Progesterone for men and the art of gaining weight

Oct 6, 2021
Hello there all you good people on this forum! :)

I've been lurking for perhaps two years or more and finally managed to sign up this winter, and this will be my first post. It's been long in the making but finally I caved in since I don't really know what to do about my situation.

In short I'm a man in my mid 40’s from Sweden. For those with better memory than me who listens to Ray Peat interviews with Patrick Timpone, I’ve sent in a question or two over the years. Then like now my main concern has been my ever increasing migraines.

I’ve been on thyroid for over two years in various doses but besides bringing my temps up and getting the warmth back in my extremities, no small feat I guess, it hasn’t really done anything else. I’ve always been skinny and could eat anything without my weight even blinking. I added some DHEA and pregnenolone and it also didn’t do much, although the DHEA helped my libido that had been tanking after 40 or so, but at least my weight and migraines were the same. This was early last year.

Enter this summer and me getting my hands on some Progesterone cream (Source Naturals). Finally I felt I’d found something that helped at least a little with my migraines - less and not as strong and I was thrilled! In the end of August I took a course of penicillin after a summer cold that never seemed to want to give up (I supposedly had “Covid” in December of 2020 and life somehow hasn’t been the same, at least my immune system), and this really wrecked my stomach which hasn’t really recovered fully yet despite all the probiotics, home made kefir or whatever I’ve thrown at it, as well as strong essential oils like oregano on the other side to try to kill of something nasty. Before this I had also started to sleep quite bad and for this reason started low dose Mirtazapine which will knock out most people with it’s antihistamine effect. I had to stop it though in November since I got some strange joint pains which I’ve never felt before (yes it wasn’t the first time with Mirtazapine).

And at least somewhere there in November at least I had to realize that I was really starting to be quite fat, especially around my belly (but it’s really all over). From always weighing under 70 kg (about 155 lbs) for 20+ years, and wanting to gain weight, I was now like 80+ kg (175 lbs). This would be more normal for a guy about 1.80m tall (5’11”) but since I’m anything but muscular still and it’s all just fat, it’s not funny and has gotten quite unpractical. I never though a big belly could get in the way so much…! And I don’t think it’s water since I don’t see any signs of edema in my feet and ankles (been there at times) and the fat has sort of a cellulite tendency.

So I didn’t know what was the culprit but being afraid to stop the progesterone I continued. After the holidays I had gained a few more kilos and sometime in January I stopped the pregnenolone. 3-4 weeks ago I finally had to try and cut the progesterone, then two weeks after or so I also stopped the DHEA. I have slowly gained another kilo or so after this and am now around 86 kg (190 lbs).

So during all this time I was taking about:

5-10mg progesterone in the evening as a cream, applied to the back of my neck always since that’s where my migraine sort of starts.
10-25mg of pregnenolone orally in the evening.
5-12,5mg of DHEA orally in the morning.

I know this has already gotten way too long, but what the heck should I do at this point? I think it must be the progesterone since everything else has never touched my weight before, including the very few antibiotics I have taken through the years. Could it be enough to just stop all and hope things might balance out with time, or should I perhaps try the approach that at least some women do and take a much higher dose of progesterone (and I would then like to finally try to get me some Progest-E) for a while? As for libido and so on I can’t say it really has become worse during my time with progesterone, maybe even a little better.

If anyone has made it this far I would surely appreciate any input you might have or gladly answer any questions. Sorry to be “another train wreck” on here but if nothing else maybe it could be a cautionary tale or something. It all just became a sort of perfect storm where I didn’t know what was doing what. If I’d been more energetic and alive I would have stopped earlier I guess but there is quite a bit of anhedonia and barely making it through the day energetically, so… Just turning myself into another lab rat I guess. ;)


Forum Supporter
Feb 10, 2016

You are right, your improvements on thyroid are no small feat! Well done.

You also seem to be thinking of your gut health from a logical standpoint. The antibiotic dose could have been too high and for too long. I understand that Ray prefers smaller doses for a shorter period of time of what is typically prescribed. With that said, your gut issues could be related to other unrelated factors - stress, micronutrient needs, etc...

I've used mirtazapine in hospitals to induce weight gain in patients and it works fairly well (so does cyproheptadine).

If I was in your shoes, I would do the following:

1) Stop all DHEA, pregnenolone, and progesterone for a while. Use progesterone PRN for managing migraines.
2) Try bag breathing for mitigating migraines
3) Take aspirin
4) Take vitamin K (since it's gut produced)
5) Take cyproheptadine PRN and not daily
6) Check your temps and thyroid labs and evaluate if you need more
7) Monitor your food intake and log - to see how your macros and micros are doing - ensure you are consuming enough dairy / calcium.
8) Consider resistance training of sorts.

Best of luck to you.

PS: yes, Patrick gets excited when you call from Sweden, hehe.

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
Then like now my main concern has been my ever increasing migraines.
I would consider starting your healing process by addressing the migraines. I occasionally get visual migraines (migraine aura) after a prolonged session of low intensity exercise. I take aspirin and magnesium and it helps but does not completely eliminate the auras. In addition, I would consider recording the frequency and duration of your migraines and try to determine your personal trigger.


Aspirin Prophylaxis for Migraine with Aura: An Observational Case Series

The effects of magnesium prophylaxis in migraine without aura

Why all migraine patients should be treated with magnesium

Blood magnesium levels in migraine

Last edited:


Mar 21, 2021
One-trick Tony
Oct 6, 2021

You are right, your improvements on thyroid are no small feat! Well done.

You also seem to be thinking of your gut health from a logical standpoint. The antibiotic dose could have been too high and for too long. I understand that Ray prefers smaller doses for a shorter period of time of what is typically prescribed. With that said, your gut issues could be related to other unrelated factors - stress, micronutrient needs, etc...

I've used mirtazapine in hospitals to induce weight gain in patients and it works fairly well (so does cyproheptadine).

If I was in your shoes, I would do the following:

1) Stop all DHEA, pregnenolone, and progesterone for a while. Use progesterone PRN for managing migraines.
2) Try bag breathing for mitigating migraines
3) Take aspirin
4) Take vitamin K (since it's gut produced)
5) Take cyproheptadine PRN and not daily
6) Check your temps and thyroid labs and evaluate if you need more
7) Monitor your food intake and log - to see how your macros and micros are doing - ensure you are consuming enough dairy / calcium.
8) Consider resistance training of sorts.

Best of luck to you.

PS: yes, Patrick gets excited when you call from Sweden, hehe.
Hello and many thanks for your in depth reply and wishes. :) Sorry for my slow response though, it's been a tough week with a mix of migraine and yet another flare up of whatever strange cold/sinus infection I've had on and off since November.

1. Yes I will try and be strong and continue not to use it for a while and see what happens with the weight and so on. ;)
2. That's interesting, I never tried that, will do!
3. Have been using 500mg almost every night before bed, I've stopped that too for now.
4. Yes vitamin K2 is one of the few things I feel has really been positive, and this long before I got into Ray Peat.
5. Cyproheptadine... you mean for migraines?
8. Yes some more physical activity would be nice, not so easy when I feel so little energy...

Yes it's always interesting to hear how Patrick tries to "translate" what one writes in and asks about. ;) But mostly I've felt like: "Did Ray answer my question or... I must go back and listen again." :p
One-trick Tony
Oct 6, 2021
I would consider starting your healing process by addressing the migraines. I occasionally get visual migraines (migraine aura) after a prolonged session of low intensity exercise. I take aspirin and magnesium and it helps but does not completely eliminate the auras. In addition, I would consider recording the frequency and duration of your migraines and try to determine your personal trigger.
Hello and thank you for your kind help. :)
Yes I've tried both and during quite a long time. I once must have taken upwards of ten 500mg aspirin tablets just to see if I could mitigate it. It felt a little surreal almost but didn't more than cover some of the symptoms. I'm glad if it helps you though. :)
One-trick Tony
Oct 6, 2021
Thank you, and I've tried both higher and lower doses of B2 but it feels like if anything it only makes things worse for me. I don't remember for sure but I think I read about someone else having a similar experience. Worth a try for people though of course and it seems to work for some at least. :)


Apr 11, 2019
I have had really good experiences taking methylene blue for migraines. As soon as I feel the beginning of one, I take a dosage closer to the upper limit described on this site: Mitochondria II: Methylene Blue. Usually within 20-30 minutes I'm back to feeling normal.
One-trick Tony
Oct 6, 2021
Hello there @GgOTi , thank you very much - that was a very interesting article! :) I've only started to take some methylene blue since last December but at least during January I felt I could often halt and reverse the onset of a migraine when I put a few drops of an unknown strength into my morning orange juice. This has since however lost some of that magic but I surely can believe you and would like to try a higher dose as well some time.
So when you say you take a dose flirting with the upper limits mentioned, do you mean close to 4,61mg/kg...? That would be upwards of 300mg in my case and perhaps not for the faint of heart? I understand the effects change as you go higher but with my lower doses (my wife's been mixing the methylene blue, a bit mathematically challenged by her own admission, and I'm a bit ashamed to say so far I haven't bothered with measuring and calculating what strengths we've actually been imbibing) I get sort of a stress response after a while and for a few hours. Perhaps similar to the effect I got in the beginning of my adventure with desiccated thyroid, as far as my bad memory can recall, so some adrenaline perhaps?
Nov 16, 2012
I've been taking 2 g of Vitamin C per day which is purported to increase progesterone and I feel as if I had fat injected into my butt, my entire waist area is filled with water and I feel disgusting.

Can't even imagine taking straight progesterone.
One-trick Tony
Oct 6, 2021
I've been taking 2 g of Vitamin C per day which is purported to increase progesterone and I feel as if I had fat injected into my butt, my entire waist area is filled with water and I feel disgusting.

Can't even imagine taking straight progesterone.
Sorry to hear that. As for me I used to take quite a bit of ascorbic acid many years ago and for quite some time, as with everything prior to last year it did nothing when it comes to changing my weight at least.
What is you diet, please?
Well it's not perfect I'm sure but it's not so bad either. What it is though is that it's pretty much exactly the same as before and during the weight gain. Maybe I just have to accept that whatever happened and whatever the cause, I have to start to think about restricting my intake of calories (not that I would say I over indulge in any way). It's just such a... New thing for me. But maybe I was living in a constant fight or flight mode and what the NDT couldn't do the progesterone did and finally sort of reset my system? But I can't say I feel more at ease of peaceful now, it's pretty much the same, just a more fat version...! :p:


Jun 22, 2021
I know the feeling, I always found it hard to gain weight. Then I started taking cypro and progesterone and I ballooned from 86kg to 92kg, with most of it around my belly. It is pretty resistant too as it is sticking around even with me going to the gym a lot and walking several miles per day. I have discontinued both now so I hope it reverses.
One-trick Tony
Oct 6, 2021
Hey I hear you. ;) How long did you do it? Let's hope it was more the antihistamine effect of the cypro that was doing it, if so it shouldn't take too long for the body to get back to balance. But these hormones... :rolleyes: I noticed that I kept my temps after a year or more of taking the pig thyroid when going down in dose and even stopping. I hope the same will not happen with the progesterone adventure. But now I'm back to taking 1/2 - 1 grain, just to keep things spinning with this extra padding.


Jun 22, 2021
Hey I hear you. ;) How long did you do it? Let's hope it was more the antihistamine effect of the cypro that was doing it, if so it shouldn't take too long for the body to get back to balance. But these hormones... :rolleyes: I noticed that I kept my temps after a year or more of taking the pig thyroid when going down in dose and even stopping. I hope the same will not happen with the progesterone adventure. But now I'm back to taking 1/2 - 1 grain, just to keep things spinning with this extra padding.
I only took both for about 3 months as I was going through a very challenging time and was extremely stressed and not sleeping well, so the cortisol lowering effect of both was a blessing and helped me to sleep a lot better.

I gained all the weight over the three months and I stopped using the cypro in February as it was obvious that I was eating a lot more on it. I stopped taking progesterone a few weeks ago after using it intermittently and realising that my weight seems to increase after taking it even if I don't eat more.


Feb 24, 2019
So you have migraines, but you take cream of progesterone, that is unfortunate b/c that is not well absorbed. Prog is known to, in the brain convert to allopregn and stimulate GABA-A, this in turn can decrease serotonin which in theory can decrease migraines. So I suggest taking a proper solution of PROG with DHEA and see what happens for your headaches.


Feb 24, 2019
Seems to me your effort with penicillin that made your stomach issues worse might have more to do with your weight gain than the hormones, increasing serotonin and other stress hormones.
And you indicated methylene blue and aspirin helps, these increase metabolism and are anti-serotonin and anti-estrogen.
So I think addressing serotonin and estrogen in particular could help. With biotin thiamine niacinamide vitamin E in olive oil.


Sep 22, 2020
It seems most people on here pack on weight. And I bet its to do with the supplements. Anything metabolically enhancing is going to mess with the fine balance of the body. Its a viscous cycle. Take the metabolically enhancing supplement, get more hungry (to feed the increased body energy requirements), eat more (but easily overshoot it) over a prolonged period of time and and, before you know it, you've put on quite a considerable amount of weight.

I'm in the same boat to a lot of others on here. Started a RP lifestyle in 2013 at just over 80kgs, and currently at 101kgs in 2022. The weight has all gone to the belly. It's definitely not water weight.

So the recommendations on this thread to drop all of the metabolically enhancing supplements (thumbs up), and to then..... replace them with other metabolically enhancing supplements (oh), is not something I would personally recommend. I'm not dissing the supplements. I take them myself for various reasons. But I also hold them accountable for helping me to put on a considerable amount of weight.

I would even consider coffee to be similar in this regard (a metabolically enhancing supplement). It doesn't lower appetite in my case. And sugar (which can also be considered a metabolically enhancing supplement) is a huge appetite increaser.

I plan on doing something about my belly in the near future. Which will include incorporating various things.


Feb 24, 2019
You would sense when the metabolism is getting too ramped up, you will get skin outbreaks.
So then you need more vitamin A sources and support thyroid function.
This can happen easily with steroid hormones suppl, if so minimize the use but using it has the advantage of needing less thyroid.
It is easy to get too much calories when shifting to sugar burning, so then when getting fat meaning that your optimal metabolism is further away than you thought.
Dr Peat said calcium and vitamin D needs to be good as well while reducing the stress hormones to prevent overtaking the HPT axis.
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