Presenting my website:

Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
First of all, I want to express my gratitude to this forum.

This forum takes its name from a man that has made his own research: Raymond Peat.

I don't agree with everything he has said, but I have learned a lot from the researches of this man. And it is to highlight that he didn't keep himself shut, but he did share his knowledge.

That's how so many of us, at least me, have learnt the truth about serotonin and PUFA's, among other things.

And something all his research has inspired, or has led other people to do, is to do the same. To think one for himself, to test the mainstream hypotheses and prove them right or wrong. We all want solutions.

And we are living in dangerous times right now. Things changed drastically in the last decades, and I have to say, the man did fall for the same that I have up until recently. He seems to have overlooked the "poison" subject, while paying too much attention to the neurotransmitter-ligand model, or other things that can never make the difference when there is a poisoning going on.

Then, because of overlooking the most important: keeping things simple, people started to become supplement freaks, and just like people taking pharma drugs, they seem to not have found or searched the reason why they "would have to take them" in the first place.

We are being poisoned people, in different ways.

And we want solutions.

I am presenting my website:

It's not a forum nor will ever be, so it's not for competing with this one.

It's a straightforward website, with free E-books for download, and straightforward articles. I want to make the best use of the time of the people.

And I have just published my first article, you are invited to check it out: What is autism?

It goes beyond autism, so I really invite you to give it a read.

Thank you so much.​
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Dec 3, 2015
First of all, I want to express my gratitude to this forum.

This forum takes its name from a man that has made his own research: Raymond Peat.

I don't agree with everything he has said, but I have learned a lot from the researches of this man. And it is to highlight that he didn't keep himself shut, but he did share his knowledge.

That's how so many of us, at least me, have learnt the truth about serotonin and PUFA's, among other things.

And something all his research has inspired, or has led other people to do, is to do the same. To think one for himself, to test the mainstream hypotheses and prove them right or wrong. We all want solutions.

And we are living in dangerous times right now. Things changed drastically in the last decades, and I have to say, the man did fall for the same that I have up until recently. He seems to have overlooked the "poison" subject, while paying too much attention to the neurotransmitter-ligand model, or other things that can never make the difference when there is a poisoning going on.

Then, because of overlooking the most important: keeping things simple, people started to become supplement freaks, and just like people taking pharma drugs, they seem to not have found or searched the reason why they "would have to take them" in the first place.

We are being poisoned people, in different ways.

And we want solutions.

I am presenting my website:

It's not a forum nor will ever be, so it's not for competing with this one.

It's a straightforward website, with free E-books for download, and straightforward articles. I want to make the best use of the time of the people.

And I have just published my first article, you are invited to check it out: What is autism?

It goes beyond autism, so I really invite you to give it a read.

Thank you so much.
Interesting article on autism, are you saying that caffeine contributes to this condition? Please elaborate. Thx
Guille Yacante
Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
Interesting article on autism, are you saying that caffeine contributes to this condition? Please elaborate. Thx
No, absolutely not.

What I am saying is that the poisoning of caffeine sources is a major causant not only of autism, but of many chronic illnesses. Caffeine is not a poison. Organophosphates are.

But caffeine can accelerate the metabolic rate and induce ketosis, so leading to the breakdown of fats for fuel, and this usually causing the symptoms people would call the "jitters". It's not only the PUFAs causing oxidative stress but mainly the stored poisons (pesticides) causing their effects when they are flushed into the bloodstream.

I have learnt all these things because of my personal case. If I hadn't suffered this on my own, maybe I would have never been able to tell. I was left autistic because of having been drinking poisoned yerba mate for years without realizing. So I can tell what "autism" is like. And we need to stop this right now. It has been done in purpose.

All the solutions are in that same article, but even more in the free E-book available in the homepage.​
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Mar 10, 2021
Caffeine is not a poison. Organophosphates are.
Coffee is one of the most pesticide sprayed crops. It is stupidity turning a blind eye to what is going on with our crops and buying something like coffee inorganic and thinking it’s a deal. As the saying goes, “Pay the butcher or pay the doctor.”…

“This study shows the importance of controlling the type and the quantity of pesticides used. Then using the methods validated, calculations of transfer of pesticides from the coffee bean to the body of the consumer must be done. This permits the safe daily consumption based on the consumer's body weight. In addition, proper training and qualifications are needed to handle pesticides. This can be initiated by farmers to reduce the negative impacts on public health and the environment. New strategies can be applied to reduce pesticide residues in coffee, and in turn reduce their impact on human health and the environment. Integrated management is needed. For example, producers must adapt phytosanitary measurements parallel with studying the type of soil. Plant diseases should be controlled with rational use of pesticides that are environmentally safe, less toxic, and avoid the choice of resistance strains. On the other hand, recent studies have called for organic farming or providing natural solutions rather than the use of pesticides.”

“Farmers use dozens of pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides in conventional coffee agriculture. Here are some of the most commonly used and found in and on coffee.

  1. Glyphosate: a common herbicide used to control unwanted weeds, also known in the U.S. and Roundup®
  2. Mancozeb: used to prevent fungal disease in plants
  3. Endosulfan: an insecticide used mainly to kill coffee borer beetles
  4. Atrazine: an herbicide applied on broadleaf weeds
  5. Chlorpyrifos: a standard herbicide used to control insect infestations
What's the problem with pesticides on coffee you ask?

The World Health Organization classified glyphosateas a probable carcinogen in 2015. Other studieshave concluded that this herbicide disrupts endocrine function and can alter the reproductive system.”



Dec 3, 2015
No, absolutely not.

What I am saying is that the poisoning of caffeine sources is a major causant not only of autism, but of many chronic illnesses. Caffeine is not a poison. Organophosphates are.

But caffeine can accelerate the metabolic rate and induce ketosis, so leading to the breakdown of fats for fuel, and this usually causing the symptoms people would call the "jitters". It's not only the PUFAs causing oxidative stress but mainly the stored poisons (pesticides) causing their effects when they are flushed into the bloodstream.

I have learnt all this things because of my personal case. If I hadn't suffered this on my own, maybe I would have never been able to tell. I was left autistic because of having been drinking poisoned yerba mate for years without realizing. So I can tell what "autism" is like. And we need to stop this right now. It has been done in purpose.

All the solutions are in that same article, but even more in the free E-book available in the homepage.


Dec 3, 2015
Coffee is one of the most pesticide sprayed crops. It is stupidity turning a blind eye to what is going on with our crops and buying something like coffee inorganic and thinking it’s a deal. As the saying goes, “Pay the butcher or pay the doctor.”…

“This study shows the importance of controlling the type and the quantity of pesticides used. Then using the methods validated, calculations of transfer of pesticides from the coffee bean to the body of the consumer must be done. This permits the safe daily consumption based on the consumer's body weight. In addition, proper training and qualifications are needed to handle pesticides. This can be initiated by farmers to reduce the negative impacts on public health and the environment. New strategies can be applied to reduce pesticide residues in coffee, and in turn reduce their impact on human health and the environment. Integrated management is needed. For example, producers must adapt phytosanitary measurements parallel with studying the type of soil. Plant diseases should be controlled with rational use of pesticides that are environmentally safe, less toxic, and avoid the choice of resistance strains. On the other hand, recent studies have called for organic farming or providing natural solutions rather than the use of pesticides.”

“Farmers use dozens of pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides in conventional coffee agriculture. Here are some of the most commonly used and found in and on coffee.

  1. Glyphosate: a common herbicide used to control unwanted weeds, also known in the U.S. and Roundup®
  2. Mancozeb: used to prevent fungal disease in plants
  3. Endosulfan: an insecticide used mainly to kill coffee borer beetles
  4. Atrazine: an herbicide applied on broadleaf weeds
  5. Chlorpyrifos: a standard herbicide used to control insect infestations
What's the problem with pesticides on coffee you ask?

The World Health Organization classified glyphosateas a probable carcinogen in 2015. Other studieshave concluded that this herbicide disrupts endocrine function and can alter the reproductive system.”

Sadly one cannot trust organic stuff any more given that they cheat and continue to relax the organic standards.
Mar 10, 2021
Sadly one cannot trust organic stuff any more given that they cheat and continue to relax the organic standards.
This is true especially for organics in Mexico, where they don’t get around to inspecting a good majority of their organic companies. America is much stricter, so I sleep well about it.
Guille Yacante
Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
I want to insist in that we be helping each other. We have been set up in a system of slavery, everything based upon ignorance, and perpetrated by the evil of those knowing.

It's a system of induction to error. To be induced to fall and then be kicked in the floor. That's what the common enemy has worked for.

How do we help ourselves?

Look, few things can be as important as having health, pretty much anything else in the world doesn't compare to it.

If it is lost, then people can get desperate. If they don't know how to get it back (or for the first time in their life for many) learned helplessness may be at the door. Specially when the "doctors" don't know what to do about it, what they were led to, by the way.

If a person loses her health, specially affecting her energy system, tendency is always to get worse. People get affected, then they don't look appealing to the rest. The rest don't care about getting involved because of being sexually immoral mainly. And then the poor person is left adrift to the system of predation.

If she looks ugly, or sick, she may be called "schizophrenic". And be installed in antidopaminergics.

The person was just poisoned, and maybe entangled with some vices. She needed to know that, and be helped. But no, nobody did it.

So the people passing by led her to learned helplessness too.

Then maybe some of the others get affected, and then they look like the crippled, like the zombies.

Who cares? Those still not affected are still banging, or jerking off.

That's what keeps this system! Sexual immorality.

No moral standards = cowardice, fear of death.

Then no one gets involved. Then each one pays at his turn.

Let's stop this right now.

All solutions, or better said, the way for them unrestrained, in my free E-book at

And just saying. I think I found the cure of autism and a lot of chronic illnesses.

So please, move it. We are getting ourselves out of this together.​
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Sep 13, 2012
Have you seen Karen Hurd's story? Her family was poisoned by organophosphates. Her daughter almost died like twice being the one who was youngest and crawling around on the carpet where it was sprayed. She was able to heal her family with psyllium husk and nutrients. And she has a bean protocol for eliminating toxic bile.
Mar 10, 2021
Have you seen Karen Hurd's story? Her family was poisoned by organophosphates. Her daughter almost died like twice being the one who was youngest and crawling around on the carpet where it was sprayed. She was able to heal her family with psyllium husk and nutrients. And she has a bean protocol for eliminating toxic bile.
Why people dont think pesticides and other environmental poisons should be the first thing to look into for their bad health is baffling to me, especially people on this forum…

Guille Yacante
Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
@InChristAlone that sounds like acute poisoning, in contrast with chronic. I never heard about that story.

But that's how one gets confused, I think it's a pattern. It sounds beautiful to try to get all "natural", but organophosphates are what?


And they needed technology to be synthesized. To be poisons.

Why are we going to be behaving like if technology was only in the hands of those using it for evil?

No. My stance is to use the technology immediately for fixing things quickly, and safely. With no quack, folk remedies, even "if they were to work."

Took technology to be caused this harm. Takes technology to undo it.

That's my thinking, and I put a name to it:

- Hemodialysis for cleaning the blood.
- Time to let the body readapt in between sessions.
- Activated charcoal for toxin binder in the GI tract as needed.

And of course, why speculating if there are poisons here or there? 21st century people! Lab tests, some people get paid for this! If they look the other way, they are to pay. They are not to be fearing mafias, but the people.

And if we be dealing with irreversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, we should be thinking about using the so-long discovered since reactivators.

I'll tell you something. People get what they think they deserve. People don't ask, don't demand: they don't get anything.

All this harm is being done in purpose, by people that constantly see that they don't defend themselves. So they try to convince others saying: "You see? They deserve it."

And I have been saying it all: the major cause of learned helplessness is not "high serotonin", or "low dopamine", but a low spirit because of feeling guilty for something.

If we disengage ourselves from sexual immorality, from scrolling mindlessly, or from anything that would be bothering our consciences, then we would be unstoppable as human beings. Defending ourselves and our neighbors.

In contrast, the poisoning keeps going on, the zombies keep piling up. Prepare yourselves for an apocalypse.

We don't want that. Choose option one.​
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Sep 13, 2012
I'm of the opinion there are many more toxins than just pesticides. Peat himself suggested OJ concentrate from the store. OJ is not a clean food! Was he trying to poison us? I don't think so, but he didn't realize how toxic the food is now. And organic doesn't cut it anymore. They use copper fungicides.

I agree on the activated charcoal, I think every person in the world needs to be taking that everyday. Peat had me scared off it because the particle size was so small it could clog my capillaries. I have yet to see any evidence people are dying from it. Rather lives are turning around. Body wide eczema completely reversing. If it were clogging capillaries we would see something. And so I was poisoned by toxic mold for years not knowing I could just take activated charcoal. Because he scared me from it. I am now taking it every morning and seeing my eczema get better.

I'm not so sure on hemodialysis though.
Guille Yacante
Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
I'm not so sure on hemodialysis though.

Hemodialysis should be the "panacea".

It's because of what it consists of: cleaning the blood.

Anything cleaning the blood could solve lots of problems, the which are mainly caused by poisons, and not by "lack of this drug, or that one."


This is the health and lives of people. If some think that they can look the other way and prey on the weak because the rest is doing so, I would think they are to be removed from the world.

No one is saying that one is to leave something to stay empty handed and starve. One leaves the lie to embrace the truth.

That's what I try to do in the book. To show the way for people to care, and to know how to be empowered.

Following with the subject of hemodialysis, I never got one nor I know anyone that did. But it's all about understanding what it is about. And paying attention to a very common and expected pattern: it is ignored. And it is dissuaded.

Something that cleans the blood, that can remove all the toxins from the plasma. That is cheap, convenient, that would solve lots of "incurable" diseases. When people are afraid of the long half-lives of some poisons, but when with the aid of proper hemodialysis all of this could be corrected in few days.

A person would go to ask for an hemodialysis and I imagine, she would have to deal with a lot of filters of people trying to know why, "which is her renal problem".

Well, I say, I want to call to remembrance the amount of affected children because of the injections. The cases of people poisoned and then tagged as schizophrenics. The people suffering thinking that they are to suffer endlessly their "multiple sclerosis" or "cancer diagnostic". And immediately say that if they care about getting their problems solved, then nothing can stop them now.

Bounds loose!

Empower the men, tell them to stop jerking off, to stop being fornicators. If men were to treat women as they would like another man to treat his daughter or sister, then this world would operate differently.

That's it. Get it moving, because I am needing this myself, and I am not making a move alone. We are to be acting as a society.​
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Guille Yacante
Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
Everything said here could be stopping a genocide in diapers in each of your countries. So far, at the cost of Argentina, and my own suffering.

The least I am expecting is that you be sharing the information, the website link.

Each day I am still spitting putrid taste in my mouth. Did you know autistic children have the same? But they never say, because they never knew what it is to not have poison taste in their mouth.

And here you are. You already know what is causing this: organophosphates*. (edit: *sodium channel disruptors, mainly organochlorines like DDT)

And you know the solutions. To a lot of problems beyond "autism".

I ask you please, share with doctors, with scientists, with personnel of the armed forces, but with anyone who would be noble, and would care about doing something about this.

Let our nationality be that of being noble, and no imaginary frontiers be diving us.​
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Guille Yacante
Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
I am presenting my second article: Understanding the world.

Topics covered:

- Rushing through Genesis to understand Creation and bringing God to remembrance.
- Explaining the phenomenon of the "French Revolution".
- Explaining what happened during the 20th century.
- Bringing us aware of our situation in early 2024.
- And understanding what is about to happen.

Have a good read.

Thank you.
Guille Yacante
Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
Third article is out: Things clear.

Topics covered:

- How to be free from sexual immorality, to avoid relapsing frequently.
- Education about gender roles.
- How to make marriage work.
- Call to action regarding protecting the people from the Great Collapse worldwide.
- Things clear. What we are for, and what we are not for.

Thank you.


Aug 17, 2018
You should read the book 'Womb Awakening' by Azra Bertrand so you understand a bit how we got here.

Another book is Mankind in Amnesia by Velikovsky. This one explains why you are born with amnesia.
Guille Yacante
Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
Presenting my fourth and last article: Call to action.

I don't make content for keeping the people entertained and glued to the screen.

If anything was to be a game changer, truly empowering information, that would produce a change, and convince because of its power.

That's what I expect this to be.

So for now, I don't see any reasons for making more articles or anything.

I leave here my legacy for now.

This article covers:

- Call to empathy, and prevention of people trying to drag down others.
- Remembering the cure of "autism" and a lot of chronic illnesses.
- Call to action so to prevent problems and fix those that are.
- Guidelines for advancing unrestrained.

Please, share, because I plan on doing more things in the future. But that has to be in "another world".

Thank you.
Guille Yacante
Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
I am sharing the articles all put together in an E-book, both in English and Spanish.


  • The Articles - Guillermo Yacante Afonso [].pdf
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  • Los artículos - Guillermo Yacante Afonso [].pdf
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