Controlled Opposition, Left Vs Right



Oct 16, 2017
Politics are entertainment for the lower classes

Corporate Duopoly:
(left)Soft Neo-liberals Vs (right)Hard Neo liberals
Fox vs Wolf

The ideology that dare not speak it's name is actually a New, More Dangerous, Form of Corporatism. It is completely and intentionally based on lies, on deception. In reality this "religion of freedom" (redefinition of the meaning of the word "freedom" and sophisticated speculation on it is at the center of neoliberal religion) is a coercive cult enforced by corrupt, deceitful financial oligarchy with the explicit goal of milking the common people (aka "deplorables"). They have money to hire intellectual prostitutes (aka professors of economics) to do the dirty job of creating elaborate mathness and neoclassic economy based smoke screen over the lies
Right, as with most topics, it is manipulated by them, politics is a potent theme that typically distracts people from the fundamental problem.
Its funny seeing ancaps discuss how their society would work, they don't realize that who would control most of their territory, therefore be the class most influential/ expressive, inside their society, would be the richest/ strongest? By a great margin?
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Mar 3, 2013
Exactly. How can ancaps pretend to be for freedom for all when they support the economic system that exploits everyone?


Oct 16, 2017
Exactly. How can ancaps pretend to be for freedom for all when they support the economic system that exploits everyone?
With a paradoxical belief, "competition is the best way for everything, is the best for all". They have a elitist reasoning. Most are delusional, most believe that he, the poor, the middle class, or the little rich, would be better at competition than a Standard Oil or even that he could compete. Are adopters of a bastardized "Darwinian" perspective.

I feel they really want freedom for all, but in a savage capitalistic way. Lets put the animals in the ring and see who will win. Will be amusing, the best/ strongest is the one worth, dignified to live and to eat or use the loser :smilingimp:
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Mar 3, 2013
With a paradoxical belief, "competition is the best way for everything, is the best for all". They have a elitist reasoning. Most are delusional, most believe that he, the poor, the middle class, or the little rich, would be better at competition than a Standard Oil or even that he could compete. Are adopters of a bastardized "Darwinian" perspective.

Arrest this daNgeRouS Thought-criminal!



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Oct 16, 2017
The left is extremely fractured. Now we have guys like Zizek the "Marxist"/ " Communist" and "non-establishment" guy, most famous or in politics are Trotskyists. Most from the "left" are now capitalists, the liberals. The most famous current "anarchists" are or pro-imperialism or pro some globalist nefarious agenda.

Well, most from the "left" are controlled opposition. Right-wingers even the ones who distrust the elites, dislike the globalist agenda and hate the media, believe in nonsense created by the CIA, and by the FBI. The anti-left disinformation is hugely financed by the CIA. I was to post in your thread @burtlancast, wary of hijacking.... @bzmazu
since you recently cited Zizek...
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Aug 17, 2016
The left is extremely fractured. Now we have guys like Zizek the "Marxist"/ " Communist" and "non-establishment" guy, most famous or in politics are Trotskyists. Most from the "left" are now capitalists, the liberals. The most famous current "anarchists" are or pro-imperialism or pro some globalist nefarious agenda.

Well, most from the "left" are controlled opposition. Right-wingers even the ones who distrust the elites, dislike the globalist agenda and hate the media, believe in nonsense created by the CIA, and by the FBI. The anti-left disinformation is hugely financed by the CIA. I was to post in your thread @burtlancast, wary of hijacking.... @bzmazu @czecha since you recently cited Zizek...
until we unite and stopping falling for their directives and school plays, we can't spin them over.


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Oct 16, 2017
until we unite and stopping falling for their directives and school plays, we can't spin them over.
It's a good idea, to not bring triggering labels like communism to conversations. When I have conversations with ppl who are even pro-monarchy or pro-capitalism, they realize that they actually are pro-market socialism, generally. Here I sensed that being openly a left guy was a good idea, here already had good intermediate ppl and lots of elitist propaganda like.: Jordan Peterson (I am postponing a thread about him...)
Most even though they like elitist ideas, they actually are altruistic ppl. Everyone seeks to be the best, to do the right thing.

Ray said something like "Right-wingers just need to reconnect to the life cooperative inclinations" I will find the exact later...

Adquiring oligarchs wealthy and socializing them, with things like one-employe-one-vote-one-share, with only ppl who work there to have one is a good way to start, starting with the State companies is the easier start, then democracy/ socialism would be seen with another lens and descentralization would gain a greater emphasis. @Regina actualized.
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Aug 17, 2016
It's a good idea, to not bring triggering labels like communism to conversations. When I have conversations with ppl who are even pro-monarchy or pro-capitalism, they realize that they actually are pro-market socialism, generally. Here I sensed that being openly a left guy was a good idea, here already had good intermediate ppl and lots of elitist propaganda like.: Jordan Peterson (I am postponing a thread about him...)
Most even though they like elitist ideas, they actually are altruistic ppl. Everyone seeks to be the best, to do the right thing.

Ray said something like "Right-wingers just need to reconnect to the life cooperative inclinations" I will find the exact later...

Adquiring oligarchs wealthy and socializing them, with things like one-employe-one-vote-one-share, with only ppl who work there to have one is a good way to start, starting with the State companies is the easier start, then democracy/ socialism would be seen with another lens and descentralization would gain a greater emphasis. @Regina actualized.
Yes. I know the reference. It's that desperate a situation.
Already so many ppl seem cyborged. No implants needed.


Oct 16, 2017
This site is blocking Brazil IP and trying to disguise it:

Some good points, even without touching the historic and typical structure of economy...

Nonetheless, I would stress that in opposition to what this article implies. The oligarchy was much stronger before, the working class was much poorer than the rulling class, Standard Oil was an absolute monopoly, not even the Rothschilds could touch their oil. And there was slaves. Even most "non"-slaves, lived almost like one.

The ruling class only facilitates our life when its good for them. They never are altruistic. We live in a cycle, of good life and then oppression, always with huge manipulation of the masses.

The difference is that now, the Rothschild are winning in lots of instances, minus in the US, it seems the Rockefellers and Bilderberg club ppl are pushing back strongly in the USA again, even with some clear disadvantage. If the Rothschild win the USA, then we known who will control your economy (Cede & Co ans the Fed) and more (world).

Alison McDowell (@Philly852) Tweeted:
The IMF and New America are talking Bretton Woods II - get ready for "resilience" and re-skilling. All linked to UN SDG poverty management aka social impact investing. Watch them scale digital ID - data is the new oil. IMF Long Ascent - Bretton Woods II - LittleSis

Actual world: Late-stage capitalism, the 3 systemic capitalist crisis which is clearly seen since 2007, who will win?
I hope Marx was right, and we overthrow the oligarchy
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Nigel Blake

Feb 1, 2020
Generally speaking, I would say left-wing politics supports social equality, opposes the idea of hierarchy, opposes division between people in different classes. Right wing politics basically supports social inequality, class division, hierarchy, and class hegemony. Opposing hierarchy, supporting true egalitarianism, and criticism of authoritarianism basically leads you to anarchist philosophy, which pretty much is the ideal society, imo.

In what way is anarchist philosophy ideal? I can't think of it as anything other than completely degenerative....

I think hierarchy is a lens of perception, a projection onto reality, it implies authority as a necessity.
No, hierarchy is a description of reality and not simply a projection of one's beliefs onto reality. Authority is absolutely is necessary for a functional society. How would you even go about enforcing laws without the authority to do so?

Is the family unit a hierarchy or a "unit"
A family follows a rather simple hierarchy. The child obeys the mother. The mother obeys the father. The father obeys God. This has been the case for thousands of years at least. The idea of a "family unit" is a modern phenomenon...

It's a good idea, to not bring triggering labels like communism to conversations. When I have conversations with ppl who are even pro-monarchy or pro-capitalism, they realize that they actually are pro-market socialism, generally.

How does one goes from standing by the king to promoting socialism? You did say generally so I take it there was those who truly believe in royalty then?

Adquiring oligarchs wealthy and socializing them, with things like one-employe-one-vote-one-share, with only ppl who work there to have one is a good way to start, starting with the State companies is the easier start, then democracy/ socialism would be seen with another lens and descentralization would gain a greater emphasis. @Regina actualized.

Can you explain why workers should have a say of how a business that doesn't belong to them should be run?


Oct 16, 2017
In what way is anarchist philosophy ideal? I can't think of it as anything other than completely degenerative....

No, hierarchy is a description of reality and not simply a projection of one's beliefs onto reality. Authority is absolutely is necessary for a functional society. How would you even go about enforcing laws without the authority to do so?

A family follows a rather simple hierarchy. The child obeys the mother. The mother obeys the father. The father obeys God. This has been the case for thousands of years at least. The idea of a "family unit" is a modern phenomenon...

How does one goes from standing by the king to promoting socialism? You did say generally so I take it there was those who truly believe in royalty then?

Can you explain why workers should have a say of how a business that doesn't belong to them should be run?
You use elitist and authoritarian rhetoric. Do you also like eugenism?

They like you, like "order", hierarchism and authority, oppression. They didn't promote socialism, they believed they were for free-market capitalism, with delusional hate for socialism.

I can explain why not. And if you read this thread you can see my post which can reply your question.
State-owned companies shouldn't be ruled by politicians nor by the elite nor to create artificial scarcity; in a free thinker and anti-authoritarian society. A very fair and creative society.

Societies, where the women are the leaders, are older than your modern concept of family. Egalitarian societies are older than your modern family.

Hierarchical societies are linked to war, crimes, violence, subservience, and slavery; principally between them.
Hierarchical societies are reactionary, are to sacred cows, submissive, are afraid of changes, and easily frightened by the different
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Nigel Blake

Feb 1, 2020
You use elitist and authoritarian rhetoric. Do you also like eugenism?

This just demonstrates you lack understanding of hierarchy. Why would I be in favor in the elimination of the lower order when they are needed to even have a hierarchy in the first place?

They didn't promote socialism, they believed they were for free-market capitalism, with delusional hate for socialism.

I believe an undying hatred the glows like the sun is very healthy in any optimal functioning man. I was too loose with my words and I apologize for that. I should've asked, how did they confuse loyalty to the king with the desire to take the wealth and means from their betters?

I can explain why not. And if you read this thread you can see my post which can reply your question.
State-owned companies shouldn't be ruled by politicians nor by the elite nor to create artificial scarcity.

I didn't completely read this thread though I doubt that'll matter. State-owned companies should be ruled by the state and last I check workers aren't the state. He who creates owns his creation. This sentiment is integral to have a functioning society. Socialism undermines this by promoting the idea that the means of production should be owned by workers rather then the ones who created the means of production in the first place. It is simply theft in disguise....


Oct 16, 2017
State-owned companies should be ruled by the state and last I check workers aren't the state. He who creates owns his creation.
He who have Standard Oil owns his creation. Nobody should touch that private property, no matter what! Would be against the law and order!
He who is the king owns his subordinates, no one should question nor attack his legacy!
This just demonstrates you lack understanding of hierarchy. Why would I be in favor in the elimination of the lower order when they are needed to even have a hierarchy in the first place?
Do you believe there's a group of adult male humans who are of a lower order?
Hierarchical society: One who loves to be sheepish and are maintained through oppression and manipulation.
Do you prefer a society where humans exploit one another or one where everyone helps one another?
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Nigel Blake

Feb 1, 2020
He who have Standard Oil owns his creation. Nobody should touch that private property, no matter what!

Did he not create the means to acquire the oil? Did he not gave compensation for workers to give up the ownership of their labor to him? What is there to object?

Do you believe there's a group of adult male humans who are of a lower order?
Within the purview of mankind there are those that belong in a lower order and those who belongs in a higher order. There are men of virtue and there are of vice. Clearly any sane man would say those of virtue and those of vice don't belong in the same order....

Hierarchical society: One who loves to be sheepish and are maintained through oppression and manipulation.
Men are sheep and the Lord is the shepherd. Do you deny this?

Do you prefer a society where humans exploit one another or one where everyone helps one another?
I prefer a world where everyone recognize their place in life...


Oct 16, 2017
Did he not create the means to acquire the oil? Did he not gave compensation for workers to give up the ownership of their labor to him? What is there to object?

Within the purview of mankind there are those that belong in a lower order and those who belongs in a higher order. There are men of virtue and there are of vice. Clearly any sane man would say those of virtue and those of vice don't belong in the same order....

Men are sheep and the Lord is the shepherd. Do you deny this?

I prefer a world where everyone recognize their place in life...
Thanks. And yes I deny. We are the shepherd and God is the stone, the donor, the Earth and the sky. Life is everywhere, the nothing is absent of any energy. Energy is life.

The end doesn't justify the means.
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Oct 16, 2017
"I am truly free only when all human beings, men and women, are equally free. The freedom of other men, far from negating or limiting my freedom, is, on the contrary, its necessary premise and confirmation."
"No theory, no ready-made system, no book that has ever been written will save the world. I cleave to no system. I am a true seeker."
-Mikhail Bakunin
I prefer a world where everyone recognize their place in life...
A world where everyone is in a peaceful, altruistic and anti-authoritarian place, I understand ;)

Recognizes that their place, the human place in life is to love and be loved.
"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."
"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you."
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Nigel Blake

Feb 1, 2020
Thanks. And yes I deny. We are the shepherd and God is the stone, the donor, the Earth and the sky.
Do you understand what you're saying? You're opening defying God. Are you sure you wish to defy God? Your denial of men being sheep implies you reject reality. If men weren't sheep then explain things like celebrities, fandoms, and cults....

Life is everywhere, the nothing is absent of any energy. Energy is life.
Mankind is not one whole. It has distinguishable different orders. Your continue denial of it doesn't make it go away...

"I am truly free only when all human beings, men and women, are equally free. The freedom of other men, far from negating or limiting my freedom, is, on the contrary, its necessary premise and confirmation."
-Mikhail Bakunin

You can't imply you aren't sheep and go on to quote some sort of authority figure I and many others never heard of. It seems like you're a sheep that refuse to acknowledge itself as a sheep while being guided any number of false shepherds...
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