude haha.


Sep 13, 2012
@charlie i agree with you about this, and one i agree most is fructose. i remember, when i started ray peat diet in 2021 to 2022, i whitched my high carb diet (starches, 500g carbs ) to high fructose diet with beef liver and oysters. i felt like im going to die, hot flushes, anxiety, neurotoxicity feelings, etc etc. darkest year of my life. it is 2024 and just right now im starting to feel better and again myself. at the end of 2021 i had sono and doctor told me i have fat aroung liver, even im always around 12%body fat with really visible abs.

the one think i dont think is right, is low fat diet, or very low fat diet. i see, only SFA stimulate my gallblader to release bile, olive oil doesnt do this same way and coconut oil dont too. i have low fat diet, but it is about 70 grams from butter, olive oil and some dairy, rest is from whole grains. when im going low SFA my bolirubin in blood increase...
This is interesting. Yes I also destroyed my health with Ray Peat stuff. I'm curious though about the SFA being the only one to release bile. I don't think that is true because if you've ever done a liver flush, large amounts of olive oil are used to produce a massive dump of bile. If there are fats in your stomach coming into your intestine bile has to be released to digest it otherwise you will have undigested oil in your stool. Also if bile flow is blocked you can die. So I'm curious to know why bilirubin increases without SFA. I am not against some butter in the diet though. Just not super bright yellow butter. Anyone have any theories?


Jun 12, 2023
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Regina, this has been discussed before throughout the forum. This is exactly in the spirit of Peat. "Perceive, think, act". When you get new information, you make changes. This is bettering his work. There was a big problem with his diet that many of us have known for years. It has now been figured out. I still use plenty of his work, I am using it to make my detox even better. This is about better healing and better quality of life for many. This is exactly what Ray Peat would have wanted.

That's three. Good bye. :wave:
Yes, Salon style discussion needs a reemergence across the world. It always made me chuckle when folks on this forum would attack Joe Mercola for changing his mind. When he gets new information he analyzes it and makes changes in his protocols for "himself N=1" and shares them. It's not like he has people locked up in his house he's experimenting on, it's ALWAYS himself.

In fact just yesterday I listened to a Mercola interview on Postural Restoration. This is something I've been following from a guy on YouTube named, Neil Hallinan.
My massage therapist is always saying my left side is high, my chiropractor tells me my left side is high, and boom I now understand I am right dominant like most people yet to an extreme. My left side molars are not making enough contact and this makes my right side of my neck super dominant. My left scalenes on my neck are always tight as guitar strings. Anyway, I enjoyed knowing Joe Mercola had found Postural Restoration. Changing your posture can change your bite/dental as well as you eye glasses prescription. It's amazing. And then Joe Mercola confessed he gave himself a bunion from walking barefoot for 10 years on his tile floors. OK to be barefoot outside, not inside. He always confesses his blunders and shares them with the world. No one is perfect. Then people attack him for being open, honest and smart enough to gather more information and adjust his stance, i.e. protocols for health. Taking into consideration we are all unique.

So, interesting......someone is making adjustments after gather more information and being attacked. No such thing as a 'BIBLE' on anything....cuz someones gonna find that lost manuscript (or experiment and discover new results with new equipment) to alter said Bible protocol. This is how we break new ground. Old adage: Minds, Umbrellas & books only work when open!

This is not Health oriented, yet a superb example of what new technology has discovered in Ancient Manuscripts . The En Gedi Project from University of Kentucky

En-Gedi Scroll Virtually Unwrapped | Video

Wait till they discover the scroll that says......CELIBRATE instead of CELIBATE.......(sorry OLD Joke!)
Even Einstein Doubted himself, now we know with good reason! Science & Doubt & Questioning must never stop!
Absolutes are evolutionary dead ends!
***apologies for the ramble....
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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