Peter Attia Explains Why You Shouldn't Fast

Jun 16, 2017
lol so basically he admitted that fasting makes him cold, constipated and lowers his metabolism drastically. He thinks it's fine to live with a very elevated reverse t3. And he's balding pretty hard. Wow, so many benefits to fasting! Incredible!


Mar 27, 2018
Fasting is good for losing weight quickly and not much else.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
"Centenarians are doing everything wrong"

Maybe your bloody model is wrong. I might be projecting my prejudice here, but the guy has a different feel to him than people I like to listen to. Even Peat, old as he is, has a certain life to him this guy does not, not to mention younger people like haidut or Richard Grannon. I can't really articulate it, and I might be wrong, but it does remind me of how I used to think. I guess it is ideas that are all in the head, not felt in the physical world and through the body.
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Sep 25, 2018
"Centenarians are doing everything wrong"

Maybe your bloody model is wrong. I might be projecting my prejudice here, but the guy has a different feel to him than people I like to listen to. Even Peat, old as he is, has a certain life to him this guy does not, not to mention younger people like haidut or Richard Grannon. I can't really articulate it, and I might be wrong, but it does remind me of how I used to think. I guess it is ideas that are all in the head, not felt in the physical world and through the body.

Yeah - lacking imagination/understanding and relying on pure analysis is how he comes across to me.


Mar 15, 2014
I might be projecting my prejudice here, but the guy has a different feel to him than people I like to listen to. Even Peat, old as he is, has a certain life to him this guy does not, not to mention younger people like haidut or Richard Grannon. I can't really articulate it, and I might be wrong, but it does remind me of how I used to think.

Dolichocephalic, aggressive balding, exceptionally deep voice, non-flat facial front (front of face is more convex), probably highly analytical and rigid in his thoughts. Has trouble with mental flexibility, imagining 3d space, and taking in new information. Adrenergic.

There's my phrenology diagnosis for you guys :P


May 30, 2018

First, that someone fasting's metabolic rate is decreased during prolonged fasting shouldn't be something incredibly bad if he gains long term health benefits from it.

Secondly, dry fasting is quite different from water fasting. Lots of people feel better, are not so cold when they dry fast or even feel too hot and say they need cold shower.

My hypothesis is that the hyperosmolarity from not drinking water kind of boost the (fat oxidation when you are fasting) metabolism. There are some ideas about why this could be the case here: Thyroid and water homeostasis

One interesting testimony I've read on the r/dryfasting subreddit:
"It's been half a year since I've read Phoenix Protocol, I'm doing 24 hours once a week and it's been extremely beneficial for my hashimotos."
"How does dry fasting help hashimotos? Just curious"
"Sorry, for the late response. It helped in so many ways, I can't even remember all of that. My allergies - gone. The strongest one, to acacia flowers - non existent. When it was fully blooming I have even put my whole face into the flowery bush and took a breath. Nothing happened. Year ago, passing the acacia from 30 meters I would sneeze for 30 minutes non stop, till I would bleed from my nose. I also was urinating at night multiple times, up to 10. Doesn't happen any more. Sleep quality was tragic. 10/10 now. I couldn't go to the gym, which was drama for me. Too exhaustive training - I would be glued to the bed with fever for a day or two. Right now 1h training is ok. Year ago 15 minutes would be much. I've had terribly irritable bowels. Not much bothers me now. I can safely leave the house. Not related to my hashi, but I was 80% deaf to high tones in right ear. Right now I can listen to youtube with headphone in only one ear, and I understand the speach. Many other things are getting better, but this response is already getting long ;)) I actually got the Neogenesis and August gives there some hints on how dryfasting might fix hashi. I think I can recommend buying this book now :)"

I'm not saying dry fasting is a cure-all (as I'm sure there are other fundamental things to be able to heal, like not having any deficiencies for example) but as I said in another thread, putting dry and water fasting in the same bag would make someone quite miss "the context" of which Peatarians are so fond of (sorry, I'm still salty and this is not against you of course :confused:)
Mar 10, 2021

Secondly, dry fasting is quite different from water fasting. Lots of people feel better, are not so cold when they dry fast or even feel too hot and say they need cold shower.
I have read that if you are hot you need to drink more and if you are cold you need to eat more.
Mar 10, 2021
“a slight decrease in temperature can promote inflammation”. – Dr Ray Peat

“Low temperature is one of the factors that increases the formation of estrogen”- Dr Ray Peat
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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