Rapid Physiological Change; Male Subject age 29

Feb 7, 2020
Perhaps a better measure of health would be my body temperatures over the last few years which was only about 97F. Higher temps coincided with exposure to allergens so some days I'd read at 98F. Never higher. I don't want to sound rude, seeing as to the mode of communication here. "Just" to have resolved life-long issues is worth it to me. I'm having a hard time writing this because I don't want to make this sound personal. If I understand your meaning, you would consider it not to be worth it. As for "feminizing" it's not really the case. I look like I did when I was 16 so I just look young.
Your story is amazing, but and I hope this isnt offensive, but what would you describe the physical effects as if not "feminizing"? You describe getting shorter, your butt and hips getting bigger and your voice cracking. Would you really not consider this "feminizing" and are you not worried about any hormonal damage?


May 30, 2018
That's my hope! My highest T score was only 350ish so I figured I'd try it. I use the 8:1.
You could probably still do TRT along with cortinon and thyroid for awhile. I haven’t heard too many success stories of it raising it on its own when that low initially.


Dr Peat recommends vitamin K and Dhea for Ehlers Danlos, hypermobility is a feature of this condition. I’m wondering if your improvement is more from dhea rather than progesterone. Continon is progesterone with DHEA so you're getting a substantial amount of dhea from 12 drops.

It might be worth running your daily food intake through chronometer, or similar. If you are getting shorter you may be losing calcium


Oct 6, 2021
Your story is amazing, but and I hope this isnt offensive, but what would you describe the physical effects as if not "feminizing"? You describe getting shorter, your butt and hips getting bigger and your voice cracking. Would you really not consider this "feminizing" and are you not worried about any hormonal damage?
Yes, this is what I was about to say too. Also 350 T is the reason you were depressed and with bad sleep. Not the TSH. But better try all other things before TRT. @haidut could help in this thread I think.


Mar 8, 2019
Your story is amazing, but and I hope this isnt offensive, but what would you describe the physical effects as if not "feminizing"? You describe getting shorter, your butt and hips getting bigger and your voice cracking. Would you really not consider this "feminizing" and are you not worried about any hormonal damage?
I take no offense, in fact it's my mistake as I've taken for granted how my life has gone and not portraying that here. Over my teenage years I only stopped the changes from completing because I deliberately over-trained and under-ate. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that. In other words, I've delayed the inevitable and from my perspective it's nothing weird. Your perspective makes sense though and I should have been more clear in my opening post.

The only time I haven't had a prominent backside was being in a bad metabolic state. Though losing it did keep confused perverts away from me, so there's that.
holy crap, did no doc ever recommend TRT?
That's a whole saga unto itself. No it was never recommended, and I was told despite my average being closer to 200 it "wasn't that low." So I've lived through having very bad hormonal levels while being told I don't know anything and that it's normal. Rarely I'd have a doctor who considered TRT but didn't have a medical reason. So about 7 years ago when I had finally gotten a referral and had spent thousands of dollars I decided it wasn't even worth paying out the $1500 for the genetic test because I'd just be beholden to more stupidity. My dad has had constant issues with TRT as well, changing insurance, prescriptions etc. I'm glad it happened that way because I wouldn't have found Peat's work otherwise.
You could probably still do TRT along with cortinon for awhile. I haven’t heard too many success stories of it raising it on its own when that low initially.
My plan is to stick with what I'm doing for a few months unless i run into issues. Then if the cost of living hasn't buried me alive I plan to get testing done (I heard Idealabs is working on this). Progesterone can convert into testosterone so I'm interested in how that goes. Just the fact that my balls don't feel like rocks anymore seems like a good sign to me, especially since that's way better than when I was considered young and healthy.
Dr Peat recommends vitamin K and Dhea for Ehlers Danlos, hypermobility is a feature of this condition. I’m wondering if your improvement is more from dhea rather than progesterone. Continon is progesterone with DHEA so you're getting a substantial amount of dhea from 12 drops.

It might be worth running your daily food intake through chronometer, or similar. If you are getting shorter you may be losing calcium
Considering my hormonal profile was always bad, that wouldn't be surprising. Vitamin K always made me hurt. I've done higher dose DHEA before with none of the effects I've listed here. Something I failed to mention is that I was hyperextending my back for several reasons. It's probably the fact that I'm just not doing that anymore. First getting rid of enough parasites so my rib cage could sit properly. Then being able to relax fully due to improved metabolism. That all said, I have increased my calcium intake since last month to about 1.8g and I've lowered phosphorous. Some days go above 2g. Thyroid has allowed me to have more dairy without issue and I'm very thankful for it. Your advice is good and I appreciate it.


Feb 26, 2018
I do have a micro-prolactinoma hence my torrid affair with Diamant. And I do appreciate that you're trying to help. I should have put something in my opening post that this is mainly for recording events and sharing them and not so much treatment as I'm fairly settled on that. The issue appears to be chromosomal but I had two issues in the past. First, doctors refused to ask for the test. Second, when I did have a doctor have the test ordered it was too expensive for me. It ended up being a blessing though. Because I had mysterious issues (and some doctors saying nothing was wrong) it eventually led me to a post here by Haidut and then I started reading Peat's work. It's hard to make clear here and I don't blame you or anyone else. I have several developmental markers that lined up with the condition I'm talking about. As I was reading about it, it was a moment of epiphany and my life suddenly made sense.

That's a good question. The bone measurements I have is the clincher for me. For example, I could always find the bones in my feet to measure length or width so I have before and after. You couldn't know that though because I didn't mention it. That said, I am much less inflamed.
I think it's a very interesting story. So I'd like to hear how your case goes on .
Have you ever tried selegiline for your prolactinoma?


Mar 8, 2019
I think it's a very interesting story. So I'd like to hear how your case goes on .
Have you ever tried selegiline for your prolactinoma?
Oh, in that case I'll be sure to keep this updated. I'm not familiar with selegiline. I see that it's deprenyl and I have read it in passing during my reading about adamantane and its derivatives. Would it be advantageous compared to the adamantane I'm using? I certainly don't mind doing my own reading but I'm interested in your input.


Feb 26, 2018
Oh, in that case I'll be sure to keep this updated. I'm not familiar with selegiline. I see that it's deprenyl and I have read it in passing during my reading about adamantane and its derivatives. Would it be advantageous compared to the adamantane I'm using? I certainly don't mind doing my own reading but I'm interested in your input.
I think it might be stronger than adamantane.
It's a irreversible MAO-B inhitbitor, so it's very good at increasing dopamine (and thus lowering prolactin) . It's also very popular in the anti-aging community because there's animal studies showing a 40% increase in life expectancy.
I should receive it next week , so I'll try it out myself.


Mar 8, 2019
I think it might be stronger than adamantane.
It's a irreversible MAO-B inhitbitor, so it's very good at increasing dopamine (and thus lowering prolactin) . It's also very popular in the anti-aging community because there's animal studies showing a 40% increase in life expectancy.
I should receive it next week , so I'll try it out myself.
Fascinating. I've been using the new Gonadin for MAO-B inhibition alongside the adamantane. I look forward to your results.


I'm learning a lot from this thread thank you. How did you get rid of parasites?


Mar 8, 2019
I'm learning a lot from this thread thank you. How did you get rid of parasites?
First I used ivermectin and prazequental. I've used a lot of ivermectin but it didn't seem effective against everything, but it was pleasant and relaxing to use. Praz is some rough stuff but I'd say it's the strongest pharmaceutical. Oh, I also used mebendazole but it didn't seem to do anything. That said, no major side effects. I've used flowers of sulfur USP and the acid burden is hard to deal with but it's effective even at a low dose (1/8 tsp in my case).

I thought progesterone had an effect. The first time I took a large dose, I think it was 1/4 tsp Progest-E as a loading dose, the next morning I passed a pile of horrifying creatures. Flat and long but with large jaws. I later tried castor oil and that was torture but it also cleared a bunch out so I'm thinking it's just the oil. It would be easy to test but I don't want to do it again. I'm nauseous just thinking about it. That said, the oil method seem superior for this: it doesn't cause them to break apart and become more toxic. I used 30mL USP castor oil.

The biggest difference in general health as I tried these methods, and the hardest to adjust to, was using enemas to clear things out and lower the toxic burden. It seems I've defeated enough roundworm to have regular digestion and that's allowed greater improvements in itself. You might already know this but they like to stun the guts of their host so they can't get cleared out.

For now things seem under control and only time will tell if I'm fully rid of them or not.


Thank you, that's serious parasite cleanse. I'm using mild things like olive leaf extract and cinnamon. I have used Ivermectin twice but I'm cautious.


Mar 8, 2019
Thank you, that's serious parasite cleanse. I'm using mild things like olive leaf extract and cinnamon. I have used Ivermectin twice but I'm cautious.
You're welcome! My problem was so bad that I was in danger of rupturing my abdominals (yet I was prescribed nothing) so I had to move swiftly. I would never recommend such an aggressive approach to start.


Sep 13, 2012
You're welcome! My problem was so bad that I was in danger of rupturing my abdominals (yet I was prescribed nothing) so I had to move swiftly. I would never recommend such an aggressive approach to start.
You mean your bloating was so severe your abdominal muscles were being stretched?


Aug 1, 2017
I think it might be stronger than adamantane.
It's a irreversible MAO-B inhitbitor, so it's very good at increasing dopamine (and thus lowering prolactin) . It's also very popular in the anti-aging community because there's animal studies showing a 40% increase in life expectancy.
I should receive it next week , so I'll try it out myself.

will you make a thread regarding your experiences with selegiline? its something ive been wanting to try for years now

@LuMonty voice cracking could be from high dose thyroid, i get it sometimes when using 80mcg or more of T3

shrinking feet could also be lowering of edema from progesterone, i notice that esp after a long day at work or walking a lot


Feb 26, 2018
will you make a thread regarding your experiences with selegiline? its something ive been wanting to try for years now

@LuMonty voice cracking could be from high dose thyroid, i get it sometimes when using 80mcg or more of T3

shrinking feet could also be lowering of edema from progesterone, i notice that esp after a long day at work or walking a lot
I can post about my experience, not sure if it's worthy making a thread for it.


Mar 26, 2014
@LuMonty I don't have much to offer as my understanding is too simplistic but I am following your thread with interest.


Mar 8, 2019
will you make a thread regarding your experiences with selegiline? its something ive been wanting to try for years now

@LuMonty voice cracking could be from high dose thyroid, i get it sometimes when using 80mcg or more of T3

shrinking feet could also be lowering of edema from progesterone, i notice that esp after a long day at work or walking a lot
That's very useful, I'll keep that in mind. I plan to lower my thyroid usage once my belly fat is gone so we'll see if that makes a difference to my voice.
@LuMonty I don't have much to offer as my understanding is too simplistic but I am following your thread with interest.
No worries, happy to have you here.

===================For the topic overall=================
Not much to report. Most of my facial hair darkened to what it was before December over the last few days. Problem is my mustache looks patchy like when it first grew in when I was a teen. So ironically I'm shaving more now than before because I look ridiculous otherwise.

Sleep is a bit worse but that's my fault. Winter break is over; I work as substitute teacher and it's easy money for the effort but working with the glossy-eyed, high serotonin people makes it hard not to dread. You know the type, might be discussing a matter to resolve and then the loud talking-over starts. That sort of thing. I'm glad I found Peat's work and the posts Haidut has made here about serotonin. Helped me to realize why it's impossible to really communicate with that sort of person.
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